The value of slavery?

So selling family members is OK.
Uh huh.

So, breaking up families is ok?
Uh huh.

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And families are broken up all the time by our legal system.
Now back to selling family members...

There is nothing to go back to.
You are free to return to Afica and get your reparations from Bill Gates.

I am free to be in America right now talking about the money we are owed. ....

You will be given every penny YOU are owed, Prime Time. That comes to $0.00. Don’t spend it all at once.
Actually that did not happen.

The Truth Behind ’40 Acres and a Mule’

Today, we commonly use the phrase “40 acres and a mule,” but few of us have read the Order itself. Three of its parts are relevant here. Section one bears repeating in full: “The islands from Charleston, south, the abandoned rice fields along the rivers for thirty miles back from the sea, and the country bordering the St. Johns river, Florida, are reserved and set apart for the settlement of the negroes [sic] now made free by the acts of war and the proclamation of the President of the United States.”

Section two specifies that these new communities, moreover, would be governed entirely by black people themselves: ” … on the islands, and in the settlements hereafter to be established, no white person whatever, unless military officers and soldiers detailed for duty, will be permitted to reside; and the sole and exclusive management of affairs will be left to the freed people themselves … By the laws of war, and orders of the President of the United States, the negro [sic] is free and must be dealt with as such.”

Finally, section three specifies the allocation of land: ” … each family shall have a plot of not more than (40) acres of tillable ground, and when it borders on some water channel, with not more than 800 feet water front, in the possession of which land the military authorities will afford them protection, until such time as they can protect themselves, or until Congress shall regulate their title.”

With this Order, 400,000 acres of land — “a strip of coastline stretching from Charleston, South Carolina, to the St. John’s River in Florida, including Georgia’s Sea Islands and the mainland thirty miles in from the coast,” as
Barton Myers reports — would be redistributed to the newly freed slaves.

The Truth Behind '40 Acres and a Mule' | African American History Blog | The African Americans: Many Rivers to Cross

And what happened to this astonishingly visionary program, which would have fundamentally altered the course of American race relations? Andrew Johnson, Lincoln’s successor and a sympathizer with the South, overturned the Order in the fall of 1865, and, as Barton Myers sadly concludes, “returned the land along the South Carolina, Georgia and Florida coasts to the planters who had originally owned it” — to the very people who had declared war on the United States of America.

Now shut up. Because if we had got what was promised we would not be talking about reparations now.
You do realize that some Blacks came here on their own.
Hell there were Blacks here before columbus. What does that have to do with reparations due to legalizing chattel slavery here in the states?
No free Black person became a slave.
Their families on the African continent sold them and none of your out of context or out of chronological order bullshit changes history.

Again, it is documented fact that blacks did not sell family members. And is it legal fact that those Africans are not responsible for what whites did on these shores. African law did not apply here. America was not an African colony. African governments did not make slavery legal in America. Africans did not work blacks in America without pay for 223 years. Whites did this. Accept the truth and stop making shit up.

Why should people who weren't around back then be held responsible for something? Aren't Africans who enslaved Africans and then sold them into slavery responsible?

Why are you still paying Native Americans for shit you weren't around for? Study how things really happened in Africa in detail for a few years then come back and ask that last question.
Actually that did not happen.

The Truth Behind ’40 Acres and a Mule’

Today, we commonly use the phrase “40 acres and a mule,” but few of us have read the Order itself. Three of its parts are relevant here. Section one bears repeating in full: “The islands from Charleston, south, the abandoned rice fields along the rivers for thirty miles back from the sea, and the country bordering the St. Johns river, Florida, are reserved and set apart for the settlement of the negroes [sic] now made free by the acts of war and the proclamation of the President of the United States.”

Section two specifies that these new communities, moreover, would be governed entirely by black people themselves: ” … on the islands, and in the settlements hereafter to be established, no white person whatever, unless military officers and soldiers detailed for duty, will be permitted to reside; and the sole and exclusive management of affairs will be left to the freed people themselves … By the laws of war, and orders of the President of the United States, the negro [sic] is free and must be dealt with as such.”

Finally, section three specifies the allocation of land: ” … each family shall have a plot of not more than (40) acres of tillable ground, and when it borders on some water channel, with not more than 800 feet water front, in the possession of which land the military authorities will afford them protection, until such time as they can protect themselves, or until Congress shall regulate their title.”

With this Order, 400,000 acres of land — “a strip of coastline stretching from Charleston, South Carolina, to the St. John’s River in Florida, including Georgia’s Sea Islands and the mainland thirty miles in from the coast,” as
Barton Myers reports — would be redistributed to the newly freed slaves.

The Truth Behind '40 Acres and a Mule' | African American History Blog | The African Americans: Many Rivers to Cross

And what happened to this astonishingly visionary program, which would have fundamentally altered the course of American race relations? Andrew Johnson, Lincoln’s successor and a sympathizer with the South, overturned the Order in the fall of 1865, and, as Barton Myers sadly concludes, “returned the land along the South Carolina, Georgia and Florida coasts to the planters who had originally owned it” — to the very people who had declared war on the United States of America.

Now shut up. Because if we had got what was promised we would not be talking about reparations now.
You do realize that some Blacks came here on their own.
Hell there were Blacks here before columbus. What does that have to do with reparations due to legalizing chattel slavery here in the states?
No free Black person became a slave.
Their families on the African continent sold them and none of your out of context or out of chronological order bullshit changes history.

Again, it is documented fact that blacks did not sell family members. And is it legal fact that those Africans are not responsible for what whites did on these shores. African law did not apply here. America was not an African colony. African governments did not make slavery legal in America. Africans did not work blacks in America without pay for 223 years. Whites did this. Accept the truth and stop making shit up.

Better talk with A because he is fairly confident that a lot of what is document isn't true.

No, I am talking to you because A knows the facts.
You do realize that some Blacks came here on their own.
Hell there were Blacks here before columbus. What does that have to do with reparations due to legalizing chattel slavery here in the states?
No free Black person became a slave.
Their families on the African continent sold them and none of your out of context or out of chronological order bullshit changes history.

Again, it is documented fact that blacks did not sell family members. And is it legal fact that those Africans are not responsible for what whites did on these shores. African law did not apply here. America was not an African colony. African governments did not make slavery legal in America. Africans did not work blacks in America without pay for 223 years. Whites did this. Accept the truth and stop making shit up.

Why should people who weren't around back then be held responsible for something? Aren't Africans who enslaved Africans and then sold them into slavery responsible?

Why are you still paying Native Americans for shit you weren't around for? Study how things really happened in Africa in detail for a few years then come back and ask that last question.

Because I have no say in the matter. And they are being paid for land mismanagement, not for being NA.
You do realize that some Blacks came here on their own.
Hell there were Blacks here before columbus. What does that have to do with reparations due to legalizing chattel slavery here in the states?
No free Black person became a slave.
Their families on the African continent sold them and none of your out of context or out of chronological order bullshit changes history.

Again, it is documented fact that blacks did not sell family members. And is it legal fact that those Africans are not responsible for what whites did on these shores. African law did not apply here. America was not an African colony. African governments did not make slavery legal in America. Africans did not work blacks in America without pay for 223 years. Whites did this. Accept the truth and stop making shit up.

Better talk with A because he is fairly confident that a lot of what is document isn't true.

No, I am talking to you because A knows the facts.

No, he's fairly confident.... there is nothing factual about fairly confident.
And you damn sure don't want to discuss the psychological impact of slavery and colonization on those blacks who are not American. Montrovant you simply are not educated enough on these matters try to instruct me about issues such as this. Learn to listen, that's the major problem whites seem to have and more specifically whites here. A is correct and the accuracy in his comments are apparent in places like this. You are white and you just don't want to see the problem of people denying reality to such an extent they actually argue against documented fact.


What does the psychological impact of slavery have to do with claiming all US whites have cognitive dissonance regarding reparations?

And here you go again generalizing whites, and assuming I am white.

What documented fact are you talking about? Are you saying that all blacks suffer from mental illness due to slavery and that is a documented fact?

Your argument is made by whites. And generally when someone is white in one of these forums and a person points that out, the first thing they try saying is how a person is assuming they are white.

Again, when you learn that a comment that has the word whites in it doesn't mean all whites hen you will be able to participate in these discussions more effectively. Blacks, and that does not mean all blacks, do suffer from mental issues due to slavery. That's not me making that comment. You were provided links that you obviously did not read from others who have done more extensive study on this matter than I and most certainly you have.

I think A explained his position clearly and looking at the conversation here and in any similar primarily white forum where this has been discussed, A is correct in his assessment.

I understand perfectly well that whites doesn't necessarily mean all whites. I also understand that you often like to generalize when talking about whites. In this particular case, you said "that's the major problem whites seem to have and more specifically whites here."

Anyone suffering mental issues from slavery today is doing so indirectly (other than any exceptions who may have actually been enslaved). That does not invalidate their suffering, but it might make it difficult to prove when discussing reparations for slavery. It also is not contradicting my point that ascribing cognitive dissonance to all whites in the US is asinine.

Because that's the general problem whites have, more specifically whites here. Montrovant we missed 200 plus years of income that would have dramatically changed things today for blacks because of slavery. We are not indirectly affect by this.
Decades of welfare and food stamps and you still can’t get your act together.

As compared to almost 2.5 centuries of getting government assistance like whites have?

What does the psychological impact of slavery have to do with claiming all US whites have cognitive dissonance regarding reparations?

And here you go again generalizing whites, and assuming I am white.

What documented fact are you talking about? Are you saying that all blacks suffer from mental illness due to slavery and that is a documented fact?

Your argument is made by whites. And generally when someone is white in one of these forums and a person points that out, the first thing they try saying is how a person is assuming they are white.

Again, when you learn that a comment that has the word whites in it doesn't mean all whites hen you will be able to participate in these discussions more effectively. Blacks, and that does not mean all blacks, do suffer from mental issues due to slavery. That's not me making that comment. You were provided links that you obviously did not read from others who have done more extensive study on this matter than I and most certainly you have.

I think A explained his position clearly and looking at the conversation here and in any similar primarily white forum where this has been discussed, A is correct in his assessment.

I understand perfectly well that whites doesn't necessarily mean all whites. I also understand that you often like to generalize when talking about whites. In this particular case, you said "that's the major problem whites seem to have and more specifically whites here."

Anyone suffering mental issues from slavery today is doing so indirectly (other than any exceptions who may have actually been enslaved). That does not invalidate their suffering, but it might make it difficult to prove when discussing reparations for slavery. It also is not contradicting my point that ascribing cognitive dissonance to all whites in the US is asinine.

Because that's the general problem whites have, more specifically whites here. Montrovant we missed 200 plus years of income that would have dramatically changed things today for blacks because of slavery. We are not indirectly affect by this.
Decades of welfare and food stamps and you still can’t get your act together.

As compared to almost 2.5 centuries of getting government assistance like whites have?

We get government assistance? Do tell!!
You do realize that some Blacks came here on their own.
Hell there were Blacks here before columbus. What does that have to do with reparations due to legalizing chattel slavery here in the states?
No free Black person became a slave.
Their families on the African continent sold them and none of your out of context or out of chronological order bullshit changes history.

Again, it is documented fact that blacks did not sell family members. And is it legal fact that those Africans are not responsible for what whites did on these shores. African law did not apply here. America was not an African colony. African governments did not make slavery legal in America. Africans did not work blacks in America without pay for 223 years. Whites did this. Accept the truth and stop making shit up.

Why should people who weren't around back then be held responsible for something? Aren't Africans who enslaved Africans and then sold them into slavery responsible?

Why are you still paying Native Americans for shit you weren't around for? Study how things really happened in Africa in detail for a few years then come back and ask that last question.

I have.

"The vast majority of those who were enslaved and transported in the transatlantic slave trade were Africans from central and western Africa, who had been sold by other West Africans to Western European slave traders (with a small number being captured directly by the slave traders in coastal raids), who brought them to the Americas."

Atlantic slave trade - Wikipedia
Hell there were Blacks here before columbus. What does that have to do with reparations due to legalizing chattel slavery here in the states?
No free Black person became a slave.
Their families on the African continent sold them and none of your out of context or out of chronological order bullshit changes history.

Again, it is documented fact that blacks did not sell family members. And is it legal fact that those Africans are not responsible for what whites did on these shores. African law did not apply here. America was not an African colony. African governments did not make slavery legal in America. Africans did not work blacks in America without pay for 223 years. Whites did this. Accept the truth and stop making shit up.

Why should people who weren't around back then be held responsible for something? Aren't Africans who enslaved Africans and then sold them into slavery responsible?

Why are you still paying Native Americans for shit you weren't around for? Study how things really happened in Africa in detail for a few years then come back and ask that last question.

Because I have no say in the matter. And they are being paid for land mismanagement, not for being NA.

That's only the Cobell case and those reparations extend from the Dawes Act of the 1800's. How about the rest of the annual payments to Native American tribes? And blacks are not asking for reparations for being black.
You do realize that some Blacks came here on their own.
Hell there were Blacks here before columbus. What does that have to do with reparations due to legalizing chattel slavery here in the states?
No free Black person became a slave.
Their families on the African continent sold them and none of your out of context or out of chronological order bullshit changes history.

Again, it is documented fact that blacks did not sell family members. And is it legal fact that those Africans are not responsible for what whites did on these shores. African law did not apply here. America was not an African colony. African governments did not make slavery legal in America. Africans did not work blacks in America without pay for 223 years. Whites did this. Accept the truth and stop making shit up.

Better talk with A because he is fairly confident that a lot of what is document isn't true.

No, I am talking to you because A knows the facts.
If you guys are the result of a Public School education, it’s time to shut off the taxes I pay.
No free Black person became a slave.
Their families on the African continent sold them and none of your out of context or out of chronological order bullshit changes history.

Again, it is documented fact that blacks did not sell family members. And is it legal fact that those Africans are not responsible for what whites did on these shores. African law did not apply here. America was not an African colony. African governments did not make slavery legal in America. Africans did not work blacks in America without pay for 223 years. Whites did this. Accept the truth and stop making shit up.

Why should people who weren't around back then be held responsible for something? Aren't Africans who enslaved Africans and then sold them into slavery responsible?

Why are you still paying Native Americans for shit you weren't around for? Study how things really happened in Africa in detail for a few years then come back and ask that last question.

Because I have no say in the matter. And they are being paid for land mismanagement, not for being NA.

That's only the Cobell case and those reparations extend from the Dawes Act of the 1800's. How about the rest of the annual payments to Native American tribes? And blacks are not asking for reparations for being black.

Agreed.. but why do you want to be paid from people that never participated in slavery for something that never happened to you ?
Hell there were Blacks here before columbus. What does that have to do with reparations due to legalizing chattel slavery here in the states?
No free Black person became a slave.
Their families on the African continent sold them and none of your out of context or out of chronological order bullshit changes history.

Again, it is documented fact that blacks did not sell family members. And is it legal fact that those Africans are not responsible for what whites did on these shores. African law did not apply here. America was not an African colony. African governments did not make slavery legal in America. Africans did not work blacks in America without pay for 223 years. Whites did this. Accept the truth and stop making shit up.

Why should people who weren't around back then be held responsible for something? Aren't Africans who enslaved Africans and then sold them into slavery responsible?

Why are you still paying Native Americans for shit you weren't around for? Study how things really happened in Africa in detail for a few years then come back and ask that last question.

I have.

"The vast majority of those who were enslaved and transported in the transatlantic slave trade were Africans from central and western Africa, who had been sold by other West Africans to Western European slave traders (with a small number being captured directly by the slave traders in coastal raids), who brought them to the Americas."

Atlantic slave trade - Wikipedia

No you haven't.
Again, it is documented fact that blacks did not sell family members. And is it legal fact that those Africans are not responsible for what whites did on these shores. African law did not apply here. America was not an African colony. African governments did not make slavery legal in America. Africans did not work blacks in America without pay for 223 years. Whites did this. Accept the truth and stop making shit up.

Why should people who weren't around back then be held responsible for something? Aren't Africans who enslaved Africans and then sold them into slavery responsible?

Why are you still paying Native Americans for shit you weren't around for? Study how things really happened in Africa in detail for a few years then come back and ask that last question.

Because I have no say in the matter. And they are being paid for land mismanagement, not for being NA.

That's only the Cobell case and those reparations extend from the Dawes Act of the 1800's. How about the rest of the annual payments to Native American tribes? And blacks are not asking for reparations for being black.

Agreed.. but why do you want to be paid from people that never participated in slavery for something that never happened to you ?
These guys consider themselves educated?
God help us.
No free Black person became a slave.
Their families on the African continent sold them and none of your out of context or out of chronological order bullshit changes history.

Again, it is documented fact that blacks did not sell family members. And is it legal fact that those Africans are not responsible for what whites did on these shores. African law did not apply here. America was not an African colony. African governments did not make slavery legal in America. Africans did not work blacks in America without pay for 223 years. Whites did this. Accept the truth and stop making shit up.

Why should people who weren't around back then be held responsible for something? Aren't Africans who enslaved Africans and then sold them into slavery responsible?

Why are you still paying Native Americans for shit you weren't around for? Study how things really happened in Africa in detail for a few years then come back and ask that last question.

I have.

"The vast majority of those who were enslaved and transported in the transatlantic slave trade were Africans from central and western Africa, who had been sold by other West Africans to Western European slave traders (with a small number being captured directly by the slave traders in coastal raids), who brought them to the Americas."

Atlantic slave trade - Wikipedia

No you haven't.
No free Black person became a slave.
Their families on the African continent sold them and none of your out of context or out of chronological order bullshit changes history.

Again, it is documented fact that blacks did not sell family members. And is it legal fact that those Africans are not responsible for what whites did on these shores. African law did not apply here. America was not an African colony. African governments did not make slavery legal in America. Africans did not work blacks in America without pay for 223 years. Whites did this. Accept the truth and stop making shit up.

Why should people who weren't around back then be held responsible for something? Aren't Africans who enslaved Africans and then sold them into slavery responsible?

Why are you still paying Native Americans for shit you weren't around for? Study how things really happened in Africa in detail for a few years then come back and ask that last question.

I have.

"The vast majority of those who were enslaved and transported in the transatlantic slave trade were Africans from central and western Africa, who had been sold by other West Africans to Western European slave traders (with a small number being captured directly by the slave traders in coastal raids), who brought them to the Americas."

Atlantic slave trade - Wikipedia

No you haven't.


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