The USDA can't say "climate Change" or Global Warming"

then show me. Good luck, considering scientists cant even PROVE man is the death of the planet.
Science doesn't do proof, it does evidence. When invincible ignorance denies evidence then ignorance is invincible.
Here is an article from the USDA:

USDA Announces More Than $8 Million to Address Shifting Environmental Conditions and Impact on Agriculture"

"shifting environmental Conditions"?????

Like that is not global warming.

Republicans: Dumber than shit & proving it every day.

Dude, global warming exists, but not catastrophically. So does global cooling. The climate, the environment, shifts constantly. The world isn't going to melt (or freeze like you alarmists said back in the '60s).

Well, moron, in the 60's no one cared about air pollution let alone greenhouses gases.

If we did nothing since the 60's, we would be in sad shape now.

The problem with you idiots & your extremely stupid post is that you don't get it.

Remember when we were warned that acid rain is killing our lakes & rivers & predictions told of dead lakes, etc?

Did it happen?


No because action was taken. Taken by George HW Bush back when Republicans believed in science.

Plenty of action on greenhouse gas emissions has been taken since the 60's.

As it is, it will cost billions if we do not act further

Your children will have a more difficult life & evisdentry you are too stupid to care.

SCIENCE. Believe itr.,

Calling me a moron gets you no respect from me.

In the '60s, no one cared about pollution, but pollution is different from the planet warming.

NEWSFLASH: Humans don't warm or cool the planet. It's natural. It's called science.

Deservedly so.

When they cut pollution, they also cut emissions. Greenhouse gases became an issue & the need to reduce them. When smart people ran this country, we did something about it.

More CO2 => More Grrenhouse effect => warmer temperatuitres. That is science.
Yeah, the planet was warming. We're actually cooling slightly.
Only if one ignores all evidence to the contrary. Just what is it with these denying rightard dumb fucks?


Data.GISS: GISS Surface Temperature Analysis: Analysis Graphs and Plots
There is big money being pumped into anti environment anti climate change propaganda sites. They create their own non scientific graphs and charts so when real science charts prove the earth is warming they pull out their bogus graphs and think they're " winning."
then show me. Good luck, considering scientists cant even PROVE man is the death of the planet.
Science doesn't do proof, it does evidence. When invincible ignorance denies evidence then ignorance is invincible.

Proof = evidence. They're the same thing.

"I have proof of x." = "I have evidence for x."

Scientists can't prove, they can't find evidence for man causing the supposed death of the planet.
and if we hadn't done something about Global Cooling in the 70s, we'd all have frozen to death
Yeah, the planet was warming. We're actually cooling slightly.
Only if one ignores all evidence to the contrary. Just what is it with these denying rightard dumb fucks?


Data.GISS: GISS Surface Temperature Analysis: Analysis Graphs and Plots

That chart ends 17 years ago. Also, calling us "rightard dumb fucks" gets you no respect. Please keep the debate clean.
Actually, Mr Brilliant, the chart goes on . The X-Axis is marked in 20 year increments. It ain't 2020 yet. My God.
Here is an article from the USDA:

USDA Announces More Than $8 Million to Address Shifting Environmental Conditions and Impact on Agriculture"

"shifting environmental Conditions"?????

Like that is not global warming.

Republicans: Dumber than shit & proving it every day.

Dude, global warming exists, but not catastrophically. So does global cooling. The climate, the environment, shifts constantly. The world isn't going to melt (or freeze like you alarmists said back in the '60s).

Well, moron, in the 60's no one cared about air pollution let alone greenhouses gases.

If we did nothing since the 60's, we would be in sad shape now.

The problem with you idiots & your extremely stupid post is that you don't get it.

Remember when we were warned that acid rain is killing our lakes & rivers & predictions told of dead lakes, etc?

Did it happen?


No because action was taken. Taken by George HW Bush back when Republicans believed in science.

Plenty of action on greenhouse gas emissions has been taken since the 60's.

As it is, it will cost billions if we do not act further

Your children will have a more difficult life & evisdentry you are too stupid to care.

SCIENCE. Believe itr.,

Calling me a moron gets you no respect from me.

In the '60s, no one cared about pollution, but pollution is different from the planet warming.

NEWSFLASH: Humans don't warm or cool the planet. It's natural. It's called science.

Deservedly so.

When they cut pollution, they also cut emissions. Greenhouse gases became an issue & the need to reduce them. When smart people ran this country, we did something about it.

More CO2 => More Grrenhouse effect => warmer temperatuitres. That is science.

First off, saying I'm a moron gets you no respect. Let's keep the debate clean and refrain from name calling. You look like a child when you do that.

Secondly, cutting pollution is different from the earth warming and cooling. Pollution just clogs the air. However, there are things like clean coal and fracking now that cause much less pollution than in the past. Pollution isn't much of a problem because of market innovation, not the government.
View attachment 140833
Here is an article from the USDA:

USDA Announces More Than $8 Million to Address Shifting Environmental Conditions and Impact on Agriculture"

"shifting environmental Conditions"?????

Like that is not global warming.

Republicans: Dumber than shit & proving it every day.
It's not like we didn't warn everyone that Donald Trump would be a clusterfuck if elected.

It is horrible that our government manipulates and falsifies data to scam the American people...

Federal scientist cooked climate change books ahead of Obama presentation, whistle blower charges

Climate change whistleblower alleges NOAA manipulated data to hide global warming ‘pause’

Former Obama Official: Bureaucrats Manipulate Climate Stats To Influence Policy

Former NOAA Scientist Confirms Colleagues Manipulated Climate Records
Yeah, the planet was warming. We're actually cooling slightly.
Only if one ignores all evidence to the contrary. Just what is it with these denying rightard dumb fucks?


Data.GISS: GISS Surface Temperature Analysis: Analysis Graphs and Plots
There is big money being pumped into anti environment anti climate change propaganda sites. They create their own non scientific graphs and charts so when real science charts prove the earth is warming they pull out their bogus graphs and think they're " winning."

So now you peddle conspiracy theories? Dude, give it a rest.
It's not gonna affect me in my lifetime, so why the hell would I care?
Here is an article from the USDA:

USDA Announces More Than $8 Million to Address Shifting Environmental Conditions and Impact on Agriculture"

"shifting environmental Conditions"?????

Like that is not global warming.

Republicans: Dumber than shit & proving it every day.

Dude, global warming exists, but not catastrophically. So does global cooling. The climate, the environment, shifts constantly. The world isn't going to melt (or freeze like you alarmists said back in the '60s).

Well, moron, in the 60's no one cared about air pollution let alone greenhouses gases.

If we did nothing since the 60's, we would be in sad shape now.

The problem with you idiots & your extremely stupid post is that you don't get it.

Remember when we were warned that acid rain is killing our lakes & rivers & predictions told of dead lakes, etc?

Did it happen?


No because action was taken. Taken by George HW Bush back when Republicans believed in science.

Plenty of action on greenhouse gas emissions has been taken since the 60's.

As it is, it will cost billions if we do not act further

Your children will have a more difficult life & evisdentry you are too stupid to care.

SCIENCE. Believe itr.,

Calling me a moron gets you no respect from me.

In the '60s, no one cared about pollution, but pollution is different from the planet warming.

NEWSFLASH: Humans don't warm or cool the planet. It's natural. It's called science.

Deservedly so.

When they cut pollution, they also cut emissions. Greenhouse gases became an issue & the need to reduce them. When smart people ran this country, we did something about it.

More CO2 => More Grrenhouse effect => warmer temperatuitres. That is science.

First off, saying I'm a moron gets you no respect. Let's keep the debate clean and refrain from name calling. You look like a child when you do that.

Secondly, cutting pollution is different from the earth warming and cooling. Pollution just clogs the air. However, there are things like clean coal and fracking now that cause much less pollution than in the past. Pollution isn't much of a problem because of market innovation, not the government.
There is no such thing as clean coal. Kinda like non smelly shit.
Here is an article from the USDA:

USDA Announces More Than $8 Million to Address Shifting Environmental Conditions and Impact on Agriculture"

"shifting environmental Conditions"?????

Like that is not global warming.

Republicans: Dumber than shit & proving it every day.

Sorry to burst your liberal bubble, but Environmental conditions are continually shifting, it doesn't mean AGW.
Sorry to burst your bubble but I said Global Warming /Climate Change.

So what did they mean?

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