The Unfathomable Depths of Leftists

I seriously don't know how any person of integrity can admit to being a Democrat these days.

Every day, there are new revelations about how base, unethical, dastardly, immoral, and profoundly untruthful the whole lot of them (you) are.

This WHOLE Kavanaugh caper is nothing but lies piled upon more lies, distortions, misrepresentations, and fantasies. Democrat politicians, lawyers, and operatives go on the screen night after night, claiming that they are only seeking "the truth" about what happened that night so many decades ago, and the truth is the farthest thing from their minds...and EVERYONE LISTENING TO THEM KNOWS IT! It is all about delaying the confirmation of this spectacularly-qualified judge, and ultimately overturning the results of the 2016 election, by which the American people emphatically stated that they wanted to reverse the Leftist, anti-Constitutional tidal wave in the Supreme Court.

The daily slanders against our admittedly-flawed President grow more and more absurd. Major "news" outlets repeat eminently dubious rumors and hearsay as though it were brought down from the Mountain by Moses. The good economic news is confined to Conservative-leaning websites, while the MSM either ignores or downplays a cornucopia of new jobs opening up, dramatic increases in American wealth (mainly through investments and 401k plans), remarkable diplomatic achievements, and a President who is doing more to keep his campaign promises than anyone in human memory.

Democrat initiatives that would legalize tens of millions of uneducated, government-dependent border jumpers, cripple our power and energy sectors, compromise 80% of our institutions of "higher learning", and bankrupt the country through asininities like "Medicare for All," are treated as serious policy proposals, to be considered by the unwitting masses.

The Media is wholly vested in the Democrat-Leftist program for a "soft coup", with the result that those who only loosely follow the news (read the headlines and little more) have slowly been convinced to believe the lies and distortions, thus pointing to a potentially-disastrous Democrat takeover of Congress in January. As recently pointed out by noted conservative Historian Victor Davis Hanson, we are closer to a bloody civil war than we have been since 1864.

Don't say nobody told you.

I ask myself the same question daily.

We're deep decades now into a national and worldwide ideological war to determine the political, cultural and socio-religious course of Western civilization for the foreseeable coming generations. The American Left has had and seemingly won its cultural war, academic intelligentsia revolution, and war on truth and logic. And now the hardest, most radical boned ideologues want to have their dictatorship of the proletariat. Also seems as though they have a damn good shot at pulling that off as well.

The poor downtrodden American conservative, victim of his own ideological beliefs. He loves individualism but despises the natural tendency the ideology promotes in individuals to dismiss the ghosts of the past and turn to their own reason as a guiding voice.


But Trump mentally unhinged? Incompetent? An "embarrassment" to the world?
Yes, yes he is.

Am I to just take YOUR valueless word? Have you EXAMINED the president? Tested him? No. Just full of crap.

Mentally unhinged? A hollow slur made by those that never wanted him in office, and would love to see him removed from the day he was elected. Scratch that. Trump is merely not fixed within the same or any mental frame that the Left can control or deal with.

Incompetent? Is that why he is getting 10X more good things done for this country than Obama in the same time-frame? Trump is merely not doing the things the Left want him to do and won't be any time soon either.

An embarrassment? Perhaps unpredictable, unexpected, uncustomary, Trump is certainly not behaving in the way the Left or world wants. Good! I can't think of a thing the Left or Europe has been doing or thinks good and right that I'd care to see Trump do as well. Trump is the ANTI-president, he is the kryptonite to everything that has been wrong in politics for years.

The man isn't a politician and the left expects him to act like one. He doesn't care what they think nor should he.

Trump has done wonders since 2016 and I hope he keeps on doing what he's doing.

The country is in great shape and I hope it gets in even better shape.

The best vote I ever cast.
But Trump mentally unhinged? Incompetent? An "embarrassment" to the world?
Yes, yes he is.

Am I to just take YOUR valueless word? Have you EXAMINED the president? Tested him? No. Just full of crap.

Mentally unhinged? A hollow slur made by those that never wanted him in office, and would love to see him removed from the day he was elected. Scratch that. Trump is merely not fixed within the same or any mental frame that the Left can control or deal with.

Incompetent? Is that why he is getting 10X more good things done for this country than Obama in the same time-frame? Trump is merely not doing the things the Left want him to do and won't be any time soon either.

An embarrassment? Perhaps unpredictable, unexpected, uncustomary, Trump is certainly not behaving in the way the Left or world wants. Good! I can't think of a thing the Left or Europe has been doing or thinks good and right that I'd care to see Trump do as well. Trump is the ANTI-president, he is the kryptonite to everything that has been wrong in politics for years.
You don't have to take my word for it, a whole bunch actually psychiatrists got together and wrote a book about it.

The Dangerous Case of dOnald tRump

If they spelled their title like that, they might as well have written it in crayon.
I seriously don't know how any person of integrity can admit to being a Democrat these days.

Every day, there are new revelations about how base, unethical, dastardly, immoral, and profoundly untruthful the whole lot of them (you) are.

This WHOLE Kavanaugh caper is nothing but lies piled upon more lies, distortions, misrepresentations, and fantasies. Democrat politicians, lawyers, and operatives go on the screen night after night, claiming that they are only seeking "the truth" about what happened that night so many decades ago, and the truth is the farthest thing from their minds...and EVERYONE LISTENING TO THEM KNOWS IT! It is all about delaying the confirmation of this spectacularly-qualified judge, and ultimately overturning the results of the 2016 election, by which the American people emphatically stated that they wanted to reverse the Leftist, anti-Constitutional tidal wave in the Supreme Court.

The daily slanders against our admittedly-flawed President grow more and more absurd. Major "news" outlets repeat eminently dubious rumors and hearsay as though it were brought down from the Mountain by Moses. The good economic news is confined to Conservative-leaning websites, while the MSM either ignores or downplays a cornucopia of new jobs opening up, dramatic increases in American wealth (mainly through investments and 401k plans), remarkable diplomatic achievements, and a President who is doing more to keep his campaign promises than anyone in human memory.

Democrat initiatives that would legalize tens of millions of uneducated, government-dependent border jumpers, cripple our power and energy sectors, compromise 80% of our institutions of "higher learning", and bankrupt the country through asininities like "Medicare for All," are treated as serious policy proposals, to be considered by the unwitting masses.

The Media is wholly vested in the Democrat-Leftist program for a "soft coup", with the result that those who only loosely follow the news (read the headlines and little more) have slowly been convinced to believe the lies and distortions, thus pointing to a potentially-disastrous Democrat takeover of Congress in January. As recently pointed out by noted conservative Historian Victor Davis Hanson, we are closer to a bloody civil war than we have been since 1864.

Don't say nobody told you.
Stopped reading at the very first sentence. No tRumpanzee has any call to impinge anyone's integrity.

Seriously, it's like discussing air quality with a fish.
ROFL! Says one of the biggest douchebags in the forum.
I seriously don't know how any person of integrity can admit to being a Democrat these days.

Every day, there are new revelations about how base, unethical, dastardly, immoral, and profoundly untruthful the whole lot of them (you) are.

This WHOLE Kavanaugh caper is nothing but lies piled upon more lies, distortions, misrepresentations, and fantasies. Democrat politicians, lawyers, and operatives go on the screen night after night, claiming that they are only seeking "the truth" about what happened that night so many decades ago, and the truth is the farthest thing from their minds...and EVERYONE LISTENING TO THEM KNOWS IT! It is all about delaying the confirmation of this spectacularly-qualified judge, and ultimately overturning the results of the 2016 election, by which the American people emphatically stated that they wanted to reverse the Leftist, anti-Constitutional tidal wave in the Supreme Court.

The daily slanders against our admittedly-flawed President grow more and more absurd. Major "news" outlets repeat eminently dubious rumors and hearsay as though it were brought down from the Mountain by Moses. The good economic news is confined to Conservative-leaning websites, while the MSM either ignores or downplays a cornucopia of new jobs opening up, dramatic increases in American wealth (mainly through investments and 401k plans), remarkable diplomatic achievements, and a President who is doing more to keep his campaign promises than anyone in human memory.

Democrat initiatives that would legalize tens of millions of uneducated, government-dependent border jumpers, cripple our power and energy sectors, compromise 80% of our institutions of "higher learning", and bankrupt the country through asininities like "Medicare for All," are treated as serious policy proposals, to be considered by the unwitting masses.

The Media is wholly vested in the Democrat-Leftist program for a "soft coup", with the result that those who only loosely follow the news (read the headlines and little more) have slowly been convinced to believe the lies and distortions, thus pointing to a potentially-disastrous Democrat takeover of Congress in January. As recently pointed out by noted conservative Historian Victor Davis Hanson, we are closer to a bloody civil war than we have been since 1864.

Don't say nobody told you.
Stopped reading at the very first sentence. No tRumpanzee has any call to impinge anyone's integrity.

Seriously, it's like discussing air quality with a fish.
You need to shut up and step up
Non sequitur.

Try again please.
You're too stupid to understand why it's relevant.
Lol, nope. You just run out of arguments.
Hmmmmm, nope. Watch the video of the douchebag Hirono from Hawaii.
I seriously don't know how any person of integrity can admit to being a Democrat these days.

Every day, there are new revelations about how base, unethical, dastardly, immoral, and profoundly untruthful the whole lot of them (you) are.

This WHOLE Kavanaugh caper is nothing but lies piled upon more lies, distortions, misrepresentations, and fantasies. Democrat politicians, lawyers, and operatives go on the screen night after night, claiming that they are only seeking "the truth" about what happened that night so many decades ago, and the truth is the farthest thing from their minds...and EVERYONE LISTENING TO THEM KNOWS IT! It is all about delaying the confirmation of this spectacularly-qualified judge, and ultimately overturning the results of the 2016 election, by which the American people emphatically stated that they wanted to reverse the Leftist, anti-Constitutional tidal wave in the Supreme Court.

The daily slanders against our admittedly-flawed President grow more and more absurd. Major "news" outlets repeat eminently dubious rumors and hearsay as though it were brought down from the Mountain by Moses. The good economic news is confined to Conservative-leaning websites, while the MSM either ignores or downplays a cornucopia of new jobs opening up, dramatic increases in American wealth (mainly through investments and 401k plans), remarkable diplomatic achievements, and a President who is doing more to keep his campaign promises than anyone in human memory.

Democrat initiatives that would legalize tens of millions of uneducated, government-dependent border jumpers, cripple our power and energy sectors, compromise 80% of our institutions of "higher learning", and bankrupt the country through asininities like "Medicare for All," are treated as serious policy proposals, to be considered by the unwitting masses.

The Media is wholly vested in the Democrat-Leftist program for a "soft coup", with the result that those who only loosely follow the news (read the headlines and little more) have slowly been convinced to believe the lies and distortions, thus pointing to a potentially-disastrous Democrat takeover of Congress in January. As recently pointed out by noted conservative Historian Victor Davis Hanson, we are closer to a bloody civil war than we have been since 1864.

Don't say nobody told you.

I ask myself the same question daily.

We're deep decades now into a national and worldwide ideological war to determine the political, cultural and socio-religious course of Western civilization for the foreseeable coming generations. The American Left has had and seemingly won its cultural war, academic intelligentsia revolution, and war on truth and logic. And now the hardest, most radical boned ideologues want to have their dictatorship of the proletariat. Also seems as though they have a damn good shot at pulling that off as well.

The poor downtrodden American conservative, victim of his own ideological beliefs. He loves individualism but despises the natural tendency the ideology promotes in individuals to dismiss the ghosts of the past and turn to their own reason as a guiding voice.


Wrong, douchebag. Kavanaugh is the victim of sleazy lying leftwing douchebags who will stop at nothing to achive their agenda.
I seriously don't know how any person of integrity can admit to being a Democrat these days.

Every day, there are new revelations about how base, unethical, dastardly, immoral, and profoundly untruthful the whole lot of them (you) are.

This WHOLE Kavanaugh caper is nothing but lies piled upon more lies, distortions, misrepresentations, and fantasies. Democrat politicians, lawyers, and operatives go on the screen night after night, claiming that they are only seeking "the truth" about what happened that night so many decades ago, and the truth is the farthest thing from their minds...and EVERYONE LISTENING TO THEM KNOWS IT! It is all about delaying the confirmation of this spectacularly-qualified judge, and ultimately overturning the results of the 2016 election, by which the American people emphatically stated that they wanted to reverse the Leftist, anti-Constitutional tidal wave in the Supreme Court.

The daily slanders against our admittedly-flawed President grow more and more absurd. Major "news" outlets repeat eminently dubious rumors and hearsay as though it were brought down from the Mountain by Moses. The good economic news is confined to Conservative-leaning websites, while the MSM either ignores or downplays a cornucopia of new jobs opening up, dramatic increases in American wealth (mainly through investments and 401k plans), remarkable diplomatic achievements, and a President who is doing more to keep his campaign promises than anyone in human memory.

Democrat initiatives that would legalize tens of millions of uneducated, government-dependent border jumpers, cripple our power and energy sectors, compromise 80% of our institutions of "higher learning", and bankrupt the country through asininities like "Medicare for All," are treated as serious policy proposals, to be considered by the unwitting masses.

The Media is wholly vested in the Democrat-Leftist program for a "soft coup", with the result that those who only loosely follow the news (read the headlines and little more) have slowly been convinced to believe the lies and distortions, thus pointing to a potentially-disastrous Democrat takeover of Congress in January. As recently pointed out by noted conservative Historian Victor Davis Hanson, we are closer to a bloody civil war than we have been since 1864.

Don't say nobody told you.

I ask myself the same question daily.

We're deep decades now into a national and worldwide ideological war to determine the political, cultural and socio-religious course of Western civilization for the foreseeable coming generations. The American Left has had and seemingly won its cultural war, academic intelligentsia revolution, and war on truth and logic. And now the hardest, most radical boned ideologues want to have their dictatorship of the proletariat. Also seems as though they have a damn good shot at pulling that off as well.

The poor downtrodden American conservative, victim of his own ideological beliefs. He loves individualism but despises the natural tendency the ideology promotes in individuals to dismiss the ghosts of the past and turn to their own reason as a guiding voice.


Wrong, douchebag. Kavanaugh is the victim of sleazy lying leftwing douchebags who will stop at nothing to achive their agenda.
Individualism, ain't it grand. I know you have your own personal reasons for thinking that people are lying but you really don't know what motivates the accusers. Nor do you know what kind of guy Kavanaugh really is.
I seriously don't know how any person of integrity can admit to being a Democrat these days.

Every day, there are new revelations about how base, unethical, dastardly, immoral, and profoundly untruthful the whole lot of them (you) are.

This WHOLE Kavanaugh caper is nothing but lies piled upon more lies, distortions, misrepresentations, and fantasies. Democrat politicians, lawyers, and operatives go on the screen night after night, claiming that they are only seeking "the truth" about what happened that night so many decades ago, and the truth is the farthest thing from their minds...and EVERYONE LISTENING TO THEM KNOWS IT! It is all about delaying the confirmation of this spectacularly-qualified judge, and ultimately overturning the results of the 2016 election, by which the American people emphatically stated that they wanted to reverse the Leftist, anti-Constitutional tidal wave in the Supreme Court.

The daily slanders against our admittedly-flawed President grow more and more absurd. Major "news" outlets repeat eminently dubious rumors and hearsay as though it were brought down from the Mountain by Moses. The good economic news is confined to Conservative-leaning websites, while the MSM either ignores or downplays a cornucopia of new jobs opening up, dramatic increases in American wealth (mainly through investments and 401k plans), remarkable diplomatic achievements, and a President who is doing more to keep his campaign promises than anyone in human memory.

Democrat initiatives that would legalize tens of millions of uneducated, government-dependent border jumpers, cripple our power and energy sectors, compromise 80% of our institutions of "higher learning", and bankrupt the country through asininities like "Medicare for All," are treated as serious policy proposals, to be considered by the unwitting masses.

The Media is wholly vested in the Democrat-Leftist program for a "soft coup", with the result that those who only loosely follow the news (read the headlines and little more) have slowly been convinced to believe the lies and distortions, thus pointing to a potentially-disastrous Democrat takeover of Congress in January. As recently pointed out by noted conservative Historian Victor Davis Hanson, we are closer to a bloody civil war than we have been since 1864.

Don't say nobody told you.

Todays democrats seem to be led by Butch Dykes and Cuckolded Men.

I seriously don't know how any person of integrity can admit to being a Democrat these days.

Every day, there are new revelations about how base, unethical, dastardly, immoral, and profoundly untruthful the whole lot of them (you) are.

This WHOLE Kavanaugh caper is nothing but lies piled upon more lies, distortions, misrepresentations, and fantasies. Democrat politicians, lawyers, and operatives go on the screen night after night, claiming that they are only seeking "the truth" about what happened that night so many decades ago, and the truth is the farthest thing from their minds...and EVERYONE LISTENING TO THEM KNOWS IT! It is all about delaying the confirmation of this spectacularly-qualified judge, and ultimately overturning the results of the 2016 election, by which the American people emphatically stated that they wanted to reverse the Leftist, anti-Constitutional tidal wave in the Supreme Court.

The daily slanders against our admittedly-flawed President grow more and more absurd. Major "news" outlets repeat eminently dubious rumors and hearsay as though it were brought down from the Mountain by Moses. The good economic news is confined to Conservative-leaning websites, while the MSM either ignores or downplays a cornucopia of new jobs opening up, dramatic increases in American wealth (mainly through investments and 401k plans), remarkable diplomatic achievements, and a President who is doing more to keep his campaign promises than anyone in human memory.

Democrat initiatives that would legalize tens of millions of uneducated, government-dependent border jumpers, cripple our power and energy sectors, compromise 80% of our institutions of "higher learning", and bankrupt the country through asininities like "Medicare for All," are treated as serious policy proposals, to be considered by the unwitting masses.

The Media is wholly vested in the Democrat-Leftist program for a "soft coup", with the result that those who only loosely follow the news (read the headlines and little more) have slowly been convinced to believe the lies and distortions, thus pointing to a potentially-disastrous Democrat takeover of Congress in January. As recently pointed out by noted conservative Historian Victor Davis Hanson, we are closer to a bloody civil war than we have been since 1864.

Don't say nobody told you.

I ask myself the same question daily.

We're deep decades now into a national and worldwide ideological war to determine the political, cultural and socio-religious course of Western civilization for the foreseeable coming generations. The American Left has had and seemingly won its cultural war, academic intelligentsia revolution, and war on truth and logic. And now the hardest, most radical boned ideologues want to have their dictatorship of the proletariat. Also seems as though they have a damn good shot at pulling that off as well.

The poor downtrodden American conservative, victim of his own ideological beliefs. He loves individualism but despises the natural tendency the ideology promotes in individuals to dismiss the ghosts of the past and turn to their own reason as a guiding voice.


Wrong, douchebag. Kavanaugh is the victim of sleazy lying leftwing douchebags who will stop at nothing to achive their agenda.
Individualism, ain't it grand. I know you have your own personal reasons for thinking that people are lying but you really don't know what motivates the accusers. Nor do you know what kind of guy Kavanaugh really is.

You are correct. I have my reasons.
I seriously don't know how any person of integrity can admit to being a Democrat these days.

Every day, there are new revelations about how base, unethical, dastardly, immoral, and profoundly untruthful the whole lot of them (you) are.

This WHOLE Kavanaugh caper is nothing but lies piled upon more lies, distortions, misrepresentations, and fantasies. Democrat politicians, lawyers, and operatives go on the screen night after night, claiming that they are only seeking "the truth" about what happened that night so many decades ago, and the truth is the farthest thing from their minds...and EVERYONE LISTENING TO THEM KNOWS IT! It is all about delaying the confirmation of this spectacularly-qualified judge, and ultimately overturning the results of the 2016 election, by which the American people emphatically stated that they wanted to reverse the Leftist, anti-Constitutional tidal wave in the Supreme Court.

The daily slanders against our admittedly-flawed President grow more and more absurd. Major "news" outlets repeat eminently dubious rumors and hearsay as though it were brought down from the Mountain by Moses. The good economic news is confined to Conservative-leaning websites, while the MSM either ignores or downplays a cornucopia of new jobs opening up, dramatic increases in American wealth (mainly through investments and 401k plans), remarkable diplomatic achievements, and a President who is doing more to keep his campaign promises than anyone in human memory.

Democrat initiatives that would legalize tens of millions of uneducated, government-dependent border jumpers, cripple our power and energy sectors, compromise 80% of our institutions of "higher learning", and bankrupt the country through asininities like "Medicare for All," are treated as serious policy proposals, to be considered by the unwitting masses.

The Media is wholly vested in the Democrat-Leftist program for a "soft coup", with the result that those who only loosely follow the news (read the headlines and little more) have slowly been convinced to believe the lies and distortions, thus pointing to a potentially-disastrous Democrat takeover of Congress in January. As recently pointed out by noted conservative Historian Victor Davis Hanson, we are closer to a bloody civil war than we have been since 1864.

Don't say nobody told you.

Er.... right. So the Republicans don't have bad bits then?
I seriously don't know how any person of integrity can admit to being a Democrat these days.

Every day, there are new revelations about how base, unethical, dastardly, immoral, and profoundly untruthful the whole lot of them (you) are.

This WHOLE Kavanaugh caper is nothing but lies piled upon more lies, distortions, misrepresentations, and fantasies. Democrat politicians, lawyers, and operatives go on the screen night after night, claiming that they are only seeking "the truth" about what happened that night so many decades ago, and the truth is the farthest thing from their minds...and EVERYONE LISTENING TO THEM KNOWS IT! It is all about delaying the confirmation of this spectacularly-qualified judge, and ultimately overturning the results of the 2016 election, by which the American people emphatically stated that they wanted to reverse the Leftist, anti-Constitutional tidal wave in the Supreme Court.

The daily slanders against our admittedly-flawed President grow more and more absurd. Major "news" outlets repeat eminently dubious rumors and hearsay as though it were brought down from the Mountain by Moses. The good economic news is confined to Conservative-leaning websites, while the MSM either ignores or downplays a cornucopia of new jobs opening up, dramatic increases in American wealth (mainly through investments and 401k plans), remarkable diplomatic achievements, and a President who is doing more to keep his campaign promises than anyone in human memory.

Democrat initiatives that would legalize tens of millions of uneducated, government-dependent border jumpers, cripple our power and energy sectors, compromise 80% of our institutions of "higher learning", and bankrupt the country through asininities like "Medicare for All," are treated as serious policy proposals, to be considered by the unwitting masses.

The Media is wholly vested in the Democrat-Leftist program for a "soft coup", with the result that those who only loosely follow the news (read the headlines and little more) have slowly been convinced to believe the lies and distortions, thus pointing to a potentially-disastrous Democrat takeover of Congress in January. As recently pointed out by noted conservative Historian Victor Davis Hanson, we are closer to a bloody civil war than we have been since 1864.

Don't say nobody told you.

You must be Renate Alumni.
I seriously don't know how any person of integrity can admit to being a Democrat these days.

Every day, there are new revelations about how base, unethical, dastardly, immoral, and profoundly untruthful the whole lot of them (you) are.

This WHOLE Kavanaugh caper is nothing but lies piled upon more lies, distortions, misrepresentations, and fantasies. Democrat politicians, lawyers, and operatives go on the screen night after night, claiming that they are only seeking "the truth" about what happened that night so many decades ago, and the truth is the farthest thing from their minds...and EVERYONE LISTENING TO THEM KNOWS IT! It is all about delaying the confirmation of this spectacularly-qualified judge, and ultimately overturning the results of the 2016 election, by which the American people emphatically stated that they wanted to reverse the Leftist, anti-Constitutional tidal wave in the Supreme Court.

The daily slanders against our admittedly-flawed President grow more and more absurd. Major "news" outlets repeat eminently dubious rumors and hearsay as though it were brought down from the Mountain by Moses. The good economic news is confined to Conservative-leaning websites, while the MSM either ignores or downplays a cornucopia of new jobs opening up, dramatic increases in American wealth (mainly through investments and 401k plans), remarkable diplomatic achievements, and a President who is doing more to keep his campaign promises than anyone in human memory.

Democrat initiatives that would legalize tens of millions of uneducated, government-dependent border jumpers, cripple our power and energy sectors, compromise 80% of our institutions of "higher learning", and bankrupt the country through asininities like "Medicare for All," are treated as serious policy proposals, to be considered by the unwitting masses.

The Media is wholly vested in the Democrat-Leftist program for a "soft coup", with the result that those who only loosely follow the news (read the headlines and little more) have slowly been convinced to believe the lies and distortions, thus pointing to a potentially-disastrous Democrat takeover of Congress in January. As recently pointed out by noted conservative Historian Victor Davis Hanson, we are closer to a bloody civil war than we have been since 1864.

Don't say nobody told you.

I ask myself the same question daily.

We're deep decades now into a national and worldwide ideological war to determine the political, cultural and socio-religious course of Western civilization for the foreseeable coming generations. The American Left has had and seemingly won its cultural war, academic intelligentsia revolution, and war on truth and logic. And now the hardest, most radical boned ideologues want to have their dictatorship of the proletariat. Also seems as though they have a damn good shot at pulling that off as well.

The poor downtrodden American conservative, victim of his own ideological beliefs. He loves individualism but despises the natural tendency the ideology promotes in individuals to dismiss the ghosts of the past and turn to their own reason as a guiding voice.


Wrong, douchebag. Kavanaugh is the victim of sleazy lying leftwing douchebags who will stop at nothing to achive their agenda.
Individualism, ain't it grand. I know you have your own personal reasons for thinking that people are lying but you really don't know what motivates the accusers. Nor do you know what kind of guy Kavanaugh really is.

You are correct. I have my reasons.
It's also correct that you don't know.
I ask myself the same question daily.

We're deep decades now into a national and worldwide ideological war to determine the political, cultural and socio-religious course of Western civilization for the foreseeable coming generations. The American Left has had and seemingly won its cultural war, academic intelligentsia revolution, and war on truth and logic. And now the hardest, most radical boned ideologues want to have their dictatorship of the proletariat. Also seems as though they have a damn good shot at pulling that off as well.

The poor downtrodden American conservative, victim of his own ideological beliefs. He loves individualism but despises the natural tendency the ideology promotes in individuals to dismiss the ghosts of the past and turn to their own reason as a guiding voice.


Wrong, douchebag. Kavanaugh is the victim of sleazy lying leftwing douchebags who will stop at nothing to achive their agenda.
Individualism, ain't it grand. I know you have your own personal reasons for thinking that people are lying but you really don't know what motivates the accusers. Nor do you know what kind of guy Kavanaugh really is.

You are correct. I have my reasons.
It's also correct that you don't know.

So a couple of werewolves in human form go into a bar and grill for a bite to eat. The moon is still down, it's around 18:00 on a mid-summer eve, so moonrise is on the way and these guys have to be quick about their pre-wolf-out meal. The bartender hands the duo menus which after reading thoroughly, neither wolfman can find something in to order he's hungry for. No matter how many times the bartender asks them if they're ready to order, neither one is. This goes on for hours. Meanwhile the full moon pops up over the horizon and . . . the werewolves finally find something they're both hungry for, just not on the menu.

So who's to blame? The bartender who handed out the menus. The fellow who wrote them. Or perhaps, the owner of the bar and grill who hired the bartender and paid the guy who wrote up the menus. What do you think?

The poor downtrodden American conservative, victim of his own ideological beliefs. He loves individualism but despises the natural tendency the ideology promotes in individuals to dismiss the ghosts of the past and turn to their own reason as a guiding voice.


Wrong, douchebag. Kavanaugh is the victim of sleazy lying leftwing douchebags who will stop at nothing to achive their agenda.
Individualism, ain't it grand. I know you have your own personal reasons for thinking that people are lying but you really don't know what motivates the accusers. Nor do you know what kind of guy Kavanaugh really is.

You are correct. I have my reasons.
It's also correct that you don't know.

So a couple of werewolves in human form go into a bar and grill for a bite to eat. The moon is still down, it's around 18:00 on a mid-summer eve, so moonrise is on the way and these guys have to be quick about their pre-wolf-out meal. The bartender hands the duo menus which after reading thoroughly, neither wolfman can find something in to order he's hungry for. No matter how many times the bartender asks them if they're ready to order, neither one is. This goes on for hours. Meanwhile the full moon pops up over the horizon and . . . the werewolves finally find something they're both hungry for, just not on the menu.

So who's to blame? The bartender who handed out the menus. The fellow who wrote them. Or perhaps, the owner of the bar and grill who hired the bartender and paid the guy who wrote up the menus. What do you think?
The wolf men are to blame.

I seriously don't know how any person of integrity can admit to being a Democrat these days.

Every day, there are new revelations about how base, unethical, dastardly, immoral, and profoundly untruthful the whole lot of them (you) are.

This WHOLE Kavanaugh caper is nothing but lies piled upon more lies, distortions, misrepresentations, and fantasies. Democrat politicians, lawyers, and operatives go on the screen night after night, claiming that they are only seeking "the truth" about what happened that night so many decades ago, and the truth is the farthest thing from their minds...and EVERYONE LISTENING TO THEM KNOWS IT! It is all about delaying the confirmation of this spectacularly-qualified judge, and ultimately overturning the results of the 2016 election, by which the American people emphatically stated that they wanted to reverse the Leftist, anti-Constitutional tidal wave in the Supreme Court.

The daily slanders against our admittedly-flawed President grow more and more absurd. Major "news" outlets repeat eminently dubious rumors and hearsay as though it were brought down from the Mountain by Moses. The good economic news is confined to Conservative-leaning websites, while the MSM either ignores or downplays a cornucopia of new jobs opening up, dramatic increases in American wealth (mainly through investments and 401k plans), remarkable diplomatic achievements, and a President who is doing more to keep his campaign promises than anyone in human memory.

Democrat initiatives that would legalize tens of millions of uneducated, government-dependent border jumpers, cripple our power and energy sectors, compromise 80% of our institutions of "higher learning", and bankrupt the country through asininities like "Medicare for All," are treated as serious policy proposals, to be considered by the unwitting masses.

The Media is wholly vested in the Democrat-Leftist program for a "soft coup", with the result that those who only loosely follow the news (read the headlines and little more) have slowly been convinced to believe the lies and distortions, thus pointing to a potentially-disastrous Democrat takeover of Congress in January. As recently pointed out by noted conservative Historian Victor Davis Hanson, we are closer to a bloody civil war than we have been since 1864.

Don't say nobody told you.

I ask myself the same question daily.

We're deep decades now into a national and worldwide ideological war to determine the political, cultural and socio-religious course of Western civilization for the foreseeable coming generations. The American Left has had and seemingly won its cultural war, academic intelligentsia revolution, and war on truth and logic. And now the hardest, most radical boned ideologues want to have their dictatorship of the proletariat. Also seems as though they have a damn good shot at pulling that off as well.

The poor downtrodden American conservative, victim of his own ideological beliefs. He loves individualism but despises the natural tendency the ideology promotes in individuals to dismiss the ghosts of the past and turn to their own reason as a guiding voice.


Wrong, douchebag. Kavanaugh is the victim of sleazy lying leftwing douchebags who will stop at nothing to achive their agenda.
Individualism, ain't it grand. I know you have your own personal reasons for thinking that people are lying but you really don't know what motivates the accusers. Nor do you know what kind of guy Kavanaugh really is.

Both could be lying and both could be telling the truth, we have no idea that is why we need to walk carefully and not ruin either.
I seriously don't know how any person of integrity can admit to being a Democrat these days.

Every day, there are new revelations about how base, unethical, dastardly, immoral, and profoundly untruthful the whole lot of them (you) are.

This WHOLE Kavanaugh caper is nothing but lies piled upon more lies, distortions, misrepresentations, and fantasies. Democrat politicians, lawyers, and operatives go on the screen night after night, claiming that they are only seeking "the truth" about what happened that night so many decades ago, and the truth is the farthest thing from their minds...and EVERYONE LISTENING TO THEM KNOWS IT! It is all about delaying the confirmation of this spectacularly-qualified judge, and ultimately overturning the results of the 2016 election, by which the American people emphatically stated that they wanted to reverse the Leftist, anti-Constitutional tidal wave in the Supreme Court.

The daily slanders against our admittedly-flawed President grow more and more absurd. Major "news" outlets repeat eminently dubious rumors and hearsay as though it were brought down from the Mountain by Moses. The good economic news is confined to Conservative-leaning websites, while the MSM either ignores or downplays a cornucopia of new jobs opening up, dramatic increases in American wealth (mainly through investments and 401k plans), remarkable diplomatic achievements, and a President who is doing more to keep his campaign promises than anyone in human memory.

Democrat initiatives that would legalize tens of millions of uneducated, government-dependent border jumpers, cripple our power and energy sectors, compromise 80% of our institutions of "higher learning", and bankrupt the country through asininities like "Medicare for All," are treated as serious policy proposals, to be considered by the unwitting masses.

The Media is wholly vested in the Democrat-Leftist program for a "soft coup", with the result that those who only loosely follow the news (read the headlines and little more) have slowly been convinced to believe the lies and distortions, thus pointing to a potentially-disastrous Democrat takeover of Congress in January. As recently pointed out by noted conservative Historian Victor Davis Hanson, we are closer to a bloody civil war than we have been since 1864.

Don't say nobody told you.

I ask myself the same question daily.

We're deep decades now into a national and worldwide ideological war to determine the political, cultural and socio-religious course of Western civilization for the foreseeable coming generations. The American Left has had and seemingly won its cultural war, academic intelligentsia revolution, and war on truth and logic. And now the hardest, most radical boned ideologues want to have their dictatorship of the proletariat. Also seems as though they have a damn good shot at pulling that off as well.

The poor downtrodden American conservative, victim of his own ideological beliefs. He loves individualism but despises the natural tendency the ideology promotes in individuals to dismiss the ghosts of the past and turn to their own reason as a guiding voice.


Wrong, douchebag. Kavanaugh is the victim of sleazy lying leftwing douchebags who will stop at nothing to achive their agenda.
Individualism, ain't it grand. I know you have your own personal reasons for thinking that people are lying but you really don't know what motivates the accusers. Nor do you know what kind of guy Kavanaugh really is.

Both could be lying and both could be telling the truth, we have no idea that is why we need to walk carefully and not ruin either.
I agree but that ship has already sailed.
I ask myself the same question daily.

We're deep decades now into a national and worldwide ideological war to determine the political, cultural and socio-religious course of Western civilization for the foreseeable coming generations. The American Left has had and seemingly won its cultural war, academic intelligentsia revolution, and war on truth and logic. And now the hardest, most radical boned ideologues want to have their dictatorship of the proletariat. Also seems as though they have a damn good shot at pulling that off as well.

The poor downtrodden American conservative, victim of his own ideological beliefs. He loves individualism but despises the natural tendency the ideology promotes in individuals to dismiss the ghosts of the past and turn to their own reason as a guiding voice.


Wrong, douchebag. Kavanaugh is the victim of sleazy lying leftwing douchebags who will stop at nothing to achive their agenda.
Individualism, ain't it grand. I know you have your own personal reasons for thinking that people are lying but you really don't know what motivates the accusers. Nor do you know what kind of guy Kavanaugh really is.

Both could be lying and both could be telling the truth, we have no idea that is why we need to walk carefully and not ruin either.
I agree but that ship has already sailed.

I know and it is sad, it’s too bad everyone heads to the path of least resistance to further an agenda.

Could this be a false memory? The recall didn’t happen until after therapy sessions and it would explain no one else remembering the incident. This could be incredibly painful for her. Tough to find the truth.
The daily slanders against our admittedly-flawed President grow more and more absurd.

Sure, Trump is flawed.

Obama was flawed. Bush was flawed. Clinton was flawed. Boy was he flawed. The Left championed him still as their hero.

But Trump mentally unhinged? Incompetent? An "embarrassment" to the world?

That is the sort of crazy opportunistic spin you get from a Left-Wing-hewn media when you have a president who does many things aboveboard, out in the open, publicly, that other presidents and leaders keep behind tightly closed doors.

I almost sort of marvel at the fact that Trump is either that honest to air his dirty laundry, his troubles with Sessions, etc., etc., etc., verbally, on Twitter, etc., so that the people see what REALLY goes on and he is up against, or that he simply does not care what people think. Maybe it's a bit of both. Either way, he is a man true to himself and for once, WHAT YOU SEE IS WHAT YOU REALLY GET.

How often we have WISHED for that much in a leader! We certainly didn't get in Obama what he PROMISED us in 2008!

I can accept a lot of flaws in a president when I can have honestly along with it.
His flaws are honestly embarrassing, but simultaneously silly, over stupid shit, mostly. Some pretty bad gaffs mixed in. Someone really needs to take away his phone, and shake the stupid out of him when he says stupid shit, even (and especially) if it’s over stupid stuff. He is not all honesty either. He tells some TAAALLL tales, often. I get that all that “candidness” is a big part of why he was elected. He shoots himself in the foot too often, and it pushes those in the middle away, who are simultaneously freaked out by the left that he keeps giving ammo too. If we just took his twitter away, the left would only be able to whine about policy that’s actually doing some pretty nice things for the country, making them look like the stupid ones to those in the middle.The whole beef with sessions (who I have no love for) is sooo retarted. He rightly recused himself. If he didn’t the left would be screaming bloody murder about “collussion” with the WH and justice department, and anything coming out about the Russia collusion in trumps favor would immediately be dismissed. What the hell does trump expect?

The poor downtrodden American conservative, victim of his own ideological beliefs. He loves individualism but despises the natural tendency the ideology promotes in individuals to dismiss the ghosts of the past and turn to their own reason as a guiding voice.


Wrong, douchebag. Kavanaugh is the victim of sleazy lying leftwing douchebags who will stop at nothing to achive their agenda.
Individualism, ain't it grand. I know you have your own personal reasons for thinking that people are lying but you really don't know what motivates the accusers. Nor do you know what kind of guy Kavanaugh really is.

Both could be lying and both could be telling the truth, we have no idea that is why we need to walk carefully and not ruin either.
I agree but that ship has already sailed.

I know and it is sad, it’s too bad everyone heads to the path of least resistance to further an agenda.

Could this be a false memory? The recall didn’t happen until after therapy sessions and it would explain no one else remembering the incident. This could be incredibly painful for her. Tough to find the truth.
I don't think we can know the truth. It is a very unfortunate situation.

For the record, I don't believe she should have come forward with unsubstantiated allegations.

I just try to remain objective about it. Let the political chips fall where they may.

We have a giant social problem. This is just one more example to add to the pile. It is time people started to emphasize that we are a society, not just a group of individuals.
Wrong, douchebag. Kavanaugh is the victim of sleazy lying leftwing douchebags who will stop at nothing to achive their agenda.
Individualism, ain't it grand. I know you have your own personal reasons for thinking that people are lying but you really don't know what motivates the accusers. Nor do you know what kind of guy Kavanaugh really is.

Both could be lying and both could be telling the truth, we have no idea that is why we need to walk carefully and not ruin either.
I agree but that ship has already sailed.

I know and it is sad, it’s too bad everyone heads to the path of least resistance to further an agenda.

Could this be a false memory? The recall didn’t happen until after therapy sessions and it would explain no one else remembering the incident. This could be incredibly painful for her. Tough to find the truth.
I don't think we can know the truth. It is a very unfortunate situation.

For the record, I don't believe she should have come forward with unsubstantiated allegations.

I just try to remain objective about it. Let the political chips fall where they may.

We have a giant social problem. This is just one more example to add to the pile. It is time people started to emphasize that we are a society, not just a group of individuals.

I agree with you, we are in an increasingly divided country where people will destroy others for selfish gain.

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