The U.S. and NATO Helped Trigger the Ukraine War.

What makes you convinced Ukraine is not a democracy?
What makes you think that Ukraine's government is a Democratic government that has the same style of governmental ideals or policies that we have ?? I'm asking, because I don't know much about the Ukrainian government.
the site could have been a hide out for military operations hidden under the disguise of a shelter correct ?

Putin’s army has no legitimate reason to be in Ukraine. They should not be bombing military targets in the first place. The Russians are losing on the battlefield. Putin seeks the subjugation of the Ukrainian people just exactly as he subjugated his on people by staying in power for 22 Years. My wife voted for Putin in 2000. She now wishes she voted for the only alternative - a Communist. Because PUTIN became a fascist and they are worse with a finger on the bomb.
What makes you think that Ukraine's government is a Democratic government that has the same style of governmental ideals or policies that we have ?? I

It’s easy, in 2012 a Pro Russian won the Presidency by paying Trump adviser MANAFORT millions to polish him up enough to win. That was Yanakovich. He was corrupt but he won the election because the pro-Russia regions Crimea and Donbass had over a million voters who gave Yanakovich the win. That’s Democracy. In 2014 Yanakovich was ousted and as a result Putin seized Crimea A vote not by military force. That ended any possibility that a pro-Russian government could prevail in a national election ever again.

After one election Velenski was elected President and he is Jewish. Putin does not aliow demicracy in Russia and he does not want to see it shaping up in UKRAINE. Democracy is a threat to Putin. Specifically on his border in Ukraine.

MARIUPOL being flattened is 90 percent Russian speaking - They didn’t want Putin in their lives. Now they want him to cease to exist.
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Putin’s army has no legitimate reason to be in Ukraine. They should not be bombing military targets in the first place. The Russians are losing on the battlefield. Putin seeks the subjugation of the Ukrainian people just exactly as he subjugated his on people by staying in power for 22 Years. My wife voted for Putin in 2000. She now wishes she voted for the only alternative - a Communist. Because PUTIN became a fascist and they are worse with a finger on the bomb.
Thanks, but not sure if he has a reason or not, because I don't know enough about the fued between the two in order to make a judgement either way. I don't know enough about Putin to condemn him and his government either, so I just look at the two going at it, and wonder greatly about who is right and who is wrong after all the year's of war that's been going on over there.

I pray for everyone involved, and for those losing their lives over lies, territorial conflict, cultural denigration, and class warfare.

One thing is for sure, and that is that right now we in the United States aren't morally looked at as anyone worthy of sticking our noses into anything after all that has taken place over the last 13+ year's. It's really sad, and now the story break's that the Hunter Biden lap top is real after bold face lie's had worked to deflect our attention into another direction.
It’s easy, in 2012 a Pro Russian won the Presidency by paying Trump adviser MANAFORT millions to polish him up enough to win. That was Yanakovich. He was corrupt but he won the election because the pro-Russia regions Crimea and Donbass had over a million voters who gave Yanakovich the win. That’s Democracy. In 2014 Yanakovich was ousted and as a result Putin seized Crimea A vote not by military force. That ended any possibility that a pro-Russian government could prevail in a national election ever again.

After one election Velenski was elected President and he is Jewish. Putin does not aliow demicracy in Russia and he does not want to see it shaping up in UKRAINE. Democracy is a threat to Putin. Specifically on his border in Ukraine.

MARIUPOL being flattened is 99 Percy Russian speaking - They didn’t want Putin in their
Thanks for the history lessons. What led Putin to finally pull the trigger on Ukraine ?? Who paid Manafort to polish the Ukraine president up enough to win ?? Can you prove that happened ?
It’s easy, in 2012 a Pro Russian won the Presidency by paying Trump adviser MANAFORT millions to polish him up enough to win. That was Yanakovich. He was corrupt but he won the election because the pro-Russia regions Crimea and Donbass had over a million voters who gave Yanakovich the win. That’s Democracy. In 2014 Yanakovich was ousted and as a result Putin seized Crimea A vote not by military force. That ended any possibility that a pro-Russian government could prevail in a national election ever again.

After one election Velenski was elected President and he is Jewish. Putin does not aliow demicracy in Russia and he does not want to see it shaping up in UKRAINE. Democracy is a threat to Putin. Specifically on his border in Ukraine.

MARIUPOL being flattened is 90 percent Russian speaking - They didn’t want Putin in their lives. Now they want him to cease to exist.
Never again pro-Russian: Ukraine has been an illegitimate state since 2014.
Thanks for the history lessons. What led Putin to finally pull the trigger on Ukraine ?? Who paid Manafort to polish the Ukraine president up enough to win ?? Can you prove that happened ?
Russian media reports that the Tennessee flag has been found in the Donbas. It belonged to one of the three killed. Mercenaries (naemnikov) sent to Ukraine to kill also figure into the politics. That is why the rocket strike at Yavorovo training site.
Russian media reports that the Tennessee flag has been found in the Donbas. It belonged to one of the three killed. Mercenaries (naemnikov) sent to Ukraine to kill also figure into the politics. That is why the rocket strike at Yavorovo training site.
Interesting how so much has gone on, and how all of a sudden we are supposed to be taught in an instant what is going on in Ukraine, and then we are just expected to take a side whether it is understood by us or not.
Thanks for the history lessons. What led Putin to finally pull the trigger on Ukraine ??
When Trump lost - his hopes that Trump would continue pro-Putin isolationist sentiment in the US would continue were denied. With Biden NATO was being strengthened therefore Putin was running out of time and hus means to have influence over Ukraine’s move west.

He acted on February 24 precisely because he was deluded into believing to half h the population in Ukraine would greet hus tanjs with flowers
, Zelenski would run scared, and NATO and western democracies were at their weakest so they would bitch and moan but do nothing.

That, and my wife who was a practicing psychotherapist when she left Russia 22 years ago asked on February 24 “is he insane” he is - all terrorists are insane to a degree.
What makes you convinced Ukraine is not a democracy?
Because I’ve been researching, and anyone who has a basic understanding about Ukraine is fully aware that it has never been a democracy in its entire history.

The last 10 centuries have been
harsh for Ukrainians, with various empires conquering and dividing Ukraine by force.

I am for the people of Ukraine and the Russian people under Putin‘s control who cannot leave Russia. I do not back either Putin nor Zelenskyy due to various factors.

Trusting any media source during war time is as smart as jumping off a cliff and expecting a soft landing.

There is major profiteering in wars among corrupt politicians , corporations, and war mongering investors. Many are hoping the conflict will extend in order to achieve their economic gains.

You have to know there are pro-Russian citizens of Crimea and the Donbass region. Parts of Donbas are controlled by separatist groups as a result of the Russo-Ukrainian War, the Donetsk People's Republic and the Luhansk People's Republic. Reportedly, the two heads of the Donbass region asked for Putin‘s help to break away from Ukraine. I cannot confirm this personally of course although numerous sources reported it prior to 3rd week of February.

What is your take about what happened during the 2013/2014 Ukrainian conflict? Who do you think slaughtered those protesters and got away with it? Suspiciously, soon after the deaths of the protestors, a new Ukraine law was declared that no one involved in the protests would be able to be looked at, and no personal information was going to be examined so the murderers got off free.
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Never again pro-Russian: Ukraine has been an illegitimate state since 2014.
Why. Is Zelenski leading a nation of PRO-Russia Ukrainians in a fight to the death against Russian soldiers? did he drug or hypnotize 40 million people to hate Putin?
No wonder a lot of posters ignore you.
Announcing "I have you on ignore" is taken by almost everyone here as an admission of complete abject defeat.

I expect you to go that way soon.

Now, tell us more about how those 6000 US volunteer vets in Ukraine are "warmongers". I mean, no government forced them to go. They volunteered. By your standards, that makes them evil warmongers, right?
Reportedly, the two heads of the Donbass region asked for Putin‘s help to break away from Ukraine.

Why did Putin reduce Mariupol to rubble and start murdering its people with cruise missiles? Mariupol is not in Dunbass - They don’t want to break away?
When Trump lost - his hopes that Trump would continue pro-Putin isolationist sentiment in the US would continue were denied. With Biden NATO was being strengthened therefore Putin was running out of time and hus means to have influence over Ukraine’s move west.

He acted on February 24 precisely because he was deluded into believing to half h the population in Ukraine would greet hus tanjs with flowers
, Zelenski would run scared, and NATO and western democracies were at their weakest so they would bitch and moan but do nothing.

That, and my wife who was a practicing psychotherapist when she left Russia 22 years ago asked on February 24 “is he insane” he is - all terrorists are insane to a degree.
The only way for your post to work is if what you write about Trump and PUTIN is true, but the Russian Hoax we know now was a lie, and therefore Trump wasn't Putin's biatch after all.

Now what we're finding out about Biden, Hunter and the fanatical climate crew, does make me wonder if actually that played a bigger role in the situation today, than anything in the past 4 great year's of Trump working to be the best President that the nation has ever known in modern times.

Sure the pandemic hit, and the reaction to it sent the nation into a tail spin, and then Biden came along to burn it all the way to the ground. American's can't take much more of the bull crap, so come November we shall see a positive change if we aren't nuked by then.
Why did Putin reduce Mariupol to rubble and start murdering its people with cruise missiles? Mariupol is not in Dunbass - They don’t want to break away?
Historians will figure out the various individuals responsible. I am not buying into any media take due to the divisional complications within and outside of Ukraine as I have stated.

By the way, are you planning to answer my question about your opinion on who killed the protesters in Kiev’s Maidon 2014 massacre? It has never been resolved and the guilty were free of charges due to Ukrainian suddenly enacting a law declaring no person could be violated in privacy rights and the protesters and the murderers would not be scrutinized.
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Why. Is Zelenski leading a nation of PRO-Russia Ukrainians in a fight to the death against Russian soldiers? did he drug or hypnotize 40 million people to hate Putin?
It's not a popularity contest. Maidan protesters were shooting other Maidan protesters, most likely linked to the CIA.
Historians will figure out the various individuals responsible. I am not buying into any media take due to the divisional complications within and outside of Ukraine as I have stated.

By the way, are you planning to answer my question about your opinion on who killed the protesters in Kiev’s Maidon 2014 massacre? It has never been resolved and the guilty were free of charges due to Ukrainian suddenly enacting a law declaring no person could be violated in privacy rights and the protesters and the murderers would not be scrutinized.
Mariupol is part of the land bridge politics linking Crimea.
It's not a popularity contest. Maidan protesters were shooting other Maidan protesters, most likely linked to the CIA.
Video footage reveals how 2 “protestors” frantically waved on the other protesters luring them to the exact area where there was a sniper in place on rooftop and ready to fire. It was a set up without question. The fact that the Ukrainian government at that time decided to enact a law that said all protesters and anyone involved in Maidon would not be held accountable for any actions, and that it would be a violation of privacy rights to examine any individual for any crimes basically. Convenient coverup directly connected with the Ukrainian government in 2013/14.
Because I’ve been researching, and anyone who has a basic understanding about Ukraine is fully aware that it has never been a democracy in its entire history.

The last 10 centuries have been
harsh for Ukrainians, with various empires conquering and dividing Ukraine by force.

I am for the people of Ukraine and the Russian people under Putin‘s control who cannot leave Russia. I do not back either Putin nor Zelenskyy due to various factors.

Trusting any media source during war time is as smart as jumping off a cliff and expecting a soft landing.

There is major profiteering in wars among corrupt politicians , corporations, and war mongering investors. Many are hoping the conflict will extend in order to achieve their economic gains.

You have to know there are pro-Russian citizens of Crimea and the Donbass region. Parts of Donbas are controlled by separatist groups as a result of the Russo-Ukrainian War, the Donetsk People's Republic and the Luhansk People's Republic. Reportedly, the two heads of the Donbass region asked for Putin‘s help to break away from Ukraine. I cannot confirm this personally of course although numerous sources reported it prior to 3rd week of February.

What is your take about what happened during the 2013/2014 Ukrainian conflict? Who do you think slaughtered those protesters and got away with it? Suspiciously, soon after the deaths of the protestors, a new Ukraine law was declared that no one involved in the protests would be able to be looked at, and no personal information was going to be examined so the murderers got off free.
Yes, they've been doing a 1776 imitation for the last 8 years.

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