The unspoken moral dilemma of socialists

How is that "fitting?" I'm a Trump supporter, but I'm also an anarcho capitalist. The alternative to Trump is Hillary, and anyone who thinks that's a preferable alternative needs to have his head examined.

With that said, do you dislike Trump?
Yaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaawn, look, here's your system:

Privatized gains versus socialized losses for the Wall Street/bankster class
Internalized profit versus externalized risk/expense for the "job creator" class
Socialism for the aristocracy versus laissez-faire capitalism for the masses

This is what we call “capitalism” in america

It's the plunder of the working class by the unaccountable 1%. Take Bernie, for a perfect example. Robin Hood wanted to tax the worker by 99%, take his share and buy a sports car and a lakefront second home, then hand out what is left to special interest groups to keep him in office. While you stand in line for government toilet papaer and fake cheese.
Yaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaawn, look, here's your system:

Privatized gains versus socialized losses for the Wall Street/bankster class
Internalized profit versus externalized risk/expense for the "job creator" class
Socialism for the aristocracy versus laissez-faire capitalism for the masses

This is what we call “capitalism” in america

It's the plunder of the working class by the unaccountable 1%. Take Bernie, for a perfect example. Robin Hood wanted to tax the worker by 99%, take his share and buy a sports car and a lakefront second home, then hand out what is left to special interest groups to keep him in office. While you stand in line for government toilet papaer and fake cheese.

Yaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaawn, look, here's your system:
Privatized gains versus socialized losses for the Wall Street/bankster class
Internalized profit versus externalized risk/expense for the "job creator" class
Socialism for the aristocracy versus laissez-faire capitalism for the masses
This is what we call “capitalism” in america
Obviously, morals are not something you know about.

Nothing but your lame opinion.
No facts whatsoever.
Care to elaborate at all, in any manner.
While the right-wing , teabagger , so-called conservatives what to do away with most all moral laws and cabinets.


I believe this happens because socialists have a bad track record of creating good environmental, charitable, and international NGO groups that have no capacity for a robin hood complex.

What "moral laws" are you referring to, Obama's regulations designed to destroy the coal industry?
It happens because leviathan must be served.....As a conservative, we know this and constantly struggle to reduce the size of .gov, in hopes of choking the life out of leviathan.....

Or so you guys think.

Conservatives are just as easily manipulated into supporting an authoritarian big government agenda. For gods sake, you guys supported Reagan, Bush, Romney, and now Trump.

All four of them were or still are corporate government whores.
trump conservative? really? never in his life. you are truly a loser.
It happens because leviathan must be served.....As a conservative, we know this and constantly struggle to reduce the size of .gov, in hopes of choking the life out of leviathan.....

Or so you guys think.

Conservatives are just as easily manipulated into supporting an authoritarian big government agenda. For gods sake, you guys supported Reagan, Bush, Romney, and now Trump.

All four of them were or still are corporate government whores.
You have no clue what a conservative is, being that you are not be careful or you will look foolish......
too late
It happens because leviathan must be served.....As a conservative, we know this and constantly struggle to reduce the size of .gov, in hopes of choking the life out of leviathan.....

Or so you guys think.

Conservatives are just as easily manipulated into supporting an authoritarian big government agenda. For gods sake, you guys supported Reagan, Bush, Romney, and now Trump.

All four of them were or still are corporate government whores.

Nothing but your lame opinion.
No facts whatsoever.

It is common sense logic, genius.

So you don't think taxation is theft? Tell me how forcibly taking money from an individual is not theft when the government does it.
well accurately speaking, taxation in the US was to pay for services all use. It was over the course of time and the greedy democrats that started the thievery. Taxing dead people's money who are no longer upright. wow, that is still the most amazing one for me. Too many democrats who feel what's mine is theirs and what's theirs is theirs. It's sort of sad. We could indeed be a better america. get the greed out of Washington. Bring in Trump and let him put a can of whoop ass on these fking whiny clowns.
Socialism is only moral when all participants are in it voluntarily, such as in a commune, monastery, or convent. Government-enforced socialism is utterly immoral, because it confiscates wealth from people SIMPLY BECAUSE THEY HAVE IT, and re-distributes it to others SIMPLY BECAUSE THEY LACK IT.

Punish success, reward failure. Great philosophy.

Expanding on that point, policies of forced and systematic "generosity" are used to fulfill a sense of inner disgust and insecurity in those that support them.

Someone with a genuinely kind heart would not use the government to enact greater social change. The government is evil and causes frequent pain to the civil population.

I much prefer an argument with someone that believes the state is necessary, rather than someone that believes the state can be a force for good.
the religious groups were the ones in the past to help the needy, now today it's the cities, states and fed fks and they suck. They have humans working with no patience and who have to/ must actually deal with other humans. It's why I personally despise local, city and federal government. The assholes in positions they don't fit in. Give it back to the churches and keep government out of em.
trump conservative? really? never in his life. you are truly a loser.

Actually I believe he is a liberal with a Republican name tag.
he ran as a republican because it was the correct move. he is very liberal in most things he does, and you know what, no one supporting him that is a republican cares. he isn't owned by a party period. It's why the GOP is all up in arms. dahhhhh!!

I believe this happens because socialists have a bad track record of creating good environmental, charitable, and international NGO groups that have no capacity for a robin hood complex.

This is silly, socialists have no more moral dilemma than capitalists. After all even what little government capitalists do support requires taxation(what you call theft), just less of.
This is retarded, socialists have no more moral dilemma than capitalists. After all even what little taxation capitalists do support requires taxation, just less of.

True capitalism is void of government.

I believe that conservatives are also socialists, if that makes you feel any better.

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