The U.S. and NATO Helped Trigger the Ukraine War.

What about Crimea? Do you respect it too?

When Putin annexed Crimea it was right after YANUKOVICH was overthrown in a coup in Kyiv and I considered Ukraine’s constitution to be in default at that time. Because of that violation of the Constitution I didn’t see it as that great of an issue to have a vote in Crimea and then they decided to be a part of Russia. There was no bloodshed. That was not an invasion like we are seeing right now by Russian military. But after February 24, 2022. I hope every single murderous Russian soldier inside Ukraine is Wiped out and driven out and that includes out of Crimea. Because right now Ukraine deserves to have the entire Crimea region back and that’s including Donbass. If any Russian speakers do not want to live there and go back to Russia after this they can pack their bags I’ll buy a few of them at a train ticket.

Are you crying over Crimea after what you’re seeing on TV right now?

When Putin annexed Crimea it was right after YANUKOVICH was overthrown in a coup in Kyiv and I considered Ukraine’s constitution to be in default at that time. Because of that violation of the Constitution I didn’t see it as that great of an issue to have a vote in Crimea and then they decided to be a part of Russia. There was no bloodshed. That was not an invasion like we are seeing right now by Russian military. But after February 24, 2022. I hope every single murderous Russian soldier inside Ukraine is Wiped out and driven out and that includes out of Crimea. Because right now Ukraine deserves to have the entire Crimea region back and that’s including Donbass. If any Russian speakers do not want to live there and go back to Russia after this they can pack their bags I’ll buy a few of them at a train ticket.

Are you crying over Crimea after what you’re seeing on TV right now?
It's amazing how you can live with that bull in your head. Must be difficult.
It's amazing how you can live with that bull in your head. Must be difficult.

couldn’t handle that reply and now we can’t talk about it ehh.

my wife is Russian. Actually I was with her and her father when they went and voted for Putin in 2000. In 2014 we have lots of friends here in the states most were Russian of course but many were Ukrainian my Wife and I remain friends with both sides when some of them certainly broke up. But on February 24, 2022 my wife and I ceased being neutral. There’s no way any human being on this earth would put themselves on the side of Vladimir Putin if they live in a world where the free press is still available And have a moral compass and know the difference between good and evil. It’s a simple as that. There’s no excuse for you since you’re obviously not separated from the outside world. You’re a Stupid and shallow empty human being who can’t even talk to someone who has a moral sense and responsibility to speak up against evil.
couldn’t handle that reply and now we can’t talk about it ehh.

my wife is Russian. Actually I was with her and her father when they went and voted for Putin in 2000. In 2014 we have lots of friends here in the states most were Russian of course but many were Ukrainian my Wife and I remain friends with both sides when some of them certainly broke up. But on February 24, 2022 my wife and I ceased being neutral. There’s no way any human being on this earth would put themselves on the side of Vladimir Putin if they live in a world where the free press is still available And have a moral compass and know the difference between good and evil. It’s a simple as that. There’s no excuse for you since you’re obviously not separated from the outside world. You’re a Stupid and shallow empty human being who can’t even talk to someone who has a moral sense and responsibility to speak up against evil.
Your compass is broken as is your wive's. Pepsi generation.
Your compass is broken as is your wive's. Pepsi generation.
Are any missiles being fired into Russian cities right now. The only thing Russians have to fear physically is getting beaten and arrested by Putin police if they say no to war In a public place. What kind of fucking country is that to live in?
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couldn’t handle that reply and now we can’t talk about it ehh.

my wife is Russian. Actually I was with her and her father when they went and voted for Putin in 2000. In 2014 we have lots of friends here in the states most were Russian of course but many were Ukrainian my Wife and I remain friends with both sides when some of them certainly broke up. But on February 24, 2022 my wife and I ceased being neutral. There’s no way any human being on this earth would put themselves on the side of Vladimir Putin if they live in a world where the free press is still available And have a moral compass and know the difference between good and evil. It’s a simple as that. There’s no excuse for you since you’re obviously not separated from the outside world. You’re a Stupid and shallow empty human being who can’t even talk to someone who has a moral sense and responsibility to speak up against evil.

Pooty has finally taken the once great Republican Party and made it his bitch.

The Party that gave the United States men the like of Thomas E. Dewy, Dwight D. Eisenhower, Bill Miller, Barry Goldwater, Hugh Scott and Everett Dirkson are the lap dogs of a Russian Communist Dictator.

Pooty's Wet Dream is to recreate the former Soviet Empire, problem being countries like Estonia, Hungary, Latvia, Lithuania, Poland and Ukraine do NOT want to part of the new Soviet Empire.

Pooty did not count on the Resistance of Ukrainain People. Ukraine has fought the Russian Army to a stand still. Russian Soldiers are sabotaging their vehciles. Russian Soldiers are surrendering.

Pooty is a bully and a coward.

Anti-war protester breaches Russian TV studio during live broadcast: 'Don’t believe the propaganda'

Her life is probably over, but she one helluva brave Freedom Loving Russian Citizen.
Are any missiles being fired into Russian cities right now. The only thing Russians have to fear physically is getting beaten and arrested by Putin in police if they say no to war In a public place. What kind of fucking country is that to live in?
Are you trying to ride a moral high horse with me, hypocritical mother fucker? We don't fight civilians, as long as they stay civil at least. Your Ukrainian brothers on the other hand did fire a missile at the Russian city of Donetsk today, aiming at civilians deliberately. But you didn't know about that, like you haven't been paying attention to similar firings that have been going on for eight years, but now you dare to reproach me for being callous and inhumane. Fuck you and your wife and your generation of degenerates the West played a great hand at creating in the last few decades.
Are you trying to ride a moral high horse

We don't fight civilians

Right. You are cowards. You aim cruise missiles at apartment buildings at five AM when the civilians are sleeping. That happened today. One surviver said she pitied Putin’s mother rolling over in her grave for giving birth to such a bastard.

That answers the first question multiplied by 45 million.
Right. You are cowards. You aim cruise missiles at apartment buildings at five AM when the civilians are sleeping. That happened today. One surviver said she pitied Putin’s mother rolling over in her grave for giving birth to such a bastard.

That answers the first question multiplied by 45 million.

Pooty is killing Civilians. Men Woman and Children. Don't fight civilian my ass.
Are you trying to ride a moral high horse with me, hypocritical mother fucker? We don't fight civilians, as long as they stay civil at least. Your Ukrainian brothers on the other hand did fire a missile at the Russian city of Donetsk today, aiming at civilians deliberately. But you didn't know about that, like you haven't been paying attention to similar firings that have been going on for eight years, but now you dare to reproach me for being callous and inhumane. Fuck you and your wife and your generation of degenerates the West played a great hand at creating in the last few decades.

Bull Fucking Shit. We killed Civilans in Iraq. We killed Civilians in Afghanitan. Russia is killing Civilians in Ukraine.

Fuck you Pooty Loving Liar
Your Ukrainian brothers on the other hand did fire a missile at the Russian city of Donetsk today, aiming at civilians deliberately.

You are a liar. Donetsk is in Ukraine not Russia. Russians fired the missile. Dumbassed cowards can’t even shoot straight. Empty stomachs, Drunk on Vodka
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Like MOST FROM THE SOUTH............LOL. You just pulled up your skirt..........The Clown in the oval office has been in there about 50 years.

On that note..............Tell me why a gas company in Ukraine would need a coke addict for a Board Member?
Hes not a coke addiction now. Next please.
Bull Fucking Shit. We killed Civilans in Iraq. We killed Civilians in Afghanitan. Russia is killing Civilians in Ukraine.

Fuck you Pooty Loving Liar
What were you trying to say? I know I shouldn't take you seriously but there are limits after all.

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