The U.S. and NATO Helped Trigger the Ukraine War.

The correct article, but at the same time it is funny how the author is obliged to start with the words: "Vladimir Putin's decision to launch a full-scale invasion of Ukraine is a monstrous act of aggression that has plunged the world into a perilous situation..."
After these words, the whole article tells why this attack was justified, but the tribute to the "free, thinking media" was given. :)
The United States had nothing to do with Putin deciding to bomb the living daylights out of people in the Ukraine that was punished to the max by Russia in WWII and early years of the Cold War. Stalin killed over 20 million Ukrainians when people were looking at Germany's Hitler who was doing what Putin is doing today--eliminating anybody getting in his way. I understand the American Red Cross is lending a good hand to the Ukrainian. I just went to their website to see what they're doing. There's a lot of starvation going on inside the country where Putin's forces are bombing all avenues of life till they kill everyone there if they have to to go in and plunder the sources in the sovereign nation that has been deeply disrespected by the civilized western world, imho, except for their neighbor Poland and a couple of other countries nearby who could already be in Putin's crosshairs due to their helping feed milliona of people who no longer have a home due to Putin's bombing of men, women, and children. It makes me a little sick to think about what Putin has done to them.
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The youtube page has the video and comments, the narrator says articles, apparently pulbished articles, though the comments say they were scrubbed:

Adrian Smith 3w ago 'The link for military operations in Ukraine doesn't show anything.'

Reply: Tales of the American Empire: 'All those articles disappeared from the Army's website a few weeks after this video first appeared.'

Reply: Mr. Rjsnowden: 'Bullshit!!!.'

Rjsnowden's link only shows videos.
The United States had nothing to do with Putin deciding to bomb the living daylights out of people in the Ukraine that was punished to the max by Russia in WWII and early years of the Cold War. Stalin killed over 20 million Ukrainians when people were looking at Germany's Hitler who was doing what Putin is doing today--eliminating anybody getting in his way.
Do you think that Putin has aspirations of venturing out beyond Ukraine, as did Hitler in his times ? How dangerous would it be for Putin to go beyond Ukraine into NATO Poland or etc ? I think it would be suicide for him for sure, because world war three would instantly begin, and the instant battle for a first strike would immediately come into play.

Don't think he's that dumb, but who knows at this point.
Do you think that Putin has aspirations of venturing out beyond Ukraine, as did Hitler in his times ? How dangerous would it be for Putin to go beyond Ukraine into NATO Poland or etc ? I think it would suicide for him for sure, because world war three would instantly begin, and the instant battle for a first strike would immediately come into play.

Don't think he's that dumb, but who knows at this point.
Just by what came out of Putin's mouth, he's eager to get Ukraine out of the way he's looking to finish off Finland and Norway (he said early on days of the Ukrainian slaughter), and others heard him drooling over Estonia, Latvia, and Lithuania. There are other countries too between them and the Ukraine. He's killed too many people to destroy a sovereign nation, and he's aggressively owned that he has nukes on the table.

I hold the honorable Chief Justice Roberts accountable for the destruction of the vote in 2020. He refused to listen to Trump's case. His no excuses hideout smacks of Hillary's FBI files on everyone who's anyone's spied on private life. The alleged Steel Dossier has become known to be her own team's handiwork, and that they colluded with Russia by trading 20% of the US resources of high grade Uranium and 3 Aleutian Islands with a trillion barrels of oil beneath them for a $325,000,000. gift to her piggy bank, the Clinton Presidential Library. I don't like the direction the FBI is going either under Biden. They brought the same hacks back to do more cheating against the American people with their skills. They're pushing the nation into the communist corner. It sucks on a nuclear holocaust worldwide if we don't do something about it. And we have to stop being nice guys about those who betrayed us by stealing taxpayer-funded foreign aid by a guy who's pretending he is a blubbering idiot so he will get pity and not the chair for treason.

If Trump's huge win had been left alone by the Demmie cheaters and criminals, Putin's nightmare against the Ukraine would not have gotten to first base. Biden needs to go quietly into the night before the entire world is blown off its axis with nukes. Chief Justice Roberts' refusal to do justice to the majority of the American people allowed this world to become a future fireball. That's just what I think. I wish I were wrong, but I don't think so. :cranky:
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Just by what came out of Putin's mouth, he's eager to get Ukraine out of the way he's looking to finish off Finland and Norway (he said early on days of the Ukrainian slaughter), and others heard him drooling over Estonia, Latvia, and Lithuania. There are other countries too between them and the Ukraine. He's killed too many people to destroy a sovereign nation, and he's aggressively owned that he has nukes on the table.

I hold the honorable Chief Justice Roberts accountable for the destruction of the vote in 2020. He refused to listen to Trump's case. His no excuses hideout smacks of Hillary's FBI files on everyone who's anyone's spied on private life. The alleged Steel Dossier has become known to be her own team's handiwork, and that they colluded with Russia by trading 20% of the US resources of high grade Uranium and 3 Aleutian Islands with a trillion barrels of oil beneath them for a $325,000,000. gift to her piggy bank, the Clinton Presidential Library. I don't like the direction the FBI is going either under Biden. They brought the same hacks back to do more cheating against the American people with their skills. They're pushing the nation into the communist corner. It sucks on a nuclear holocaust worldwide if we don't do something about it. And we have to stop being nice guys about those who betrayed us by stealing taxpayer-funded foreign aid by a guy who's pretending he is a blubbering idiot so he will get pity and not the chair for treason.

If Trump's huge win had been left alone by the Demmie cheaters and criminals, Putin's nightmare against the Ukraine would not have gotten to first base. Biden needs to go quietly into the night before the entire world is blown off its axis with nukes. Chief Justice Roberts' refusal to do justice to the majority of the American people allowed this world to become a future fireball. That's just what I think. I wish I were wrong, but I don't think so. :cranky:
I hope you are wrong also, but unfortunately you might be spot on. Isn't it funny though, how so many Americans right now are willing to play nuclear football as if it is tag football instead tackle football ? Maybe I'm an idiot, but the war monger's have been rampant in this opportunity to see if Putin is interested in a game of tag football instead tackle football..
Remove comrade Stalin, the savior of humanity from nazi plaue, from your list
You didn't know that Stalin killed more of his own countrymen, women, and children than Hitler because he noticed he could get away with it with the western world focused in on Hitler as if he were Satan himself? You missed some lessons in World History, doll.
You didn't know that Stalin killed more of his own countrymen, women, and children than Hitler because he noticed he could get away with it with the western world focused in on Hitler as if he were Satan himself? You missed some lessons in World History, doll.
Of course, you have sawdust in your head, but okay, I'll tell you something that you didn't have the opportunity to hear and see in a society governed by Fake news.
Hitler destroyed all germans who disagreed with his policy, including Germans of "Aryan blood", communists, socialists. And mentally ill and incapacitated germans were not considered people at all and were simply destroyed like garbage along with jews. But the rest of the german, biggest part, accepted Hitler and his ideology and agreed that they were a superior race and worthy of having slaves from among inferior nations. Why would Hitler destroy such a useful population?
However, at the end of the war, sitting in a bunker and listening to Soviet artillery, he spoke about the German people as unworthy of his great Fuhrer and wished this people death.

That 17 minute video is definitely worth anyone’s time to watch and thanks for
posting it Beagle.


Declaring a no fly zone would require a decision about Ukraine continuing their drones.

Past no-fly zones, as with Iraq and Libya, resulted in major escalation of everyone shooting at each other. In Iraq, US Black Hawks shot down by friendly fire.

The vast geographical area of Ukraine, comparable to be the size of Texas, makes a no-fly zone more difficult.

Establishing a no-fly zone in Ukraine would involve going into Russian air space and possibly into Belarus.

Russian troops on the ground currently estimated to be around 180,000 in the Ukraine.

Russia can fire missiles from within their own air space at 2000 miles.

My own assessment based upon researching, there are most likely more than one war criminal in the mix in addition to Putin.
Mariupol is on the verge of falling to Russian forces, though it may still be over week to go. There are several thousand neo-nazis concentrated at a factory. Meanwhile, in sequence with the ammunitions storage recently destroyed by Putin's Kinzhal strike at Pentagon-linked Ivano-Frankivsk, more ammunitions get destroyed in preparation to take Kiev once Mariupol falls.

2022 marta 21 VS RF unichtozhili batareiu ukrainskikh RS-30 bazu khraneniia boepripasov v Kieve
Russian Armed Forces Destroyed a Battery of Ukrainian RS-30s and an Ammunition Storage Base in Kiev
'Konachenkov: "Vysokotochnym oruzhiem bol'shoi dal'nosti nochiu 21 marta byla unichtozhena batareia ukrainskikh reaktivnykh sistem zalpovogo ognia i baza khraneniis ikh boepripasov v nerabotaiushchem torgovom tsentre.
On the night of 21 March, a battery of Ukrainian multiple rocket launchers and a storage base for their ammunition in an idle shopping center were destroyed by high-precision long-range weapons." '
"On March 21, US Ambassador John Sullivan, summoned to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation, was made a demarche and handed a note of protest in connection with the recent unacceptable statements by the head of the White House Joe Biden to the President of Russia," the document states. Biden said earlier that he considers Russian President Vladimir Putin a "war criminal."

The Foreign Ministry pointed out that "such statements by the American President, unworthy of a statesman of such a high rank, put Russian-American relations on the verge of rupture. They warned that the hostile actions taken against Russia will receive a decisive and firm rebuff."

"When discussing topical bilateral issues, the Ambassador was acutely faced with the issue of ensuring normal working conditions of Russian diplomatic missions in the United States, including guarantees of their uninterrupted functioning," the ministry concluded.

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