The value of slavery?

What would you estimate the value of slavery in the US to have been?
Specifically, if reparations were to be made for slavery, how much would you estimate the value of lost wages plus interest to be? Please be specific. What pay scale would you propose be used, and what amount of interest?
Who would you propose be paid reparations for slavery in the US?
And, who would you propose pay into the fund to be dispersed to those deemed recipients of said reparations?
/——/ Any survivors of slavery should get $1,000,000 paid by those who held them in slavery. Now line them up and lets get it over with.
I think reparations are a fine line. For instance not all states legalized slavery. Reparation should really be for survivors not descendents hundreds of years later.

Government programs designed to address racial inequality and discrimination really are a form of reparation and an attempt to address longstanding policies and attitudes that targeted blacks.

Really? Have you studied Cobell v Salazar so you can understand how you are paying Native American descendants now for things that happened because of the Dawes Act if 1887? There has been nothing that has addressed the economic damage specifically for blacks.
What would you estimate the value of slavery in the US to have been?
Specifically, if reparations were to be made for slavery, how much would you estimate the value of lost wages plus interest to be? Please be specific. What pay scale would you propose be used, and what amount of interest?
Who would you propose be paid reparations for slavery in the US?
And, who would you propose pay into the fund to be dispersed to those deemed recipients of said reparations?
/——/ Any survivors of slavery should get $1,000,000 paid by those who held them in slavery. Now line them up and lets get it over with.

More dumb whiteness.
How Much Reparations
Will Have To Be Paid Out To Your Descendants
And Their Descendents
On And On And On.....

Are You Going To Clean-Up And Rebuild
The 'Urban Prairies' You Left Across Our Cities ??
Reimburse For All The Properties
You've Burned And Looted ??
My feeling is reparations are made to survivors not descendents...and in a sense reparations have already been made through affirmative action legislation.
Affirmative action doesn't compensate anyone for any harm done to them prior to the passage of our current civil rights legislation. In short in codifies discriminatory hiring, firing, promotion, etc. practices in employment at the federal level and creates a private cause of action which the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission has authority to investigate. In some of the most egregious cases the EEOC may bring suit on behalf of the complaintant. And contrary to popular belief it doesn't elevate "unqualifed" black people over "qualified" white people. In fact the law itself is race neutral. Companies were instructed to

"take affirmative action to ensure that applicants are employed, and that employees are treated during employment, without regard to their race, color, religion, sex or national origin.
White women have benefited more than any other group as a result of this legislation.
Blacks have also benefited. And no blacks alive today have been enslaved. No whites today have enslaved them. You can’t just say the government should pay...we all fund it and paying for something I had no part in or would ever support is wrong also.

Reparations were made to the Japanese Americans interned during WW2, paid out to each survivor. Not their descendents. A public apology by Reagan representing the government. In my opinion, that is just.

Yes we can say the government will pay just as the Native Americans did in the Cobell case to name just one. You have paid for wars you did not participate in as well as many other things so your argument in opposition really is very weak.
How Much Reparations
Will Have To Be Paid Out To Your Descendants
And Their Descendents
On And On And On.....

Are You Going To Clean-Up And Rebuild
The 'Urban Prairies' You Left Across Our Cities ??
Reimburse For All The Properties
You've Burned And Looted ??

More dumb whiteness.
I think reparations are a fine line. For instance not all states legalized slavery. Reparation should really be for survivors not descendents hundreds of years later.

Government programs designed to address racial inequality and discrimination really are a form of reparation and an attempt to address longstanding policies and attitudes that targeted blacks.

Really? Have you studied Cobell v Salazar so you can understand how you are paying Native American descendants now for things that happened because of the Dawes Act if 1887? There has been nothing that has addressed the economic damage specifically for blacks.
/——-/ 60 years of welfare, food stamps and housing for those who didn’t spend one second in bondage paid by those who never held slaves.
I think reparations are a fine line. For instance not all states legalized slavery. Reparation should really be for survivors not descendents hundreds of years later.

Government programs designed to address racial inequality and discrimination really are a form of reparation and an attempt to address longstanding policies and attitudes that targeted blacks.

Really? Have you studied Cobell v Salazar so you can understand how you are paying Native American descendants now for things that happened because of the Dawes Act if 1887? There has been nothing that has addressed the economic damage specifically for blacks.
/——-/ 60 years of welfare, food stamps and housing for those who didn’t spend one second in bondage paid by those who never held slaves.

I think reparations are a fine line. For instance not all states legalized slavery. Reparation should really be for survivors not descendents hundreds of years later.

Government programs designed to address racial inequality and discrimination really are a form of reparation and an attempt to address longstanding policies and attitudes that targeted blacks.

Really? Have you studied Cobell v Salazar so you can understand how you are paying Native American descendants now for things that happened because of the Dawes Act if 1887? There has been nothing that has addressed the economic damage specifically for blacks.
/——-/ 60 years of welfare, food stamps and housing for those who didn’t spend one second in bondage paid by those who never held slaves.

/——/ Said no White person ever.,
I think reparations are a fine line. For instance not all states legalized slavery. Reparation should really be for survivors not descendents hundreds of years later.

Government programs designed to address racial inequality and discrimination really are a form of reparation and an attempt to address longstanding policies and attitudes that targeted blacks.

Really? Have you studied Cobell v Salazar so you can understand how you are paying Native American descendants now for things that happened because of the Dawes Act if 1887? There has been nothing that has addressed the economic damage specifically for blacks.
/——-/ 60 years of welfare, food stamps and housing for those who didn’t spend one second in bondage paid by those who never held slaves.

/——/ Said no White person ever.,

Apparently whites have said that and you are one of them who did so.
I think reparations are a fine line. For instance not all states legalized slavery. Reparation should really be for survivors not descendents hundreds of years later.

Government programs designed to address racial inequality and discrimination really are a form of reparation and an attempt to address longstanding policies and attitudes that targeted blacks.

Really? Have you studied Cobell v Salazar so you can understand how you are paying Native American descendants now for things that happened because of the Dawes Act if 1887? There has been nothing that has addressed the economic damage specifically for blacks.
/——-/ 60 years of welfare, food stamps and housing for those who didn’t spend one second in bondage paid by those who never held slaves.

/——/ Said no White person ever.,

Apparently whites have said that and you are one of them who did so.
/—-/ Proof please.
I think reparations are a fine line. For instance not all states legalized slavery. Reparation should really be for survivors not descendents hundreds of years later.

Government programs designed to address racial inequality and discrimination really are a form of reparation and an attempt to address longstanding policies and attitudes that targeted blacks.

Really? Have you studied Cobell v Salazar so you can understand how you are paying Native American descendants now for things that happened because of the Dawes Act if 1887? There has been nothing that has addressed the economic damage specifically for blacks.
/——-/ 60 years of welfare, food stamps and housing for those who didn’t spend one second in bondage paid by those who never held slaves.

/——/ Said no White person ever.,

Apparently whites have said that and you are one of them who did so.
/——/ Apparently your ancestors in Africa sold their neighbors into slavery. You need to pay reparations.
What would you estimate the value of slavery in the US to have been?
Specifically, if reparations were to be made for slavery, how much would you estimate the value of lost wages plus interest to be? Please be specific. What pay scale would you propose be used, and what amount of interest?
Who would you propose be paid reparations for slavery in the US?
And, who would you propose pay into the fund to be dispersed to those deemed recipients of said reparations?
/——/ Any survivors of slavery should get $1,000,000 paid by those who held them in slavery. Now line them up and lets get it over with.

More dumb whiteness.
/——-/ you need to pay reparations to all Whites who were robbed by Blacks since 1865
I think reparations are a fine line. For instance not all states legalized slavery. Reparation should really be for survivors not descendents hundreds of years later.

Government programs designed to address racial inequality and discrimination really are a form of reparation and an attempt to address longstanding policies and attitudes that targeted blacks.

Really? Have you studied Cobell v Salazar so you can understand how you are paying Native American descendants now for things that happened because of the Dawes Act if 1887? There has been nothing that has addressed the economic damage specifically for blacks.
That is not reparations.
What would you estimate the value of slavery in the US to have been?
Specifically, if reparations were to be made for slavery, how much would you estimate the value of lost wages plus interest to be? Please be specific. What pay scale would you propose be used, and what amount of interest?
Who would you propose be paid reparations for slavery in the US?
And, who would you propose pay into the fund to be dispersed to those deemed recipients of said reparations?
/——/ Any survivors of slavery should get $1,000,000 paid by those who held them in slavery. Now line them up and lets get it over with.

More dumb whiteness.
/——-/ you need to pay reparations to all Whites who were robbed by Blacks since 1865
And all blacks who were robbed by whites.
How Much Reparations
Will Have To Be Paid Out To Your Descendants
And Their Descendents
On And On And On.....

Are You Going To Clean-Up And Rebuild
The 'Urban Prairies' You Left Across Our Cities ??
Reimburse For All The Properties
You've Burned And Looted ??
Only if you do.

Racist canards.
IM2 said:
More dumb whiteness.
That Young Man In Video I Posted
Has A Lot More To Say Than Race War
Sit Through It. Listen To What Else He Has To Say
He Speaking To Those Like You

Because You're As Dumb As They Come

What would you estimate the value of slavery in the US to have been?
Specifically, if reparations were to be made for slavery, how much would you estimate the value of lost wages plus interest to be? Please be specific. What pay scale would you propose be used, and what amount of interest?
Who would you propose be paid reparations for slavery in the US?
And, who would you propose pay into the fund to be dispersed to those deemed recipients of said reparations?
Wholesale, or retail? Well, based on inflation over the monetarily cost of the lives men that fought and died to free the slaves/ the number of ex slaves still alive from that era= $0.00. That's my best estimate. Sorry kids, no reparations for YOU.
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Reparations were made to the Japanese Americans interned during WW2, paid out to each survivor. Not their descendents. A public apology by Reagan representing the government. In my opinion, that is just.
And those reparations should have been made along with the apology. But what determines whether reparations should be paid is the harm that was done, not that our government managed to wait enough time til everyone who could come after it with a claim were all dead. The harm didn't die with them, it was perpetuated for centuries through our government's racist and discriminatory laws and court rulings. And the damage is still being incurred though not in the volume that it had previuosly but still plenty enough for us to know that the problems have not cured.

The harm that was done to survivers, not their descendents. You would have a legitimate case for reparations to be made to the survivors of the Tuskegee Syphilus study, that was a specific injury and injustice to a specific group of people and there is no ambiguity about harm done, who to and who by. Like reparations to the survivors of internment.
karpenter said:
How Much Reparations
Will Have To Be Paid Out To Your Descendants
And Their Descendents
On And On And On.....

Coyote said:
Racist canards.
Is That Un-Canarded Enough
For You To Answer The Honest Question Now ??
Jews came here after WWII, poor as dirt.
No excuse.
The Jewish people for the most part are not of "African descent". In other words, they're not black therefore they are not a part of the designated class whose rights were legislated away.
Tell that to Hitler and Stalin.
Jews value education above welfare.

Jews are not a race. You do understand that the case that ended segregation was fought by blacks over education don't you? When will whites like you stop lying to yourself?
Jews are members of a religion...Hitler and Stalin believed otherwise.
If you have an issue with that, feel free to attend a seance and take it up with them.

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