The U.S. and NATO Helped Trigger the Ukraine War.

You couldn’t win an argument if your life depended on it. All you do is cast lies and call them truth. Always the good little Goebbels.

Pot, meet kettle.
This is interesting, and it is a POV of many Russian defenders.

I have no doubt that Russia was, "pushed," into this, to a degree. But I note in this interview, that even Stone does not think that Putin will launch a full blown invasion. The date of this interview is February 11, 2022, a full fourteen days before the complete assault on Ukraine. An argument can be made that it was the plan of the western alliance to draw him into the Donbas, much like Afghanistan, and then bleed Russia from there, and Putin decided to cut the head off the snake, which from everything I read, even the pundits on RT and Al Jeezera did not see coming.

. . . so, not surprised that Oliver Stone got that wrong as well. Even the US intelligence was caught flat footed on that. But. . . it sure is a propaganda coup for the west.
It’s quite common for our politicians, media pundits, and intelligence agencies get things wrong. In fact, all them can’t be trusted to ever tell the truth. Yet many Americans still believe them.

Most recently they all lied about bio-labs in Ukraine. Then the neocon nutjub who helped make this war possible with her 2014 coup, spilled the truth.

Now our government is flooding Ukraine with military hardware. What could go wrong?

With Russia winning the war, I’d expect a nice CIA false flag event they are infamous for. Maybe a sweet chemical weapons attack that kills a bunch of Ukrainian women and children, which they will blame on Russia and many dumb Americans will buy it.
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Expanding Liberty and freedom always comes with a price. Putin is the evil one, not the USA.
Seven Thousand (7,000) Russian Forces Killed In Ukraine. More than U.S. Forces Killed In Afghanistan and Iraq Combined. More Than United States Marines Killed in 36-Days of Fighting To Secure Iwo Jima.

More than 7,000 Russian soldiers have died since the beginning of the Russian invasion of Ukraine on February 24, according to U.S. intelligence estimates cited by several news outlets.

Top officers among the Russian troops, including four generals, have allegedly been killed by the Ukrainian armed forces. U.S. officials estimate that 20 generals were initially sent on the ground in Ukraine.

Only the death of one general, Major General Andrei Sukhovetsky, commanding general of the Russian 7th Airborne Division and deputy commander of the 41st Army, was confirmed by Vladimir Putin in a televised speech on March 3.

For many among the Russian ranks, whose numbers totaled 150,000 troops at the beginning of the war, these losses have likely come as a shock.

The United States lost 2,455 Military Personnel combined in Afghanistan and Iraq.

Pooty has killed more Russian Soldiers and Airmen in just 3-Weeks of fighting than U.S. killed in 36-Days of fighting in WWII and in over 20-Years of fighting in Afghanistan and Iraq.

Pooty has lost 1/4 of his Generals serving in Ukraine.

Russian Tanks cannot operate in the open spaces of Ukraine because the ground is to soft, leaving those tanks sitting ducks for Ukrainian Forces used Anti-Tank Missiles.

Pooty is shelling hospitals and shelters. A theater in Ukraine has "Children" spelled out on the ground to prevent Russians dropping shells on it, it was attacked anyway.

Pooty is reported ginning up a false flag operation in order to use Chemical Weapons.



Expanding Liberty and freedom always comes with a price. Putin is the evil one, not the USA.
Because unlike Russia, which uses evil bombs to protect its interests on its borders, the United States uses bombs of goodness and democracy on the other side of the globe. Bombs of goodness and democracy do not kill, and if they kill and maim, it does not hurt. I'm with you on this issue.
Because unlike Russia, which uses evil bombs to protect its interests on its borders, the United States uses bombs of goodness and democracy on the other side of the globe. Bombs of goodness and democracy do not kill, and if they kill and maim, it does not hurt. I'm with you on this issue.
I get the sarcasm. It is really that simple. USA good. Russia bad.
Seven Thousand (7,000) Russian Forces Killed In Ukraine. More than U.S. Forces Killed In Afghanistan and Iraq Combined. More Than United States Marines Killed in 36-Days of Fighting To Secure Iwo Jima.
I help you with visual material for you propaganda
By the way, are you planning to answer my question about your opinion on who killed the protesters in Kiev’s Maidon 2014 massacre?
Why does it matter? I don’t believe it was Zelenski. Do you believe it was the former comedian who has become the Ukrainians people’s George Washington in a battle to the death against a Russian sociopath with nuclear weapons? There is only one military committing genocide outside of their borders in Europe at this very moment. I don’t know what the euro maiden protest have to do with your own decision about who is wrong and who’s right when civiliansAre being bombed into oblivion. You have a moral decision to make. Why can’t you make it?
who has become the Ukrainians people’s George Washington in a battle to the death against a Russian sociopath with nuclear weapons
Shallow thinking. Zelensky is a Superman fighting against the dr. Evil, it sounds much more sublime.
This is one of the biggest wars since world war two..
Seven Thousand (7,000) Russian Forces Killed In Ukraine. More than U.S. Forces Killed In Afghanistan and Iraq Combined. More Than United States Marines Killed in 36-Days of Fighting To Secure Iwo Jima.

More than 7,000 Russian soldiers have died since the beginning of the Russian invasion of Ukraine on February 24, according to U.S. intelligence estimates cited by several news outlets.

Top officers among the Russian troops, including four generals, have allegedly been killed by the Ukrainian armed forces. U.S. officials estimate that 20 generals were initially sent on the ground in Ukraine.

Only the death of one general, Major General Andrei Sukhovetsky, commanding general of the Russian 7th Airborne Division and deputy commander of the 41st Army, was confirmed by Vladimir Putin in a televised speech on March 3.

For many among the Russian ranks, whose numbers totaled 150,000 troops at the beginning of the war, these losses have likely come as a shock.

The United States lost 2,455 Military Personnel combined in Afghanistan and Iraq.

Pooty has killed more Russian Soldiers and Airmen in just 3-Weeks of fighting than U.S. killed in 36-Days of fighting in WWII and in over 20-Years of fighting in Afghanistan and Iraq.

Pooty has lost 1/4 of his Generals serving in Ukraine.

Russian Tanks cannot operate in the open spaces of Ukraine because the ground is to soft, leaving those tanks sitting ducks for Ukrainian Forces used Anti-Tank Missiles.

Pooty is shelling hospitals and shelters. A theater in Ukraine has "Children" spelled out on the ground to prevent Russians dropping shells on it, it was attacked anyway.

Pooty is reported ginning up a false flag operation in order to use Chemical Weapons.



This war is bigger than any war since world war two... Of course the casualties are going to be much greater, but everyone see's the numbers game that y'all play on these things. Now go back to your handler's, and re-group.
Zelensky is a Superman

trying to tie the mass murder and destructive behavior to a reality that Trump morons can relate to. Superman is a fictional comic book character. Putin is a sociopath and there is nothing comical about his genocide.
The number of Russian Military dead in just 3-Weeks of Fighting In Ukraine is more than 36-Days of Fighting WWII. The number of Russian Military dead in just 3-Weeks of Fighting in Ukraine greater the total U.S. Killed in both Afghanistan and Iraq.

Kyiv was, according U.S. and N.A.T.O. Intelligence was suppose to fall in 24 to 48-Hours after the Russian Invasion.

Three Weeks later, Kyiv stands. Ukrainian Resistance is fighting the mighy Russian Army to a stand still.

The Russian Economy is collasping. The Ruble is worth $0.11 in U.S. Money.

OVer 600-Russian Forces have surrenered.

Fuck Wad Pooty did not expect this level of resistance.






When going back in time to learn more about Maidan and Ukraine, what's immediately found is Western media's pre-accomplished diseased state. For example, Radio Free Europe / Radio Liberty has become a debauched joke, something like the current U.S. president. It's schizophrenia is glaring, let alone its imitation of Western intelligence's ahistoricism. A look at the joke, RFE RL:

First, was a search 'Ukraine August 2013'
' 2013 Mon August 26 A Russian Military Delegation Takes Part in the U.S.-Canadian-Russian Air Defense Exercise, Vigilant Eagle 2013 Over the Bering Sea (to Aug 30).'

Clicking on the link shows that it is cookies booby-trapped and (locked [italics]), even before the reader-scapegoat makes a decision. Fascist anal retention par excellence, next we find absolutely nothing available from the next entry:

Russia/Ukraine: Russian Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev and Ukrainian Prime Minister Mykola Azarov Meet in Moscow
('server cannot be found')
trying to tie the mass murder and destructive behavior to a reality that Trump morons can relate to. Superman is a fictional comic book character. Putin is a sociopath and there is nothing comical about his genocide.

Zelensky is NOT Superman. He is just one helluva a good leader.

Pooty is thug and a tyrant.
The number of Russian Military dead in just 3-Weeks of Fighting In Ukraine is more than 36-Days of Fighting WWII.

Kyiv was, according U.S. and N.A.T.O. Intelligence was suppose to fall in 24 to 48-Hours after the Russian Invasion.
1. No, it is more then WWI and WWII combine!
2. U.S. and N.A.T.O. Intelligence worth shit. Was proven many times.
trying to tie the mass murder and destructive behavior to a reality that Trump morons can relate to. Superman is a fictional comic book character. Putin is a sociopath and there is nothing comical about his genocide.
Have you told the story yet of a clown jew who can't be a president of a Nazi country? I always cry my heart out listening to it.

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