The U.S. NOT founded upon Christianity

No, I'm saying Sunday is the Christian day of worship and Saturday is the Jewish day of worship.
Sunday worship- Christian tenet
No not Jewish law - Christian Law
Jews worship on Sat.
Christians worship on Sun.
Our Consitutions in Article I Sec.7 says,
If any Bill shall not be returned by the President within ten Days (Sundays excepted) after it shall have been presented to him, the Same shall be a Law
Sunday is being excluded, and Sunday is the Christian's day of worship.
Saturday is the Jewish day of worship.

We have laws saying we cannot work and have to go to church on Sunday?

No, but the Constitution honors the Christian sabbath.

Honor? by saying "sundays excepted" that is honoring a sabbath? What else have you got that indicates it's a sabbath?
We have laws saying we cannot work and have to go to church on Sunday?

No, but the Constitution honors the Christian sabbath.

Honor? by saying "sundays excepted" that is honoring a sabbath? What else have you got that indicates it's a sabbath?

That's dishonest. You know very well it's to honor the sabbath.

I hate that sort of shit. It's like the "who, ME?" deflection that snotty little kids use.
You asked for tenets. To sneer at every one proferred is just evidence of your hatred and your dishonesty.
We have laws saying we cannot work and have to go to church on Sunday?

No, but the Constitution honors the Christian sabbath.

Honor? by saying "sundays excepted" that is honoring a sabbath? What else have you got that indicates it's a sabbath?


God’s Word declares, “Remember the Sabbath day, to keep it holy. Six days you shall labor and do all your work, but the seventh day is the Sabbath of the LORD your God. In it you shall do no work: you, nor your son, nor your daughter, nor your male servant, nor your female servant, nor your cattle, nor your stranger who is within your gates. For in six days the LORD made the heavens and the earth, the sea, and all that is in them, and rested the seventh day. Therefore the LORD blessed the Sabbath day and hallowed it” (Ex. 20:8-11). [1]

This Scripture, known as the fourth commandment, has received very little respect among professing Christians during the twentieth century. It has been misunderstood, disregarded and even maligned in many pulpits throughout the land. Dispensationalists teach that the fourth commandment (with the whole Old Testament law) has been set aside by Christ. Many others accept nine of the commandments as binding, yet reject the fourth as ceremonial in nature. They regard the Sabbath as a purely Jewish institution which is no longer binding on the New Testament church. There are others who accept the binding nature of the Sabbath yet fail to recognize Christ’s authority as Lord of the Sabbath (Mt. 12:8) to change sabbath observance from the seventh day to the first day of the week (e.g., Seventh-day Adventists). The orthodox Christian position regarding what is required in the fourth commandment is best set forth by the Westminster Larger Catechism: “The fourth commandment requireth of all men the sanctifying or keeping holy to God such set times as he hath appointed in his word, expressly one whole day in seven; which was the seventh from the beginning of the world to the resurrection of Christ, and the first day of the week ever since, and so to continue to the end of the world; which is the Christian sabbath, and in the New Testament called The Lord’s day.” [2]

The Christian Sabbath: Examined, Proved, Applied
I can see it now....We are a Christian nation because of the words "sunday excepted."

Hey stupid, no one has claimed this was a "Christian nation". The claim is that this nation was founded on Christian principles and more than enough evidence has been provided that proves the claim is accurate.
No, I'm saying Sunday is the Christian day of worship and Saturday is the Jewish day of worship.
Sunday worship- Christian tenet

Not all of Christianity, my friend.

No. of course not
7th day Adventists have Saturday, but they weren't founded till 1893
Jehovah Witness have Sat, also but they weren't founded till 1879
Church of God was 1897,and United Church of God was 1995
All of them were founded way after the Constitution was written.
The Christian day of worship was Sunday at the time the Constitution was written.
Sunday is a Christian tenet.
I can see it now....We are a Christian nation because of the words "sunday excepted."

Hey stupid, no one has claimed this was a "Christian nation". The claim is that this nation was founded on Christian principles and more than enough evidence has been provided that proves the claim is accurate.

Then, it is VERY clear that we are founded on Christian principles because of the words "Sundays Excepted". Ipso Facto.
You asked for tenets. To sneer at every one proferred is just evidence of your hatred and your dishonesty.

No, no, no. I think it is a tremendously compelling argument....(sundays excepted) that our Founders really really meant for this to be a Christian nation. It stands alone and clear.

No - we are talking about the nation being founded on Christian tenets. Never a Christian Nation.
What part of - we have freedom for all religions or no religion are you not wanting to get?
No, but the Constitution honors the Christian sabbath.

Honor? by saying "sundays excepted" that is honoring a sabbath? What else have you got that indicates it's a sabbath?


God’s Word declares, “Remember the Sabbath day, to keep it holy. Six days you shall labor and do all your work, but the seventh day is the Sabbath of the LORD your God. In it you shall do no work: you, nor your son, nor your daughter, nor your male servant, nor your female servant, nor your cattle, nor your stranger who is within your gates. For in six days the LORD made the heavens and the earth, the sea, and all that is in them, and rested the seventh day. Therefore the LORD blessed the Sabbath day and hallowed it” (Ex. 20:8-11). [1]

This Scripture, known as the fourth commandment, has received very little respect among professing Christians during the twentieth century. It has been misunderstood, disregarded and even maligned in many pulpits throughout the land. Dispensationalists teach that the fourth commandment (with the whole Old Testament law) has been set aside by Christ. Many others accept nine of the commandments as binding, yet reject the fourth as ceremonial in nature. They regard the Sabbath as a purely Jewish institution which is no longer binding on the New Testament church. There are others who accept the binding nature of the Sabbath yet fail to recognize Christ’s authority as Lord of the Sabbath (Mt. 12:8) to change sabbath observance from the seventh day to the first day of the week (e.g., Seventh-day Adventists). The orthodox Christian position regarding what is required in the fourth commandment is best set forth by the Westminster Larger Catechism: “The fourth commandment requireth of all men the sanctifying or keeping holy to God such set times as he hath appointed in his word, expressly one whole day in seven; which was the seventh from the beginning of the world to the resurrection of Christ, and the first day of the week ever since, and so to continue to the end of the world; which is the Christian sabbath, and in the New Testament called The Lord’s day.” [2]

The Christian Sabbath: Examined, Proved, Applied

but the sabbath on Saturday , I've things to do .
I can see it now....We are a Christian nation because of the words "sunday excepted."

Hey stupid, no one has claimed this was a "Christian nation". The claim is that this nation was founded on Christian principles and more than enough evidence has been provided that proves the claim is accurate.

Then, it is VERY clear that we are founded on Christian principles because of the words "Sundays Excepted". Ipso Facto.

Couple that with historical documents and our FF's own words. Then yes it is very clear.
Hey stupid, no one has claimed this was a "Christian nation". The claim is that this nation was founded on Christian principles and more than enough evidence has been provided that proves the claim is accurate.

Then, it is VERY clear that we are founded on Christian principles because of the words "Sundays Excepted". Ipso Facto.

Couple that with historical documents and our FF's own words. Then yes it is very clear.

Nope. This is it. The "holy" grail to prove that this is a nation founded on christian principles....the words "sunday excepted".
Then, it is VERY clear that we are founded on Christian principles because of the words "Sundays Excepted". Ipso Facto.

Couple that with historical documents and our FF's own words. Then yes it is very clear.

Nope. This is it. The "holy" grail to prove that this is a nation founded on christian principles....the words "sunday excepted".

It's good to see you finally conceded to the fact.
How long will it take some of you to realize Bode is a dishonest piece of shit who wouldn't admit to being wrong under ANY circumstances. She is to be ridiculed not engaged in serious debate.
How long will it take some of you to realize Bode is a dishonest piece of shit who wouldn't admit to being wrong under ANY circumstances.

Bod tries to comprehend how a statement will affect her party. If the statement will promote the democrats, she posts it. If it will harm the democrats, she denies it.

Truth, lies or in-between are all the same to bod. She serves the party, it is the ONLY consideration she makes.

She is to be ridiculed not engaged in serious debate.


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