The USDA can't say "climate Change" or Global Warming"


Gold Member
Sep 28, 2016
Here is an article from the USDA:

USDA Announces More Than $8 Million to Address Shifting Environmental Conditions and Impact on Agriculture"

"shifting environmental Conditions"?????

Like that is not global warming.

Republicans: Dumber than shit & proving it every day.

Or maybe... just maybe... they meant something completely different.
Here is an article from the USDA:

USDA Announces More Than $8 Million to Address Shifting Environmental Conditions and Impact on Agriculture"

"shifting environmental Conditions"?????

Like that is not global warming.

Republicans: Dumber than shit & proving it every day.

Sorry to burst your liberal bubble, but Environmental conditions are continually shifting, it doesn't mean AGW.
Here is an article from the USDA:

USDA Announces More Than $8 Million to Address Shifting Environmental Conditions and Impact on Agriculture"

"shifting environmental Conditions"?????

Like that is not global warming.

Republicans: Dumber than shit & proving it every day.

Dude, global warming exists, but not catastrophically. So does global cooling. The climate, the environment, shifts constantly. The world isn't going to melt (or freeze like you alarmists said back in the '60s).
Here is an article from the USDA:

USDA Announces More Than $8 Million to Address Shifting Environmental Conditions and Impact on Agriculture"

"shifting environmental Conditions"?????

Like that is not global warming.

Republicans: Dumber than shit & proving it every day.

Dude, global warming exists, but not catastrophically. So does global cooling. The climate, the environment, shifts constantly. The world isn't going to melt (or freeze like you alarmists said back in the '60s).

Well, moron, in the 60's no one cared about air pollution let alone greenhouses gases.

If we did nothing since the 60's, we would be in sad shape now.

The problem with you idiots & your extremely stupid post is that you don't get it.

Remember when we were warned that acid rain is killing our lakes & rivers & predictions told of dead lakes, etc?

Did it happen?


No because action was taken. Taken by George HW Bush back when Republicans believed in science.

Plenty of action on greenhouse gas emissions has been taken since the 60's.

As it is, it will cost billions if we do not act further

Your children will have a more difficult life & evisdentry you are too stupid to care.

SCIENCE. Believe itr.,
There is more evidence of ancient aliens than AGW
Here is an article from the USDA:

USDA Announces More Than $8 Million to Address Shifting Environmental Conditions and Impact on Agriculture"

"shifting environmental Conditions"?????

Like that is not global warming.

Republicans: Dumber than shit & proving it every day.

Dude, global warming exists, but not catastrophically. So does global cooling. The climate, the environment, shifts constantly. The world isn't going to melt (or freeze like you alarmists said back in the '60s).

Well, moron, in the 60's no one cared about air pollution let alone greenhouses gases.

If we did nothing since the 60's, we would be in sad shape now.

The problem with you idiots & your extremely stupid post is that you don't get it.

Remember when we were warned that acid rain is killing our lakes & rivers & predictions told of dead lakes, etc?

Did it happen?


No because action was taken. Taken by George HW Bush back when Republicans believed in science.

Plenty of action on greenhouse gas emissions has been taken since the 60's.

As it is, it will cost billions if we do not act further

Your children will have a more difficult life & evisdentry you are too stupid to care.

SCIENCE. Believe itr.,

Calling me a moron gets you no respect from me.

In the '60s, no one cared about pollution, but pollution is different from the planet warming.

NEWSFLASH: Humans don't warm or cool the planet. It's natural. It's called science.
There is more evidence of ancient aliens than AGW
Frayed Knot.

There is plenty of research showing that the planet is warming.
I said AGW. But thanks for raping legitimate facts to wrap around your alarmist bullshit.

Well dickweed, I said gl;obal wasrming & yet you had your tissdy fit.

There is plenty of research that ties higher CO2 concentrations to more warming. And guess what, Man added that extra CO2.

What happens to our corn crop when it gets too hot & arid? Here in PA,some orchards are moving =north because we no longer hasve the climate for some apples.

We have military installations near Newport News that the access road floods because of rising sea levels.

That is not alarmist. The idea that we won;t burn up in some horrible event does not mean the effects won't be dire & people will die.

But hey, you should go ahead & listen to your leaders with that fossil fuel money in their pocket. I'm sure they are telling you the truth,.
Here is an article from the USDA:

USDA Announces More Than $8 Million to Address Shifting Environmental Conditions and Impact on Agriculture"

"shifting environmental Conditions"?????

Like that is not global warming.

Republicans: Dumber than shit & proving it every day.
It's not like we didn't warn everyone that Donald Trump would be a clusterfuck if elected.
I completely believe in climate change - I see it 4 times a year. :p

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