The U.S. NOT founded upon Christianity

Principle: Left to his own devices man is sinful and self-serving
Document: Constitutional Separation of Powers / Checks & Balances
Bible: Jeremiah 17:9; Isaiah 33:22
No offence, but that quote seems to speak directly AGAINST the concept of individual freedom and the concept of less government.
How so? I believe you’re referring to the Jeremiah citation, no? That verse comments on the heart of man, as referred to in the above Principle. The Founders were concerned about the public servant serving only himself.

bodecea said:
Besides, they are OT quotes...Jewish tenets maybe...Christian tenets...a tad too early for Christianity.
The entirety of Mosaic moral code is restated by Jesus --directly, indirectly, practically, and even conceptually. Additionally, my post is far from being an exhaustive list of Scriptures that could be cited, including the NT.

Nonetheless, I believe there is a bit of traction to what you say. The Founders borrowed very much from the OT, the book of Deuteronomy in particular for the government's framework since that book sets forth the framework of the Hebrew nation. It is probably most correct to say that the country was founded on Judeo-Christian concepts.

bodecea said:
8atman said:
Principle: Religious freedom
Document: First Amendment
Bible: 2 Chronicles 36:22,23; 1 Timothy 1,2
Is religious freedom a Christian tenet? over 1500 years of Christianity seems to put the lie to that.
Hardly. More like about 2000 years of men violating the verses I cited, and several more.

bodecea said:
8atman said:
Principle: A militia composed of the citizenry
Document: Second Amendment
Bible: Nehemiah 4:13, 14
OT again.
See above.

bodecea said:
Is that uniquely Christian too?
It doesn’t have to be unique. The whole notion of “who got there first” is false reasoning. Here is the argument in a nutshell: This concept was implemented first by **fill in the blank**, so it is not a Christian concept.

That is like trying to say, for example, that the US Constitution is not based on English Common Law. It is instead based on the Laws of Aethelberht of Kent --which predates English law and implemented certain precepts first. Therefore, by this reasoning, the Constitution has no basis in English law.

This is, of course, ridiculous. The FF implemented what they were familiar with and the works that most influenced them --in this case, English Common Law. If any given concept(s) was written and/or implemented before, that does not mean that’s what the Founders were influenced by or even aware of.

bodecea said:
I would like to thank you for actually answering the question instead of pretending that you did in some long distance post.
No problemo.
Did someone just claim Christians came up with standard weights and measures and this was a new idea? :lol:

“Christians”?? You’re about 1500 years too early. (For those who may not know, Leviticus 19:35 and 36 is what is being commented on here. Also, for those who may not know, Leviticus is in the OLD Testament.)

What does “new idea” have to do with anything? Does this verse prescribe and endorse the adoption of a fair, standardized method of weights and measures? Does the Constitution implement precisely that? Were the Founders familiar with and claim to use the OT? I rest my case.

JBeukema said:
bodecea said:
As I said...he seems to have given a better case for the U.S. having been founded on Jewish tenets rather than Christian tenets since most of his biblical quotes are from the OT.
Or on the Code of Hammurabi
Yes, I’m quite sure ancient Babylonian law was foremost on the Founders’ minds.

However, (you know, since you brought it up) document examiners believe Mosaic Covenant Law and the Hammurabian Code both may derive from a common, older source. This means that the Hammurabian Code is probably a derivation of pre-mosaic laws and codes as given to mankind during the Patriarch Dispensation.
No shit, genius. It's all derived from the Sumerians.

The entire Jewish creation myth is nothing more than the Cliff Notes edition for those too lazy to read the full Sumerian history.
Explaining that Treaty of Tripoli is a puzzlement tho.

Several things the FF did are puzzling. Proving that while VERY smart, they were not infallible. For example, they could clearly have been a little clearer about the second Amendment. They probably SHOULD have set our system up to just outright ban lifetime politicians ( I think we can agree that there intent was for the average person to have a chance to serve then return to normal life after their time was up, and not for it to be a person's only career ever.) Among other things.
"Now be it known, That I John Adams, President of the United States of America, having seen and considered the said Treaty do, by and with the advice and consent of the Senate, accept, ratify, and confirm the same, and every clause and article thereof. And to the End that the said Treaty may be observed and performed with good Faith on the part of the United States, I have ordered the premises to be made public; And I do hereby enjoin and require all persons bearing office civil or military within the United States, and all other citizens or inhabitants thereof, faithfully to observe and fulfill the said Treaty and every clause and article thereof."

Spoonman said:
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You really hate facts that much?
"Now be it known, That I John Adams, President of the United States of America, having seen and considered the said Treaty do, by and with the advice and consent of the Senate, accept, ratify, and confirm the same, and every clause and article thereof. And to the End that the said Treaty may be observed and performed with good Faith on the part of the United States, I have ordered the premises to be made public; And I do hereby enjoin and require all persons bearing office civil or military within the United States, and all other citizens or inhabitants thereof, faithfully to observe and fulfill the said Treaty and every clause and article thereof."

Spoonman said:
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You really hate facts that much?

lmao you hypocritical neg repping douchebag. you wouldn't know a fact if you tripped over it. which i notice you frequently do. :lol:

Hi, you have received -221 reputation points from JBeukema.
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Reichwingers have no facts, so they resort to pathetic rep attacks.

You people aren't to be taken seriously.

Letting you idiots vote is destroying this country.
so jackass you didn't neg me earlier?

Hi, you have received -221 reputation points from JBeukema.
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Sorry genious but you just stuck you foot in you mouth. LMAO :lol:



Smooth one beukema
I neg people when they lie or act like total douches and idiots.

You neg people when the facts aren't to your liking.

You were negged for being a childish troll. Don't like it? Then grow the fuck up.
I neg people when they lie or act like total douches and idiots.

You neg people when the facts aren't to your liking.

You were negged for being a childish troll. Don't like it? Then grow the fuck up.


you really are an ignorant fool aren't you
Reichwingers have no facts, so they resort to pathetic rep attacks.

You people aren't to be taken seriously.

Letting you idiots vote is destroying this country.

See, this is how stupid you are . You equate conservative to being stupid, when in fact stupid is just stupid and has nothing to do with political ideology.

You're ate the fuck up with the stupid.

I do agree morons shouldn't be allowed to vote, starting with those who are stupid enough to believe that only "their side" can be smart.
Reichwingers have no facts, so they resort to pathetic rep attacks.

You people aren't to be taken seriously.

Letting you idiots vote is destroying this country.

See, this is how stupid you are . You equate conservative to being stupid, when in fact stupid is just stupid and has nothing to do with political ideology.

You're ate the fuck up with the stupid.

I do agree morons shouldn't be allowed to vote, starting with those who are stupid enough to believe that only "their side" can be smart.

can you belive this idiot? he negs me for my opinion in a topic and conversation he has nothing to do with. so i neg him back and he starts whining about me negging him. well he showed in print, goid old black and white what a hypocritical moron he is.
Reichwingers have no facts, so they resort to pathetic rep attacks.

You people aren't to be taken seriously.

Letting you idiots vote is destroying this country.

See, this is how stupid you are . You equate conservative to being stupid, when in fact stupid is just stupid and has nothing to do with political ideology.

You're ate the fuck up with the stupid.

I do agree morons shouldn't be allowed to vote, starting with those who are stupid enough to believe that only "their side" can be smart.

can you belive this idiot? he negs me for my opinion in a topic and conversation he has nothing to do with. so i neg him back and he starts whining about me negging him. well he showed in print, goid old black and white what a hypocritical moron he is.

LOL then has the nerve to say that others are stupid.

Just let it go, write JB off as a lost cause and move on bro.
See, this is how stupid you are . You equate conservative to being stupid, when in fact stupid is just stupid and has nothing to do with political ideology.

You're ate the fuck up with the stupid.

I do agree morons shouldn't be allowed to vote, starting with those who are stupid enough to believe that only "their side" can be smart.

can you belive this idiot? he negs me for my opinion in a topic and conversation he has nothing to do with. so i neg him back and he starts whining about me negging him. well he showed in print, goid old black and white what a hypocritical moron he is.

LOL then has the nerve to say that others are stupid.

Just let it go, write JB off as a lost cause and move on bro.

You may have changed your online name, but I see nothing else about you has changed! What a surprise. Not!
Reichwingers have no facts, so they resort to pathetic rep attacks.

You people aren't to be taken seriously.

Letting you idiots vote is destroying this country.

See, this is how stupid you are . You equate conservative to being stupid, when in fact stupid is just stupid and has nothing to do with political ideology.

You're ate the fuck up with the stupid.

I do agree morons shouldn't be allowed to vote, starting with those who are stupid enough to believe that only "their side" can be smart.

Was it you who said I should be arrested?
Reichwingers have no facts, so they resort to pathetic rep attacks.

You people aren't to be taken seriously.

Letting you idiots vote is destroying this country.

See, this is how stupid you are . You equate conservative to being stupid, when in fact stupid is just stupid and has nothing to do with political ideology.

You're ate the fuck up with the stupid.

I do agree morons shouldn't be allowed to vote, starting with those who are stupid enough to believe that only "their side" can be smart.

Was it you who said I should be arrested?

Arrested for what? Being gay???????? Ma'am I have consistently said that as an American you have the right to be gay if you wish....

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