The Ukraine gives guns to all it's citizens

How and when?

Ummmm, they control Afghanistan, and we fled leaving billions in equipment, and hundreds, if not thousands of Americans behind.

What planet do you live on?
The OP is forgetting that they are also FORCING those citizens to become part of official militia under government command. Does the OP want that in the US? Where the government is ok with giving you guns. but you HAVE to join the national guard and fight in combat? Most gun owners in the US would shit themselves if they are realcombat and not the phony BS that "train" for.
Of course we would want that in the US. That is exactly what the Constitution provides for: a militia run by the States but available to the Federal Government in the case of lawlessness or insurrection.
Of course we would want that in the US. That is exactly what the Constitution provides for: a militia run by the States but available to the Federal Government in the case of lawlessness or insurrection.

Except most gun owners would never support forced draft into the national guard. Their idea of a miltia is a group of guys with guns running themselves and not subject to government oversight. Many of them don't even realize that the militias during the revolution and civil war were subject to government control and had to obey army officers while serving.
Except most gun owners would never support forced draft into the national guard. Their idea of a miltia is a group of guys with guns running themselves and not subject to government oversight. Many of them don't even realize that the militias during the revolution and civil war were subject to government control and had to obey army officers while serving.
The National Guard is not the militia or a militia.

And a bunch of guys running around in the woods are not a militia - unless they're running around in the woods following orders of militia officers appointed by their governor - and not officers of the National Guard.
This is the typical strategy of the slave owners: make all the slaves war. Right USA is the only country where it's illegal thanks to Nixon

Most Slavic thing I have read all week.

15 minute course on operation/breakdown/cleaning.

Combined with issue of some ill fitting gear.

Instant soldier.
Better than nothing. I wouldn’t want to be a Russian soldier going house to house trying to clean up all the insurgents.
The National Guard is not the militia or a militia.

And a bunch of guys running around in the woods are not a militia - unless they're running around in the woods following orders of militia officers appointed by their governor - and not officers of the National Guard.
But that bunch of guys can be a real pain the the ass for an invader or a dictator especially when the bunch of guys ends up being several million. Let’s not forget there are an estimated 81.4 million gun owners in the United States.

32% of Americans say they personally own a firearm according to the 2021 National Firearms Survey. This means that more than 81.4 million Americans own guns. This number only includes adults over 18. When you include family members who live in their same household as a gun owner, that number jumps to 41% of all Americans. Gallup has this figure estimated at 44% of households.
But that bunch of guys can be a real pain the the ass for an invader or a dictator especially when the bunch of guys ends up being several million. Let’s not forget there are an estimated 81.4 million gun owners in the United States.

32% of Americans say they personally own a firearm according to the 2021 National Firearms Survey. This means that more than 81.4 million Americans own guns. This number only includes adults over 18. When you include family members who live in their same household as a gun owner, that number jumps to 41% of all Americans. Gallup has this figure estimated at 44% of households.

True statement.

When you just wanna select that one housing block...and kill every MFer in it.
That may be the only way for the Russians to take over Ukraine.

I remember talking to a WWII vet. He said he had been involved in house to house fighting. When things got too bad they would just call in artillery or aircraft and level the entire block,

The problem is I doubt the Russian have the ammo or bombs to level the entire country and if they do and did what would they gain. It would cost more money than Russian has to rebuild the nation to the point it is productive.

To me it also looks like the Russian military on the ground has no desire to be fighting in Ukraine to begin with and I don’t blame them.

Putin may have a Napoleon complex and want to take over the world but tha doesn’t mean the people of his nation share his desires.

To help defend their country.

Democrats, is this good or bad?
Democrats are by and large pussies so who gives a flying fuck what they think?

Get bent lefties.....JOHNNYS GOT A GUN
That may be the only way for the Russians to take over Ukraine.
Well, it is a war.
Sure has worked for us...we bombed the dog shit out of Baghdad for over 40 days...destroyed the fucking city...then finally sent troops in.
At least the EEEEVVVVVVIIIILLL Russkies are tryin?

I remember talking to a WWII vet. He said he had been involved in house to house fighting. When things got too bad they would just call in artillery or aircraft and level the entire block,
There you is.

That is what you do.

You clear until you hit a hard stump that you can't dig dynamite that bitch.

The problem is I doubt the Russian have the ammo or bombs to level the entire country and if they do and did what would they gain. It would cost more money than Russian has to rebuild the nation to the point it is productive.

The Russians...don't have enough bombs?

an old fashioned dummy bomb is not a very expensive...nor complicated thing.

Been makin em for a hundred years now.

Plus, that ordinance can sit in a low humidity bunker for decades.

Remember...this is not Poland.

This is Russia.

Their stockpiles are immense.

To me it also looks like the Russian military on the ground has no desire to be fighting in Ukraine to begin with and I don’t blame them.

Now, that chatter you are hearing, Is that the inside comm from Russian command staff, or boots on the ground?

What is the overall morale levels that you sensed from your time in Ukraine?

What did the troops tell you?
Well, it is a war.
Sure has worked for us...we bombed the dog shit out of Baghdad for over 40 days...destroyed the fucking city...then finally sent troops in.
At least the EEEEVVVVVVIIIILLL Russkies are tryin?

There you is.

That is what you do.

You clear until you hit a hard stump that you can't dig dynamite that bitch.


The Russians...don't have enough bombs?

an old fashioned dummy bomb is not a very expensive...nor complicated thing.

Been makin em for a hundred years now.

Plus, that ordinance can sit in a low humidity bunker for decades.

Remember...this is not Poland.

This is Russia.

Their stockpiles are immense.

Now, that chatter you are hearing, Is that the inside comm from Russian command staff, or boots on the ground?

What is the overall morale levels that you sensed from your time in Ukraine?

What did the troops tell you?
I have watched video reports that show Russian tanks and helicopters being blown to pieces. Reports are the Russians have serious supply problems and have often ran out of fuel and food.

If I were a Russian soldier, my morale would be low. I definitely wouldn’t want to be hungry, sitting in a freezing tank without fuel.

But you seem to know more than I do about Russian morale in the Ukraine. Perhaps you have spent far more time there than I ever will. I suppose you also have examined their stockpiles of bombs.

Why are the Russians asking the Chinese for military equipment and money?

I have watched video reports that show Russian tanks and helicopters being blown to pieces.
Yeap...and they also have videos of Ukrainian equipment being destroyed.

These are two armies with nearly indistinguishable hardware.

It's a war.

Now who are you getting these videos from?

The Sun, and The Guardian are two sources I see that you provided.

Probably not gonna find any Ukrainian tanks gettin smoked...are we?

If I were a Russian soldier, my morale would be low. I definitely wouldn’t want to be hungry, sitting in a freezing tank without fuel.
If I were an easily swayed westerner who projects my emotion into the one way coverage I received... would probably think likewise.

But you seem to know more than I do about Russian morale in the Ukraine.
By asking you what the troops were saying? Have you been to the Ukraine? Have you spoke with Russian troops?

I know I haven't.

I also know that I am not claiming (seriously anyway) that I know that the Russians are demoralized...and beaten already.

Let me tell you what we all know for sure.

The Russian army was far less equipped, and sustained far greater casualties (10+Million) in WW2...and they never stopped.

From 1939-45...they never quit.

Now what are the odds that they are gonna quit after a month in Ukraine?

You people will believe anything...over...and over...and over.
Yeap...and they also have videos of Ukrainian equipment being destroyed.

These are two armies with nearly indistinguishable hardware.

It's a war.

Now who are you getting these videos from?

The Sun, and The Guardian are two sources I see that you provided.

Probably not gonna find any Ukrainian tanks gettin smoked...are we?

If I were an easily swayed westerner who projects my emotion into the one way coverage I received... would probably think likewise.

By asking you what the troops were saying? Have you been to the Ukraine? Have you spoke with Russian troops?

I know I haven't.

I also know that I am not claiming (seriously anyway) that I know that the Russians are demoralized...and beaten already.

Let me tell you what we all know for sure.

The Russian army was far less equipped, and sustained far greater casualties (10+Million) in WW2...and they never stopped.

From 1939-45...they never quit.

Now what are the odds that they are gonna quit after a month in Ukraine?

You people will believe anything...over...and over...and over.
In WWII the Russians were fighting to stop invading Germans. In the current war they are invading Ukraine and probably wondering why.

Our military would probably fight harder to protect our nation from an invader then they would if ordered to invade Canada.
In WWII the Russians were fighting to stop invading Germans. In the current war they are invading Ukraine and probably wondering why.

Our military would probably fight harder to protect our nation from an invader then they would if ordered to invade Canada.
Russian Orthodox people came from modern Ukraine.

They are genetically and culturally very alike.

Many Russians view Ukraine as a very close relative.

Not the same as Canada and the US...even though it seems an accurate comparison.

We are talking hundreds of years as part of the same nation.

Kiev was assumed by the Russian Empire in the late 1700's and held until 1917.

The roots run very deep.

The passion is strong.
The sad thing is that there are so many fighting-age men at the train stations and on the roads, Ukrainian cowards, running from the Russians. Their Ukrainian mothers must be crying in shame.


That would be your Ukrainian liberals. They liberals here would do the same.
Russian Orthodox people came from modern Ukraine.

They are genetically and culturally very alike.

Many Russians view Ukraine as a very close relative.

Not the same as Canada and the US...even though it seems an accurate comparison.

We are talking hundreds of years as part of the same nation.

Kiev was assumed by the Russian Empire in the late 1700's and held until 1917.

The roots run very deep.

The passion is strong.
Apparently a lot of Ukrainians do not want to be part of Russia again. Otherwise they would have let the Russians roll in and take over.

What I have seen of Ukraine on TV recent indicates to me it was a fairly nice and prosperous nation before the invasion. Many of the Ukrainians I have seen interviewed on TV seem very patriotic. Perhaps more patriotic than many Americans today.

One thing that has surprised me was how many Ukrainians talk fluent English. I used to live in a largely Cuban neighborhood and most of the Cuban immigrants spoke heavily accented English if they spoke English at all. Of course their children spoke both languages fluently.

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