CDZ The US is a terrorist state. Discuss

Your logic doesn't cover the complete story of our "relationship" with Iran. We are not the good guys here.

I don't see it in terms of good or bad.

I don't hate Trump, or America.

And I wouldn't need a morally equivalent argument to justify it either.
This is not about hating trump or America. It is about recognizing OUR wrongdoings. You only see the attempts to bomb our embassy. Let me make it clear so you can understand because apparently you don't.

America had a democratically elected prime minister removed.

America helped put a dictator in place that robbed his people.

The people of Iran overthrew the dictator in 1979.

Our government did not like the new Iranian government so they armed a regional rival to remove that government resulting in over 1 million deaths.

We have continued messing with those people and now our government kills another Iranian leader.

So ask yourself this question and do so honestly:

What would you do if another country had done these things to America?

I bet you'd be supporting all out war.

Just like Suleimani.

Of course it's about hating Trump and America.

It's a smokescreen. There's a history.

I used to talk like you, when I embarrassed my parents.
Were we a terrorist nation when bin Laden was killed? Did you leftists call Obama a murderer or terrorist for that or did you praise him for it? Does he still brag about it to this day? Does Biden brag about it on the campaign trail? Did you celebrate his death or did you mourn it the way you mourn Soleimani's? Did any of you criticize Obama for his 500+ drone strikes that killed nearly 4,000 people, including over 300 civilians? Funny, I don't recall the attacks on him or the demands to invoke the War Powers Act. The only comments I recall coming from the hypocrites on the left were praises and kudos to him for killing terrorists (and innocent civilians). So please, don't insult everyone's intelligence with your hypocrisy. We know what this is all about. Your hatred of Trump and your anger over his success is on full display for the world to see...and they DO see it.
Also let me add if you are upset about the killing of the Iranian General then you would agree Obama order to kill Osama was wrong seeing Osama was in Pakistan and we invaded their country to kill him, so in your opinion do you believe Obama is a terrorist and war criminal?
Absolutely. He was president of a terrorist state wasn't he? How could he not be a terrorist?

So a man you voted for and supported is now a terrorist, so what does that make you and all those that voted for him?

Note I voted for Johnson in 2016 election, so before you throw at me I am also a terrorist supporter do know that and also I did not vote for Bush and voted Green both times...
Your logic doesn't cover the complete story of our "relationship" with Iran. We are not the good guys here.

I don't see it in terms of good or bad.

I don't hate Trump, or America.

And I wouldn't need a morally equivalent argument to justify it either.
This is not about hating trump or America. It is about recognizing OUR wrongdoings. You only see the attempts to bomb our embassy. Let me make it clear so you can understand because apparently you don't.

America had a democratically elected prime minister removed.

America helped put a dictator in place that robbed his people.

The people of Iran overthrew the dictator in 1979.

Our government did not like the new Iranian government so they armed a regional rival to remove that government resulting in over 1 million deaths.

We have continued messing with those people and now our government kills another Iranian leader.

So ask yourself this question and do so honestly:

What would you do if another country had done these things to America?

I bet you'd be supporting all out war.

Just like Suleimani.

Of course it's about hating Trump and America.

It's a smokescreen. There's a history.

I used to talk like you, when I embarrassed my parents.

Everything I said is documented. So you might want to return to the days you were more intelligent.
Were we a terrorist nation when bin Laden was killed? Did you leftists call Obama a murderer or terrorist for that or did you praise him for it? Does he still brag about it to this day? Does Biden brag about it on the campaign trail? Did you celebrate his death or did you mourn it the way you mourn Soleimani's? Did any of you criticize Obama for his 500+ drone strikes that killed nearly 4,000 people, including over 300 civilians? Funny, I don't recall the attacks on him or the demands to invoke the War Powers Act. The only comments I recall coming from the hypocrites on the left were praises and kudos to him for killing terrorists (and innocent civilians). So please, don't insult everyone's intelligence with your hypocrisy. We know what this is all about. Your hatred of Trump and your anger over his success is on full display for the world to see...and they DO see it.

I said we paid for Bin Laden when he worked for us against the Soviets on 9-12-2001. Whataboutobama isn't going to work here. trump can't provide justification for this himself, so your rant means nothing. trump is an idiot and the guy he killed was a government official. Bin Laden was not. On top of that, Bin Laden had committed an act of terror that was documented. So the next time you try this, maybe learn the differences.
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Your logic doesn't cover the complete story of our "relationship" with Iran. We are not the good guys here.

I don't see it in terms of good or bad.

I don't hate Trump, or America.

And I wouldn't need a morally equivalent argument to justify it either.
This is not about hating trump or America. It is about recognizing OUR wrongdoings. You only see the attempts to bomb our embassy. Let me make it clear so you can understand because apparently you don't.

America had a democratically elected prime minister removed.

America helped put a dictator in place that robbed his people.

The people of Iran overthrew the dictator in 1979.

Our government did not like the new Iranian government so they armed a regional rival to remove that government resulting in over 1 million deaths.

We have continued messing with those people and now our government kills another Iranian leader.

So ask yourself this question and do so honestly:

What would you do if another country had done these things to America?

I bet you'd be supporting all out war.

Just like Suleimani.

Of course it's about hating Trump and America.

It's a smokescreen. There's a history.

I used to talk like you, when I embarrassed my parents.

Everything I said is documented. So you might want to return to the days you were more intelligent.

I'm fine, thanks.
Your logic doesn't cover the complete story of our "relationship" with Iran. We are not the good guys here.

I don't see it in terms of good or bad.

I don't hate Trump, or America.

And I wouldn't need a morally equivalent argument to justify it either.
This is not about hating trump or America. It is about recognizing OUR wrongdoings. You only see the attempts to bomb our embassy. Let me make it clear so you can understand because apparently you don't.

America had a democratically elected prime minister removed.

America helped put a dictator in place that robbed his people.

The people of Iran overthrew the dictator in 1979.

Our government did not like the new Iranian government so they armed a regional rival to remove that government resulting in over 1 million deaths.

We have continued messing with those people and now our government kills another Iranian leader.

So ask yourself this question and do so honestly:

What would you do if another country had done these things to America?

I bet you'd be supporting all out war.

Just like Suleimani.

Of course it's about hating Trump and America.

It's a smokescreen. There's a history.

I used to talk like you, when I embarrassed my parents.

Everything I said is documented. So you might want to return to the days you were more intelligent.

I'm fine, thanks.

Actually you're not. But it's your life.
I don't see it in terms of good or bad.

I don't hate Trump, or America.

And I wouldn't need a morally equivalent argument to justify it either.
This is not about hating trump or America. It is about recognizing OUR wrongdoings. You only see the attempts to bomb our embassy. Let me make it clear so you can understand because apparently you don't.

America had a democratically elected prime minister removed.

America helped put a dictator in place that robbed his people.

The people of Iran overthrew the dictator in 1979.

Our government did not like the new Iranian government so they armed a regional rival to remove that government resulting in over 1 million deaths.

We have continued messing with those people and now our government kills another Iranian leader.

So ask yourself this question and do so honestly:

What would you do if another country had done these things to America?

I bet you'd be supporting all out war.

Just like Suleimani.

Of course it's about hating Trump and America.

It's a smokescreen. There's a history.

I used to talk like you, when I embarrassed my parents.

Everything I said is documented. So you might want to return to the days you were more intelligent.

I'm fine, thanks.

Actually you're not. But it's your life.

I said we paid for Bin Laden when he worked for us against the Soviets on 9-12-2001.
Before he was a terrorist, yes.
Whataboutobama isn't going to work here.
It just did. It shows your hypocrisy.
trump can't provide justification for this himself, so your rant means nothing. trump is an idiot and the guy he killed was a government official.
It's not a rant, and the guy Trump killed was a confirmed terrorist, responsible for the death of hundreds of Americans. Yeah, he was a government official of a terrorist country, the biggest sponsor of terrorism in the world. Stop legitimizing them, they are an outlaw country. Learn the difference between a legitimate country and a terrorist country.
I’m not dodging definitions. I am making a key distinction that you are dodging.
I've given you dictionary definitions. You dodge them by inventing your own definitions because the accepted ones make you squirm.
So imagine...

A bunch of Kurdish fighters managed to weaponize a set of drones. They took out a Turkish general along with the head of CentCom traveling together to Washington from the airport to meet Trump.

Our righty friends wouldn't need a fraction of a second to determine this was terrorism, and a war crime. They wouldn't even waste that amount of time thinking about what that Turkish general has done to the Kurds, and even less about the head of CentCom, even if they both arrived drenched in Kurdish blood. They wouldn't rest until revenge is exacted at the Kurdish leadership, no matter whether they had anything to do with the assault or not.

Back to reality now.

Soleimani did to Americans in Iraq no more - actually substantially less - than the U.S. did to Iran during the 1980s. I have yet to see the first of our righty friends so much as to actually acknowledge that. In both instances, back then and now, Soleimani fought on the side beating back criminal invaders. In one case the U.S. supported the criminal invader, in the other the U.S. WAS the criminal invader.

But yeah, Soleimani, with no more blood of innocents at his hands than any senior U.S. general operating in Iraq or Afghanistan, is the "terrorist".

This is so intellectually defective and morally bankrupt as to be laughable. No matter where you stand on the issue, you have to marvel at one thing in particular: That would be the near-unanimous bi-partisan condemnation of Soleimani as a "bad guy". For whenever you see bi-partisanship in Washington, the chances are high the consent is one of utter, catastrophic stupidity, and, in this case, also entirely self-serving, for it distracts from the fact that the U.S. troops died or were maimed in Iraq because of Bush's criminality, also enabled by nice, bi-partisan votes.

A "terrorist state"? Naw, that would simplify things way too much. A state entirely capable and often enough willing to engage in, and support, terrorism and war crimes? Sure. For a fuller picture, one definitely should add the terrorism against the truth, also with utterly bi-partisan support, and brought to an entirely new level by Trump. His followers follow, no questions asked.
I’m not dodging definitions. I am making a key distinction that you are dodging.
I've given you dictionary definitions. You dodge them by inventing your own definitions because the accepted ones make you squirm.
No. I am stating the obvious. Terrorists and the military are two different things.

You are equivocating the military to terrorists using a definition of what terrorists do as a definition of what they are.
No. I am stating the obvious. Terrorists and the military are two different things.

You are equivocating the military to terrorists using a definition of what terrorists do as a definition of what they are.
I have given dictionary definitions of terrorism. You can't accept those because they make you squirm. That's hardly my fault, talk to the publishers.

In your construct, Suleimani can't be a terrorist because he is a member of the military.

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