The USDA can't say "climate Change" or Global Warming"

That chart ends 17 years ago. Also, calling us "rightard dumb fucks" gets you no respect. Please keep the debate clean.
The chart is right up to date you rightard dumb fuck. You deserve no respect.
At this point, its just what you want to believe. . people that believe in this are willing to throw away sovereignty, change peoples lives and habits, and tax more. And that is a problem for me.
stop eating meat
stop having so many kids
stop driving
stop flying
You are pretending that because the solution may be difficult means the problem does not exist.
No im not.
If i believe in anything, it is actual solutions. I fucking hate using bandaids to cover problems. Most of the problems we have cant be fixed with easy shit.
If i believe in anything, it is actual solutions.
You have to accept the problem before you can conceive actual solutions. You are refusing to accept the problem because the solutions are too difficult. It's in your post, ffs.
I gave you a list of thousands of links to Global Cooling 1970s.
Bullshit. Like I'm going to trawl through google pages to make your argument for you. You couldn't even produce another article. I produced data on what scientists were actually saying, not journalists.
Filling in holes with assumption isnt knowledge. Its assumption.
The holes are filled with evidence. You have shown you don't know knowledge when you see it, rather you deny it with a wall of invincible ignorance. Here is some knowledge, again. Do you accept it?


Data.GISS: GISS Surface Temperature Analysis: Analysis Graphs and Plots
Ignorance? I just kicked your ass with several links showing the govt has falsified global warming data to scam the American people.
No, you gave some links to assertions from deniers. Woo hoo.

And you're presenting "facts"(?) from alarmists. Two sides of the same coin.

Neither side s totally correct. And your assertions that climate change is somehow a new phenomenon are totally wrong. Actual, provable science such as tree rings and ice cores have proven that Earth climate is in constant flux. Your implication that's not true are a misguided reliance on heresay and pseudo-science.

The fact that I learned these things in Jr. High School science class defines the depths to which our current education system has fallen. In a effort to prevent a student from feeling bad about themselves, schools a passing kids out of high school that in my day wouldn't have passed out of elementary school. A sad turn of affairs to be sure.

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