The U.S. NOT founded upon Christianity

If rights come from the Christian God, where do atheists' rights come from? Muslims' rights? Hindus' rights? Pagans' rights? Buddhists' rights?...and so on....

Where would you like your rights to come from? Government? Other people? Who determines what they are?

You are born with them...they are Natural...aka Natural rights. Government does not give you your rights...that would infer they have the right to take them away whenever they feel like it.

But that's not a source outside of human existence, what you describe is a human concept, therefore it is definable by humans however they see fit to define it at the time. What you fail to grasp is that the founders used the concept of God, something greater than man, to define where rights extended from. Therefore they are immutable and untouchable by man for any reason. When you take that away, you give all the power to other men to determine what your rights are. It's the basic principle this country was founded on. If you take the concept of God away, you take away the founding principle.

Your problem is that you have such a huge chip on your shoulder that you can't think of anything in terms of anything other than what you believe. And then you proceed to basically plug your ears, close your eyes and continue to repeat the same responses ad nauseum instead of discussing anything. And then you wonder why no one will engage you in conversation.
Where would you like your rights to come from? Government? Other people? Who determines what they are?

You are born with them...they are Natural...aka Natural rights. Government does not give you your rights...that would infer they have the right to take them away whenever they feel like it.

But that's not a source outside of human existence, what you describe is a human concept, therefore it is definable by humans however they see fit to define it at the time. What you fail to grasp is that the founders used the concept of God, something greater than man, to define where rights extended from. Therefore they are immutable and untouchable by man for any reason. When you take that away, you give all the power to other men to determine what your rights are. It's the basic principle this country was founded on. If you take the concept of God away, you take away the founding principle.

Your problem is that you have such a huge chip on your shoulder that you can't think of anything in terms of anything other than what you believe. And then you proceed to basically plug your ears, close your eyes and continue to repeat the same responses ad nauseum instead of discussing anything. And then you wonder why no one will engage you in conversation.

So what rights did God give us?
My ears are open and am willing to engage in conservation.
Hard for you to ever be specific?
WHAT rights are you talking about when you claim "certain rights come from God and none other".
And why did God differentiate and only grant us "certain" rights?
Which ones did he leave out and why?

We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.~U.S. Declaration of Independence

That is an Enlightenment Principle...where is it mentioned in Christian Canon?

Just a little history on the "all men are equal" idea...the Quakers actually practiced that and were persecuted horribly for it.

My grandmother was a Terhune, Quaker, and they go back to the mid 1600s. They were terribly persecuted by the Puritans.
So, you folks are claiming that American citizens got their rights from God?

I think they are claiming that you got your talking points from George Soros - who no doubt is kind of your god...

Do you always speak for others instead of yourself?
"I think"
I have never read anything Boy George has ever said.
"No doubt"
You think and claim no doubt.
My Christian upbringing taught me to never, ever speak for anyone else.
So, you folks are claiming that American citizens got their rights from God?

I think they are claiming that you got your talking points from George Soros - who no doubt is kind of your god...

Do you always speak for others instead of yourself?
"I think"
I have never read anything Boy George has ever said.
"No doubt"
You think and claim no doubt.
My Christian upbringing taught me to never, ever speak for anyone else.

He was speaking for himself.

What part of " I " did you not understand?
I think they are claiming that you got your talking points from George Soros - who no doubt is kind of your god...

Do you always speak for others instead of yourself?
"I think"
I have never read anything Boy George has ever said.
"No doubt"
You think and claim no doubt.
My Christian upbringing taught me to never, ever speak for anyone else.

He was speaking for himself.

What part of " I " did you not understand?

"I think they are claiming" THEY ARE CLAIMING

You can't gather a thought for yourself either.
Imagine that.

Do you know what was unusual about Thomas Jefferson's personal Bible? The guy who drafted and wrote the Declaration of Independence? I'm going to have to start charging you for giving you these mini-classes :rolleyes:

They are going to believe what they were taught in Sunday School class.
Not what the facts are.
But it is fun watching them throw out generalizations and nothing ever specific.
Not one fact whatsoever to back up their claims.
Do you always speak for others instead of yourself?
"I think"
I have never read anything Boy George has ever said.
"No doubt"
You think and claim no doubt.
My Christian upbringing taught me to never, ever speak for anyone else.

He was speaking for himself.

What part of " I " did you not understand?

"I think they are claiming" THEY ARE CLAIMING

You can't gather a thought for yourself either.
Imagine that.

Yes he was giving HIS opinion on what he thought they were claiming. He wasn't speaking FOR THEM.

Your name fits you, you're as dumb as a dog.
Allie has no specifics.
Easier to cover her tracks making off the wall shot gun generalizations with nothing ever specific.

Do you live in opposite land? I just specifically told you, again, what the argument was, and what it wasn't.

As I keep saying, at this point it is obvious that there are certain people who have problems with language. I don't know if the problem is cognitive, if it is an issue with education, or if some people are just so fucking dishonest, they cannot accept fact once they set themselves on a particular course.

I don't need to list the principles of Christianity, btw. The Founding Fathers TOLD us what they were guided by (Christian principle). As I said, the argument isn't whether they were good Christians, or whether we are a theocracy, so which principles they specifically were guided by doesn't matter. They SAID they were guided by Christian principle. I assume primarily free will and the concept that we are granted certain rights (as listed in the declaration) by God and God alone. Which I have stated already, repeatedly. If that's too *general* for you I can't help you; you apparently are as clueless about the word *specific* as you are about the word *found*.

List the rights God gave us.
Back up your claims.
I doubt you can because your milk is weak and has always been weak.

Anytime someone wants to set the rules their way on what the "argument was and what it isn't" you know they are beat.
Boo hoo, cry baby.
Back up your claims. If not, admit it and move on.
Except for here, from the same people who keep calling Obama "Messiah", I would never even know who this Soros guy is.

It is not important that the sheep know the name of the shepherd.

Madcow fills your skull full of mush with the ideas she is directed by Soros to elucidate. What difference does it make whether you personally comprehend the source of the idiocy you spout?

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