The U.S. and NATO Helped Trigger the Ukraine War.

That's true.

There's a "good" reason for this. Americans (collectively speaking) are raised in a nation that is similarly dysfunctional as families of alcoholics, drug addicts and violent child abusers. Their children learn to respect fear and aggressive retaliation if they do not stand by their parents. They are required to lie in order to stay loyal to the family.

Now, imagine a whole nation of these under-educated and tormented citizens (with the NSA able to find out how many times you take a pee every day) walking on eggshells for fear of being accused of being anti-American, America "haters", Communists, Socialists or "rocking the boat". Have you ever been to the US? Have you noticed all of the American flags displayed in all of the govermnet buildings and planted on the front lawn of so many houses? Why do think that is? :www_MyEmoticons_com__shush:
I agree with you on your prior posts, but not this one. Sure we Americans have plenty of dysfunctional problems, but no more than any other nation.

I believe our failure to accept the truth is much more the result of continuous and massively distributed propaganda by the government, corporate media, academia, and Hollywood.
The US did none of this alone.
I don't know how in American laws, but for example in the Soviet Union, the crime committed by the group was qualified as a more serious crime, then the same crime, committed by one. It is committed by a group of persons, by prior agreement, that is, there can be no talk of an accidental commission of a crime.
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Explain your insanity!
My "insanity" it's your lack of geographical knowledge. If you are so interested in the fate of poor Ukraine, you could look at the map and see the city of New York in the Donbass. You are not surprised by the presence of several Moscow in America?
I agree with you on your prior posts, but not this one. Sure we Americans have plenty of dysfunctional problems, but no more than any other nation.

I believe our failure to accept the truth is much more the result of continuous and massively distributed propaganda by the government, corporate media, academia, and Hollywood.
Ditto Gipper about the negative result of major media persuasion on the US populace. Many will argue it’s hard to determine which side, corporate media or public demand, is pulling the cart with the “supply/demand” aspect of media and society. In 2022, it is absolutely the media pulling the cart. The owners of corporate media, with their amplified megaphones, know exactly how to manipulate the peons of the world.

My seventh grade social studies teacher was an excellent facilitator of knowledge. He gave many historical and modern examples depicting how the power of the message influences the masses for most ideas and many lifestyle choices.

This power of persuasion has now become such a force that not only does it require making sure you have a “reliable” source, you have to check that typically reliable source by another “reliable source” if not two. Total lunacy to believe any one corporate media take on its own merit… and requires reviewing the funding of all corporate owned media.
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I agree with you on your prior posts, but not this one. Sure we Americans have plenty of dysfunctional problems, but no more than any other nation.
No, that's not true.
I believe our failure to accept the truth is much more the result of continuous and massively distributed propaganda by the government, corporate media, academia, and Hollywood.
That's what I've been talking about. The dysfunctional family is the analogy.
Really? Tell me more about attack on Saudi Arabia or United Arab Emirates. 17 of the 19 terrorists of the 9.11.2001 attack in New York were from these countries.
Timothy McVeigh was an American who attacked the OKC federal building. Countries are often not responsible for actions of terrorists who just happen to be born there. Maybe we should have attacked New York.
My "insanity" it's your lack of geographical knowledge. If you are so interested in the fate of poor Ukraine, you could look at the map and see the city of New York in the Donbass. You are not surprised by the presence of several Moscow in America?
My "insanity" it's your lack of geographical knowledge. If you are so interested in the fate of poor Ukraine, you could look at the map and see the city of New York in the Donbass. You are not surprised by the presence of several Moscow in America?
Try that again in English. Google Translate is not working for you, Comrade!
How to live on the same planet with such hypocritical scoundrels like you?
Should normal countries have intervened when the NATO pack led by the United States bombed peaceful Belgrade? And I am silent about the Middle East, there are "brown" people live there, whom it is much easier for you to bomb and kill.
Do you have any clue as to why Belgrade was bombed? I don't think you do.
..... Countries are often not responsible for actions of terrorists who just happen to be born there. .....

My "insanity" it's your lack of geographical knowledge. If you are so interested in the fate of poor Ukraine, you could look at the map and see the city of New York in the Donbass. You are not surprised by the presence of several Moscow in America?
A-ha. You are being sarcastic about the lack of proximity of New York to Russia or Ukraine and the fact that the US has no business being there.
Following his idiocy W and O must be terrible war criminals (and of course they are) for invading several nations. Yet he won’t admit to this, like so many dumb Americans. The hypocrisy of Americans is limitless.
The US did not intentionally target civilian populations, THAT is the difference.
Do you have any clue as to why Belgrade was bombed? I don't think you do.
Nor do you. Did the US have the authorization to bomb Belgrade? The answer is

Now tell me why the US should have the privilege to illegally bomb Belgarde and illegally bomb Baghdad and illegally execute Osama bin Laden and illegally invade Grenada and I'll explain to you why Russia has the right to invade Ukraine.
The US did not intentionally target civilian populations,
Of course not. They are hitting the bad guys! And all the other 90% of the all dead, they are poor devils, who were unlucky enough to be nearby at the time of impact. They are collateral damage, not the crime at all.
Or they waited until they had the winning hand.

Russia developed hypersonic cruise missiles, and tested them. They're unstoppable. So NATO over a barrel. Putin has thousands of missiles aimed at them, and they have nothing to defend with, or shoot back with.

So when Putin told his forces to warm up the weapons. That was his way of telling NATO he has the strategic upper hand.
What color are the sheets on Putin's bed?
A-ha. You are being sarcastic about the lack of proximity of New York to Russia or Ukraine and the fact that the US has no business being there.
No, I am bloody not! There is the small town in Donbass area with name New York! How hard to understand?
Putins missiles are 3-5 times faster than ours. We have nothing in the inventory to track them, catch them, or shoot them down. So for every Aegis cruiser we have ready to fire at him, he has dozens of missiles pointed back that we can't stop.

Why do you think Putin created the next generation missile. It's even better than stealth.

How do you know how fast our hypersonic missiles are?

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