The Ukraine Attacked Russian City with Missile!

How did the US respond to the airplane strikes on the Twin Towers on September 11? They bombed Pakistan and Afghanistan en masse, and Iraq - they invaded and killed millions there.
For years we have been told, "The US responded correctly."
So how should the Russian Federation respond correctly to the strikes on the twin towers of Moscow City?
It should hang he leaders that got it into this unwinnable war.
There you go again, you have no idea what the Russians think.
Nobody knows what other people think. But I know what they say, what they sing, what they write, and I believe, I know it much better than you. May be, our Russian friends can even confirm it.
It should hang he leaders that got it into this unwinnable war.
Do you mean Obama and Biden? Both are hardly the leaders. Seems, it was not the result of their leadership, it was the result of their lack of leadership, that unleashed those European Nazies.
Yes, of course. But loss of 10-20% of population isn't a Pyrrhic victory in any sense. It was an acceptable price during WW2, it was acceptable price during WWI and the Civil War, and during the Time of Troubles they had lost up to 30% of the population.
And where are the Soviets today?
Nobody knows what other people think. But I know what they say, what they sing, what they write, and I believe, I know it much better than you. May be, our Russian friends can even confirm it.
You have no idea what the Russian people think or what the Russian leadership thinks. The hope that the civilized world will be frightened into abandoning Ukraine looks like desperation and stupidity.
You have no idea what the Russian people think or what the Russian leadership thinks.
As well as you. But you, don't even know what they say and/or write.

The hope that the civilized world will be frightened into abandoning Ukraine looks like desperation and stupidity.
They are neither desperate not stupid. The US leaders clearly said, that they prefer abandoning Ukraine (as well as any other state) to all-out nuclear war. It means, that they already agreed that the Russians can win simply by the raising stakes. The only questions are the price that the Russians will pay, and a money that Biden will steal.
Who was hanged for 20 years in Afghanistan and a disgraceful escape from it?
Russia is much worse off now than it was before it invaded Ukraine and there is no light at the end of the tunnel; the arrogant, incompetent leaders who started this war should be hanged because in a dictatorship such as Russia suffers under, there is no other way to get rid of them. In a democracy, they could simply be voted out of office.
They called themselves as Polyanes and Russians and their neighbors called them that way. The first mention about the Russians and their independent state recognizes by other countries, in the Western written sources is 839 , Annales Bertiniani. Predictable it's a spy scandal.

And some Poles believe that they are descendants of the Sarmats. Anyway, Borderlanders, Fielders and Oarsmen existed long before the cultural, lingustical and political unities of Ukrainians, Poles and Russians separated from each other. Some people believe that they didn't truly separate yet.
So, we are returning to the question - what cities were founded by the people, who actually called themselves Ukrainians?
Kiev was founded by the Polyans, then - captured by the Russians, then - destroyed by Mongols, then - captured by Lithuanians, then taken by Poles, then - recaptured by the Russians, and only in the end of XX century more or less independent Ukraine was created (and it became a failed state in 2014).
Polyans were East Slavic tribes, as were Drevlians, Viatichi, Siveriane, Radimichi and others. When the Rus' state was formed (not the Russian state), regional divisions were strong and only Vladimir the Great (not Putin) and Yaroslav the Wise were able to centralize the state.

That is basics, Russian. Go read some schoolbooks and don't embarrass yourself.
You are in a league of your own, it's not stupidity it's intentional weaponised ignorance, it's a tactic Zelensky apologists employ when they have no argument.
No argument? Dude, you don't even know about main personages and sequence of main events. Go away, pig.

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