The U.S. NOT founded upon Christianity

How long will it take some of you to realize Bode is a dishonest piece of shit who wouldn't admit to being wrong under ANY circumstances.

Bod tries to comprehend how a statement will affect her party. If the statement will promote the democrats, she posts it. If it will harm the democrats, she denies it.

Truth, lies or in-between are all the same to bod. She serves the party, it is the ONLY consideration she makes.

She is to be ridiculed not engaged in serious debate.


She only serves herself. There are PLENTY of Democrats out there who are willing and able to engage in serious debate and admit that their "side" doesn't have all the answers. Being a democrat does not equal being intellectually dishonest.

Bode is NOT one such person. She is the most disagreeable, dishonest, disgusting, pathetic piece of shit I have ever tried to have a conversation with.
Yep! that's what I thought you wanted.
An Old Fashioned tit for tat debate and you got it from me.
And I proved my point.
I can see it now....We are a Christian nation because of the words "sunday excepted."

Hey stupid, no one has claimed this was a "Christian nation". The claim is that this nation was founded on Christian principles and more than enough evidence has been provided that proves the claim is accurate.

Then, it is VERY clear that we are founded on Christian principles because of the words "Sundays Excepted". Ipso Facto.

Right Here. Brain
In context, her words were dripping with sarcasm.

See, was never about the topic with them.

I read it and thought the :eusa_whistle: clearly indicated sarcasm as well and that in fact Peach misread it.

So you admit, finally after 180 pages, that you were wrong and that in fact the USA was founded on Christian principles?

I am saying that the words "Sundays excepted" in Article I of the Constitution is solid, undisputable evidence that the Founders meant our new country to be founded on Christian tenets. Doesn't get any more rock solid than that.
See, was never about the topic with them.

I read it and thought the :eusa_whistle: clearly indicated sarcasm as well and that in fact Peach misread it.

So you admit, finally after 180 pages, that you were wrong and that in fact the USA was founded on Christian principles?

I am saying that the words "Sundays excepted" in Article I of the Constitution is solid, undisputable evidence that the Founders meant our new country to be founded on Christian tenets. Doesn't get any more rock solid than that.

So by extension you admit that for well over 100 pages you have been wrong?

IF that is the case, then I retract my statement where I said that you are incapable of, or unwilling to admitting to error

Welcome to adulthood.
Right Here. Brain

In context, her words were dripping with sarcasm.

See, was never about the topic with them.

I know.
How anyone can read sarcasm in what you typed beats me. :confused:
In an old Fashioned debate you have attacks and counter attacks and you prove your statements and I think that is what we did. Didn't we?
You proved it to me, when you defended my statements being cut off in quotes from others. :clap2:
See, was never about the topic with them.

I read it and thought the :eusa_whistle: clearly indicated sarcasm as well and that in fact Peach misread it.

So you admit, finally after 180 pages, that you were wrong and that in fact the USA was founded on Christian principles?

I am saying that the words "Sundays excepted" in Article I of the Constitution is solid, undisputable evidence that the Founders meant our new country to be founded on Christian tenets. Doesn't get any more rock solid than that.

See, was never about the topic with them.

I read it and thought the :eusa_whistle: clearly indicated sarcasm as well and that in fact Peach misread it.

So you admit, finally after 180 pages, that you were wrong and that in fact the USA was founded on Christian principles?

I am saying that the words "Sundays excepted" in Article I of the Constitution is solid, undisputable evidence that the Founders meant our new country to be founded on Christian tenets. Doesn't get any more rock solid than that.

She did right here.
with her and she admitted it.
She kept asking for absolute proof of Christian tenets in the constitution, and Sunday excluded was it.
End of debate. :lol:

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