The U.S. and NATO Helped Trigger the Ukraine War.

Nigerian mafia drug mules link to Ukraine's biolabs for taking blood samples. The CIA can push its cocaine, which eventually arrives in London for MI6 counterparts, and the CCHF viruses are identical in those from Crimea and the DRC. Duh
no offense at all. Anybody speaking out against the Hitler of our time need not apologize for anything. It’s hard to believe it seems like the majority on here prefer a policy of letting Putin have his way.
Better talk to the inept Biden gang, because they greenlighted PUTIN by being the weak aces that they are.. The ideological wars will drag on for year's if the nukes don't finish us all first. Think about what America has allowed itself to become and believe. The torch might have been passed, and the new game's are beginning.
Ok, stop the outright lying. Donetsk is an Industrial City in Eastern Ukraine. Russia is firing missiles at Civilians and killing them. Residential Neighborhoods are prime targets for Russian Artillery and Rocket Attacks.
Fuck the Pooty Loving Propaganda Pushers.
Are you, by any chance, a western ukrainian? It would perfectly explain your impenetrable stupidity, deceitful nature and bestial cruelty.
Ok, stop the outright lying. Donetsk is an Industrial City in Eastern Ukraine. Russia is firing missiles at Civilians and killing them. Residential Neighborhoods are prime targets for Russian Artillery and Rocket Attacks.

Fuck the Pooty Loving Propaganda Pushers.
What's Eastern Ukraine other than a historical Russia? Russians live there mostly and the language spoken the most is also Russian, so what would you call a city like that?
Are you, by any chance, a western ukrainian? It would perfectly explain your impenetrable stupidity, deceitful nature and bestial cruelty.

No, I am an American who does NOT believe the lies of Pooty Propagandists. Donetsk is an Industrial City in Eastern Ukraine. In fact the City of Donestk has been known as s Aleksandrovka, Yuzivka, Stalin and Stalino. Donetsk is in Eastern Ukraine near the Kalmius River.

I fully well realize as a MAGA MEATHEAD, you lack the necessary qualifications to be called an intelligent life form, but all one has to do is look at a map of Ukraine to see where Donetsk located.

As you look at this map you will see the location of Donetsk. The City of Donetsk is clearly inside the National Borders of Ukraine.

I deal in facts, you are a low life Pooty Propaganda Pusher.



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No, I am an American who does NOT believe the lies of Pooty Propagandists. Donetsk is an Industrial City in Eastern Ukraine. In fact the City of Donestk has been known as s Aleksandrovka, Yuzivka, Stalin and Stalino. Donetsk is in Eastern Ukraine near the Kalmius River.

I fully well realize as a MAGA MEATHEAD, you lack the necessary qualifications to be called an intelligent life form, but all one has to do is look at a map of Ukraine to see where Donetsk located.

As you look at this map you will see the location of Donetsk. The City of Donetsk is clearly inside the National Borders of Ukraine.

I deal in facts, you are a low life Pooty Propaganda Pusher.
I wouldn't go as far as to define you as intelligent life form, semi intelligent at best and then again maybe.
Not a single hypocritical whore in the world canceled economic ties with the United States, when they bombed Yugoslavia, Afghanistan, Iraq, Syria, Libya, but on the contrary, they happily took part in this.
And now everyone is tearing up ties with Russia...
It's not Putin who's bothering you, hypocritical bitches.
Russia is stuck across your throat, you two-faced faggots.
Find someone who will translate it for you verbatim from ukrainian.
In short, a certain ukrainian journalist reports, that since they are called nazis, from now on, if possible, they will kill all russians, including children, until the complete destruction of russians.
But the main thing, my fellow hypocritians, is to remember is that Ukraine is a democratic state and the nazis are not and cannot be found there.
Besides, what's the dude saying, that's so bad?
Not a single hypocritical whore in the world canceled economic ties with the United States, when they bombed Yugoslavia, Afghanistan, Iraq, Syria, Libya, but on the contrary, they happily took part in this.
And now everyone is tearing up ties with Russia...
It's not Putin who's bothering you, hypocritical bitches.
Russia is stuck across your throat, you two-faced faggots.

I will grant you “Iraq“ . . George Bush Dick Cheney Tony Blair Donald Rumsfeld to name a few should be indicted for war crimes for starting a war against Iraq in March 2003. Not because war is necessarily evil, many times it is necessary, but with regards to Iraq there was no threat and the Bush administration lied as a pretext for starting a war.

No to the rest of the events you say. they range from justified, to questionable, But military action action taken are not war crimes

The problem that damn near the entire world has with Vladimir Putin is that he is launching genocide against the peaceful people of Ukraine. There was no threat to the Russian federation or any of the neighbors in the region. There’s no reason to denazify by Genocide a population that has less than 1% of those who may or may not be identified as Nazis. Vladimir Putin‘s NATO pretext for committing genocide does not work either. It was never his right to decide matters of alliances for the Ukrainian government.

Vladimir Putin began committing genocide at 5 AM in the morning local time on February 24, 2022. There is nothing else Comparable since 1939., there is no way to defend it and there is nothing in the past history of the world that would ever justify what our generation’s Adolf Hitler us doing to the Ukrainian people

you and Vladimir will never pull the Iron Curtain down on the millions of good citizens in Russia who know this is wrong and want no part of this. If you are outside of Russia spewing lies for Vladimir Putin you disgust me and be aware you are disgusting to the entire civilized peaceloving world.
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Are any missiles being fired into Russian cities right now. The only thing Russians have to fear physically is getting beaten and arrested by Putin police if they say no to war In a public place. What kind of fucking country is that to live in?
Free Screech Is Not in Our Bill of Rights

Putin's Russia is a country that respects the morale of its fighting men. Demonstrations in the time of war is an insult to the troops.

During the Vietnam War, those spoiled and sheltered "anti-war" snobs called us "baby killers." Just the fact that their class-biased protests weren't treated as American Nazis' ones would have been treated if allowed to be held during World War II is what made us all feel betrayed by our own government and the Chickenhawk ruling-class's media. But it fulfilled its purpose, which was to take the fight out of us, or else there would have been a manly working-class revenge on the privileged pussies when we came back.
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