The value of slavery?

I think reparations are a fine line. For instance not all states legalized slavery. Reparation should really be for survivors not descendents hundreds of years later.

Government programs designed to address racial inequality and discrimination really are a form of reparation and an attempt to address longstanding policies and attitudes that targeted blacks.

Really? Have you studied Cobell v Salazar so you can understand how you are paying Native American descendants now for things that happened because of the Dawes Act if 1887? There has been nothing that has addressed the economic damage specifically for blacks.
Your ancestors sold family members; you can't handle that? Tough.
You've had equal rights since the 1960s and you still can't live without going to the bar and getting a daily dose of under the panties satisfaction.
If you can't straighten out your act don't expect others to give you hand outs that you''ll simply spend on clothes and use to upgrade from BMWs to Roll Royces.
The value of lost wages to a dead person is $0 USD
But their generational wealth has value to their descendants.
How can you prove there would be any wealth?
Poor people that come from nothing do good shit for themselves all the time.
Some black people owned slaves. How much do their black descendents deserve to hand out? Do they get money back?
You going to dna test every black in america?
This shit is so ridiculous dude.
That’s not an answer.
What is not an answer?
Quote the Law, not a post by another user.
The TNHarley quote is what I was responding to. As I'm sure you know estate law is regulated at the state level so it varies from state to state

Under certain circumstances, Tennessee law allows employers to pay to the surviving spouse or children (possible beneficiaries) of a deceased employee the last wages and other benefits due the deceased employee without a court order .

30-2-103. Designation of beneficiary -- Wages and debts owed deceased employee.
TN - Tennessee Code Annotated Tenn. Code Ann. § 30-2-103

Title 30 Administration of Estates > Chapter 2 Management, Settlement and Distribution > Part 1 Allowances to Family

(a) (1) An employee may designate a beneficiary to receive payment for any wages or salary due such employee at the time of the employee's death. (2) The employer is encouraged to inform the employee of this right at the time the employee is hired. (3) If the employee fails to designate such beneficiary as provided for in subdivision (a)(1), the employer shall pay out such wages and salary according to subsection (b). (b) (1) A sum not exceeding ten thousand dollars ($10,000) is authorized to be paid directly to the surviving spouse of a decedent, ...
In general

Final paycheck issued after death
What do you do if an employee suddenly dies, and you still owe them wages? What you will do varies slightly depending on when you distribute the deceased employee wages.

In all cases, you will make the final payment to the employee’s beneficiary or estate. Have the beneficiary or estate representative complete Form W-9 so you have their information. It could take a while to receive the completed Form W-9 if the estate needs to obtain an employer identification number (EIN).

Once you receive the beneficiary’s or estate’s information, you will make the final paycheck out to the beneficiary or estate. You must report the gross amount on Form 1099-MISC in box 3. Use the information you received on Form W-9 to fill out IRS Form 1099-MISC.
What to Do With Deceased Employee Wages
Did this law exist back then?
Slavery ended over 150 years ago.
Slavery was abolished by the 13th Amendment in 1865 yet for the next 99+ years until the passage of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 and the Voting Rights Act in 1965 and the Fair Housing Act in 1968 people of African descent were still legislatively regulated to second class citizenry under the separate but most definitely not equal doctrine.

You all do understand the concept of something being culmulative with the damages building upon previous damages all causing additional harm correct?

If as a black person I'm required to pay the same amount in taxes as you a white person, but all I'm receiving is 40% of the benefits & services being a tax paying member of society entails while whites are receiving 100% of the benefits and services, how is that equitable, particularly if it's written into law and has been adjudicated by our courts? These are damages that are quantifiable so what's with the pretense?
Women were treated like second class citizens, no reparations due, life goes on.
Completely untrue. Wages owed at the time of death are still owed to the decedant's estate or benficiary.
And am asking about wages owed at the time of death of someone held as a slave in the US at the time of his/her death, plus interest. Part of the question addresses how much interest.

If a descendant of a slave wants to recover lost wages he should track down the descendants of the slave owner and sue for the back pay with interest. I never owned a slave, I am against slavery and I am not going to pay the price for the sins of others.

No he should take the case to the government and sue for reparations.
Stop begging.

Whites have begged now for 242 years.
And that’s just the 20th century. If you go beyond that—to include all stolen income from the revolution to secession—the balance falls deep into the red. In 1860, translated to today’s terms, slaves represented a staggering $10 trillion in wealth, an incredible sum. If you include compound interest—to represent the compounding plunder of the next century—you are left with an implausibly large amount of money.

Adjusting for inflation and then compounding interest?

Holy double-counting Batman!!!

Considering he was counting what happened after slavery and did leave out the years from 1641 unril1776 when blacks were slaves you really have nothing to say.

Considering he was counting what happened after slavery

Adjust for inflation or use compound interest, don't do both, idiot.

Well he did it. If you have a problem with it, you have his name. Man up, go to him and bitch.

Why would I have a problem with his terrible math?
He's never going to see a dollar of reparations either.

His math is fine. And like I said, you can talk all your white boy bolo bullshit about what you're not going to pay, but the day will come that you will pay. No you won't pay reparations but when that payment is due, you will wish you had. Pray that you are not alive when that day comes.
You never elaborate on what that means, threats?
I oppose reparations, for many reasons, but among them is that I strongly disagree with group punishment or punishing people for the actions of their ancestors. It is like punishing the children of illegal immigrants for the actions of their parents.

This argument ignores the continued suffering we face because of what ancestors did, what parents did, and what these generations are doing. The crimes did not stop coyote, that's the major fallacy many whites base their arguments on. Your comparison is not even close. C'mon man, Donald Trump and others still exist today and they practiced racism and still do yet you argue like it all just stopped. You read the posts from people in this section. They own businesses, manage business, they are police officers, bankers, real estate agents, teachers and work in all fields yet you believe these things ended and these guys are not responsible for the continuing suffering we as blacks endure.
How has Donald Trump held you back?
My feeling is reparations are made to survivors not descendents.
Why? The descendants of those who died as a result or died without having generational wealth also bear the costs. Descendants of those who perish due to criminal neglect or criminal activity are often awarded damages in our justice system.
You cannot have justice for slavery by todays standards. The times have changed, so have the laws.
Africans do have some say in telling us how things happened. Many whites dismiss all African accounts of this or anything else pertaining to the history of the continent THEY have lived on. Things can only have happened as whites tell us they did.

Africans did NOT sell their own people into slavery
Africans do have some say in telling us how things happened. Many whites dismiss all African accounts of this or anything else pertaining to the history of the continent THEY have lived on. Things can only have happened as whites tell us they did.

Africans did NOT sell their own people into slavery

your article offers NOTHING NEW or "DIFFERENT" From where did you get the idea that "WHITE PEOPLE" imagine that black Africans SOLD THEIR BROTHERS AND SISTERS. As to the 'islamic' influence on slave trade-----
ACTUALLY the arab influence on African slave trade goes back more than
four thousand years-----------long before arabs (including those hanging out in
Africa------became muslims)
Supposedly only whites lie about history, it appears the Africans dont want to admit their ancestors roles in slavery
That’s not an answer.
What is not an answer?
Quote the Law, not a post by another user.
The TNHarley quote is what I was responding to. As I'm sure you know estate law is regulated at the state level so it varies from state to state

Under certain circumstances, Tennessee law allows employers to pay to the surviving spouse or children (possible beneficiaries) of a deceased employee the last wages and other benefits due the deceased employee without a court order .

30-2-103. Designation of beneficiary -- Wages and debts owed deceased employee.
TN - Tennessee Code Annotated Tenn. Code Ann. § 30-2-103

Title 30 Administration of Estates > Chapter 2 Management, Settlement and Distribution > Part 1 Allowances to Family

(a) (1) An employee may designate a beneficiary to receive payment for any wages or salary due such employee at the time of the employee's death. (2) The employer is encouraged to inform the employee of this right at the time the employee is hired. (3) If the employee fails to designate such beneficiary as provided for in subdivision (a)(1), the employer shall pay out such wages and salary according to subsection (b). (b) (1) A sum not exceeding ten thousand dollars ($10,000) is authorized to be paid directly to the surviving spouse of a decedent, ...
In general

Final paycheck issued after death
What do you do if an employee suddenly dies, and you still owe them wages? What you will do varies slightly depending on when you distribute the deceased employee wages.

In all cases, you will make the final payment to the employee’s beneficiary or estate. Have the beneficiary or estate representative complete Form W-9 so you have their information. It could take a while to receive the completed Form W-9 if the estate needs to obtain an employer identification number (EIN).

Once you receive the beneficiary’s or estate’s information, you will make the final paycheck out to the beneficiary or estate. You must report the gross amount on Form 1099-MISC in box 3. Use the information you received on Form W-9 to fill out IRS Form 1099-MISC.
What to Do With Deceased Employee Wages
Did this law exist back then?
You mean a particular instance of a behavior coerced under a high number of conditions?
Africans do have some say in telling us how things happened. Many whites dismiss all African accounts of this or anything else pertaining to the history of the continent THEY have lived on. Things can only have happened as whites tell us they did.

Africans did NOT sell their own people into slavery
Africans do have some say in telling us how things happened. Many whites dismiss all African accounts of this or anything else pertaining to the history of the continent THEY have lived on. Things can only have happened as whites tell us they did.

Africans did NOT sell their own people into slavery

your article offers NOTHING NEW or "DIFFERENT" From where did you get the idea that "WHITE PEOPLE" imagine that black Africans SOLD THEIR BROTHERS AND SISTERS. As to the 'islamic' influence on slave trade-----
ACTUALLY the arab influence on African slave trade goes back more than
four thousand years-----------long before arabs (including those hanging out in
Africa------became muslims)
Supposedly only whites lie about history, it appears the Africans dont want to admit their ancestors roles in slavery
I have a recommendation for how you can participate in a more meaningful relationship...
Look at any wall.
Talk to the wall.
My father served in WW2 and did not get these benefits. So me my and my brothers lives were affected by that loss of opportunity also. So many of you whites in here argue in opposition mindlessly unaware of how the laws and policies you don't want to, or are to scared to, discuss have benefited whites and created damage to black families and communities.
I'm sorry to hear of this.
  • Thanks
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I think reparations are a fine line. For instance not all states legalized slavery. Reparation should really be for survivors not descendents hundreds of years later.

Government programs designed to address racial inequality and discrimination really are a form of reparation and an attempt to address longstanding policies and attitudes that targeted blacks.

Really? Have you studied Cobell v Salazar so you can understand how you are paying Native American descendants now for things that happened because of the Dawes Act if 1887? There has been nothing that has addressed the economic damage specifically for blacks.
Your ancestors sold family members; you can't handle that? Tough.
You've had equal rights since the 1960s and you still can't live without going to the bar and getting a daily dose of under the panties satisfaction.
If you can't straighten out your act don't expect others to give you hand outs that you''ll simply spend on clothes and use to upgrade from BMWs to Roll Royces.

Since none of that happened you just show yourself to be another dumb white person.
I think reparations are a fine line. For instance not all states legalized slavery. Reparation should really be for survivors not descendents hundreds of years later.

Government programs designed to address racial inequality and discrimination really are a form of reparation and an attempt to address longstanding policies and attitudes that targeted blacks.

Really? Have you studied Cobell v Salazar so you can understand how you are paying Native American descendants now for things that happened because of the Dawes Act if 1887? There has been nothing that has addressed the economic damage specifically for blacks.
Your ancestors sold family members; you can't handle that? Tough.
You've had equal rights since the 1960s and you still can't live without going to the bar and getting a daily dose of under the panties satisfaction.
If you can't straighten out your act don't expect others to give you hand outs that you''ll simply spend on clothes and use to upgrade from BMWs to Roll Royces.

Since none of that happened you just show yourself to be another dumb white person.

none of what happened? -----I am not going to address the "selling family members"-------if it did happen----it was, likely, rare. But it is a fact that black African tribes did SELL other blacks for several thousand years. -----because black Africans are just as perverse as are "white" people and slavery was UBIQUITOUS thruout the world. It is also a fact that it is not a UNIQUELY black experience. It would be impossible to know WHERE TO BEGIN to try to compensate all the victims of injustice over the past 5000 years. Talk to a person from south east asia-------they are convinced that the BRITISH EMPIRE is still contaminating their blood and tea cups
What would you estimate the value of slavery in the US to have been?
Specifically, if reparations were to be made for slavery, how much would you estimate the value of lost wages plus interest to be? Please be specific. What pay scale would you propose be used, and what amount of interest?
Who would you propose be paid reparations for slavery in the US?
And, who would you propose pay into the fund to be dispersed to those deemed recipients of said reparations?

Free housing provided by the master.
Free food provided by the master.
Free healthcare provided by the master.
Unfavorable working conditions.

There's some stupid folks currently fighting pretty hard to bring slavery back ... :thup:

Really? Have you studied Cobell v Salazar so you can understand how you are paying Native American descendants now for things that happened because of the Dawes Act if 1887? There has been nothing that has addressed the economic damage specifically for blacks.
/——-/ 60 years of welfare, food stamps and housing for those who didn’t spend one second in bondage paid by those who never held slaves.

/——/ Said no White person ever.,

Apparently whites have said that and you are one of them who did so.
/—-/ Proof please.
Really? Have you studied Cobell v Salazar so you can understand how you are paying Native American descendants now for things that happened because of the Dawes Act if 1887? There has been nothing that has addressed the economic damage specifically for blacks.
/——-/ 60 years of welfare, food stamps and housing for those who didn’t spend one second in bondage paid by those who never held slaves.

/——/ Said no White person ever.,

Apparently whites have said that and you are one of them who did so.
/——/ Apparently your ancestors in Africa sold their neighbors into slavery. You need to pay reparations.

No I do not. You are just another dumb white who knows nothing about what went on repeatimg a half truth and are. just running your mouth.

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