The Uniqueness of Christ

How so, TN?

Can you articulate how I am contradicting myself?

Or would you just like to sling mud on the wall and hope some of it sticks?
Because you talk out of your ass. You say shit that contradicts what the bible teaches. You also distort, cherry pick and ignore, to make your bias and ignorance to sound legitimate.
You are seriously one of the most dishonest posters on here. Its pathetic.
Have a good day.
Dude, you just threw more mud on the wall.

Can you explain to me how what I am saying contradicts the Bible?

Can you explain how I am distorting the truth?

Can you explain how I am cherry picking?

you aren't cherry picking-----you are supporting the
personality cult that developed as a spin off from
Judaism 2000 years ago during the development of the
Roman Empire. Another personality cult that developed
a bit before that one was BUDDHISM ---in Asia. ---a spin-off
of Hinduism Zarathustra was the almost deified founder
of Zoroastrianism. All three of the above affected TENS
OF MILLIONS and are all still extant (to varying degrees)
Bahaism is a personality cult religion spun off of islam by some person named "BAB" something. It is only 150
years old------who knows how far it will GO?-----then there
was John Smith of the golden tablets and magic specs
ALL do the love and brotherhood thing----SIKHISM is
another one------a kind of conglomeration religion.
Christianity got VERY BIG---because it became the state
religion of the VERY BIG roman empire----a lucky break
for that cult
By definition all religions are cults. Even yours.

So the perception that cult is a derogatory term is not always correct.
Because you talk out of your ass. You say shit that contradicts what the bible teaches. You also distort, cherry pick and ignore, to make your bias and ignorance to sound legitimate.
You are seriously one of the most dishonest posters on here. Its pathetic.
Have a good day.
Dude, you just threw more mud on the wall.

Can you explain to me how what I am saying contradicts the Bible?

Can you explain how I am distorting the truth?

Can you explain how I am cherry picking?

you aren't cherry picking-----you are supporting the
personality cult that developed as a spin off from
Judaism 2000 years ago during the development of the
Roman Empire. Another personality cult that developed
a bit before that one was BUDDHISM ---in Asia. ---a spin-off
of Hinduism Zarathustra was the almost deified founder
of Zoroastrianism. All three of the above affected TENS
OF MILLIONS and are all still extant (to varying degrees)
Bahaism is a personality cult religion spun off of islam by some person named "BAB" something. It is only 150
years old------who knows how far it will GO?-----then there
was John Smith of the golden tablets and magic specs
ALL do the love and brotherhood thing----SIKHISM is
another one------a kind of conglomeration religion.
Christianity got VERY BIG---because it became the state
religion of the VERY BIG roman empire----a lucky break
for that cult
By definition all religions are cults. Even yours.

So the perception that cult is a derogatory term is not always correct.

right-----not a derogatory term. IT HAS A PLACE IN REAL NON NASTY discourse
Dude, you just threw more mud on the wall.

Can you explain to me how what I am saying contradicts the Bible?

Can you explain how I am distorting the truth?

Can you explain how I am cherry picking?

you aren't cherry picking-----you are supporting the
personality cult that developed as a spin off from
Judaism 2000 years ago during the development of the
Roman Empire. Another personality cult that developed
a bit before that one was BUDDHISM ---in Asia. ---a spin-off
of Hinduism Zarathustra was the almost deified founder
of Zoroastrianism. All three of the above affected TENS
OF MILLIONS and are all still extant (to varying degrees)
Bahaism is a personality cult religion spun off of islam by some person named "BAB" something. It is only 150
years old------who knows how far it will GO?-----then there
was John Smith of the golden tablets and magic specs
ALL do the love and brotherhood thing----SIKHISM is
another one------a kind of conglomeration religion.
Christianity got VERY BIG---because it became the state
religion of the VERY BIG roman empire----a lucky break
for that cult
By definition all religions are cults. Even yours.

So the perception that cult is a derogatory term is not always correct.

right-----not a derogatory term. IT HAS A PLACE IN REAL NON NASTY discourse
Agreed. We all belong in one cult or another. The only choice we have in the matter is which cult we choose to belong to.
Who is like him?

Whose teachings are adored by all religions?

Whose example are adored by all religions?

Who else said that only through him can we know God, and then lowered himself to be our servant?

Who else fed us when we hungered and healed us when we were sick?

Who else is as famous having never been rich, never held political power, and never having an army to fight for you? In fact, who is as famous?

Who else has given their life for you?

There is none like him.

He had good PR. Something people like you keep carrying on with. While your faith is yours and I have no issue with it, you do understand it is just yours, right?

And all people don’t “adore” him. He was a nice enough jewish rabbi though. Said some good things.

But tell me — why isn’t the temple rebuilt? Why haven’t we had a thousand years of peace? If the messiah was here, those prophesies would have been fulfilled.

And is there some reason that religious zealots can’t just live by their faith and stop harranging everyone else? If it were Muslims who did this all
Day every day, you’d be ranting and raving.
The Temple is rebuilt; a living Temple (made of living stones) (1 Peter 2:5). Christians (and the Lord (Rev. 21:22)) are the temple.

As for the thousand years, your guess is as good as anyone's. Remember, though, that first-century Christians didn't know they were first-century Christians; Josephus calls a 600-year period a Great Year (or something to that effect; memory fails me).

Elijah has returned (Matt. 17:12). Christ has returned, not in the flesh (the Scriptures make no such claim), but in body, which is the Church (Col. 1:24).

I could go on. Prophecies are fulfilled; the Church Age is the New Covenant Age.

yeah, that's bullshit.

be nice Jillian------it is better to refer to it as
SOPHISTRY ....stretched to the point of obscenity

and not for nothing, it's our bible.. .and our prophesies. we're the ones who decide if they were met.

living temple.... :rofl:
you aren't cherry picking-----you are supporting the
personality cult that developed as a spin off from
Judaism 2000 years ago during the development of the
Roman Empire. Another personality cult that developed
a bit before that one was BUDDHISM ---in Asia. ---a spin-off
of Hinduism Zarathustra was the almost deified founder
of Zoroastrianism. All three of the above affected TENS
OF MILLIONS and are all still extant (to varying degrees)
Bahaism is a personality cult religion spun off of islam by some person named "BAB" something. It is only 150
years old------who knows how far it will GO?-----then there
was John Smith of the golden tablets and magic specs
ALL do the love and brotherhood thing----SIKHISM is
another one------a kind of conglomeration religion.
Christianity got VERY BIG---because it became the state
religion of the VERY BIG roman empire----a lucky break
for that cult
By definition all religions are cults. Even yours.

So the perception that cult is a derogatory term is not always correct.

right-----not a derogatory term. IT HAS A PLACE IN REAL NON NASTY discourse
Agreed. We all belong in one cult or another. The only choice we have in the matter is which cult we choose to belong to.

yes-----it is just a REAL word often used to describe something INNOVATIVE in the realm of religion---or in
someway special-----like a group that focuses on a PERSON ------like Mormonism. It's use to describe Christianity 2000
years ago is very apt. -------Chassidism includes several different personality cults based on Judaism
Because you talk out of your ass. You say shit that contradicts what the bible teaches. You also distort, cherry pick and ignore, to make your bias and ignorance to sound legitimate.
You are seriously one of the most dishonest posters on here. Its pathetic.
Have a good day.
Dude, you just threw more mud on the wall.

Can you explain to me how what I am saying contradicts the Bible?

Can you explain how I am distorting the truth?

Can you explain how I am cherry picking?

you aren't cherry picking-----you are supporting the
personality cult that developed as a spin off from
Judaism 2000 years ago during the development of the
Roman Empire. Another personality cult that developed
a bit before that one was BUDDHISM ---in Asia. ---a spin-off
of Hinduism Zarathustra was the almost deified founder
of Zoroastrianism. All three of the above affected TENS
OF MILLIONS and are all still extant (to varying degrees)
Bahaism is a personality cult religion spun off of islam by some person named "BAB" something. It is only 150
years old------who knows how far it will GO?-----then there
was John Smith of the golden tablets and magic specs
ALL do the love and brotherhood thing----SIKHISM is
another one------a kind of conglomeration religion.
Christianity got VERY BIG---because it became the state
religion of the VERY BIG roman empire----a lucky break
for that cult
By definition all religions are cults. Even yours.

So the perception that cult is a derogatory term is not always correct.

the difference between a cult and a religion is 2000 years. but there is no denying yours is a cult of personality,,,, except that you gave the person a new name (it was yeshua), a new birthday (he was likely born in april, but not on Mithras; bithdaay) and a new birthplace (there is no way the romans shut down the economy to have everyone in Bethlehem so he was likely born in Nazareth... where he was impoverished and illiterate).
Dude, you just threw more mud on the wall.

Can you explain to me how what I am saying contradicts the Bible?

Can you explain how I am distorting the truth?

Can you explain how I am cherry picking?

you aren't cherry picking-----you are supporting the
personality cult that developed as a spin off from
Judaism 2000 years ago during the development of the
Roman Empire. Another personality cult that developed
a bit before that one was BUDDHISM ---in Asia. ---a spin-off
of Hinduism Zarathustra was the almost deified founder
of Zoroastrianism. All three of the above affected TENS
OF MILLIONS and are all still extant (to varying degrees)
Bahaism is a personality cult religion spun off of islam by some person named "BAB" something. It is only 150
years old------who knows how far it will GO?-----then there
was John Smith of the golden tablets and magic specs
ALL do the love and brotherhood thing----SIKHISM is
another one------a kind of conglomeration religion.
Christianity got VERY BIG---because it became the state
religion of the VERY BIG roman empire----a lucky break
for that cult
By definition all religions are cults. Even yours.

So the perception that cult is a derogatory term is not always correct.

the difference between a cult and a religion is 2000 years. but there is no denying yours is a cult of personality,,,, except that you gave the person a new name (it was yeshua), a new birthday (he was likely born in april, but not on Mithras; bithdaay) and a new birthplace (there is no way the romans shut down the economy to have everyone in Bethlehem so he was likely born in Nazareth... where he was impoverished and illiterate).
I see. You believe yours is the one true religion and not a cult.

That's very objective of you.

Sorry but you belong to a cult too.
Dude, you just threw more mud on the wall.

Can you explain to me how what I am saying contradicts the Bible?

Can you explain how I am distorting the truth?

Can you explain how I am cherry picking?

you aren't cherry picking-----you are supporting the
personality cult that developed as a spin off from
Judaism 2000 years ago during the development of the
Roman Empire. Another personality cult that developed
a bit before that one was BUDDHISM ---in Asia. ---a spin-off
of Hinduism Zarathustra was the almost deified founder
of Zoroastrianism. All three of the above affected TENS
OF MILLIONS and are all still extant (to varying degrees)
Bahaism is a personality cult religion spun off of islam by some person named "BAB" something. It is only 150
years old------who knows how far it will GO?-----then there
was John Smith of the golden tablets and magic specs
ALL do the love and brotherhood thing----SIKHISM is
another one------a kind of conglomeration religion.
Christianity got VERY BIG---because it became the state
religion of the VERY BIG roman empire----a lucky break
for that cult
By definition all religions are cults. Even yours.

So the perception that cult is a derogatory term is not always correct.

the difference between a cult and a religion is 2000 years. but there is no denying yours is a cult of personality,,,, except that you gave the person a new name (it was yeshua), a new birthday (he was likely born in april, but not on Mithras; bithdaay) and a new birthplace (there is no way the romans shut down the economy to have everyone in Bethlehem so he was likely born in Nazareth... where he was impoverished and illiterate).

I see no reason to assume that his name was not Yeshua---there were lots of Yeshuas in those days. As to birthday---
hubby is from a traditional mid-east jewish family and has
no idea what his birthday is.------approximations were done----like "NEAR PURIM" was good enough---accurate birthday
was not an issue. I believe that Jesus was fully literate---and was a Pharisee. -----because I actually read the NT. ----something like artisan level family with some connections----
John the Baptist was no slouch----he was so important that Herod killed him. Arabs don't make a big issue of birthday
either-------the idea that they celebrate Muhummad's birthday
is a JOKE. John----probably a Pharisee too---or at least one
of those desert dwelling groups that were sect like. It all makes sense if you leave out the MESSIAH thing
I don't get this. Why are people so miserable and snarky about other people's joy in their faith? If someone's religion brings them closer to God, shouldn't we all be celebrating?
you aren't cherry picking-----you are supporting the
personality cult that developed as a spin off from
Judaism 2000 years ago during the development of the
Roman Empire. Another personality cult that developed
a bit before that one was BUDDHISM ---in Asia. ---a spin-off
of Hinduism Zarathustra was the almost deified founder
of Zoroastrianism. All three of the above affected TENS
OF MILLIONS and are all still extant (to varying degrees)
Bahaism is a personality cult religion spun off of islam by some person named "BAB" something. It is only 150
years old------who knows how far it will GO?-----then there
was John Smith of the golden tablets and magic specs
ALL do the love and brotherhood thing----SIKHISM is
another one------a kind of conglomeration religion.
Christianity got VERY BIG---because it became the state
religion of the VERY BIG roman empire----a lucky break
for that cult
By definition all religions are cults. Even yours.

So the perception that cult is a derogatory term is not always correct.

the difference between a cult and a religion is 2000 years. but there is no denying yours is a cult of personality,,,, except that you gave the person a new name (it was yeshua), a new birthday (he was likely born in april, but not on Mithras; bithdaay) and a new birthplace (there is no way the romans shut down the economy to have everyone in Bethlehem so he was likely born in Nazareth... where he was impoverished and illiterate).

I see no reason to assume that his name was not Yeshua---there were lots of Yeshuas in those days. As to birthday---
hubby is from a traditional mid-east jewish family and has
no idea what his birthday is.------approximations were done----like "NEAR PURIM" was good enough---accurate birthday
was not an issue. I believe that Jesus was fully literate---and was a Pharisee. -----because I actually read the NT. ----something like artisan level family with some connections----
John the Baptist was no slouch----he was so important that Herod killed him. Arabs don't make a big issue of birthday
either-------the idea that they celebrate Muhummad's birthday
is a JOKE. John----probably a Pharisee too---or at least one
of those desert dwelling groups that were sect like. It all makes sense if you leave out the MESSIAH thing
you aren't cherry picking-----you are supporting the
personality cult that developed as a spin off from
Judaism 2000 years ago during the development of the
Roman Empire. Another personality cult that developed
a bit before that one was BUDDHISM ---in Asia. ---a spin-off
of Hinduism Zarathustra was the almost deified founder
of Zoroastrianism. All three of the above affected TENS
OF MILLIONS and are all still extant (to varying degrees)
Bahaism is a personality cult religion spun off of islam by some person named "BAB" something. It is only 150
years old------who knows how far it will GO?-----then there
was John Smith of the golden tablets and magic specs
ALL do the love and brotherhood thing----SIKHISM is
another one------a kind of conglomeration religion.
Christianity got VERY BIG---because it became the state
religion of the VERY BIG roman empire----a lucky break
for that cult
By definition all religions are cults. Even yours.

So the perception that cult is a derogatory term is not always correct.

the difference between a cult and a religion is 2000 years. but there is no denying yours is a cult of personality,,,, except that you gave the person a new name (it was yeshua), a new birthday (he was likely born in april, but not on Mithras; bithdaay) and a new birthplace (there is no way the romans shut down the economy to have everyone in Bethlehem so he was likely born in Nazareth... where he was impoverished and illiterate).

I see no reason to assume that his name was not Yeshua---there were lots of Yeshuas in those days. As to birthday---
hubby is from a traditional mid-east jewish family and has
no idea what his birthday is.------approximations were done----like "NEAR PURIM" was good enough---accurate birthday
was not an issue. I believe that Jesus was fully literate---and was a Pharisee. -----because I actually read the NT. ----something like artisan level family with some connections----
John the Baptist was no slouch----he was so important that Herod killed him. Arabs don't make a big issue of birthday
either-------the idea that they celebrate Muhummad's birthday
is a JOKE. John----probably a Pharisee too---or at least one
of those desert dwelling groups that were sect like. It all makes sense if you leave out the MESSIAH thing

a jew from Nazareth sure didn't have a latin name.
Who is like him?

Whose teachings are adored by all religions?

Whose example are adored by all religions?

Who else said that only through him can we know God, and then lowered himself to be our servant?

Who else fed us when we hungered and healed us when we were sick?

Who else is as famous having never been rich, never held political power, and never having an army to fight for you? In fact, who is as famous?

Who else has given their life for you?

Who else allowed others to write about him instead of him writing about himself?

There is none like him.

10 Christ-like Figures Who Pre-Date Jesus - Listverse

The World's Sixteen Crucified Saviors - Wikipedia

Well at least someone is trying to address my OP. Thanks for that.

Upon examination of the article, however, it does not appear any of them are close to the uniqueness of Christ that I posted, except Krishna.

However, upon further examination of Krishna, it appears the article you provided gave misinformation, such as Krishna being crucified. Krishna was never crucified, he was accidentally killed by a hunter.

Krishna and Christ: Debunking the Parallels between Jesus and Krishna

Krishna was not crucified. He died when the hunter Jara shot him in the sole of his foot. In most stories it was said to be an accident9; in one story, Jara was actually a demon getting revenge for being killed by Krishna in a previous life.10 The reason Krishna died the way he did was that with the exception of the soles of his feet his body was invincible due to a boon granted him by the sage Durvāsas.11

Crucified between two thieves? Nothing like that at all in the authentic Hindu sources.

Krishna died not for our sins but in fulfillment of two curses made against him and his clan: (i) the curse of the widow Gandhari, for not stopping the battle in which her husband Dhritarashtra died,
12 and (ii) the curse of the Brahmanas, for a stunt Krishna’s son, Samba, played on some holy men

Krishna also did not die for our sins

Krishna died not for our sins but in fulfillment of two curses made against him and his clan: (i) the curse of the widow Gandhari, for not stopping the battle in which her husband Dhritarashtra died,12 and (ii) the curse of the Brahmanas, for a stunt Krishna’s son, Samba, played on some holy men.13

I even took the liberty of getting the perspective of a Hindu.

The first thing which comes in my mind when I think of Christ is a feel of disappointment. I feel like I am a sinner and that I should firmly stick to Christ for my salvation. I feel dejected, morose, tired and exasperated with a feel of unknown guilt. I feel orphaned and helpless. Until the introduction of Krishna in my life, I felt life is a heinous crime and I am in no power to take control of my situation. That I have to be very very honest, suffocating myself, and can never ever do any 'wrong' thing in my life.

When I think of Krishna, I feel joy! The first thing that comes to my mind is fun. Krishna's way is so immoral but in that immorality it is so moral that it eases all the frustrations. Christ must say: Don't steal. But Krishna used to steal BUTTER not only from his home but also from all his neighbours. Yet he never stole anything valuable!

Krishna's ways are eccentric. He would do many things which can be put into the bracket of "immoral", like lying, stealing, beating, killing, affairs! Yet he never seemed wrong. Strange are his ways. Coz he knows where the limit is. He never crossed the lines. He never lied a word which could bring havoc to the society, he would never beat a man who is helpless, he would never kill someone who asked for mercy, he would never lure a woman into incest.

Krishna and Christ: Debunking the Parallels between Jesus and Krishna
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Who is like him?

Whose teachings are adored by all religions?

Whose example are adored by all religions?

Who else said that only through him can we know God, and then lowered himself to be our servant?

Who else fed us when we hungered and healed us when we were sick?

Who else is as famous having never been rich, never held political power, and never having an army to fight for you? In fact, who is as famous?

Who else has given their life for you?

There is none like him.

He had good PR. Something people like you keep carrying on with. While your faith is yours and I have no issue with it, you do understand it is just yours, right?

And all people don’t “adore” him. He was a nice enough jewish rabbi though. Said some good things.

But tell me — why isn’t the temple rebuilt? Why haven’t we had a thousand years of peace? If the messiah was here, those prophesies would have been fulfilled.

And is there some reason that religious zealots can’t just live by their faith and stop harranging everyone else? If it were Muslims who did this all
Day every day, you’d be ranting and raving.

My only attempt here was to point out just how unique he actually was.

As for the theology behind my beliefs in terms of the veracity of the Bible, those are easily researched if you are interested.

Is he unique? Or better publicized? There were probably a hundred Jews at the time calling themselves messiah. They were pretty much all crucified by Rome because to Rome it was an issue of rabble rousers threatening their power.

Was Yeshua more charismatic than most? Probably. Did he have a certain je ne s’ait quoi? Probably. But he didn’t fulfill the prophesies and what was supposed to happen after the coming of the messiah didn’t occur. So I don’t think he’s so unique.

Your bible isn’t mine. The New Testament is not capable of proof. And your faith is faith. Also not capable of proof. And as to yeahua being revered by all people. Not by the majority of the planet. Again you’re entitled to your belief. But your presumption that it is capable of proof as fact is pretty much absurd. If it could be proven as fact, it wouldn’t require faith. So your whole fact checking thing is kind of silly. Tell me, did you fact check the council of Nicea?

And for the record, those of us who do not subscribe to your brand of religion think your religion is false. And I am always kind of astounded by the arrogance of anyone who thinks theirs is the only true religion without realizing that if we didn’t believe the same about our own belief systems, we wouldn’t subscribe to the beliefs we hold
Unique. He wasn't more publicized until after his death like the other "messiahs" were while alive.

Jesus warns of false messiahs and prophets (Matt. 24:5, 11, 24). These individuals, whom John refers to as false teachers and prophets (Rev. 2:14-15;19:29) were not in short supply. Josephus reports that the Zealots suborned many false prophets to rally the people against Rome (Wars 6.5.2).

One individual who seduced a large following was Theudas, a self-proclaimed prophet whom Josephus calls a magician. This man deluded several souls into following him to the Jordan River, which he promised to divide in order to provide passage through as they retreated. It didn't work; Fadus sent troops after him and his band and captured and slew them. Theudas ended up beheaded.

Another false messiah who rose shortly after Christ was Judas the Galilean, who led a failed messianic movement to protest tribute to Rome. Josephus doesn't relate the death of Judas but does record the execution of his two sons (Antiquities 20.5.2), and calls him a teacher of his own peculiar sect, referring to the Zealots (not from one of the philosophical schools like the Pharisees, Sadducees, and Essenes were (Wars 2.8.2)). Judas was of a school that Josephus mocks as self-aggrandizing.

Doubts persist as to whether this Theudas and Judas of whom Josephus writes are the same as the two individuals of whom Luke writes in the Book of Acts (5:36-37), but in either case, these false teachers came to nothing. Their lives mattered not a whit to the world at large.

Luke records the fate of another false prophet, Bar-Jesus, after he opposes the Gospel that Paul and Barnabas preach (Acts 13:6-12). His life also came to nothing.

The last false messiah during the Jewish Wars, though certainly not the last imposter to ever claim to be Christ, was Simon bar Kokhba, who led his insurgents against Roman occupation in Judea after the Great Revolt and Kito's War ended in failure for the Jews. History estimates that over half a million Jews were killed in this third and final campaign, directly at the hands of the Romans and due to famine and disease. Bar Kokhba died in the fortress of Betar, and, like all the false messiahs before him, was laid to rest without effecting the change he intended. Rome maintained its presence and the Jewish political state came once and for all to a complete collapse.

The false teachers who rose up to liberate Israel and Judea from their pagan overlords wooed followers with their boastful language and military prowess. They envisioned themselves claiming victories and returning home as heros. They saw themselves ensconced in history as mighty warriors and faithful servants who would restore the glory of their homeland. They would all fail.

From Jesus of Nazareth we get a rather different portrait of what Messiah ought to be. In Jesus we have neither a military leader nor a self- proclaimed savior. Jesus did not promise a restored and glorified Israel. He did not die a hero's death or win the favor of his countrymen. Quite the opposite. In his unique, humble way, he promised the kingdom of God to a new people under a new covenant and then died a slave's death. His mission was not to suffer merely for the salvation of Israel but for the salvation of the world. And he succeeded.
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Who is like him?

Whose teachings are adored by all religions?

Whose example are adored by all religions?

Who else said that only through him can we know God, and then lowered himself to be our servant?

Who else fed us when we hungered and healed us when we were sick?

Who else is as famous having never been rich, never held political power, and never having an army to fight for you? In fact, who is as famous?

Who else has given their life for you?

There is none like him.

He had good PR. Something people like you keep carrying on with. While your faith is yours and I have no issue with it, you do understand it is just yours, right?

And all people don’t “adore” him. He was a nice enough jewish rabbi though. Said some good things.

But tell me — why isn’t the temple rebuilt? Why haven’t we had a thousand years of peace? If the messiah was here, those prophesies would have been fulfilled.

And is there some reason that religious zealots can’t just live by their faith and stop harranging everyone else? If it were Muslims who did this all
Day every day, you’d be ranting and raving.

My only attempt here was to point out just how unique he actually was.

As for the theology behind my beliefs in terms of the veracity of the Bible, those are easily researched if you are interested.

Is he unique? Or better publicized? There were probably a hundred Jews at the time calling themselves messiah. They were pretty much all crucified by Rome because to Rome it was an issue of rabble rousers threatening their power.

Was Yeshua more charismatic than most? Probably. Did he have a certain je ne s’ait quoi? Probably. But he didn’t fulfill the prophesies and what was supposed to happen after the coming of the messiah didn’t occur. So I don’t think he’s so unique.

Your bible isn’t mine. The New Testament is not capable of proof. And your faith is faith. Also not capable of proof. And as to yeahua being revered by all people. Not by the majority of the planet. Again you’re entitled to your belief. But your presumption that it is capable of proof as fact is pretty much absurd. If it could be proven as fact, it wouldn’t require faith. So your whole fact checking thing is kind of silly. Tell me, did you fact check the council of Nicea?

And for the record, those of us who do not subscribe to your brand of religion think your religion is false. And I am always kind of astounded by the arrogance of anyone who thinks theirs is the only true religion without realizing that if we didn’t believe the same about our own belief systems, we wouldn’t subscribe to the beliefs we hold
Unique. He wasn't more publicized until after his death like the other "messiah's" were while alive.

Jesus warns of false messiahs and prophets (Matt. 24:5, 11, 24). These individuals, whom John refers to as false teachers and prophets (Rev. 2:14-15;19:29) were not in short supply. Josephus reports that the Zealots suborned many false prophets to rally the people against Rome (Wars 6.5.2).

One individual who seduced a large following was Theudas, a self-proclaimed prophet whom Josephus calls a magician. This man deluded several souls into following him to the Jordan River, which he promised to divide in order to provide passage through as they retreated. It didn't work; Fadus sent troops after him and his band and captured and slew them. Theudas ended up beheaded.

Another false messiah who rose shortly after Christ was Judas the Galilean, who led a failed messianic movement to protest tribute to Rome. Josephus doesn't relate the death of Judas but does record the execution of his two sons (Antiquities 20.5.2), and calls him a teacher of his own peculiar sect, referring to the Zealots (not from one of the philosophical schools like the Pharisees, Sadducees, and Essenes were (Wars 2.8.2)). Judas was of a school that Josephus mocks as self-aggrandizing.

Doubts persist as to whether this Theudas and Judas of whom Josephus writes are the same as the two individuals of whom Luke writes in the Book of Acts (5:36-37), but in either case, these false teachers came to nothing. Their lives mattered not a whit to the world at large.

Luke records the fate of another false prophet, Bar-Jesus, after he opposes the Gospel that Paul and Barnabas preach (Acts 13:6-12). His life also came to nothing.

The last false messiah during the Jewish Wars, though certainly not the last imposter to ever claim to be Christ, was Simon bar Kokhba, who led his insurgents against Roman occupation in Judea after the Great Revolt and Kito's War ended in failure for the Jews. History estimates that over half a million Jews were killed in this third and final campaign, directly at the hands of the Romans and due to famine and disease. Bar Kokhba died in the fortress of Betar, and, like all the false messiahs before him, was laid to rest without effecting the change he intended. Rome maintained its presence and the Jewish political state came once and for all all to a complete collapse.

The false teachers who rose up to liberate Israel and Judea from their pagan overlords wooed followers with their boastful language and military prowess. They envisioned themselves claiming victories and returning home as heros. They saw themselves ensconced in history as mighty warriors and faithful servants who would restore the glory of their homeland. They would all fail.

From Jesus of Nazareth we get a rather different portrait of what Messiah ought to be. In Jesus we have neither a military leader nor a self- proclaimed savior. Jesus did not promise a restored and glorified Israel. He did not die a hero's death or win the favor of his countrymen. Quite the opposite. In his unique, humble way, he promised the kingdom of God to a new people under a new covenant and then died a slave's death. His mission was not to suffer merely for the salvation of Israel but for the salvation of the world. And he succeeded.

did jesus warn about false messiahs? probably... that's a very jewish concept.

humble? I'm pretty sure there was nothing humble about the guy who went into Jerusalem and tried to get them to oust the romans.

but if that makes you feel happy.

and you're right, he wasn't publicized when he was alive because he was considered another fake self-proclaimed messiah.

he became truly famous when Constantine's mommy decided she was a Christian and like a good son, Constantine put together the teachings of the jewish Christians with the beliefs of his roman pagans. they came up with some good stories, too.
Who is like him?

Whose teachings are adored by all religions?

Whose example are adored by all religions?

Who else said that only through him can we know God, and then lowered himself to be our servant?

Who else fed us when we hungered and healed us when we were sick?

Who else is as famous having never been rich, never held political power, and never having an army to fight for you? In fact, who is as famous?

Who else has given their life for you?

There is none like him.

He had good PR. Something people like you keep carrying on with. While your faith is yours and I have no issue with it, you do understand it is just yours, right?

And all people don’t “adore” him. He was a nice enough jewish rabbi though. Said some good things.

But tell me — why isn’t the temple rebuilt? Why haven’t we had a thousand years of peace? If the messiah was here, those prophesies would have been fulfilled.

And is there some reason that religious zealots can’t just live by their faith and stop harranging everyone else? If it were Muslims who did this all
Day every day, you’d be ranting and raving.
The Temple is rebuilt; a living Temple (made of living stones) (1 Peter 2:5). Christians (and the Lord (Rev. 21:22)) are the temple.

As for the thousand years, your guess is as good as anyone's. Remember, though, that first-century Christians didn't know they were first-century Christians; Josephus calls a 600-year period a Great Year (or something to that effect; memory fails me).

Elijah has returned (Matt. 17:12). Christ has returned, not in the flesh (the Scriptures make no such claim), but in body, which is the Church (Col. 1:24).

I could go on. Prophecies are fulfilled; the Church Age is the New Covenant Age.

yeah, that's bullshit.
Excellent points, every one.
Who is like him?

Whose teachings are adored by all religions?

Whose example are adored by all religions?

Who else said that only through him can we know God, and then lowered himself to be our servant?

Who else fed us when we hungered and healed us when we were sick?

Who else is as famous having never been rich, never held political power, and never having an army to fight for you? In fact, who is as famous?

Who else has given their life for you?

There is none like him.

He had good PR. Something people like you keep carrying on with. While your faith is yours and I have no issue with it, you do understand it is just yours, right?

And all people don’t “adore” him. He was a nice enough jewish rabbi though. Said some good things.

But tell me — why isn’t the temple rebuilt? Why haven’t we had a thousand years of peace? If the messiah was here, those prophesies would have been fulfilled.

And is there some reason that religious zealots can’t just live by their faith and stop harranging everyone else? If it were Muslims who did this all
Day every day, you’d be ranting and raving.

My only attempt here was to point out just how unique he actually was.

As for the theology behind my beliefs in terms of the veracity of the Bible, those are easily researched if you are interested.

Is he unique? Or better publicized? There were probably a hundred Jews at the time calling themselves messiah. They were pretty much all crucified by Rome because to Rome it was an issue of rabble rousers threatening their power.

Was Yeshua more charismatic than most? Probably. Did he have a certain je ne s’ait quoi? Probably. But he didn’t fulfill the prophesies and what was supposed to happen after the coming of the messiah didn’t occur. So I don’t think he’s so unique.

Your bible isn’t mine. The New Testament is not capable of proof. And your faith is faith. Also not capable of proof. And as to yeahua being revered by all people. Not by the majority of the planet. Again you’re entitled to your belief. But your presumption that it is capable of proof as fact is pretty much absurd. If it could be proven as fact, it wouldn’t require faith. So your whole fact checking thing is kind of silly. Tell me, did you fact check the council of Nicea?

And for the record, those of us who do not subscribe to your brand of religion think your religion is false. And I am always kind of astounded by the arrogance of anyone who thinks theirs is the only true religion without realizing that if we didn’t believe the same about our own belief systems, we wouldn’t subscribe to the beliefs we hold
Unique. He wasn't more publicized until after his death like the other "messiah's" were while alive.

Jesus warns of false messiahs and prophets (Matt. 24:5, 11, 24). These individuals, whom John refers to as false teachers and prophets (Rev. 2:14-15;19:29) were not in short supply. Josephus reports that the Zealots suborned many false prophets to rally the people against Rome (Wars 6.5.2).

One individual who seduced a large following was Theudas, a self-proclaimed prophet whom Josephus calls a magician. This man deluded several souls into following him to the Jordan River, which he promised to divide in order to provide passage through as they retreated. It didn't work; Fadus sent troops after him and his band and captured and slew them. Theudas ended up beheaded.

Another false messiah who rose shortly after Christ was Judas the Galilean, who led a failed messianic movement to protest tribute to Rome. Josephus doesn't relate the death of Judas but does record the execution of his two sons (Antiquities 20.5.2), and calls him a teacher of his own peculiar sect, referring to the Zealots (not from one of the philosophical schools like the Pharisees, Sadducees, and Essenes were (Wars 2.8.2)). Judas was of a school that Josephus mocks as self-aggrandizing.

Doubts persist as to whether this Theudas and Judas of whom Josephus writes are the same as the two individuals of whom Luke writes in the Book of Acts (5:36-37), but in either case, these false teachers came to nothing. Their lives mattered not a whit to the world at large.

Luke records the fate of another false prophet, Bar-Jesus, after he opposes the Gospel that Paul and Barnabas preach (Acts 13:6-12). His life also came to nothing.

The last false messiah during the Jewish Wars, though certainly not the last imposter to ever claim to be Christ, was Simon bar Kokhba, who led his insurgents against Roman occupation in Judea after the Great Revolt and Kito's War ended in failure for the Jews. History estimates that over half a million Jews were killed in this third and final campaign, directly at the hands of the Romans and due to famine and disease. Bar Kokhba died in the fortress of Betar, and, like all the false messiahs before him, was laid to rest without effecting the change he intended. Rome maintained its presence and the Jewish political state came once and for all all to a complete collapse.

The false teachers who rose up to liberate Israel and Judea from their pagan overlords wooed followers with their boastful language and military prowess. They envisioned themselves claiming victories and returning home as heros. They saw themselves ensconced in history as mighty warriors and faithful servants who would restore the glory of their homeland. They would all fail.

From Jesus of Nazareth we get a rather different portrait of what Messiah ought to be. In Jesus we have neither a military leader nor a self- proclaimed savior. Jesus did not promise a restored and glorified Israel. He did not die a hero's death or win the favor of his countrymen. Quite the opposite. In his unique, humble way, he promised the kingdom of God to a new people under a new covenant and then died a slave's death. His mission was not to suffer merely for the salvation of Israel but for the salvation of the world. And he succeeded.

did jesus warn about false messiahs? probably... that's a very jewish concept.

humble? I'm pretty sure there was nothing humble about the guy who went into Jerusalem and tried to get them to oust the romans.

but if that makes you feel happy.

and you're right, he wasn't publicized when he was alive because he was considered another fake self-proclaimed messiah.

he became truly famous when Constantine's mommy decided she was a Christian and like a good son, Constantine put together the teachings of the jewish Christians with the beliefs of his roman pagans. they came up with some good stories, too.
Naw, Jesus Christ became famous when he rose from the dead and was seen by so many witnesses, then when the Holy Spirit came down later and birthed the Church.
He had good PR. Something people like you keep carrying on with. While your faith is yours and I have no issue with it, you do understand it is just yours, right?

And all people don’t “adore” him. He was a nice enough jewish rabbi though. Said some good things.

But tell me — why isn’t the temple rebuilt? Why haven’t we had a thousand years of peace? If the messiah was here, those prophesies would have been fulfilled.

And is there some reason that religious zealots can’t just live by their faith and stop harranging everyone else? If it were Muslims who did this all
Day every day, you’d be ranting and raving.

My only attempt here was to point out just how unique he actually was.

As for the theology behind my beliefs in terms of the veracity of the Bible, those are easily researched if you are interested.

Is he unique? Or better publicized? There were probably a hundred Jews at the time calling themselves messiah. They were pretty much all crucified by Rome because to Rome it was an issue of rabble rousers threatening their power.

Was Yeshua more charismatic than most? Probably. Did he have a certain je ne s’ait quoi? Probably. But he didn’t fulfill the prophesies and what was supposed to happen after the coming of the messiah didn’t occur. So I don’t think he’s so unique.

Your bible isn’t mine. The New Testament is not capable of proof. And your faith is faith. Also not capable of proof. And as to yeahua being revered by all people. Not by the majority of the planet. Again you’re entitled to your belief. But your presumption that it is capable of proof as fact is pretty much absurd. If it could be proven as fact, it wouldn’t require faith. So your whole fact checking thing is kind of silly. Tell me, did you fact check the council of Nicea?

And for the record, those of us who do not subscribe to your brand of religion think your religion is false. And I am always kind of astounded by the arrogance of anyone who thinks theirs is the only true religion without realizing that if we didn’t believe the same about our own belief systems, we wouldn’t subscribe to the beliefs we hold
Unique. He wasn't more publicized until after his death like the other "messiah's" were while alive.

Jesus warns of false messiahs and prophets (Matt. 24:5, 11, 24). These individuals, whom John refers to as false teachers and prophets (Rev. 2:14-15;19:29) were not in short supply. Josephus reports that the Zealots suborned many false prophets to rally the people against Rome (Wars 6.5.2).

One individual who seduced a large following was Theudas, a self-proclaimed prophet whom Josephus calls a magician. This man deluded several souls into following him to the Jordan River, which he promised to divide in order to provide passage through as they retreated. It didn't work; Fadus sent troops after him and his band and captured and slew them. Theudas ended up beheaded.

Another false messiah who rose shortly after Christ was Judas the Galilean, who led a failed messianic movement to protest tribute to Rome. Josephus doesn't relate the death of Judas but does record the execution of his two sons (Antiquities 20.5.2), and calls him a teacher of his own peculiar sect, referring to the Zealots (not from one of the philosophical schools like the Pharisees, Sadducees, and Essenes were (Wars 2.8.2)). Judas was of a school that Josephus mocks as self-aggrandizing.

Doubts persist as to whether this Theudas and Judas of whom Josephus writes are the same as the two individuals of whom Luke writes in the Book of Acts (5:36-37), but in either case, these false teachers came to nothing. Their lives mattered not a whit to the world at large.

Luke records the fate of another false prophet, Bar-Jesus, after he opposes the Gospel that Paul and Barnabas preach (Acts 13:6-12). His life also came to nothing.

The last false messiah during the Jewish Wars, though certainly not the last imposter to ever claim to be Christ, was Simon bar Kokhba, who led his insurgents against Roman occupation in Judea after the Great Revolt and Kito's War ended in failure for the Jews. History estimates that over half a million Jews were killed in this third and final campaign, directly at the hands of the Romans and due to famine and disease. Bar Kokhba died in the fortress of Betar, and, like all the false messiahs before him, was laid to rest without effecting the change he intended. Rome maintained its presence and the Jewish political state came once and for all all to a complete collapse.

The false teachers who rose up to liberate Israel and Judea from their pagan overlords wooed followers with their boastful language and military prowess. They envisioned themselves claiming victories and returning home as heros. They saw themselves ensconced in history as mighty warriors and faithful servants who would restore the glory of their homeland. They would all fail.

From Jesus of Nazareth we get a rather different portrait of what Messiah ought to be. In Jesus we have neither a military leader nor a self- proclaimed savior. Jesus did not promise a restored and glorified Israel. He did not die a hero's death or win the favor of his countrymen. Quite the opposite. In his unique, humble way, he promised the kingdom of God to a new people under a new covenant and then died a slave's death. His mission was not to suffer merely for the salvation of Israel but for the salvation of the world. And he succeeded.

did jesus warn about false messiahs? probably... that's a very jewish concept.

humble? I'm pretty sure there was nothing humble about the guy who went into Jerusalem and tried to get them to oust the romans.

but if that makes you feel happy.

and you're right, he wasn't publicized when he was alive because he was considered another fake self-proclaimed messiah.

he became truly famous when Constantine's mommy decided she was a Christian and like a good son, Constantine put together the teachings of the jewish Christians with the beliefs of his roman pagans. they came up with some good stories, too.
Naw, Jesus Christ became famous when he rose from the dead and was seen by so many witnesses, then when the Holy Spirit came down later and birthed the Church.

who says he rose from the dead? his followers?

in the gospel of mary, conveniently omitted at the council of nicea, she said his body 'disappeared'.
My only attempt here was to point out just how unique he actually was.

As for the theology behind my beliefs in terms of the veracity of the Bible, those are easily researched if you are interested.

Is he unique? Or better publicized? There were probably a hundred Jews at the time calling themselves messiah. They were pretty much all crucified by Rome because to Rome it was an issue of rabble rousers threatening their power.

Was Yeshua more charismatic than most? Probably. Did he have a certain je ne s’ait quoi? Probably. But he didn’t fulfill the prophesies and what was supposed to happen after the coming of the messiah didn’t occur. So I don’t think he’s so unique.

Your bible isn’t mine. The New Testament is not capable of proof. And your faith is faith. Also not capable of proof. And as to yeahua being revered by all people. Not by the majority of the planet. Again you’re entitled to your belief. But your presumption that it is capable of proof as fact is pretty much absurd. If it could be proven as fact, it wouldn’t require faith. So your whole fact checking thing is kind of silly. Tell me, did you fact check the council of Nicea?

And for the record, those of us who do not subscribe to your brand of religion think your religion is false. And I am always kind of astounded by the arrogance of anyone who thinks theirs is the only true religion without realizing that if we didn’t believe the same about our own belief systems, we wouldn’t subscribe to the beliefs we hold
Unique. He wasn't more publicized until after his death like the other "messiah's" were while alive.

Jesus warns of false messiahs and prophets (Matt. 24:5, 11, 24). These individuals, whom John refers to as false teachers and prophets (Rev. 2:14-15;19:29) were not in short supply. Josephus reports that the Zealots suborned many false prophets to rally the people against Rome (Wars 6.5.2).

One individual who seduced a large following was Theudas, a self-proclaimed prophet whom Josephus calls a magician. This man deluded several souls into following him to the Jordan River, which he promised to divide in order to provide passage through as they retreated. It didn't work; Fadus sent troops after him and his band and captured and slew them. Theudas ended up beheaded.

Another false messiah who rose shortly after Christ was Judas the Galilean, who led a failed messianic movement to protest tribute to Rome. Josephus doesn't relate the death of Judas but does record the execution of his two sons (Antiquities 20.5.2), and calls him a teacher of his own peculiar sect, referring to the Zealots (not from one of the philosophical schools like the Pharisees, Sadducees, and Essenes were (Wars 2.8.2)). Judas was of a school that Josephus mocks as self-aggrandizing.

Doubts persist as to whether this Theudas and Judas of whom Josephus writes are the same as the two individuals of whom Luke writes in the Book of Acts (5:36-37), but in either case, these false teachers came to nothing. Their lives mattered not a whit to the world at large.

Luke records the fate of another false prophet, Bar-Jesus, after he opposes the Gospel that Paul and Barnabas preach (Acts 13:6-12). His life also came to nothing.

The last false messiah during the Jewish Wars, though certainly not the last imposter to ever claim to be Christ, was Simon bar Kokhba, who led his insurgents against Roman occupation in Judea after the Great Revolt and Kito's War ended in failure for the Jews. History estimates that over half a million Jews were killed in this third and final campaign, directly at the hands of the Romans and due to famine and disease. Bar Kokhba died in the fortress of Betar, and, like all the false messiahs before him, was laid to rest without effecting the change he intended. Rome maintained its presence and the Jewish political state came once and for all all to a complete collapse.

The false teachers who rose up to liberate Israel and Judea from their pagan overlords wooed followers with their boastful language and military prowess. They envisioned themselves claiming victories and returning home as heros. They saw themselves ensconced in history as mighty warriors and faithful servants who would restore the glory of their homeland. They would all fail.

From Jesus of Nazareth we get a rather different portrait of what Messiah ought to be. In Jesus we have neither a military leader nor a self- proclaimed savior. Jesus did not promise a restored and glorified Israel. He did not die a hero's death or win the favor of his countrymen. Quite the opposite. In his unique, humble way, he promised the kingdom of God to a new people under a new covenant and then died a slave's death. His mission was not to suffer merely for the salvation of Israel but for the salvation of the world. And he succeeded.

did jesus warn about false messiahs? probably... that's a very jewish concept.

humble? I'm pretty sure there was nothing humble about the guy who went into Jerusalem and tried to get them to oust the romans.

but if that makes you feel happy.

and you're right, he wasn't publicized when he was alive because he was considered another fake self-proclaimed messiah.

he became truly famous when Constantine's mommy decided she was a Christian and like a good son, Constantine put together the teachings of the jewish Christians with the beliefs of his roman pagans. they came up with some good stories, too.
Naw, Jesus Christ became famous when he rose from the dead and was seen by so many witnesses, then when the Holy Spirit came down later and birthed the Church.

who says he rose from the dead? his followers?

in the gospel of mary, conveniently omitted at the council of nicea, she said his body 'disappeared'.

You should watch the movie, "Case for Christ" or read the book.

It's about an atheist whose wife converted to Christianity and he threatened to divorce her unless she recanted. He was an investigative reporter with the Chicago Tribune, so he used his talents to try and prove the resurrection false.

He later converted himself.
By definition all religions are cults. Even yours.

So the perception that cult is a derogatory term is not always correct.

the difference between a cult and a religion is 2000 years. but there is no denying yours is a cult of personality,,,, except that you gave the person a new name (it was yeshua), a new birthday (he was likely born in april, but not on Mithras; bithdaay) and a new birthplace (there is no way the romans shut down the economy to have everyone in Bethlehem so he was likely born in Nazareth... where he was impoverished and illiterate).

I see no reason to assume that his name was not Yeshua---there were lots of Yeshuas in those days. As to birthday---
hubby is from a traditional mid-east jewish family and has
no idea what his birthday is.------approximations were done----like "NEAR PURIM" was good enough---accurate birthday
was not an issue. I believe that Jesus was fully literate---and was a Pharisee. -----because I actually read the NT. ----something like artisan level family with some connections----
John the Baptist was no slouch----he was so important that Herod killed him. Arabs don't make a big issue of birthday
either-------the idea that they celebrate Muhummad's birthday
is a JOKE. John----probably a Pharisee too---or at least one
of those desert dwelling groups that were sect like. It all makes sense if you leave out the MESSIAH thing
By definition all religions are cults. Even yours.

So the perception that cult is a derogatory term is not always correct.

the difference between a cult and a religion is 2000 years. but there is no denying yours is a cult of personality,,,, except that you gave the person a new name (it was yeshua), a new birthday (he was likely born in april, but not on Mithras; bithdaay) and a new birthplace (there is no way the romans shut down the economy to have everyone in Bethlehem so he was likely born in Nazareth... where he was impoverished and illiterate).

I see no reason to assume that his name was not Yeshua---there were lots of Yeshuas in those days. As to birthday---
hubby is from a traditional mid-east jewish family and has
no idea what his birthday is.------approximations were done----like "NEAR PURIM" was good enough---accurate birthday
was not an issue. I believe that Jesus was fully literate---and was a Pharisee. -----because I actually read the NT. ----something like artisan level family with some connections----
John the Baptist was no slouch----he was so important that Herod killed him. Arabs don't make a big issue of birthday
either-------the idea that they celebrate Muhummad's birthday
is a JOKE. John----probably a Pharisee too---or at least one
of those desert dwelling groups that were sect like. It all makes sense if you leave out the MESSIAH thing

a jew from Nazareth sure didn't have a latin name.

you think that some Christian BELIEVE that Mary called him
JESUS? How dumb do you think those "goyim" are? Even
I do not knock them down that much

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