The Ugly Downside of "Democracy"


Diamond Member
Apr 12, 2012

When one speaks casually about "democracy," the usual first reaction is to state the time-tested expression "One man [person] - One vote."

But it's not that simple. In order for democracy to "work" the voting citizens must be at least generally aware of the issues; they must know the candidates and something about where they stand on the issues; they must have a general knowledge of the legitimate powers of the office for which they are voting. Otherwise, they are likely to cast a compromised vote, possibly even voting for someone whose impact would be the opposite of what they would like.

In the U.S., one could make the argument that citizens applying for their first voter registration card should be obliged to take, and pass, the same test that is administered to immigrants when they apply for U.S. citizenship. Unfortunately, the unspoken reality is that such a requirement would screen out POC's, non-English speakers, and desperately poor people in much greater portions than their demographic presence, thus leading to bogus claims of "racism" that no politician wants to deal with.

But at a much lower level, most U.S. jurisdictions have imposed very basic voter requirements that have had the effect of weeding out some of the ignorant, uninvolved, and incompetent would-be voters (let's call them "Misfits") who might otherwise "pollute" the election results. These requirements are well known: You must register in advance in order to vote; you must vote when the polls are open on Election Day (unless you have a good excuse not to, in which case a relatively secure Absentee Ballot may be cast); and finally, you must prove your identity at the polls by showing a government-issued photo ID card.

With these minimal constraints in place, most Americans consider that the American form of "democracy" can prevail.

But as we all saw, the Pandemic created a situation in 2020 that was ripe for polluting American democracy by facilitating the harvesting of Misfit votes by Democrat operatives, often in violation of state laws and the U.S. Constitution. They harvested votes from nursing homes, homeless encampments, and neighborhoods of people so uninvolved that they wouldn't even consider voting under normal circumstances, thus bloating candidate Biden's totals beyond anything seen previously, in any presidential election. And one must consider that candidate Biden did not even run for President in any conventional way, and there was ZERO enthusiasm for his candidacy, the impetus being entirely provided by visceral hate for the incumbent President Trump.

So the point is, attacks on Democracy can come from two different sides: Votes can be so constrained that only the privileged vote, or votes can be polluted by people who truly have no business voting, because they know essentially nothing about the issues, the candidates, or the actual powers of the position they are voting for.

I'm sure J. Rubin, the author of the linked article would emphatically disagree, because the Misfits vote in preposterous majorities for the Leftists that she personally supports. But the fact remains: these votes are an attack on "democracy," and the Democrats' attempts to cast these outrageous voting rules in concrete is as great a threat to American democracy as their plan to naturalize the twenty million souls who are currently in this country illegally.

A pox on all their houses.
Your article appears to be written from the perspective of an independent, not one who understands patronage politics. Many democrats vote democrat to get stuff. Its that simple, its not about issues, its about getting stuff.

When one speaks casually about "democracy," the usual first reaction is to state the time-tested expression "One man [person] - One vote."

But it's not that simple. In order for democracy to "work" the voting citizens must be at least generally aware of the issues; they must know the candidates and something about where they stand on the issues; they must have a general knowledge of the legitimate powers of the office for which they are voting. Otherwise, they are likely to cast a compromised vote, possibly even voting for someone whose impact would be the opposite of what they would like.

In the U.S., one could make the argument that citizens applying for their first voter registration card should be obliged to take, and pass, the same test that is administered to immigrants when they apply for U.S. citizenship. Unfortunately, the unspoken reality is that such a requirement would screen out POC's, non-English speakers, and desperately poor people in much greater portions than their demographic presence, thus leading to bogus claims of "racism" that no politician wants to deal with.

But at a much lower level, most U.S. jurisdictions have imposed very basic voter requirements that have had the effect of weeding out some of the ignorant, uninvolved, and incompetent would-be voters (let's call them "Misfits") who might otherwise "pollute" the election results. These requirements are well known: You must register in advance in order to vote; you must vote when the polls are open on Election Day (unless you have a good excuse not to, in which case a relatively secure Absentee Ballot may be cast); and finally, you must prove your identity at the polls by showing a government-issued photo ID card.

With these minimal constraints in place, most Americans consider that the American form of "democracy" can prevail.

But as we all saw, the Pandemic created a situation in 2020 that was ripe for polluting American democracy by facilitating the harvesting of Misfit votes by Democrat operatives, often in violation of state laws and the U.S. Constitution. They harvested votes from nursing homes, homeless encampments, and neighborhoods of people so uninvolved that they wouldn't even consider voting under normal circumstances, thus bloating candidate Biden's totals beyond anything seen previously, in any presidential election. And one must consider that candidate Biden did not even run for President in any conventional way, and there was ZERO enthusiasm for his candidacy, the impetus being entirely provided by visceral hate for the incumbent President Trump.

So the point is, attacks on Democracy can come from two different sides: Votes can be so constrained that only the privileged vote, or votes can be polluted by people who truly have no business voting, because they know essentially nothing about the issues, the candidates, or the actual powers of the position they are voting for.

I'm sure J. Rubin, the author of the linked article would emphatically disagree, because the Misfits vote in preposterous majorities for the Leftists that she personally supports. But the fact remains: these votes are an attack on "democracy," and the Democrats' attempts to cast these outrageous voting rules in concrete is as great a threat to American democracy as their plan to naturalize the twenty million souls who are currently in this country illegally.

A pox on all their houses.

They used tests in the South to prevent blacks from voting.

The tests weren't fair.

Another thinly veiled plan to weed out those who will not vote for you.

All a voter needs to know is which candidate will make their lives better
They harvested votes from nursing homes, homeless encampments, and neighborhoods of people so uninvolved that they wouldn't even consider voting under normal circumstances,

The guy who lives under a highway overpass has as much right to vote as a Corporate CEO

Each has his own interests

When one speaks casually about "democracy," the usual first reaction is to state the time-tested expression "One man [person] - One vote."

But it's not that simple. In order for democracy to "work" the voting citizens must be at least generally aware of the issues; they must know the candidates and something about where they stand on the issues; they must have a general knowledge of the legitimate powers of the office for which they are voting. Otherwise, they are likely to cast a compromised vote, possibly even voting for someone whose impact would be the opposite of what they would like.

In the U.S., one could make the argument that citizens applying for their first voter registration card should be obliged to take, and pass, the same test that is administered to immigrants when they apply for U.S. citizenship. Unfortunately, the unspoken reality is that such a requirement would screen out POC's, non-English speakers, and desperately poor people in much greater portions than their demographic presence, thus leading to bogus claims of "racism" that no politician wants to deal with.

But at a much lower level, most U.S. jurisdictions have imposed very basic voter requirements that have had the effect of weeding out some of the ignorant, uninvolved, and incompetent would-be voters (let's call them "Misfits") who might otherwise "pollute" the election results. These requirements are well known: You must register in advance in order to vote; you must vote when the polls are open on Election Day (unless you have a good excuse not to, in which case a relatively secure Absentee Ballot may be cast); and finally, you must prove your identity at the polls by showing a government-issued photo ID card.

With these minimal constraints in place, most Americans consider that the American form of "democracy" can prevail.

But as we all saw, the Pandemic created a situation in 2020 that was ripe for polluting American democracy by facilitating the harvesting of Misfit votes by Democrat operatives, often in violation of state laws and the U.S. Constitution. They harvested votes from nursing homes, homeless encampments, and neighborhoods of people so uninvolved that they wouldn't even consider voting under normal circumstances, thus bloating candidate Biden's totals beyond anything seen previously, in any presidential election. And one must consider that candidate Biden did not even run for President in any conventional way, and there was ZERO enthusiasm for his candidacy, the impetus being entirely provided by visceral hate for the incumbent President Trump.

So the point is, attacks on Democracy can come from two different sides: Votes can be so constrained that only the privileged vote, or votes can be polluted by people who truly have no business voting, because they know essentially nothing about the issues, the candidates, or the actual powers of the position they are voting for.

I'm sure J. Rubin, the author of the linked article would emphatically disagree, because the Misfits vote in preposterous majorities for the Leftists that she personally supports. But the fact remains: these votes are an attack on "democracy," and the Democrats' attempts to cast these outrageous voting rules in concrete is as great a threat to American democracy as their plan to naturalize the twenty million souls who are currently in this country illegally.

A pox on all their houses.

The "misfits" are voting Republican having been brainwashed by FOX News, Breitbart and others. They voted for Donald Trump in droves. They felt a kinship to this poor man who the press hates. The misfits voted for Trump because they recognized he's a loser just like them.
America is a Representative Republic, not a democracy.

While that is technically true, is in sliding into a fascist authoritarian dictatorship at a rapid clip. This has been the fate of every democracy throughout the ages. The Roman Republic lasted 500 years before the Emperors took over.

But the Romans had a clear understanding that the elite ruled so long as the "headcount" was kept fed and entertained. The duty of Roman Senators was to ensure that every Roman had a measure of wheat, and to pay for the games and entertainments at the Forum - hence the phrase "bread and circuses".

American Republicans are really bad at the "bread" part. They'd rather the poor starved so they'll work for less. The working people of America have three times voted for "change". An end to the gridlock, and a government that works for the people and not the billionaires. The third time seems to have been the charm. Biden is helping working Americans.

That's WHY creeps like you are trying to undermine his work.

When one speaks casually about "democracy," the usual first reaction is to state the time-tested expression "One man [person] - One vote."

But it's not that simple. In order for democracy to "work" the voting citizens must be at least generally aware of the issues; they must know the candidates and something about where they stand on the issues; they must have a general knowledge of the legitimate powers of the office for which they are voting. Otherwise, they are likely to cast a compromised vote, possibly even voting for someone whose impact would be the opposite of what they would like.

In the U.S., one could make the argument that citizens applying for their first voter registration card should be obliged to take, and pass, the same test that is administered to immigrants when they apply for U.S. citizenship. Unfortunately, the unspoken reality is that such a requirement would screen out POC's, non-English speakers, and desperately poor people in much greater portions than their demographic presence, thus leading to bogus claims of "racism" that no politician wants to deal with.

But at a much lower level, most U.S. jurisdictions have imposed very basic voter requirements that have had the effect of weeding out some of the ignorant, uninvolved, and incompetent would-be voters (let's call them "Misfits") who might otherwise "pollute" the election results. These requirements are well known: You must register in advance in order to vote; you must vote when the polls are open on Election Day (unless you have a good excuse not to, in which case a relatively secure Absentee Ballot may be cast); and finally, you must prove your identity at the polls by showing a government-issued photo ID card.

With these minimal constraints in place, most Americans consider that the American form of "democracy" can prevail.

But as we all saw, the Pandemic created a situation in 2020 that was ripe for polluting American democracy by facilitating the harvesting of Misfit votes by Democrat operatives, often in violation of state laws and the U.S. Constitution. They harvested votes from nursing homes, homeless encampments, and neighborhoods of people so uninvolved that they wouldn't even consider voting under normal circumstances, thus bloating candidate Biden's totals beyond anything seen previously, in any presidential election. And one must consider that candidate Biden did not even run for President in any conventional way, and there was ZERO enthusiasm for his candidacy, the impetus being entirely provided by visceral hate for the incumbent President Trump.

So the point is, attacks on Democracy can come from two different sides: Votes can be so constrained that only the privileged vote, or votes can be polluted by people who truly have no business voting, because they know essentially nothing about the issues, the candidates, or the actual powers of the position they are voting for.

I'm sure J. Rubin, the author of the linked article would emphatically disagree, because the Misfits vote in preposterous majorities for the Leftists that she personally supports. But the fact remains: these votes are an attack on "democracy," and the Democrats' attempts to cast these outrageous voting rules in concrete is as great a threat to American democracy as their plan to naturalize the twenty million souls who are currently in this country illegally.

A pox on all their houses.
You got to be kidding!:auiqs.jpg: This is modern America. You have literally hoards of people out there, some only slightly north of sentient, (Democrat and Republican) that vote by party line vote, basically on who they are told to vote for, by their betters or more politically powerful. It might be nice if they were aware of the real issues, understood economics, the constitution, our history, diplomacy, positions of national and international stakeholders, business and lobbying interests involved and who the real power brokers are and what their end goals, might be, but certainly not required by any means. You sound naive.

One could make an argument, that an (American born) first time voter registering to vote, pass a civics and history test in order to participate in democracy? What country are you from, and have you ever read or been in the same room with a copy of our constitution? I don't think so.

You won't pass those (minimal :auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg:) and unconstitutional constraints in a million years. We just prevailed against the direct attack (politically, legally in the courts, populous in the right and left-wing media, and in violent hand-to-hand attack on both houses of congress) in the history of the United States. We can and will prevail, at least in the foreseeable future, no matter what kind of government the anti-American trumpers wish installed.

When one speaks casually about "democracy," the usual first reaction is to state the time-tested expression "One man [person] - One vote."

But it's not that simple. In order for democracy to "work" the voting citizens must be at least generally aware of the issues; they must know the candidates and something about where they stand on the issues; they must have a general knowledge of the legitimate powers of the office for which they are voting. Otherwise, they are likely to cast a compromised vote, possibly even voting for someone whose impact would be the opposite of what they would like.

In the U.S., one could make the argument that citizens applying for their first voter registration card should be obliged to take, and pass, the same test that is administered to immigrants when they apply for U.S. citizenship. Unfortunately, the unspoken reality is that such a requirement would screen out POC's, non-English speakers, and desperately poor people in much greater portions than their demographic presence, thus leading to bogus claims of "racism" that no politician wants to deal with.

But at a much lower level, most U.S. jurisdictions have imposed very basic voter requirements that have had the effect of weeding out some of the ignorant, uninvolved, and incompetent would-be voters (let's call them "Misfits") who might otherwise "pollute" the election results. These requirements are well known: You must register in advance in order to vote; you must vote when the polls are open on Election Day (unless you have a good excuse not to, in which case a relatively secure Absentee Ballot may be cast); and finally, you must prove your identity at the polls by showing a government-issued photo ID card.

With these minimal constraints in place, most Americans consider that the American form of "democracy" can prevail.

But as we all saw, the Pandemic created a situation in 2020 that was ripe for polluting American democracy by facilitating the harvesting of Misfit votes by Democrat operatives, often in violation of state laws and the U.S. Constitution. They harvested votes from nursing homes, homeless encampments, and neighborhoods of people so uninvolved that they wouldn't even consider voting under normal circumstances, thus bloating candidate Biden's totals beyond anything seen previously, in any presidential election. And one must consider that candidate Biden did not even run for President in any conventional way, and there was ZERO enthusiasm for his candidacy, the impetus being entirely provided by visceral hate for the incumbent President Trump.

So the point is, attacks on Democracy can come from two different sides: Votes can be so constrained that only the privileged vote, or votes can be polluted by people who truly have no business voting, because they know essentially nothing about the issues, the candidates, or the actual powers of the position they are voting for.

I'm sure J. Rubin, the author of the linked article would emphatically disagree, because the Misfits vote in preposterous majorities for the Leftists that she personally supports. But the fact remains: these votes are an attack on "democracy," and the Democrats' attempts to cast these outrageous voting rules in concrete is as great a threat to American democracy as their plan to naturalize the twenty million souls who are currently in this country illegally.

A pox on all their houses.
thank the lord the good ole USofA is a constitutional republic and not one of these failing democracies we keep hearing about,,
While that is technically true, is in sliding into a fascist authoritarian dictatorship at a rapid clip.

So true.

Xiden has been ruling by executive decree, people are being forced to inject substances into their body, small businesspeople are being told they have no rights, and our children are being indoctrinated to make them woke compliant and to not question authority.

The only problem here, is that you are a worthless piece of filth who SUPPORTS all this authoritarianism.
The Ugly Downside of Democracy
So true.

Xiden has been ruling by executive decree, people are being forced to inject substances into their body, small businesspeople are being told they have no rights, and our children are being indoctrinated to make them woke compliant and to not question authority.

The only problem here, is that you are a worthless piece of filth who SUPPORTS all this authoritarianism.

No he hasn't. Donald Trump governed by Executive Order because he didn't know how to legislate, and he lacked the skill or patience to wait for Congress to pass his agenda - 220 of them.

Biden signed a bunch of EO's at the beginning of his Presidency to reverse the EO's signed by Donald Trump. The ONLY way to end an EO, is to sign another EO to reverse it. You cannot legislate the end of an EO so it was necessary for Biden to get rid of Trump's most destructive Orders.

Biden wants everything he does legislated because once it's codified, his agenda cannot be easily undone.

It's completely shocking to me that Americans know so little about how their government functions, and what the powers and limitations to the various branches really are. You people really need to be taking civics classes from an early age. Of course if that happened, NONE of you would vote Republican so of course Republicans want an end to an educated electorate.
dude,, trump was president of a constitutional republic not a democracy,,

Which Trump and the Republicans are currently trying to change to a fascist dictatorship, via January 6th, and the lies that lead to it.

Republicans can no longer win elections. There are simply not enough angry white people to sustain their rule. That's why they want an end to counting the "urban" votes, and they're gerrymandering all of the leftists districts out of existence.

These new redistricting maps will not stand. The court cases have already been filed.
dude,, trump was president of a constitutional republic not a democracy,,
Individual State Governments are Democracies.

Our federal gov't is a Democratic/Constitutional Republic....which is also a form of a representative a parliamentary govt is a form of representative democracy.

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