The Ukraine Attacked Russian City with Missile!

They didn't have anything to do with it and you can't show me they did, Russia didn't even recognise those breakaway Republics for years, they sure have something to do with it now, they should have gone in years ago many more people would be alive today if they had.
I am not going to show you anything, idiot. You see nothing farther than your nose. And of course they didn't recognize those statelets. They wanted to push them back to Ukraine on their terms. Jesus, what a simpleton you are.
I am not going to show you anything, idiot. You see nothing farther than your nose. And of course they didn't recognize those statelets. They wanted to push them back to Ukraine on their terms. Jesus, what a simpleton you are.
Of course you will show me nothing because you can't.
Of course you will show me nothing because you can't.
Have you heard about pearls and swine? It is about you. I already gave you examples of your lie about leaders of separatist movement. So what? Don't waste my time, a sack of shit.
Have you heard about pearls and swine? It is about you. I already gave you examples of your lie about leaders of separatist movement. So what? Don't waste my time, a sack of shit.
The leaders of the so called separtists were Ukrainian citizens you clown at the time, one had been a mining electrician another a factory worker.
The leaders of the so called separtists were Ukrainian citizens you clown at the time, one had been a mining electrician another a factory worker.
Who were Ukrainian citizens, moron? Girkin, Boroday, Motorola? Once again, don't waste my time, doofus.
Have you heard about pearls and swine? It is about you. I already gave you examples of your lie about leaders of separatist movement. So what? Don't waste my time, a sack of shit.
What the hell do you need time for in your sorry excuse of a country? Is it the queue to a second-hand shop again? Spare some for a two minute hate break.
What the hell do you need time for in your sorry excuse of a country? Is it the queue to a second-hand shop again? Spare some for a two minute hate break.
Whatever it is it will worth more than your useful idiots combined.
Who were Ukrainian citizens, moron? Girkin, Boroday, Motorola? Once again, don't waste my time, doofus.
Those are two men out of many others, that doesn't constitute a Russian invasion, they were not members at that time of the Russian armed forces,this was Maiupol in 2014 after the coup when Porky porochenko sent nazi goons in to crush civilians, then they murdered some of the Police officers in the Station who resisted.
Those are two men out of many others, that doesn't constitute a Russian invasion, they were not members at that time of the Russian armed forces,this was Maiupol in 2014 after the coup when Porky porochenko sent nazi goons in to crush civilians, then they murdered some of the Police officers in the Station who resisted.
I mentioned three man. Or you think Motorola is a mobile phone here? I am not talking about 'invasion', I already explained that above. Are you stupid, dense, lacking reading comprehension or what?
I mentioned three man. Or you think Motorola is a mobile phone here? I am not talking about 'invasion', I already explained that above. Are you stupid, dense, lacking reading comprehension or what?
Why so angry clown? did you watch the Mariupol vid from 2014 because thats how this horror show started, and i know who Motorola was before terrorists murdered him, a former Russian Marine, your point is what?
Why so angry clown? did you watch the Mariupol vid from 2014 because thats how this horror show started, and i know who Motorola was before terrorists murdered him, a former Russian Marine, your point is what?
My point is either you don't know who I am talking about or lack basic mathematical skills.

The main events in Mariupol happened in May. The group of Girkin came to Sloviansk in April. It was after that the ATO started.
It is hard to imagine any sane human thinking millions of dead could be a victory.
Victory is victory. While the price of victory can be high, the price of defeat can be even higher. The price of their previous victory was higher than twenty or may be even forty million men, women and children killed. And, as one of their most often mottos in the victory day is "We can repeat", it means that their society consider this price as "quite acceptable". And, given the nature of the European regime, it's quite understandable.
It's not hard to do, it's impossible, and clearly Silver Cat is trying to appear ruthless with her bullshit scenarios in order to frighten civilized people to quit the war because in her view, Russia cannot win if the civilized world doesn't quit.
The Russians consider it as quite possible.
If you call some Slavic tribes of 8-9 centuries as the Poles and Russians, I see no reason why some of them can't be called Ukrainians.
They called themselves as Polyanes and Russians and their neighbors called them that way. The first mention about the Russians and their independent state recognizes by other countries, in the Western written sources is 839 , Annales Bertiniani. Predictable it's a spy scandal.

The Polans were one of the main tribes the people known as Ukrainians now were formed afterwards. The Poles are descendants of the Lechites.
And some Poles believe that they are descendants of the Sarmats. Anyway, Borderlanders, Fielders and Oarsmen existed long before the cultural, lingustical and political unities of Ukrainians, Poles and Russians separated from each other. Some people believe that they didn't truly separate yet.
So, we are returning to the question - what cities were founded by the people, who actually called themselves Ukrainians?
Kiev was founded by the Polyans, then - captured by the Russians, then - destroyed by Mongols, then - captured by Lithuanians, then taken by Poles, then - recaptured by the Russians, and only in the end of XX century more or less independent Ukraine was created (and it became a failed state in 2014).
There is still no “the” Ukraine.

The independent nation called “Ukraine” has returned fire on the enemy that nbased it and has engaged in war crimes as a method of fighting Ukraine.
Victory is victory. While the price of victory can be high, the price of defeat can be even higher. The price of their previous victory was higher than twenty or may be even forty million men, women and children killed. And, as one of their most often mottos in the victory day is "We can repeat", it means that their society consider this price as "quite acceptable". And, given the nature of the European regime, it's quite understandable.
Is a Pyrrhic victory also a victory?
There is still no “the” Ukraine.

The independent nation called “Ukraine” has returned fire on the enemy that nbased it and has engaged in war crimes as a method of fighting Ukraine.
The Borderland isn't an independent nation and never has been.
How did the US respond to the airplane strikes on the Twin Towers on September 11? They bombed Pakistan and Afghanistan en masse, and Iraq - they invaded and killed millions there.
For years we have been told, "The US responded correctly."
So how should the Russian Federation respond correctly to the strikes on the twin towers of Moscow City?
Is a Pyrrhic victory also a victory?
Yes, of course. But loss of 10-20% of population isn't a Pyrrhic victory in any sense. It was an acceptable price during WW2, it was acceptable price during WWI and the Civil War, and during the Time of Troubles they had lost up to 30% of the population.

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