The U.S. and NATO Helped Trigger the Ukraine War.

May I forward your advice on the conduct of military operations to the russian military Headquarter and add the hint for agent Orange chemical? It is unlikely that they will use it, because of the complete brutality of such actions, but still... Or "It's completely different!"(c)l
Agent orange was generally used as a defoliant in order to deal with the hidden enemy who were using the heavy jungle as a means to attack from. It wasn't used as a chemical weapon that was delivered by a weaponize system for the purpose of directly killing it's victim's with such a chemical. American soldiers also experienced the effects of the agent when entering the war zone after the landscape was cleared by it.
You are incorrect. Pootin has constantly told the world that if Ukraine moved to join NATO then pootin would declare war. You have to be an imbecile to ignore factual history like that. xiden decided to join a Friendship Agreement in August where he stipulated that while the US would not petition for Ukraine to enter NATO, the USA would not lobby against it either.

THAT is the date that pootin began moving troops towards the border. That is not arguable. You can believe whatever asinine bullshit you want, but those facts are IRREFUTABLE.
:thankusmile: What else you expect from her,she doesn’t even know what operation paperclip means.:rofl:
Therefore Vladimir Putin is a war criminal. If Ukraine joined NATO it was no threat to Russia.
You best do your homework on why NATO exist. Anyone joining is basically declaring their disdain for and their fears of Russia. So how is Russia supposed to interpret these things, otherwise if it doesn't see itself as a threat to the modern world or civilization ?
You best do your homework on why NATO exist.
I don’t need to do homework. NATO did not attack Russia. Russia attacked a weak nation committing genocide as we speak. That’s all the homework you need to do. As we rebuild Ukraine it will be a NATO nation and I am proud to have them. We’ll take all Putin’s anti-war political prisoners to be resettled in Ukraine under NATO protection.
Dumbass,NATO is always a threat to other countries,they git bases all over the country where they have no business being there,they are a warmonger.Hitler and Stalin would be proud of them.
I find this amusing. NATO is a Treaty of Countries for DEFENSE. If ANY NATO COUNTRY IS ATTACKED they ALL WILL COME TO THAT COUNTRIES AID.

NOW A COUNTRY joins NATO, example POLAND, and has BASES like any other country in the world they are NATO BASES.........

NATO was formed to oppose the USSR. Most of these BASES............PLAY OMINUS MUSIC ...........are COUNTRIES that didn't exist til the USSR FELL. And they JOINED NATO because they DIDN'T WANT TO GO BACK.
You are incorrect. Pootin has constantly told the world that if Ukraine moved to join NATO then pootin would declare war. You have to be an imbecile to ignore factual history like that. xiden decided to join a Friendship Agreement in August where he stipulated that while the US would not petition for Ukraine to enter NATO, the USA would not lobby against it either.

THAT is the date that pootin began moving troops towards the border. That is not arguable. You can believe whatever asinine bullshit you want, but those facts are IRREFUTABLE.

The US does not decide who joins NATO. Ukraine is a free and sovereign nation with the same rights of self determination as any other nation.

Your own words essentially say the US is adopting neutrality on the issue which is exactly what we SHOULD do.

Putin didn’t need to do anything earlier because Trump was laying the groundwork with a weaker NATO, strained relations with Europe, a dismissive attitude towards Ukraine and it was quite likely Trump would have pulled us out of NATO had he won a second term. Open door to Putin’s not so secret ambitions.

Unlike Trump, Biden has strengthened NATO and strengthened ties with Europe.
Dumbass,NATO is always a threat to other countries,they git bases all over the country where they have no business being there,they are a warmonger.Hitler and Stalin would be proud of them.
Putin must love useful idiots like you.
"Truth" is what the "Fake news" will tell you. And you never heard anything else.
Maybe you need to stop drinking the propaganda koolaid.

The controversial Ekho Moskvy, has been replaced on the same frequency by the new Radio Sputnik.

2022 Mar 9 Radio Sputnik: Eks-prezident Bolivii: NATO i USA sprovotsirovali problemy na Ukraine
Ex-President of Bolivia: NATO and the USA Provoked Problems in Ukraine

' "(Konflikt) bespokoit ne tol'ko menia, no tselyi mir.
The conflict worries me but also worries the whole world.

My ubezhdeny, chto situatsiia voennogo protivostoianiia eto ne reshenie.
The situation of a military confrontation is not a solution.

No v to zhe vremia nado videt' prichiny etoi problemy pochemu voznikla takaia situatsiia mezhdu Rossiei i Ukraine.
But at the same time, one must see the reasons for this problem, why such a situation arose between Russia and Ukraine.

Boliviia, soglasno Konstitutsii, mirnaia, strana-antiimperialist, my ne priemlem, chto instituty s voennoi strategiei primeniaut politku ekspansii, interventsii, kak NATO podchalom USA, v etom problema," otmetil Morales.
Bolivia, according to the Constitution, is a peaceful, anti-imperialist country, we do not accept that institutions with a military strategy apply a policy of expansion, intervention, like NATO under the leadership of the USA, this is the problem," said Morales.'
There are informative documentaries about Ukraine that were made prior to the world’s attention on the current conflict in 2020. If a reader is truly interested in the truth, thoroughly review the events of 2013/ 2014 coup d’état in Ukraine. The evidence supports US involvement which happened during Obama‘s administration -and the set up of the Maidan massacre of protestors has never been resolved. The guilty slaughterers were declared Innocent via a new Ukrainian law that no personal information could be reviewed, and all people in the protest were deemed innocent including the guilty murderers of the protestors. That speaks volumes in my book, IOW they closed the case. Why? Why would they do that without motive of cover up?

The year 1991 is important to examine conditions of Ukraine and outside players. I’m going over 10 centuries of consecutive forced takeovers in Ukraine as a secondary focus of study. This is relevant to the de facto status of Ukraine, not only in language and orthodox religion, but primarily to better understand the current events and recognize all political factions involved.

Trust no media source as they are covertly biased, although speaking to this crowd that’s not new information to the well-read.
The US does not decide who joins NATO. Ukraine is a free and sovereign nation with the same rights of self determination as any other nation.

Your own words essentially say the US is adopting neutrality on the issue which is exactly what we SHOULD do.

Putin didn’t need to do anything earlier because Trump was laying the groundwork with a weaker NATO, strained relations with Europe, a dismissive attitude towards Ukraine and it was quite likely Trump would have pulled us out of NATO had he won a second term. Open door to Putin’s not so secret ambitions.

Unlike Trump, Biden has strengthened NATO and strengthened ties with Europe.

The US can influence NATO as to who gets in. pootin has been very clear that any attempt by Ukraine to enter NATO will result in invasion. Even obummer was smart enough to believe him.

However, xiden, and his fucking clown show, decided that pootin was lying so decided to begin the process. This is what happens when you put incompetent morons into positions of power. Just think coyote, under Trump none of this bullshit happened.

Under your hero we are now actually talking about a potential nuclear war.

YOU are an idiot.
The US can influence NATO as to who gets in. pootin has been very clear that any attempt by Ukraine to enter NATO will result in invasion. Even obummer was smart enough to believe him.

However, xiden, and his fucking clown show, decided that pootin was lying so decided to begin the process. This is what happens when you put incompetent morons into positions of power. Just think coyote, under Trump none of this bullshit happened.

Under your hero we are now actually talking about a potential nuclear war.

YOU are an idiot.
Congrats. You drunk the Orange Koolaide :rolleyes:

There was no process for Ukraine to join NATO, conducted by Biden. Your own words state the US position clearly.

Why do you keep defending Putin?
You are great at disagreeing, how about actually engaging in a discussion. You have been quite hard on Trump and have ignored everything the xiden crime family has done.

Your unwillingness to actually look at their criminal behavior has led directly to here, where we are actually talking about that which was unthinkable a year ago.

Be proud. It takes ignorance on a grand scale to get where you are.
The US can influence NATO as to who gets in.
No they can't unless they all agree.
pootin has been very clear that any attempt by Ukraine to enter NATO will result in invasion.
Yes. But why is that? If he takes Ukraine he still borders nato countries.
His reason is bullshit.
Even obummer was smart enough to believe him.
Really. If you say so.
However, xiden, and his fucking clown show, decided that pootin was lying so decided to begin the process.
Thats a lie. Biden never fired a shot. You are a liar.
This is what happens when you put incompetent morons into positions of power.
it didn't happen. You must be referring to putin, trumps hero.
Just think coyote, under Trump none of this bullshit happened.
Bullshit. You have no evidence to support that other than trumps propaganda. You are a liar.
Under your hero we are now actually talking about a potential nuclear war.
The USA is not doing that no will they start one. Get back on your meds.
YOU are an idiot.
Now who is the idiot you lying dickhead.
I don’t need to do homework. NATO did not attack Russia. Russia attacked a weak nation committing genocide as we speak. That’s all the homework you need to do. As we rebuild Ukraine it will be a NATO nation and I am proud to have them. We’ll take all Putin’s anti-war political prisoners to be resettled in Ukraine under NATO protection.

NO, NATO didn't attack Russia literally I agree, but it is that when Ukraine went looking to join NATO, and it was being courted to do just that, then in a sense wasn't it the same as Russia being attacked within the Russian mindset, otherwise in accordance to Putin being highly offended by it all I'm guessing ?????

So was the act suggesting that Russian's couldn't be trusted in Ukraine any longer, and the only way to become stronger against the problem, was that NATO had to be joined ????

I'm guessing Ukraine ultimately wanted the Russian's out right ??

Undoubtedly the Russian President had had enough of this alledged NATO surge in the area, and decided to push back. Correct ????

I agree that Russia could have done this diplomatically, but after what took place over the last 8 year's (Russia is the enemy, Russia is the enemy, Russia is the enemy), then what the heck did we think we would finally see out of Russia as a result ???
No they can't unless they all agree.

Yes. But why is that? If he takes Ukraine he still borders nato countries.
His reason is bullshit.

Really. If you say so.

Thats a lie. Biden never fired a shot. You are a liar.

it didn't happen. You must be referring to putin, trumps hero.

Bullshit. You have no evidence to support that other than trumps propaganda. You are a liar.

The USA is not doing that no will they start one. Get back on your meds.

Now who is the idiot you lying dickhead.
Slow down there ... Westwall said that Biden figures that Putin was lying, so he began the process.. I'm guessing the process he's talking about is helping Ukraine to become a member of NATO correct ???

Then you reply with Biden never fired a shot ? Explain....
No they can't unless they all agree.

Yes. But why is that? If he takes Ukraine he still borders nato countries.
His reason is bullshit.

Really. If you say so.

Thats a lie. Biden never fired a shot. You are a liar.

it didn't happen. You must be referring to putin, trumps hero.

Bullshit. You have no evidence to support that other than trumps propaganda. You are a liar.

The USA is not doing that no will they start one. Get back on your meds.

Now who is the idiot you lying dickhead.

Where did I lie you clod. I stated well known facts. Facts that stupid fucks, like you, ignore.
Slow down there ... Westwall said that Biden figures that Putin was lying, so he began the process.. I'm guessing the process he's talking about is helping Ukraine to become a member of NATO correct ???

Then you reply with Biden never fired a shot ? Explain....

Colon is a moron. He can't add 2+2.

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