The value of slavery?


most arabs are caucasion. Never try to tell an IRANIAN that he is not
caucasion. Persons native to INDIA are caucasion. Linda Sarsour was
CAUCASION until she ;put a rag on her silly head. Lots of Hispanics are MOSTLY causcasion------HERNAN CORTEZ -------ancestor of millions was CAUCASION. Alexandria Cortez is SUDDENLY ---"A PERSON OF COLOR"-------Hernan is probably turning over in his grave

Never try to tell an Iranian they are Arab.

Persians are most definitely white. "Aryan" is the Farsi word for "Iranian."

Never try to suggest ARAB FOOD to an Iranian, Never admire Arabian
music in the presence of an Iranian. Never ask an Iranian muslim if he knows Arabic------He might VOMIT

most arabs are caucasion. Never try to tell an IRANIAN that he is not
caucasion. Persons native to INDIA are caucasion. Linda Sarsour was
CAUCASION until she ;put a rag on her silly head. Lots of Hispanics are MOSTLY causcasion------HERNAN CORTEZ -------ancestor of millions was CAUCASION. Alexandria Cortez is SUDDENLY ---"A PERSON OF COLOR"-------Hernan is probably turning over in his grave

Never try to tell an Iranian they are Arab.

Persians are most definitely white. "Aryan" is the Farsi word for "Iranian."

Never try to suggest ARAB FOOD to an Iranian, Never admire Arabian
music in the presence of an Iranian. Never ask an Iranian muslim if he knows Arabic------He might VOMIT

Sadly, Iran is over-run by Arabs and the Persian population is dwindling. In another 20 years it will be just another Arab country.

most arabs are caucasion. Never try to tell an IRANIAN that he is not
caucasion. Persons native to INDIA are caucasion. Linda Sarsour was
CAUCASION until she ;put a rag on her silly head. Lots of Hispanics are MOSTLY causcasion------HERNAN CORTEZ -------ancestor of millions was CAUCASION. Alexandria Cortez is SUDDENLY ---"A PERSON OF COLOR"-------Hernan is probably turning over in his grave

Never try to tell an Iranian they are Arab.

Persians are most definitely white. "Aryan" is the Farsi word for "Iranian."

Never try to suggest ARAB FOOD to an Iranian, Never admire Arabian
music in the presence of an Iranian. Never ask an Iranian muslim if he knows Arabic------He might VOMIT

Sadly, Iran is over-run by Arabs and the Persian population is dwindling. In another 20 years it will be just another Arab country.

no----Ethnic arabs are a small minority in Iran--------I do not believe that Iran is accepting hordes from Syria -------you got some other information on the topic? Muslims are the majority---------are you referring to the DWINDLE of the ZOROASTRIANS?

most arabs are caucasion. Never try to tell an IRANIAN that he is not
caucasion. Persons native to INDIA are caucasion. Linda Sarsour was
CAUCASION until she ;put a rag on her silly head. Lots of Hispanics are MOSTLY causcasion------HERNAN CORTEZ -------ancestor of millions was CAUCASION. Alexandria Cortez is SUDDENLY ---"A PERSON OF COLOR"-------Hernan is probably turning over in his grave

Never try to tell an Iranian they are Arab.

Persians are most definitely white. "Aryan" is the Farsi word for "Iranian."

Never try to suggest ARAB FOOD to an Iranian, Never admire Arabian
music in the presence of an Iranian. Never ask an Iranian muslim if he knows Arabic------He might VOMIT

Sadly, Iran is over-run by Arabs and the Persian population is dwindling. In another 20 years it will be just another Arab country.

no----Ethnic arabs are a small minority in Iran--------I do not believe that Iran is accepting hordes from Syria -------you got some other information on the topic? Muslims are the majority---------are you referring to the DWINDLE of the ZOROASTRIANS?

No, I know that Muslims are the majority, with the Christian population nearly wiped out. Wiki says about 2% Arab. My understanding was the fall of Saddam had sent many Arabs from Iraq into Iran.
Africans do have some say in telling us how things happened. Many whites dismiss all African accounts of this or anything else pertaining to the history of the continent THEY have lived on. Things can only have happened as whites tell us they did.

Africans did NOT sell their own people into slavery

your article offers NOTHING NEW or "DIFFERENT" From where did you get the idea that "WHITE PEOPLE" imagine that black Africans SOLD THEIR BROTHERS AND SISTERS. As to the 'islamic' influence on slave trade-----
ACTUALLY the arab influence on African slave trade goes back more than
four thousand years-----------long before arabs (including those hanging out in
Africa------became muslims)

Lean to read Irosie. The arab trader argument is not part of this discussion.

I read fine---------the slave trade from sub-Saharan Africa to the REST OF THE WORLD has been an ARAB ENTERPRISE for at least 4000 years. The SUDAN is an ARAB COLONY founded as an outpost of Arabia for the PURPOSE OF THE CONDUCT OF SLAVE TRADE. The phenomenon is
addressed in the OT-------ISHMAELITE SLAVE TRADERS-----bought and sold Joseph. Ishmaelite-----was a word designating NOMADS---
ILLITERATE, UNWASHED and sorta criminal. It is a very old designation
for what were largely ARABS. Black slaves were EXPORTED from Africa to places as far as India

The Arabs had nothing to do with what happened here in America and I'm taking about what happened in its entirety not the part you whites want leave out to continue arguing your infantile argument about who you didn't own . Fuck that. The Arab trader argument is not relevant to this discussion. You will keep bringing it up because you know you'll get help but it has nothing to do with America. Learn to read because I said nothing about whites imagining anything. I did say Africans have a side to this story whites refuse to accept.

most arabs are caucasion. Never try to tell an IRANIAN that he is not
caucasion. Persons native to INDIA are caucasion. Linda Sarsour was
CAUCASION until she ;put a rag on her silly head. Lots of Hispanics are MOSTLY causcasion------HERNAN CORTEZ -------ancestor of millions was CAUCASION. Alexandria Cortez is SUDDENLY ---"A PERSON OF COLOR"-------Hernan is probably turning over in his grave

Never try to tell an Iranian they are Arab.

Persians are most definitely white. "Aryan" is the Farsi word for "Iranian."

Never try to suggest ARAB FOOD to an Iranian, Never admire Arabian
music in the presence of an Iranian. Never ask an Iranian muslim if he knows Arabic------He might VOMIT

Sadly, Iran is over-run by Arabs and the Persian population is dwindling. In another 20 years it will be just another Arab country.

no----Ethnic arabs are a small minority in Iran--------I do not believe that Iran is accepting hordes from Syria -------you got some other information on the topic? Muslims are the majority---------are you referring to the DWINDLE of the ZOROASTRIANS?

No, I know that Muslims are the majority, with the Christian population nearly wiped out. Wiki says about 2% Arab. My understanding was the fall of Saddam had sent many Arabs from Iraq into Iran.

not as far as I know------THEY DON'T LIKE EACH OTHER
What would you estimate the value of slavery in the US to have been?
Specifically, if reparations were to be made for slavery, how much would you estimate the value of lost wages plus interest to be? Please be specific. What pay scale would you propose be used, and what amount of interest?
Who would you propose be paid reparations for slavery in the US?
And, who would you propose pay into the fund to be dispersed to those deemed recipients of said reparations?

That needs to be negotiated.

Have each slave prepare an estimate of the lost wages they incurred. We can provide help in preparing the financial statements for any ex-slave who needs such help.

Present the estimate in person and it will be considered on a case by case basis.

No. It's just that simple. No.

If you want free money, that is the basis.

Since it's not free money, it's not the basis. It never has been the basis and it will not ever be the basis.
Africans do have some say in telling us how things happened. Many whites dismiss all African accounts of this or anything else pertaining to the history of the continent THEY have lived on. Things can only have happened as whites tell us they did.

Africans did NOT sell their own people into slavery

your article offers NOTHING NEW or "DIFFERENT" From where did you get the idea that "WHITE PEOPLE" imagine that black Africans SOLD THEIR BROTHERS AND SISTERS. As to the 'islamic' influence on slave trade-----
ACTUALLY the arab influence on African slave trade goes back more than
four thousand years-----------long before arabs (including those hanging out in
Africa------became muslims)

Lean to read Irosie. The arab trader argument is not part of this discussion.

I read fine---------the slave trade from sub-Saharan Africa to the REST OF THE WORLD has been an ARAB ENTERPRISE for at least 4000 years. The SUDAN is an ARAB COLONY founded as an outpost of Arabia for the PURPOSE OF THE CONDUCT OF SLAVE TRADE. The phenomenon is
addressed in the OT-------ISHMAELITE SLAVE TRADERS-----bought and sold Joseph. Ishmaelite-----was a word designating NOMADS---
ILLITERATE, UNWASHED and sorta criminal. It is a very old designation
for what were largely ARABS. Black slaves were EXPORTED from Africa to places as far as India

The Arabs had nothing to do with what happened here in America and I'm taking about what happened in its entirety not the part you whites want leave out to continue arguing your infantile argument about who you didn't own . Fuck that. The Arab trader argument is not relevant to this discussion. You will keep bringing it up because you know you'll get help but it has nothing to do with America. Learn to read because I said nothing about whites imagining anything. I did say Africans have a side to this story whites refuse to accept.

wrong------arabs CONTROLLED the African slave trade-------they had nothing to do with the LARGE SCALE TRANSPORT to the Americas or what happened once that was accomplished-------but so far as Africans as slaves----arabs ALL BUT INVENTED IT. Why does that fact IRK you---you prefer to believe that blond blue eye Wasps captured black children in the bush with butterfly nets?
Never try to tell an Iranian they are Arab.

Persians are most definitely white. "Aryan" is the Farsi word for "Iranian."

Never try to suggest ARAB FOOD to an Iranian, Never admire Arabian
music in the presence of an Iranian. Never ask an Iranian muslim if he knows Arabic------He might VOMIT

Sadly, Iran is over-run by Arabs and the Persian population is dwindling. In another 20 years it will be just another Arab country.

no----Ethnic arabs are a small minority in Iran--------I do not believe that Iran is accepting hordes from Syria -------you got some other information on the topic? Muslims are the majority---------are you referring to the DWINDLE of the ZOROASTRIANS?

No, I know that Muslims are the majority, with the Christian population nearly wiped out. Wiki says about 2% Arab. My understanding was the fall of Saddam had sent many Arabs from Iraq into Iran.

not as far as I know------THEY DON'T LIKE EACH OTHER

True, but under Obama Iran was the darling and prospered economically due to the favoritism America showed them. It was an incentive for those who were in a failed state such as Iraq to seek refuge.
What would you estimate the value of slavery in the US to have been?
Specifically, if reparations were to be made for slavery, how much would you estimate the value of lost wages plus interest to be? Please be specific. What pay scale would you propose be used, and what amount of interest?
Who would you propose be paid reparations for slavery in the US?
And, who would you propose pay into the fund to be dispersed to those deemed recipients of said reparations?

That needs to be negotiated.

Have each slave prepare an estimate of the lost wages they incurred. We can provide help in preparing the financial statements for any ex-slave who needs such help.

Present the estimate in person and it will be considered on a case by case basis.

No. It's just that simple. No.

If you want free money, that is the basis.

Since it's not free money, it's not the basis. It never has been the basis and it will not ever be the basis.

Well, you just hold your breath until someone hands you cash, bigot boi. :thup:
Never try to suggest ARAB FOOD to an Iranian, Never admire Arabian
music in the presence of an Iranian. Never ask an Iranian muslim if he knows Arabic------He might VOMIT

Sadly, Iran is over-run by Arabs and the Persian population is dwindling. In another 20 years it will be just another Arab country.

no----Ethnic arabs are a small minority in Iran--------I do not believe that Iran is accepting hordes from Syria -------you got some other information on the topic? Muslims are the majority---------are you referring to the DWINDLE of the ZOROASTRIANS?

No, I know that Muslims are the majority, with the Christian population nearly wiped out. Wiki says about 2% Arab. My understanding was the fall of Saddam had sent many Arabs from Iraq into Iran.

not as far as I know------THEY DON'T LIKE EACH OTHER

True, but under Obama Iran was the darling and prospered economically due to the favoritism America showed them. It was an incentive for those who were in a failed state such as Iraq to seek refuge.

you might be referring to the SHIITE majority in Iraq-------ok----but the RULING CLASS were SUNNIS------they would not migrate to Iran
Sadly, Iran is over-run by Arabs and the Persian population is dwindling. In another 20 years it will be just another Arab country.

no----Ethnic arabs are a small minority in Iran--------I do not believe that Iran is accepting hordes from Syria -------you got some other information on the topic? Muslims are the majority---------are you referring to the DWINDLE of the ZOROASTRIANS?

No, I know that Muslims are the majority, with the Christian population nearly wiped out. Wiki says about 2% Arab. My understanding was the fall of Saddam had sent many Arabs from Iraq into Iran.

not as far as I know------THEY DON'T LIKE EACH OTHER

True, but under Obama Iran was the darling and prospered economically due to the favoritism America showed them. It was an incentive for those who were in a failed state such as Iraq to seek refuge.

you might be referring to the SHIITE majority in Iraq-------ok----but the RULING CLASS were SUNNIS------they would not migrate to Iran

No question that those fleeing to Iran would be Shi'ite, but still ethnic Arab.
People of color on the continent of Africa have been selling other people of color for thousands of years.

Other people "OF COLOR"---------not their mothers. ------of color??? the people who invented that idiotic designation of humanoids------should be shot
Because not all were black. Many black people say people of color. What’s your problem?

its STUPID. "person of color" now includes lots and lots of people who used to be CAUCASION but are JUMPING on a bandwagon of ENTITLEMENT.

The way you guys try twisting and turning things is hilarious. People of color include no Caucasians.

most arabs are caucasion. Never try to tell an IRANIAN that he is not
caucasion. Persons native to INDIA are caucasion. Linda Sarsour was
CAUCASION until she ;put a rag on her silly head. Lots of Hispanics are MOSTLY causcasion------HERNAN CORTEZ -------ancestor of millions was CAUCASION. Alexandria Cortez is SUDDENLY ---"A PERSON OF COLOR"-------Hernan is probably turning over in his grave

You go tell your fellow whites an Iranian is white. Then you go tell your fellow whites that Alexandra Cortez is white. OK? Because the first thing you whites do when we talk about crime numbers after that stupid per capita shit is claim that Hispanics are added to whites and because of that whites have a higher number of crimes. Hispanics are not Caucasians them so you're just being disingenuous. Furthermore those considered Hispanic coming from the southern border are not Caucasians. They ae what were called Indians. Incas, Aztecs, Mayan, etc.
no----Ethnic arabs are a small minority in Iran--------I do not believe that Iran is accepting hordes from Syria -------you got some other information on the topic? Muslims are the majority---------are you referring to the DWINDLE of the ZOROASTRIANS?

No, I know that Muslims are the majority, with the Christian population nearly wiped out. Wiki says about 2% Arab. My understanding was the fall of Saddam had sent many Arabs from Iraq into Iran.

not as far as I know------THEY DON'T LIKE EACH OTHER

True, but under Obama Iran was the darling and prospered economically due to the favoritism America showed them. It was an incentive for those who were in a failed state such as Iraq to seek refuge.

you might be referring to the SHIITE majority in Iraq-------ok----but the RULING CLASS were SUNNIS------they would not migrate to Iran

No question that those fleeing to Iran would be Shi'ite, but still ethnic Arab.

right----for Iranians----ALMOST GOOD-----if they are Shiites. Even NUSKHARAH-ALLAH is an arab. Even Shiite arabs and Shiite Indians----
consider IRAN a kinda "holy land" and Farsi----something like a "holy language"
Other people "OF COLOR"---------not their mothers. ------of color??? the people who invented that idiotic designation of humanoids------should be shot
Because not all were black. Many black people say people of color. What’s your problem?

its STUPID. "person of color" now includes lots and lots of people who used to be CAUCASION but are JUMPING on a bandwagon of ENTITLEMENT.

The way you guys try twisting and turning things is hilarious. People of color include no Caucasians.

most arabs are caucasion. Never try to tell an IRANIAN that he is not
caucasion. Persons native to INDIA are caucasion. Linda Sarsour was
CAUCASION until she ;put a rag on her silly head. Lots of Hispanics are MOSTLY causcasion------HERNAN CORTEZ -------ancestor of millions was CAUCASION. Alexandria Cortez is SUDDENLY ---"A PERSON OF COLOR"-------Hernan is probably turning over in his grave

You go tell your fellow whites an Iranian is white. Then you go tell your fellow whites that Alexandra Cortez is white. OK? Because the first thing you whites do when we talk about crime numbers after that stupid per capita shit is claim that Hispanics are added to whites and because of that whites have a higher number of crimes. Hispanics are not Caucasians them so you're just being disingenuous. Furthermore those considered Hispanic coming from the southern border are not Caucasians. They ae what were called Indians. Incas, Aztecs, Mayan, etc.


"Hispanic" has to do with language, you ignorant racist,

Many Hispanics are white.

Mexico is a Segregated nation, with White's on top and Indians on the bottom. Mestizos tend toward to lower echelons. Sinaloa has a massive population of white people of German descent, who founded and run the Pacifico/Corona brewery.

Leave the hood some time bigot boi, and see how other countries actually are.
If it is such a burning issue for you, implore the United Nations to get those foreign countries involved. Those countries participated and in fact helped produce slaves. Why not sue the families of those who owned salves? Try being honest and get everyone involved you think are perpetrators. I have not once insulted you or anyone else on the subject. You refuse To answer the basic of questions. You insist on the easy way out and only go after the U.S. Governmemt.

I don’t believe reparations should be paid period. You refuse to look at all contributors to what you feel is owed.
We already know that you and most others on this board don't believe that reparations should be paid. No one is trying to change your mind or feelings. What we are doing is telling you how they can be paid and presumably at some point, probably not during my lifetime, the United States will acknowledge this grievous injury that it inflicted upon an entire race of people and their descendants and make amends.

Also, not everything is about money. If you were to look at this as similar to a party filing a legal claim, the plaintiff or complaintant can ask the court to grant any or all of the following:

Depending on the facts of the case and the law of the jurisdiction, the forms of relief available to successful plaintiffs in civil lawsuits may include compensatory damages, punitive damages, declaratory and injunctive relief, and a court order requiring the defendant to pay the prevailing plaintiff's attorney fees
Injunctive relief can be an order from the court to compell a party to do a specific thing or refrain from doing a specific thing. Many of the major strides made in civil rights began as a lawsuit. As IM2 has already pointed out previously in this thread, Brown vs Board of Eduction was initiated to strike down the "separate but equal" doctrine and paved the way for the Civil Rights Act of 1964.

Brown v. Board of Education of Topeka, 347 U.S. 483 (1954), was a landmark United States Supreme Court case in which the Court declared state laws establishing separate public schools for black and white students to be unconstitutional.​

The famous "Redtail" Tuskegee Airmen were not allowed to particpate in the second world war effort until a lawsuit forced the government to train them. Then almost 20 years later, another lawsuit had to be filed before the first commercial airline would hire an African American pilot although no one could claim that they were not qualified.

You all talk shit about black people all day long, every damn day, 7 days a week, 365 days a year comparing us to every negative, demeaning and derogatory stereotype without ever considering that the people you're conversing with might not fit your stereotypes at all. I don't know what any of you have accomplished in your lives but the way you present yourselves online, in this forum without an ounce of etiquette, decorum and in most cases civility is laughable because if anyone presents as a sterotypical racist that woudl be you all.

Lastly, this is not a burning issue for me that needs to be taken up with the United Nations. I and others have other more immediate needs that need to be addressed. I am somewhat surprised though, although I guess I shouldn't be, that you all haven't figured out yet why we're here.
My feeling is reparations are made to survivors not descendents...and in a sense reparations have already been made through affirmative action legislation.
Affirmative action doesn't compensate anyone for any harm done to them prior to the passage of our current civil rights legislation. In short in codifies discriminatory hiring, firing, promotion, etc. practices in employment at the federal level and creates a private cause of action which the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission has authority to investigate. In some of the most egregious cases the EEOC may bring suit on behalf of the complaintant. And contrary to popular belief it doesn't elevate "unqualifed" black people over "qualified" white people. In fact the law itself is race neutral. Companies were instructed to

"take affirmative action to ensure that applicants are employed, and that employees are treated during employment, without regard to their race, color, religion, sex or national origin.
White women have benefited more than any other group as a result of this legislation.
Who gets reparations?
All blacks?
Just those who can show they descended from slaves?
What's wrong with starting with those who can trace their ancestry to a specific planation or sale
Those who immigrated here post slavery?
What is black? Anyone with a dna test showing they have a black ancestor somewhere? 50%....100%....
What is white?
What about whites who had no part in the slave trade or immigrated post slavery, should they pay?
The government would be the proper party to pay reparations because the whites involved in the institution of chattel slavery would not have been able to do so but for the racist laws that our governments created, protected and enforced.
How about whites who lost their lives running the Underground Railroad or working for voting rights for blacks...should they get recompense or are they part of the group that pays?
Not to discount their participation or the risks that they took but there were no laws requiring them to do anything unlike the laws that required black people be kept in captivity and returned to captivity if they managed to escape.
If it is such a burning issue for you, implore the United Nations to get those foreign countries involved. Those countries participated and in fact helped produce slaves. Why not sue the families of those who owned salves? Try being honest and get everyone involved you think are perpetrators. I have not once insulted you or anyone else on the subject. You refuse To answer the basic of questions. You insist on the easy way out and only go after the U.S. Governmemt.

I don’t believe reparations should be paid period. You refuse to look at all contributors to what you feel is owed.
We already know that you and most others on this board don't believe that reparations should be paid. No one is trying to change your mind or feelings. What we are doing is telling you how they can be paid and presumably at some point, probably not during my lifetime, the United States will acknowledge this grievous injury that it inflicted upon an entire race of people and their descendants and make amends.

Also, not everything is about money. If you were to look at this as similar to a party filing a legal claim, the plaintiff or complaintant can ask the court to grant any or all of the following:

Depending on the facts of the case and the law of the jurisdiction, the forms of relief available to successful plaintiffs in civil lawsuits may include compensatory damages, punitive damages, declaratory and injunctive relief, and a court order requiring the defendant to pay the prevailing plaintiff's attorney fees
Injunctive relief can be an order from the court to compell a party to do a specific thing or refrain from doing a specific thing. Many of the major strides made in civil rights began as a lawsuit. As IM2 has already pointed out previously in this thread, Brown vs Board of Eduction was initiated to strike down the "separate but equal" doctrine and paved the way for the Civil Rights Act of 1964.

Brown v. Board of Education of Topeka, 347 U.S. 483 (1954), was a landmark United States Supreme Court case in which the Court declared state laws establishing separate public schools for black and white students to be unconstitutional.​

The famous "Redtail" Tuskegee Airmen were not allowed to particpate in the second world war effort until a lawsuit forced the government to train them. Then almost 20 years later, another lawsuit had to be filed before the first commercial airline would hire an African American pilot although no one could claim that they were not qualified.

You all talk shit about black people all day long, every damn day, 7 days a week, 365 days a year comparing us to every negative, demeaning and derogatory stereotype without ever considering that the people you're conversing with might not fit your stereotypes at all. I don't know what any of you have accomplished in your lives but the way you present yourselves online, in this forum without an ounce of etiquette, decorum and in most cases civility is laughable because if anyone presents as a sterotypical racist that woudl be you all.

Lastly, this is not a burning issue for me that needs to be taken up with the United Nations. I and others have other more immediate needs that need to be addressed. I am somewhat surprised though, although I guess I shouldn't be, that you all haven't figured out yet why we're here.
I don’t talk about Black vs White every day because it isn’t an issue for me.It does however appear that it is for you though. My life is quite full. You have your views, I have mine. We will never convince each other. That’s what is nice about society that accepts different views

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