The U.S. and NATO Helped Trigger the Ukraine War.

Russian pranksters Vovan and Lexus communicate with the UK Secretary of State for Defence Ben Wallace as Ukrainian Prime Minister.

The head of the British Ministry of Defense confirmed that more than 4 thousand NLAW anti-tank systems were sent to Ukraine.
He told this to the prankster Vovan and Lexus, who called him, introducing themselves as the Ukrainian Prime Minister Shmygal.
Ben Wallace also said that another large batch of ATGMs will soon arrive in Ukraine, while in the UK, according to him, "their own arsenal is running out."
In the same conversation, the minister said that the UK would support the Kiev authorities if they resumed the nuclear program.
Worship Prometheus or Go to Hell

Nature is a crime against humanity. If God created nature, He is a criminal. Virile High IQs, as opposed to impotent escapist nerds, have been mankind's only defense against nature. Therefore, those who invented everything that has prevented the rest of us from living like wild animals are the only Supernatural Beings.
Homo sapiens' major fuck-up during its history on this planet has been to anthropomorphize the material of the earth itself and call it god, to make it alive, existent as an entity. This fuck-up leads to the violence of religion, the second major fuck-up of Homo sapiens.
A colossal explosion, a powerful rocket attack on the Retroville shopping center in Kiev. The missile strike was carried out after Russian intelligence received evidence that Ukraine was harboring Grad multiple launch rocket systems and other equipment at civilian facilities. In the video, a Ukrainian rocket launcher fires a salvo at Russian troops, after which it leaves for a shopping center

Aka we should dive on a sword for justice. Screw that.

Russia and China are not angels and China manipulates currency as bad as everyone else.

But if you want ti off yourself for them count me out.

Has the constitutiin been destroyed. Yup
Has our govt been complicate yes

Want me to side with Russia and get screwed because of corrupt Washington??? Hell fucking NO.

You dive on that sword by yourself
I want us all to quit falling for the propaganda, and to just quit playing their game.

If they want us to intervene? Then there is a reason. . . They hold all the cards, we hold none. If they want your approval to go to war, or to stop Russia? And they want you to oppose China? If they want your help in destroying the dollar?

Just with hold your consent.
Of course you do. They are the ones who own the swamp creatures.

The constitution and limited govt is the answer. But if you think they will give up power without a fight.......I got Ocean Front Property for ya
I sure as hell know, the solution is NOT supporting their crimes and their propaganda, and them getting us to do their bidding.

If you really bleev that Ukraine is innocent, are that is it some sort of liberal Democracy worth defending, you have bought yet, another one of their lies. . . among, many, many, MANY others.
Russian pranksters Vovan and Lexus communicate with the UK Secretary of State for Defence Ben Wallace as Ukrainian Prime Minister.

The head of the British Ministry of Defense confirmed that more than 4 thousand NLAW anti-tank systems were sent to Ukraine.
He told this to the prankster Vovan and Lexus, who called him, introducing themselves as the Ukrainian Prime Minister Shmygal.
Ben Wallace also said that another large batch of ATGMs will soon arrive in Ukraine, while in the UK, according to him, "their own arsenal is running out."
In the same conversation, the minister said that the UK would support the Kiev authorities if they resumed the nuclear program.

Vovan and Lexus! Our heros! :yes_text12:
Homo sapiens' major fuck-up during its history on this planet has been to anthropomorphize the material of the earth itself and call it god, to make it alive, existent as an entity. This fuck-up leads to the violence of religion, the second major fuck-up of Homo sapiens.
Religion is to the confused & bewildered as a pail and shovel are to an infant.
US support nazis. Russia fights them.
The only time Russia fought the Nazis was after the Nazis attacked the Russians. Before that the Russian had spent over a decade enabling the Nazi war machine. They allowed the Germans to do banned training in the USSR. They developed armored vehicles and concepts in concert, they provided raw materials for German war industries and allied with the Germans to dismember Poland.
US support nazis. Russia fights them.
Absolutely true.
The only time Russia fought the Nazis was after the Nazis attacked the Russians. Before that the Russian had spent over a decade enabling the Nazi war machine. They allowed the Germans to do banned training in the USSR. They developed armored vehicles and concepts in concert, they provided raw materials for German war industries and allied with the Germans to dismember Poland.
The only time any nation (with the exception of the UK) fought the Nazis was after the Nazis invaded or declared war. Most all nations were neutral until that point and in fact, the US supported the Nazis even during the war.
The correct article, but at the same time it is funny how the author is obliged to start with the words: "Vladimir Putin's decision to launch a full-scale invasion of Ukraine is a monstrous act of aggression that has plunged the world into a perilous situation..."
After these words, the whole article tells why this attack was justified, but the tribute to the "free, thinking media" was given. :)
The press is doing it for money under the table of citizen notice.
I want us all to quit falling for the propaganda, and to just quit playing their game.

If they want us to intervene? Then there is a reason. . . They hold all the cards, we hold none. If they want your approval to go to war, or to stop Russia? And they want you to oppose China? If they want your help in destroying the dollar?

Just with hold your consent.
The Russians and Germany have a history of war against one another that dates back at least one thousand years. They use countries inbetween, like Poland for example, as their tug-of-war victims. Germany broke with Hitler's massive murders of not only the Jews, but also with each other's handicapped children who suffered not only birth defects, but separate but similar deaths in Nazi Germany's secret killing stalls. We really don't know the numbers of any but the Jews, because they likely realized that killing the gypsies or an ayran's handicapped family member should go undisclosed forever. There are a lot of guesses as to the number out there, and though they disagree, the thought of illegally murdering people goes against Mosaic law. Will we ever know the truth? I've read everything on it, and killing civilians without a trial by jury is beyond the pale regardless of who is doing the murder of innocents. Allowing innocents to be murdered and failure to acknowledge the heinous displacement of ten million people is one of the saddest times history has been a jawdrop to the American people with its failures of leaders to aid the down-and-out in favor of recieving stipends from drug cartels at the highest level of those who open our borders to drug cartels who punish America with Chinese fentanyl that furnishes 500 american deaths per week. is unacceptable.

We didn't start the fire.
A colossal explosion, a powerful rocket attack on the Retroville shopping center in Kiev. The missile strike was carried out after Russian intelligence received evidence that Ukraine was harboring Grad multiple launch rocket systems and other equipment at civilian facilities. In the video, a Ukrainian rocket launcher fires a salvo at Russian troops, after which it leaves for a shopping center

Russian Intelligence is an oxymoron.
Russia will change the calculations for the supply of gas to unfriendly countries in rubles, Vladimir Putin said. "It doesn't make sense to deliver our goods to the EU and the USA and receive payment in dollars and euros," he said.
Tellingly, all this stuff was obvious 20 years ago.
30 years ago, there was still hope for some kind of friendship with America, but apparently, the russian bourgeoisie was clearly explained the other day, who they are for their western "partners".

God bless America!!!
American-British intelligence is an oxymoron, including CIA-MI6 effeminate operatives at Lviv and Kiev. They know the significance of Putin's Kinzhal strike at Ivano-Frankivsk and its link the the Pentagon.

2022 marta 23
'....Tak, esli 25 fevrala o podderzhke spetsoperatsii zaiavil 65% oproshennykh, to teper etot pokazatel' vypros na deviat' protsentnykh punktov - do 75%.
So, of 25 February, 65% of respondents announced support for the special operation, now this indicator is up - to 75%.'
Russia will change the calculations for the supply of gas to unfriendly countries in rubles, Vladimir Putin said. "It doesn't make sense to deliver our goods to the EU and the USA and receive payment in dollars and euros," he said.
Tellingly, all this stuff was obvious 20 years ago.
30 years ago, there was still hope for some kind of friendship with America, but apparently, the russian bourgeoisie was clearly explained the other day, who they are for their western "partners".

God bless America!!!
Sadly for them, there is no god.
Denazification is working in the eastern part of Ukraine, as the ranks of neo-nazis holed up at Mariupol dwindle:

2022 marta 22 Voiska DNR polnost'iu denatsifitsirovali 36-iu brigadu VSU pod Mariupol
DNR Troops Completely Denazify All of the 36th Brigade Near Mariupol
'....Po dannym Narodnoi militsii, s nachala spetsal'noi voennoi operatsii dobrovol'no pereshil na stronu DNR bolee 330 predstavitelei ukrainskikh voisk, 25 iz nikh nakhodiatsia v meditsinkikh uchredeniakh.
According to the people's militia, since the beginning of the special military operation, more than 330 representatives of the Ukrainian troops voluntarily went over to the side of the DPR, 25 of them are in medical institutions.'
Year 2018 article
"...Every time Russia fails to finish the job, as in Syria and Ukraine, Russia does not win Washington’s friendship, but extends to Washington yet another run at prevailing in the conflict that Washington initiated. Washington will not slack off until Washington is halted in its track, something that Russia does not seem willing to do. Consequently, Washington continues to drive the world to nuclear war..."

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