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The United States IS a Christian Nation

Scriptural justifications for racism have been offered based on the story of Noah and Ham. see Genesis 9:18-27. Ham sees his father, Noah, naked and laying in a drunken stupor. He tells his brothers Shem and Japheth, who then cover Noah while managing to avert their eyes from his nakedness. As punishment for seeing him naked, Noah curses Ham's lineage. This curse is explained in the Babylonian Talmud, which claims that "the descendants of Ham are cursed by being Black and are sinful with a degenerate progeny."

The validity of this explanation is certainly questionable, especially since the curse only affected Ham's descendants through Canaan, who lived in the Levant and were presumably light-skinned. However, whether this interpretation should be considered legitimate now is of little significance; it predominated Christian thought for centuries and was used to justify the institution of racial slavery in Christian European nations. These beliefs - coupled with the New Testament commandment telling slaves to be obedient to their masters - provided Christians with a religious basis for slavery.

Where in Christianity are Blacks less than Equal?


I'll stick with the First Creation Story. We are All Related. Best to remember that.


1:26 And God said, Let us make man in our image, after our likeness: and let them have dominion over the fish of the sea, and over the fowl of the air, and over the cattle, and over all the earth, and over every creeping thing that creepeth upon the earth.

1:27 So God created man in his own image, in the image of God created he him; male and female created he them.

1:28 And God blessed them, and God said unto them, Be fruitful, and multiply, and replenish the earth, and subdue it: and have dominion over the fish of the sea, and over the fowl of the air, and over every living thing that moveth upon the earth.

The Holy Bible
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Scriptural justifications for racism have been offered based on the story of Noah and Ham. see Genesis 9:18-27. Ham sees his father, Noah, naked and laying in a drunken stupor. He tells his brothers Shem and Japheth, who then cover Noah while managing to avert their eyes from his nakedness. As punishment for seeing him naked, Noah curses Ham's lineage. This curse is explained in the Babylonian Talmud, which claims that "the descendants of Ham are cursed by being Black and are sinful with a degenerate progeny."

The validity of this explanation is certainly questionable, especially since the curse only affected Ham's descendants through Canaan, who lived in the Levant and were presumably light-skinned. However, whether this interpretation should be considered legitimate now is of little significance; it predominated Christian thought for centuries and was used to justify the institution of racial slavery in Christian European nations. These beliefs - coupled with the New Testament commandment telling slaves to be obedient to their masters - provided Christians with a religious basis for slavery.

Where in Christianity are Blacks less than Equal?


Where Christ tell Christians that Blacks are less than Equal?
I just wandered by, read the above, and am now asking: are you guys for real?
Scriptural justifications for racism have been offered based on the story of Noah and Ham. see Genesis 9:18-27. Ham sees his father, Noah, naked and laying in a drunken stupor. He tells his brothers Shem and Japheth, who then cover Noah while managing to avert their eyes from his nakedness. As punishment for seeing him naked, Noah curses Ham's lineage.

In the story of the bloody babe in Ezekiel 16 v 1-6, Ezekiel tells the Israelites in no uncertain terms that they are descendants of Ham as well "Thy birth and thy nativity were of the land of Canaan; thy father was an Amorite, and thy mother an Hittite."

Prophets are never popular. The people wanted to hear about their male genealogy, through whom they are priests and kings; not their mother, through whom they are servants.
See.......this is yet another place where I think the MusLAME theology is fucked.
I have no idea what you're talking about. You will find absolutely nothing in Islamic scripture that supports any type of racial discrimination. The first muezzin was Bilal ibn Ribah, an African man appointed by Muhammad (SAW) himself.

Bilal ibn Ribah - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Racial diversity is divine:
And of His signs is the creation of the heavens and the earth and the diversity of your tongues and colours. Surely there are signs in this for the learned. - 30:22​

Skin pigment alone should not be used to determine the goodness or evil of a person. It should be their actions.
That exact sentiment is expressed in the holy Qur'an:

O mankind, surely We have created you from a male and a female, and made you tribes and families that you may know each other. Surely the noblest of you with Allah is the most dutiful of you. Surely Allah is Knowing, Aware. - 49:13​

Reiterated by Muhammad (SAWS):

"All people are equal in Islam, the Arab has no superiority over the non-Arab, nor does the non-Arab have superiority over the Arab, save in the fear of God."

Incidentally, if blacks are so bad, then can you please tell me why the blacks in Ethiopia are some of the oldest Christians on the planet, as well as the fact that they believe God loves them (which He does).

How can God love someone who is evil?
Again, you're talking to the wrong person. Take it up with someone who believes in the racial prejudice encouraged by the Bible.

"Some one has said that Europeans in South Africa dread the advent of Islam - Islam that civilized Spain, Islam that took the torch light to Morocco and preached to the world the Gospel of brotherhood. The Europeans of South Africa dread the Advent of Islam. They may claim equality with the white races. They may well dread it, if brotherhood is a sin. If it is equality of colored races then their dread is well founded." - Mahatma Gandhi​
I'll stick with the First Creation Story. We are All Related. Best to remember that.

I am merely presenting the scriptural justifications that were used for centuries to justify racial slavery and prejudice.
I'll stick with the First Creation Story. We are All Related. Best to remember that.

I am merely presenting the scriptural justifications that were used for centuries to justify racial slavery and prejudice.

The Point is that it is not Justified!:eek::eek::eek::eek::eek::eek::eek:

Yes, it is.

Jews > Non-Jews

even jewish slaves are of more value than non-jewishslaves.

Ever read Leviticus?
I am merely presenting the scriptural justifications that were used for centuries to justify racial slavery and prejudice.

The Point is that it is not Justified!:eek::eek::eek::eek::eek::eek::eek:

Yes, it is.

Jews > Non-Jews

even jewish slaves are of more value than non-jewishslaves.

Ever read Leviticus?

Again You miss the point Cherry. We are All Related. We are All Equal in Justice. Distinguish between God and Man. God's words and Man's words. Are You a Fundamentalist? Literal Translation is above Scrutiny or Question? My God tells Me to Put Conscience First in Relating to Him. That comes before what was written by men. Impartiality in Judgement. Impartiality in Justice. Equal under the Law. Anything less is a corruption, a perversion, even at the Highest Levels. There is No Exception to The Truth.

Slavery is Wrong. Why place Any Value on what is wrong. Is it any less wrong when the Jews do it? The Muslims? The Christians? No! Pompous Arrogant Ass!

Search Leviticus, and Exodus, and Numbers, and Hammurabi's Code. Tell me what You find. Pretty remarkable similarities, huh!
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Who is Cherry?

If all are equal, does it take two women to equal one man during eyewitness testimony?
Literal Translation is above Scrutiny or Question.

Weren't you talking about dogma a little while back? :rolleyes:

Basically, your religion is based on never thinking, then?

Slavery is Wrong.

Jesus didn't think so, nor does your god. Are you saying God is wrong and God needsto follow yourmoral compass?

Are you saying that copying other people's religion makes yours right?
Who is Cherry?

Your Spiritual Perception is Cherry.

If all are equal, does it take two women to equal one man during eyewitness testimony?

One Being is Equal to one being in matters of Impartial Justice. Believer and Nonbeliever alike, male and female alike.

Literal Translation is above Scrutiny or Question.

Thank you for noticing, that was a typo, I'll try to watch better.
It should have read Literal Translation is above Scrutiny or Question?

It was meant to be a challenge in question form. True Religion is based on Faith, which is beyond Understanding and Reason, which comes before All Books and Scrolls. The Torah, Bible, Koran, are Translated words by Man's hand. Be it Holy Men, Leaders and Followers both, Their Intent is not doubted, though the Scriptures have Contradictions at face value.

Weren't you talking about dogma a little while back? :rolleyes:

Dogma = Training Wheels.

Basically, your religion is based on never thinking, then?

Basically My Religion is based on Two Commandments, and Connecting with God Through Conscience. John Locke spoke Highly of it, so did Madison and Thoreau. Live in the Now, Witness, and weigh your decisions on Principle, merit, priority, and function to name a few. Each should develop their own sight, Voice, place. Bear Witness, Tell the Truth about What You Witness, Be Fruitful, Multiply, Replenish the Earth. Honest Scales.

Slavery is Wrong.

Jesus didn't think so, nor does your god. Are you saying God is wrong and God needsto follow yourmoral compass?

I do not Believe that God or Jesus wants People owning People. That has been out grown, if it was ever truly right I can't say. Ask Hammurabi? God does not need Anyone to speak for Him.

God is the Source of the Moral Compass.

Are you saying that copying other people's religion makes yours right?

I'm not suggesting Anyone Copy anything, I'm suggesting You Tune into Your Own Conscience. Through that You will answer much for Yourself.

Look, no new curse words!
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Who is Cherry?

If all are equal, does it take two women to equal one man during eyewitness testimony?
Literal Translation is above Scrutiny or Question.

Weren't you talking about dogma a little while back? :rolleyes:

Basically, your religion is based on never thinking, then?

Slavery is Wrong.

Jesus didn't think so, nor does your god. Are you saying God is wrong and God needsto follow yourmoral compass?

Are you saying that copying other people's religion makes yours right?

Actually, both Yeshua and HaShem thought slavery was wrong.

Remember Exodus?

Remember Jesus? Remember Leviticus?

No problem with slavery,so long as it's the Jews who profit.

Do Christians today support Slavery?

Do Jews today Support Slavery?

Do Christians today support Slavery?

Do Jews today Support Slavery?


So your defense of the biblical texts is that you don't follow the bible anyway?

No. I read and Take the Bible Very Seriously. I study the Bible. I answer to God. The Bible has Many Valuable Lessons and Secrets to Discern. I Refuse to Use Scripture to Manipulate Others. I study that which appears to contradict or mislead, and am wary of Corruption and False Direction. Conscience is within you. You must develop that, it is the guide in Life God gave each of us. Ignore it to your peril. Ignore me all you want. that is not important. Your Inner self will be where you need it, when you need it. Will You be where you need to be?

You like Scripture, or are you more into using it to snare Fundamentalists over contradictions? What is your faith?
You know how we could of saved 36 pages? This:


The day will come when the mystical generation of Jesus,
by the Supreme Being as his Father, in the womb of a virgin, will be
classified with the fable of the generation of Minerva in the brain of
Jupiter. But we may hope that the dawn of reason and the freedom of
thought in these United States will do away with this artificial
scaffolding, and restore to us the primitive and genuine doctrines of
this most venerated Reformer of human errors. - Thomas Jefferson

As to Jesus of Nazareth, I think the system of Morals
and his Religion, as he left them to us, the best the World ever saw or
is likely to see; but I apprehend it has received various corrupting
Changes, and I have, with the most of the present Dissenters in England,
some doubts to his divinity. - Benjamin Franklin
Shouldn't some of you folk be peddling some spiritual economics elsewhere? :eusa_eh:
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