The USA is a sharply racially divided country


Gold Member
The US is sharply racially divided, some want it to be politically, and there is much talk on both left and right how we are divided, who divides people etc. and blame it on the other side, but the US is inherently sharply racially divided, and it can never be anything else. Any opinions and solutions?

The USA is a sharply racially divided country​

Only to some ...

The US is sharply racially divided, some want it to be politically, and there is much talk on both left and right how we are divided, who divides people etc. and blame it on the other side, but the US is inherently sharply racially divided, and it can never be anything else. Any opinions and solutions?
Most average Americans disagree....

The solution is to keep striving to be better than we were.....

One who truly loves their country should always criticize it and push it towards being a better country......

I disagree.... Everyone I know respect their fellow American, as long as the fellow American is also respectful.

It's not the color of skin that is the problem..... its a persons attitude and actions that are the problem.

I highly respect and like some Mexicans around me. They are hard working and have strong families and are simply good folks.

I have some Black friends. They are good Christian folks, who love and respect me, as I do them.

It ain't color, it's bad attitude and bad behavior that's the problem.

The US is sharply racially divided, some want it to be politically, and there is much talk on both left and right how we are divided, who divides people etc. and blame it on the other side, but the US is inherently sharply racially divided, and it can never be anything else. Any opinions and solutions?

Division is the tool of some.

To change this the US needs Proportional Representation. It needs people to have a say in their political process, right now they have almost none.
The US is sharply racially divided, some want it to be politically, and there is much talk on both left and right how we are divided, who divides people etc. and blame it on the other side, but the US is inherently sharply racially divided, and it can never be anything else. Any opinions and solutions?
No, the media and DNC are portraying their country as deeply divided on race for political purposes with race baiting.

They talk about race more than Hitler ever did, no one else does.

As with every other word out of their collective mouths, its all bullsh$t

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