The U.S. and NATO Helped Trigger the Ukraine War.

This isn’t about NATO. It’s about Putin’s fear of democracy.

First, NATO expansion has not been a constant source of tension between Russia and the West, but a variable. Over the last thirty years, the salience of the issue has risen and fallen not primarily because of the waves of NATO expansion, but due instead to waves of democratic expansion in Eurasia. In a very clear pattern, Moscow’s complaints about NATO spike after democratic breakthroughs. While the tragic invasions and occupations of Georgia and Ukraine have secured Putin a de facto veto over their NATO aspirations, since the alliance would never admit a country under partial occupation by Russian forces, this fact undermines Putin’s claim that the current invasion is aimed at NATO membership. He has already blocked NATO expansion for all intents and purposes, thereby revealing that he wants something far more significant in Ukraine today: the end of democracy and the return of subjugation.​

This reality highlights the second flaw: Because the primary threat to Putin and his autocratic regime is democracy, not NATO, that perceived threat would not magically disappear with a moratorium on NATO expansion. Putin would not stop seeking to undermine democracy and sovereignty in Ukraine, Georgia, or the region as whole if NATO stopped expanding. As long as citizens in free countries exercise their democratic rights to elect their own leaders and set their own course in domestic and foreign politics, Putin will keep them in his crosshairs. …​

When NATO announced in 2002 its plan for a major wave of expansion that would include three former Soviet republics—Estonia, Latvia, and Lithuania—Putin barely reacted. He certainly did not threaten to invade any of the countries to keep them out of NATO. Asked specifically in late 2001 whether he opposed the Baltic states’ membership in NATO, he stated, “We of course are not in a position to tell people what to do. We cannot forbid people to make certain choices if they want to increase the security of their nations in a particular way.” …​

The more serious cause of tensions has been a series of democratic breakthroughs and popular protests for freedom throughout the 2000s, what many refer to as the “Color Revolutions.” Putin believes that Russian national interests have been threatened by what he portrays as U.S.-supported coups. After each of them—Serbia in 2000, Georgia in 2003, Ukraine in 2004, the Arab Spring in 2011, Russia in 2011–12, and Ukraine in 2013–14—Putin has pivoted to more hostile policies toward the United States, and then invoked the NATO threat as justification for doing so. …​

the Orange Revolution in Ukraine in 2004 was a much larger threat to Putin. First, the Orange Revolution occurred suddenly and in a much bigger and more strategic country on Russia’s border. The abrupt pivot to the West by Yushchenko and his allies left Putin facing the prospect that he had “lost” a country on which he placed tremendous symbolic and strategic importance.​

To Putin, the Orange Revolution undermined a core objective of his grand strategy: to establish a privileged and exclusive sphere of influence across the territory that once comprised the Soviet Union. Putin believes in spheres of influence; that as a great power, Russia has a right to veto the sovereign political decisions of its neighbors. Putin also demands exclusivity in his neighborhood: Russia can be the only great power to exercise such privilege (or even develop close ties) with these countries. This position has hardened significantly since Putin’s conciliatory position of 2002 as Russia’s influence in Ukraine has waned and Ukraine’s citizens have repeatedly signaled their desire to escape from Moscow’s grasp. Subservience was now required. As Putin explained in a recent historical article, in his view Ukrainians and Russians “were one people” whom he is seeking to reunite, even if through coercion. For Putin, therefore, the loss of Ukraine in 2004 to the West marked a major negative turning point in U.S.-Russian relations that was far more salient than the second wave of NATO expansion that was completed the same year.​

This isn’t about NATO. It’s about Putin’s fear of democracy.
What a stupid thing to say. Do you want to know who is afraid of "democracy"? The Arabs. The west told them they should have "democracy". And what is their example of "democracy"?

* "Democracy" lied about WMD's in Irak.
* "Democracy" gave false proof of WMD's in Irak.
* "Democracy" sent in CIA agents in the first inspection team to plant false evidence of WMD's in Irak.
* "Democracy" broke international law because it didn't have the required vote to invade Irak.
* "Democracy" illegally invaded Irak.
* "Democracy" tortured people in Abu Graib and Guantanamo
* "Democracy" is responsible for murdering 1 million innocent men, women, and children in Irak.
* "Democracy" did not prosecute a single person for the whole thing.
* "Democracy" jailed Julian Assange who did nothing wrong.

📌Is that "Democracy"? You say it is. 📌
Ignorance is your "safe space". Just think of the pain & anguish you'd suffer if you learn about the history of the incident at Pearl Harbour and how it came about! :102::aargh:
The attack was provoked by the US.
Proceed to this video at your own risk:

Yawn. Father N law was at Pearl Harbor during the attack. No one MADE JAPAN attack anyone.

Nanking Japanese officers made bets who could kill the most people...women children with 1 sword thrust. Dont tell me Japan was a victim. Its BS.
Yawn. Father N law was at Pearl Harbor during the attack. No one MADE JAPAN attack anyone.
Holy shit! You are intentionally ignoring the authoritative video I provided and are relying on some dufus to tell you the background to Peal Harbour?! :auiqs.jpg:
Nanking Japanese officers made bets who could kill the most people...women children with 1 sword thrust.
American soldiers made bets and were given extra leave in Irak for killing Iraqis with a knife. :mad:

Dont tell me Japan was a victim. Its BS.
I've joked about you being an adolescent but I now believe it's really true.

What a stupid thing to say. Do you want to know who is afraid of "democracy"? The Arabs. The west told them they should have "democracy". And what is their example of "democracy"?

* "Democracy" lied about WMD's in Irak.
* "Democracy" gave false proof of WMD's in Irak.
* "Democracy" sent in CIA agents in the first inspection team to plant false evidence of WMD's in Irak.
* "Democracy" broke international law because it didn't have the required vote to invade Irak.
* "Democracy" illegally invaded Irak.
* "Democracy" tortured people in Abu Graib and Guantanamo
* "Democracy" is responsible for murdering 1 million innocent men, women, and children in Irak.
* "Democracy" did not prosecute a single person for the whole thing.
* "Democracy" jailed Julian Assange who did nothing wrong.

📌Is that "Democracy"? You say it is. 📌
But the Arab son, Obama, was fronting as a black to get into the White House. Kenya is strict in defining human DNA, state documents must record either black African or Arab. O's daddy's say Arab, because he is 87.5% Arab. Duh
But the Arab son, Obama, was fronting as a black to get into the White House. Kenya is strict in defining human DNA, state documents must record either black African or Arab. O's daddy's say Arab, because he is 87.5% Arab. Duh
What happened to the "one drop of blood" rule?
Until we find the actual percentages Matar uses
Until further analysis of the one drop rule, it was Ruth Matar, Women in Green, Jerusalem, who also have a website with a number of references to this ex-US president. Matar first pointed out the percentages of blood in Obama's father. The pertinent excerpt was published on 19 Jun 2008, posted here:

Post # 16
Hell we are screwed by our own politicians already...........but I understand PUTIN WANTS US DESTROYED.
Putin succeeded in brainwashing MAGA Comrads like you because you believe “we are screwed by our own politicians” and you fully agree with Putin that American multicultural liberal democracy is weak and broken. You believe every tucking lying word Trump and Putin says about liberal democracy ‘bad’ - Trump autocracy “good” . You are a deplorable American who is well appreciated in the Kremlin and MAR-a- Lago because you accept their alternate reality.

. Had the left not stolen the election and put this weak as bitch in office I don't think Russia would be in Ukraine right now.

Putin owns Brandon. He's a bought off whore who is mentally incapable to continue..........which leaves us with the HO.......Almost comical until you see the dying people as a result.

Peace thru strength works.........we don't have that in office right now.
PUTIN could not have written a better script than that from one of his most useful MAGA idiots.
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"Democracy" sent in CIA agents in the first inspection team to plant false evidence of WMD's in Irak

Putin mentions NATO expansion time and time again

OF COURSE Adolph Putin MENTIONS NATO - not even a professional liar like PUTIN can justify his genocidal, global terrorist, massive military attack against innocent civilians in Ukraine by expressing the truth that the Ukrainian people must die, submit or leave because he cannot have the former Soviet state and major ‘bread bssket’ to the world succumb to the weakness and danger of western multicultural liberal democratic rule where citizens have god given rights and will die for freedom and self rule. BEING OPPSED TO “Liberty” is not a good selling point for justifying genocide. SO ITS NATO and you swallow Putin’s foil with such ease.

Putin’s big lie is he had to invade because of NATO is related to Trump’s big lie that he failed a second term which Putin preferred because Biden stole the election . Itis all related to Putin’s authoritarian ambition. So get out of the mind control he has over you.
Putin succeeded in brainwashing MAGA Comrads like you because you believe “we are screwed by our own politicians” and you fully agree with Putin that American multicultural liberal democracy is weak and broken. You believe every tucking lying word Trump and Putin says about liberal democracy ‘bad’ - Trump autocracy “good” . You are a deplorable American who is well appreciated in the Kremlin and MAR-a- Lago because you accept their alternate reality.

PUTIN could not have written a better script than that from one of his most useful MAGA idiots.
STFU Earlier and throughout this thread i've been thrashing Putin.

So go play in traffic
STFU Earlier and throughout this thread i've been thrashing Putin.
While fulfilling Putin’s dream of destroying western multicultural liberal democracy through the hate messaging of the MAGA White authoritarian Christian conservative political bases in Europe and the US.

Your public trashing of Putin means nothing to him or anybody else. YIY need to support liberal multicultural western Democracy or be on Putin’s team opposed. You are on Putin’s as a trasher to confuse liberal Democrats according to plan.
While fulfilling Putin’s dream of destroying western multicultural liberal democracy through the hate messaging of the MAGA White authoritarian Christian conservative political bases in Europe and the US.

Your public trashing of Putin means nothing to him or anybody else. YIY need to support liberal multicultural western Democracy or be on Putin’s team opposed. You are on Putin’s as a trasher to confuse liberal Democrats according to plan.
Why dont you make up your mind clown?

You trash me saying im Putins bitch then do a 180 when im not.

STFU Moonbat
You trash me saying im Putins bitch then do a 180 when im not.
I’m not saying you are Putin‘s bitch. You are Donald Trump‘s bitch. And being that by default you give aid and comfort to the enemy Adolf Putin. You believe Trump’s big election lie and that more than anything gives aid and comfort to the enemy Adolf Putin. It’s not what you are saying about Putin. It’s about what you are doing for him as a white nationalist anti-multicultural liberal democracy MAGA moron.

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