The USDA can't say "climate Change" or Global Warming"

Here is an article from the USDA:

USDA Announces More Than $8 Million to Address Shifting Environmental Conditions and Impact on Agriculture"

"shifting environmental Conditions"?????

Like that is not global warming.

Republicans: Dumber than shit & proving it every day.

Sorry to burst your liberal bubble, but Environmental conditions are continually shifting, it doesn't mean AGW.
Sorry to burst your bubble but I said Global Warming /Climate Change.

So what did they mean?

AGW - anthropogenic global warming. Get it now?
They show this and someone else can show that. That was my point.
No. The point is the consensus of scientists is that the data I posted is correct. That some dissent is usual.

If you're hinting at "97% of scientist agree..." hogwash, that's been debunked time and time again. There are a large number of scientists, astronomers, climatologists, and meteorologists, etc., that disagree with the alarmist's assertions that man is causing climate change. Many of them say that much of the so-called climate change "data" has been manipulated or downright fabricated

Yes, the climate is changing. NEWS FLASH: It always has, and always will.
There are a large number of scientists, astronomers, climatologists, and meteorologists, etc., that disagree with the alarmist's assertions that man is causing climate change
A few outliers and dissenters, nowhere near the number that agree human activity caused greenhouse gases are driving climate changed. You can deny it as much as you like, the scientific societies might know better than you, strange as that may seem.
Actual, provable science such as tree rings and ice cores have proven that Earth climate is in constant flux. Your implication that's not true are a misguided reliance on heresay and pseudo-science.
That you infer that from my posts is up to you.
When I post evidence of the current and historic temperatures and you call it pseudo science all that shows is that you are indeed a rightard dumb fuck.
Yes, the climate is changing. NEWS FLASH: It always has, and always will.
Thanks for the rightard dumb fuck view of evidence of rising temperatures.


Global Warming : Feature Articles
Here is an article from the USDA:

USDA Announces More Than $8 Million to Address Shifting Environmental Conditions and Impact on Agriculture"

"shifting environmental Conditions"?????

Like that is not global warming.

Republicans: Dumber than shit & proving it every day.
Manbearpig is full of shit... live with it. :fu:
There is more evidence of ancient aliens than AGW
Frayed Knot.

There is plenty of research showing that the planet is warming.

No, there isn't. There are loads of computer derived fiction claiming it, but there is virtually no actual, observed, empirical data to support it.
Here is an article from the USDA:

USDA Announces More Than $8 Million to Address Shifting Environmental Conditions and Impact on Agriculture"

"shifting environmental Conditions"?????

Like that is not global warming.

Republicans: Dumber than shit & proving it every day.

Dude, global warming exists, but not catastrophically. So does global cooling. The climate, the environment, shifts constantly. The world isn't going to melt (or freeze like you alarmists said back in the '60s).

Well, moron, in the 60's no one cared about air pollution let alone greenhouses gases.

If we did nothing since the 60's, we would be in sad shape now.

The problem with you idiots & your extremely stupid post is that you don't get it.

Remember when we were warned that acid rain is killing our lakes & rivers & predictions told of dead lakes, etc?

Did it happen?


No because action was taken. Taken by George HW Bush back when Republicans believed in science.

Plenty of action on greenhouse gas emissions has been taken since the 60's.

As it is, it will cost billions if we do not act further

Your children will have a more difficult life & evisdentry you are too stupid to care.

SCIENCE. Believe itr.,

Calling me a moron gets you no respect from me.

In the '60s, no one cared about pollution, but pollution is different from the planet warming.

NEWSFLASH: Humans don't warm or cool the planet. It's natural. It's called science.
No doubt, some humans are incredibly arrogant to think they can change the fate of the planet.
Obviously has nothing to do with us…
Don't forget about the relatively under-reported great news for the agra industry that President Trump negotiated a deal with China where they agreed to import American beef. The regulations related to the international shipment of U.S. meat products might be intimidating to the drones who labor in the giant federal bureaucracies.

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