The U.S. and NATO Helped Trigger the Ukraine War.

Oh, tell us more.

Just make sure you keep insulting the brave freedom-fighter American vets while you do so. People love that.

I suppose this is working out well for the Q-traitors. They get to do the two things they love most at the same time -- support fascism and hate on veterans.
Because you've inserted an obtuse lie about what I've stated it requires a response for the readers, and not on your deceitful behalf. Any reader familiar with my posts knows I fully support veterans. No wonder a lot of posters ignore you.

American vets deserve so much better than they've ever received. No veteran should be homeless, including those with drug addictions. I have great respect for all men and women who have risked their lives in combat and in war, and honor their families who have sacrificed greatly. Many have lost their lives in vain, and that is what needs to stop. No more war mongering by the military industrial complex!
I don’t need to do homework. NATO did not attack Russia. Russia attacked a weak nation committing genocide as we speak. That’s all the homework you need to do. As we rebuild Ukraine it will be a NATO nation and I am proud to have them. We’ll take all Putin’s anti-war political prisoners to be resettled in Ukraine under NATO protection.
Liar,you keep farting everytime you open your mouth, :rofl:
When the threat of invasion began NATO should have had an emergency meeting and admitted them to the organization that would have stopped putin in his tracks. Now he's committing war crimes and no one is willing to risk world war III over the Ukraine, it's a shame. Even arming them is risking putin's wrath. ( He's already threatened nuclear warfare. ) I don't know how much more the civilized world can stand by and watch him commit these atrocities. It makes you wonder who's his next target, is it Poland ? If he attacks a NATO member that would be world war III. This is a problem with tyrants and dictators when they become psychotic and have delusions it's difficult to distinguish from their normal behavior.
Virtual Virtue-Signaling

Baghdad Bob tryouts are getting crowded. Perhaps we can hook these auditions up with Zellybelly and let him narrow down the competition. He's had a lot of experience in comedy entertainment, so we should take his word instead of judging the level of Sorosianity ourselves.
Because you've inserted an obtuse lie about what I've stated it requires a response for the readers, and not on your deceitful behalf. Any reader familiar with my posts knows I fully support veterans. No wonder a lot of posters ignore you.

American vets deserve so much better than they've ever received. No veteran should be homeless, including those with drug addictions. I have great respect for all men and women who have risked their lives in combat and in war, and honor their families who have sacrificed greatly. Many have lost their lives in vain, and that is what needs to stop. No more war mongering by the military industrial complex!
The ignore function at USMB is a good way to make oneself a nazi and an ostrich at the same time.
Are you still getting paid in Rubles? Did you know that civilians are supposed to live in apartment buildings abd not be targeted
What about this, wouldn't it had been best for Zelensky to have been the true he man he tries to project himself to be in his army camo's, otherwise by saying to the women and children that they are to be the first to get out, and then any grandmother or grandfather wanting to leave with their families therefore will be provided safe Exodus before the fighting started ????????????

No instead we get this government under Zelinksky immediately goading his civilian's into taking up arm's against a superior force, and therefore putting them in extreme danger against this super power that has come against them in a bid to remove the Zelinksky government.

Is Zelensky hiding behind civilian bodies and human shields in a gamble that it will tempt the U.S. into a direct shooting war with Russia on his behalf ? I mean his character got the civilian population to boastfully brag about going to war against an overwhelming force that has been goaded into the theater by war that has lasted over 8 year's. We don't know what the hell is going on here, and Biden is the wrong man to lead us here in America through this precarious dangerous all out world war lll situation.
The ignore function at USMB is a good way to make oneself a nazi and an ostrich at the same time.
With selecting these 3 posters I have less circular conversations where deception is used as a rule, not the exception. Those who waste time do their best to deceive readers by twisting other posters' words. I understand your point if I were to ignore a bulk of posters who disagreed with me. I honestly view political disputes as mental exercises, that's just my nature. If I don't enjoy it and know I'm wasting my time (as in a poster misrepresents what I say multiple times) it's just not worth my time.

I learn from many who know more than I do about various topics. I also can learn from those who don't hold my same viewpoints at times and keep informed about what CNN is telling their audience (I don't watch any cable news for factual info). I will consider further what you've said, but at the moment iggying 3 is not being a Nazi nor an ostrich. Two of the three have nothing of value to share and it appears that's their gig, the other poster possibly does but I've yet to see it. I might uniggy that one at some point, but not today!
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wouldn't it had been best for Zelensky to have been the true he man he tries to project himself to be in his army camo's, otherwise by saying to the women and children that they are to be the first to get out, and then any grandmother or grandfather wanting to leave with their families therefore will be provided safe Exodus before the fighting started

Why are you a fascist collaborator? When a Fascist Thug with a powerful war machine at his disposal wants your territory to fulfill he be given a historic mark on Russian dynasties / you say surrender before the first shots are fired? Appease appease appease and then appease some more until you lose your soul living under Putin’s boot. Zelenski drew the proper line to fight - no fault lies with him. You are a coward for thinking the way coward’s do.
Why are you a fascist collaborator? When a Fascist Thug with a powerful war machine at his disposal wants your territory to fulfill he be given a historic mark on Russian dynasties / you say surrender before the first shots are fired? Appease appease appease and then appease some more until you lose your soul living under Putin’s boot. Zelenski drew the proper line to fight - no fault lies with him. You are a coward for thinking the way coward’s do.
Get off your damned high horse boy, and reason with yourself sometimes, otherwise no one said anything about Zelensky not fighting or running away by surrender, but only that he give safe passage to the women and children to be escorted out before the battle started. He should have declared this to Putin before the coming invasion began. If Putin was any kind of decent human being, he would have responded in kind by allowing them to leave in safety. This is how true men act in war, otherwise women and children are given safe passage always.

Zelensky should have discouraged the citizen's to fight or to take up arm's against an overwhelming war machine in which had since drug them into the war without regards to their overall safety, and their overall children's safety.

Now we are seeing the ravages of war upon the civilian population as well as upon the military because of the boasting of civilian's taking up arm's knowing that it was signing their death warrants.
Get off your damned high horse boy, and reason with yourself sometimes, otherwise no one said anything about Zelensky not fighting or running away by surrender, but only that he give safe passage to the women and children to be escorted out before the battle started. He should have declared this to Putin before the coming invasion began. If Putin was any kind of decent human being, he would have responded in kind by allowing them to leave in safety. This is how true men act in war, otherwise women and children are given safe passage always.

Zelensky should have discouraged the citizen's to fight or to take up arm's against an overwhelming war machine in which had since drug them into the war without regards to their overall safety, and their overall children's safety.

Now we are seeing the ravages of war upon the civilian population as well as upon the military because of the boasting of civilian's taking up arm's knowing that it was signing their death warrants.
In full support of your assessment Beagle, footage showed women and children using bottles to make some type of bomb...sorry not proficient in weapon terminology and can't recall. The point is...women and children remained behind to do this while others were leaving. We've learned of many subsequent days of mass exits, I can only hope all of those left too.

Zelenskyy...viewed as a freedom fighter. I will not elaborate further about what "freedom fighters" often are, but with his case his conviction did not consider placing many innocent lives at risk by declaring such a thing "Fight! Fight for your rights to detract Russian invasion!" I might have been caught up it that as well as a civilian, but with a child? No way. May the war end soon.
otherwise no one said anything about Zelensky not fighting or running away by surrender, but only that he give safe passage to the women and children to be escorted out before the battle started. He should have declared this to Putin before the coming invasion began. If Putin was any kind of decent human being, he would have responded in kind by allowing them to leave in safety. This is how true men act in war, otherwise women and children are given safe passage always.

Zelensky should have discouraged the citizen's to fight or to take up arm's against an overwhelming war machine in which had since drug them into the war without regards to their overall safety, and their overall children's safety.

Now we are seeing the ravages of war upon the civilian population as well as upon the military because of the boasting of civilian's taking up arm's knowing that it was signing their death warrants.

Are you nine years old or something. Putin is deliberately killing civilians. He murdered 1000 today in a theater in Mariupol Who are the women and children shelter in the basement. Before they went in they marked in white the Russian words children on the ground next to the building. Visible on satellite. They may have killed 1000 women and children one bomb today. do you want to negotiate with that.

What country is going to take in 20 million refugees while Putin is sitting there waiting holding back his cruise missiles. His army is bogged down so he can’t waste his cruise missiles on military installations. He wants to win by terrorizing civilians. That’s what we’re seeing. That’s what you don’t seem to understand.
Are you nine years old or something. Putin is deliberately killing civilians. He murdered 1000 today in a theater in Mariupol Who are the women and children shelter in the basement. Before they went in they marked in white the Russian words children on the ground next to the building. Visible on satellite. They may have killed 1000 women and children one bomb today. do you want to negotiate with that.

What country is going to take in 20 million refugees while Putin is sitting there waiting holding back his cruise missiles. His army is bogged down so he can’t waste his cruise missiles on military installations. He wants to win by terrorizing civilians. That’s what we’re seeing. That’s what you don’t seem to understand.
Why are you posting war mongering diatribes? Are you aware there are negotiations that will be successful if political war-mongering mouthpieces allow it?
In full support of your assessment Beagle,
What assessment is that?
beagle9 complains that Zelinski did not arrange prior to the bombardment of civilian targets on February 24, safe passage of 30 million Ukrainians to foreign soil. Some have jobs necessary to keep the Economy going - hospitals schools food processing etc

beagle9 has not explained where 30 million refugees would go to watch their cities be destroyed if no bombs were being dropped. who would break up families when no war had been declared and Putin said the military buildup was defensive training exercises. No war was looming.
What assessment is that?
beagle9 complains that Zelinski did not arrange prior to the bombardment of civilian targets on February 24, safe passage of 30 million Ukrainians to foreign soil. Some have jobs necessary to keep the Economy going - hospitals schools food processing etc

beagle9 has not explained where 30 million refugees would go to watch their cities be destroyed if no bombs were being dropped. who would break up families when no war had been declared and Putin said the military buildup was defensive training exercises. No war was looming.
First, let's get the spelling of Zelenskyy right...okay, not Zelinski for readers who might not know;)

Good point about those due to occupation had no choice but to stay. Horrible.
So many refugees a tragedy. Bordering countries stepped it up thankfully but with Poland being accused of racist selection of who could ride the train. I wasn't there so who knows, and even with footage you can't tell if it's authentic. Crazy times with photo layering,
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Are you aware there are negotiations

Are you aware that one side is targeting civilians outside its border while the other side is not?

Are you aware that one side is a democracy and the other side is one strongman rule.

One side took hostages from a hospital and placed them around their artillery sites as hunan shields

One side fires upon humanitarian corridors to kill civilians trying to escape.,

Do you think both sides are negotiating in good faith?

My view is negotiate - stockpile weapons - get missiles defenses installed -get pilots in fighter jets - destroy Putin’s army / cause political unrest in Russia and negotiate from strength of convictions with 140 nations backing you up and force the Russians to get out and stay out.

I’m not war mongering- I’m defense of democracy mongering.

There is one man, a cowardly subhuman man who can stop the senseless destruction and slaughter in one minute.

He hasn’t stopped - he murders one innocent child he might as well murder them all - that is who you trust to negotiate peace “.

Putin is a warmonger. The only one really. If that rot did not exist there would be peace. NO NEED FOR PEACE BY SUBMISSION.
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