The Vatican Inquisition

It doesn't matter? The most horrific Inquisitions put upon the the believers in Jesus Christ and His brethren the Jews slaughtered for 605 years and tortures created systematically and continually by 80 popes in succession - all agreeing to slaughter bible believing Christians and Jews and other non Catholics and you say it doesn't matter? World wars created by the Vatican to continue yet MORE Inquisitions and this does not matter? I disagree. It not only does matter, it must matter to this generation and to all generations to come until Jesus Christ returns and his angels cast this anti-Christ, and beasts into hell.

I pity you, Starkey. You lack a conscience. It's so clear to me and yet? I do not believe you even realize it. How sad.
Jeri, your people persecuted others. Jeri, your folks among the Klan perpetuated torture of the worst sort.

You and no better than Catholics than anyone else.
Jeri, your people persecuted others. Jeri, your folks among the Klan perpetuated torture of the worst sort.

You and no better than Catholics than anyone else.

I never said I was better than anyone else. I am merely making the distinction that what the Roman Catholic System has done in Gods' name is not done in the name of Jesus Christ or in the name of Protestants because they do not represent us and they do not represent Jesus Christ (who is God - not the Pope! ) or the Word of God. So that is where you are mistaken, Starkey. The KKK was founded by the Jesuits. Not the Protestants. It was the Jesuits who created the KKK and then started their own movement pretending to be Protestants - they have been doing this quite consistently since Ignatius Loyola founded the organization (Society of Jesus - how blasphemous is that? ) and for the most part without others learning about it. Until Dr. Alberto Rivera a former Jesuit and then others began to speak out about what the true history is of the Roman Vatican - much of this was hidden. The truth is there is no history of Protestant Inquisitions, Protestant doctrines that say, "we have the right to murder the heretics!" No. That is exclusive to the Roman Catholic Institution and they will have to wear it, Starkey.
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This is an interesting video made by a young man explaining what he has learned about the Vatican. He sounds very angry about what he has learned and it is understandable. Still he has gained quite a bit of knowledge on the subject. One interesting point that needs to be made. Pope Francis is not a Latino. He is an Italian. The media needs to make that clear. Here is the video:

He has quite a bit of information but what he does not understand is that the Roman Vatican never gave the King James Version bible to their people - they created a counterfeit bible for them to read so that they wouldn't be exposed as a false church. This young man is definitely sounding off and I have an ex Catholic who heard it today and said, this is really good - the people need to hear it so I put it up. I do not feel the sarcasm was necessary but again - he's angry and he has ever right to be angry. I'm very happy to learn that our young people are not only realizing what is happening but they are going to you tube to voice their anger over it.
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The truth is there is no history of Protestant Inquisitions, Protestant doctrines that say, "we have the right to murder the heretics!" No. That is exclusive to the Roman Catholic Institution and they will have to wear it, Starkey.

30 Years War and 8 million dead Europeans say otherwise. English history from Henry VIII to the Glorious Revolution has whole periods of Protestant oppression of Catholics as both church doctrine and state law.
OK ---jeri----but AUGUSTINE had a huge influence-------and protestants did not come
about for more than 1000 years------KJV----is
No, the early Christians had the Scriptures before Catholicism was ever formed, Rosie. It just wasn't published in a book as KJV later was.

the early Christians had writings----but I do not trust CONSTANTINE----he was an animal. I read about "SAINT" (oy) Augustine-------and was horrified----he was
not qualified to make the claims he made

So, Rosie, if you have listened to all four videos you now understand that the Catholic priests, theologians, people who have studied the Catholic Vatican Inquisitions, which went on for 605 years - were approved and tortures added and created by eighty popes - that is 80 popes one after another all agreeing with the Vatican's power to hunt down "heretics" Anyone they deemed to be a Non Catholic was a heretic and then they would come up with new ways to torture the person to death. And during all of this they claimed to represent Jesus Christ and called themselves "The Church". NOT "a" church but THE CHURCH. Truth be known the Roman Catholic System serves Lucifer not Jesus Christ and it is not a church at all.

The arrogance is so overwhelming - it is incredible - there is no difference that I can find in the Roman Catholic Institution's attitude the end justifies the means - do what thou wilt and what the sociopathic serial killer Anton Lavey's (Satanist - head of Church of Satan) creed was - Do what thou wilt. So there you have it. There is no connection between the followers of Jesus Christ - Bible Believers and the Roman Catholic Institution. They are a cult and they serve Satan just as Anton Lavey once did. (his service is no longer needed now that he is trapped in hell for all eternity)

Interesting story about Anton Lavey (who is in hell suffering indescribable torments now) he was on his death bed in a hospital - his friend came to see him and was by his bedside and as he was dying he began to scream something is wrong! Something is wrong! He was in absolute terror and fear!

His friend and others who witnessed this realized that Anton who had believed he would rule in hell, realized it was a lie after the demons began to torment him and terrify him as they dragged his soul to hell right there in front of the other witnesses in the room.

The friend reportedly became a born again Christian over the experience and left the occult. His son left Satanism and became a born again Christian also. It is wisdom to depart from evil and believe on and follow the Lord Jesus Christ. Those who refuse are fools and will end up in hell suffering torments just as Anton Lavey does to this very day!
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The KKK was started by the Jesuits? That's even better than the Illuminati.

You even make Mary giggle, and she turns and say, "Have you seen this, Soin?" And laughter racks the heavens.
the truth about the Vatican Inquisition which tortured and murdered 68 million people.
and yet, no.....
Historians say Inquisition wasn t that bad World news The Guardian
"But according to Professor Agostino Borromeo, a historian of Catholicism at the Sapienza University in Rome and curator of the 783-page volume released yesterday, only 1% of the 125,000 people tried by church tribunals as suspected heretics in Spain were executed.

you may perhaps have gotten confused and included the millions who died of the bubonic plague.....

question: why do atheists pretend they know anything about history when it is so painfully obvious that they don't?......
the truth about the Vatican Inquisition which tortured and murdered 68 million people.
and yet, no.....
Historians say Inquisition wasn t that bad World news The Guardian
"But according to Professor Agostino Borromeo, a historian of Catholicism at the Sapienza University in Rome and curator of the 783-page volume released yesterday, only 1% of the 125,000 people tried by church tribunals as suspected heretics in Spain were executed.

you may perhaps have gotten confused and included the millions who died of the bubonic plague.....

question: why do atheists pretend they know anything about history when it is so painfully obvious that they don't?......
the truth about the Vatican Inquisition which tortured and murdered 68 million people.
and yet, no.....
Historians say Inquisition wasn t that bad World news The Guardian
"But according to Professor Agostino Borromeo, a historian of Catholicism at the Sapienza University in Rome and curator of the 783-page volume released yesterday, only 1% of the 125,000 people tried by church tribunals as suspected heretics in Spain were executed.

you may perhaps have gotten confused and included the millions who died of the bubonic plague.....

question: why do atheists pretend they know anything about history when it is so painfully obvious that they don't?......

question----why do idiots think they KNOW------for those who do not know-----a TRIAL FOR HERESY by the Inquisition meant that the ACCUSED claimed to be a catholic----
accepted the catholic church but had seemed to say something that the church did not like. Ie--it was a catholic person disputing the charge and presenting evidence that his
action or words did not amount to heresy-----with LAWYERS
The real victims of the Inquisition-----ie----people like homosexuals and JOOOOOOS ------did not have a trial---
they just got burnt to death in large bonfires--

Galileo was "tried" by the Inquisition and lived to tell the tale/
Had he said "I like little boys" or "I am a jew"----he would not have had a trial-----he would just have been rendered ashes ----the study you cite is SHIT ----in fact kinda funny ---only about 1,250 good catholics were executed by the Inquisition-----yup ----I can believe that. Galileo was such a good catholic that his daughter was a NUN. He had claimed the earth goes around the sun-----but they did not execute him-----he is one of the 1,250
the truth about the Vatican Inquisition which tortured and murdered 68 million people.
and yet, no.....
Historians say Inquisition wasn t that bad World news The Guardian
"But according to Professor Agostino Borromeo, a historian of Catholicism at the Sapienza University in Rome and curator of the 783-page volume released yesterday, only 1% of the 125,000 people tried by church tribunals as suspected heretics in Spain were executed.

you may perhaps have gotten confused and included the millions who died of the bubonic plague.....

question: why do atheists pretend they know anything about history when it is so painfully obvious that they don't?......

question----why do idiots think they KNOW------for those who do not know-----a TRIAL FOR HERESY by the Inquisition meant that the ACCUSED claimed to be a catholic----
accepted the catholic church but had seemed to say something that the church did not like. Ie--it was a catholic person disputing the charge and presenting evidence that his
action or words did not amount to heresy-----with LAWYERS
The real victims of the Inquisition-----ie----people like homosexuals and JOOOOOOS ------did not have a trial---
they just got burnt to death in large bonfires--

Galileo was "tried" by the Inquisition and lived to tell the tale/
Had he said "I like little boys" or "I am a jew"----he would not have had a trial-----he would just have been rendered ashes ----the study you cite is SHIT ----in fact kinda funny ---only about 1,250 good catholics were executed by the Inquisition-----yup ----I can believe that. Galileo was such a good catholic that his daughter was a NUN. He had claimed the earth goes around the sun-----but they did not execute him-----he is one of the 1,250
my study is shit so I should just accept your unsupported claim that Christians executed millions of people without question?.......again, why are atheists so fucking stupid?.....
the truth about the Vatican Inquisition which tortured and murdered 68 million people.
and yet, no.....
Historians say Inquisition wasn t that bad World news The Guardian
"But according to Professor Agostino Borromeo, a historian of Catholicism at the Sapienza University in Rome and curator of the 783-page volume released yesterday, only 1% of the 125,000 people tried by church tribunals as suspected heretics in Spain were executed.

you may perhaps have gotten confused and included the millions who died of the bubonic plague.....

question: why do atheists pretend they know anything about history when it is so painfully obvious that they don't?......

68 million were tortured and murdered. Bubonic plague??! Ha! Ha! Is that what the Catholic Vatican and their Jesuit General have told their Jesuit Deceit Dispensers to sell to the people of this generation? Oh my gosh. They are seriously getting desperate now, are they not? A historian on Catholicism claims only 1% of a 125,000 people were tried in church tribunals and executed? He's a Jesuit agent for Rome. What do you expect him to say? The truth??? Ha!

Seriously this is an abomination! Historians say the Roman Catholic Institution was not that bad - Why don't these Roman Catholic Historians just come out and admit - hey - we just tortured to death 68 million people for a straight 605 years with 80 popes in a row all agreeing to add their own inventions for worse and worse tortures - torturing bible believing Christians and Jews for 605 years non stop and every pope that followed the next - a string of 80 of them - all in agreement for mass murder of anyone who rejected Catholicism. Nothing to see here folks. Move along. Not that bad....not at all....... Could there be anything sicker than Roman Catholicism on earth, folks? I do not believe so. Not a chance. PURE EVIL! Truly wicked stuff.
the truth about the Vatican Inquisition which tortured and murdered 68 million people.
and yet, no.....
Historians say Inquisition wasn t that bad World news The Guardian
"But according to Professor Agostino Borromeo, a historian of Catholicism at the Sapienza University in Rome and curator of the 783-page volume released yesterday, only 1% of the 125,000 people tried by church tribunals as suspected heretics in Spain were executed.

you may perhaps have gotten confused and included the millions who died of the bubonic plague.....

question: why do atheists pretend they know anything about history when it is so painfully obvious that they don't?......

question----why do idiots think they KNOW------for those who do not know-----a TRIAL FOR HERESY by the Inquisition meant that the ACCUSED claimed to be a catholic----
accepted the catholic church but had seemed to say something that the church did not like. Ie--it was a catholic person disputing the charge and presenting evidence that his
action or words did not amount to heresy-----with LAWYERS
The real victims of the Inquisition-----ie----people like homosexuals and JOOOOOOS ------did not have a trial---
they just got burnt to death in large bonfires--

Galileo was "tried" by the Inquisition and lived to tell the tale/
Had he said "I like little boys" or "I am a jew"----he would not have had a trial-----he would just have been rendered ashes ----the study you cite is SHIT ----in fact kinda funny ---only about 1,250 good catholics were executed by the Inquisition-----yup ----I can believe that. Galileo was such a good catholic that his daughter was a NUN. He had claimed the earth goes around the sun-----but they did not execute him-----he is one of the 1,250
my study is shit so I should just accept your unsupported claim that Christians executed millions of people without question?.......again, why are atheists so fucking stupid?.....

Catholics are not Christians. The Roman Catholic Institution is a cult founded on paganism. It has nothing to do with Christianity. Christianity has no history of holocausts, Inquisitions, starting World Wars, murdering Kings,Queens, presidents, no history of making laws that justify the mass torture and mass murder of heretics, that is exclusive to only one False Church known as the Roman Catholic Institution. ( it's not a church - it's a cult)
Total number killed during the 605 years of the Roman Vatican's Inquisitions are usually counted at 68 million. In this documentary they say over 50 million. The Roman Vatican's WWII murdered 6 1/2 million Jews in an Inquisition that lasted under a decade. So when I hear 68 million tortured and murdered by the Vatican over 605 years I believe that number must be low. Look what they accomplished through Hitler. Times that by 605 years and you can see this has to be a low estimate. In reality the Holocaust was another Roman Catholic Inquisition.

This video is well done - many things you may not have known about the history of the Jesuits is explained in this video and the Inquisitions which they too - were a part of. We'll cover Torquemada later - God willing.

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the truth about the Vatican Inquisition which tortured and murdered 68 million people.
and yet, no.....
Historians say Inquisition wasn t that bad World news The Guardian
"But according to Professor Agostino Borromeo, a historian of Catholicism at the Sapienza University in Rome and curator of the 783-page volume released yesterday, only 1% of the 125,000 people tried by church tribunals as suspected heretics in Spain were executed.

you may perhaps have gotten confused and included the millions who died of the bubonic plague.....

question: why do atheists pretend they know anything about history when it is so painfully obvious that they don't?......

question----why do idiots think they KNOW------for those who do not know-----a TRIAL FOR HERESY by the Inquisition meant that the ACCUSED claimed to be a catholic----
accepted the catholic church but had seemed to say something that the church did not like. Ie--it was a catholic person disputing the charge and presenting evidence that his
action or words did not amount to heresy-----with LAWYERS
The real victims of the Inquisition-----ie----people like homosexuals and JOOOOOOS ------did not have a trial---
they just got burnt to death in large bonfires--

Galileo was "tried" by the Inquisition and lived to tell the tale/
Had he said "I like little boys" or "I am a jew"----he would not have had a trial-----he would just have been rendered ashes ----the study you cite is SHIT ----in fact kinda funny ---only about 1,250 good catholics were executed by the Inquisition-----yup ----I can believe that. Galileo was such a good catholic that his daughter was a NUN. He had claimed the earth goes around the sun-----but they did not execute him-----he is one of the 1,250
my study is shit so I should just accept your unsupported claim that Christians executed millions of people without question?.......again, why are atheists so fucking stupid?.....

your study actually says nothing other than that of those good catholics able to fight a charge of heresy---only 1250
were executed
the truth about the Vatican Inquisition which tortured and murdered 68 million people.
and yet, no.....
Historians say Inquisition wasn t that bad World news The Guardian
"But according to Professor Agostino Borromeo, a historian of Catholicism at the Sapienza University in Rome and curator of the 783-page volume released yesterday, only 1% of the 125,000 people tried by church tribunals as suspected heretics in Spain were executed.

you may perhaps have gotten confused and included the millions who died of the bubonic plague.....

question: why do atheists pretend they know anything about history when it is so painfully obvious that they don't?......

question----why do idiots think they KNOW------for those who do not know-----a TRIAL FOR HERESY by the Inquisition meant that the ACCUSED claimed to be a catholic----
accepted the catholic church but had seemed to say something that the church did not like. Ie--it was a catholic person disputing the charge and presenting evidence that his
action or words did not amount to heresy-----with LAWYERS
The real victims of the Inquisition-----ie----people like homosexuals and JOOOOOOS ------did not have a trial---
they just got burnt to death in large bonfires--

Galileo was "tried" by the Inquisition and lived to tell the tale/
Had he said "I like little boys" or "I am a jew"----he would not have had a trial-----he would just have been rendered ashes ----the study you cite is SHIT ----in fact kinda funny ---only about 1,250 good catholics were executed by the Inquisition-----yup ----I can believe that. Galileo was such a good catholic that his daughter was a NUN. He had claimed the earth goes around the sun-----but they did not execute him-----he is one of the 1,250
my study is shit so I should just accept your unsupported claim that Christians executed millions of people without question?.......again, why are atheists so fucking stupid?.....

Catholics are not Christians. The Roman Catholic Institution is a cult founded on paganism. It has nothing to do with Christianity. Christianity has no history of holocausts, Inquisitions, starting World Wars, murdering Kings,Queens, presidents, no history of making laws that justify the mass torture and mass murder of heretics, that is exclusive to only one False Church known as the Roman Catholic Institution. ( it's not a church - it's a cult)

Oh Jere please. The entire board laughs at you when you go off to this end of the pool.
Catholics are not only Christians, they are the original Christians from which all others split. And that includes histories of wars, tortures, Inquisitions, burning women in the street while their children are forced to watcyh, the whole nine yards.

DEAL with it already. Burying you head in the sand will lead you nowhere.
the truth about the Vatican Inquisition which tortured and murdered 68 million people.
and yet, no.....
Historians say Inquisition wasn t that bad World news The Guardian
"But according to Professor Agostino Borromeo, a historian of Catholicism at the Sapienza University in Rome and curator of the 783-page volume released yesterday, only 1% of the 125,000 people tried by church tribunals as suspected heretics in Spain were executed.

you may perhaps have gotten confused and included the millions who died of the bubonic plague.....

question: why do atheists pretend they know anything about history when it is so painfully obvious that they don't?......

question----why do idiots think they KNOW------for those who do not know-----a TRIAL FOR HERESY by the Inquisition meant that the ACCUSED claimed to be a catholic----
accepted the catholic church but had seemed to say something that the church did not like. Ie--it was a catholic person disputing the charge and presenting evidence that his
action or words did not amount to heresy-----with LAWYERS
The real victims of the Inquisition-----ie----people like homosexuals and JOOOOOOS ------did not have a trial---
they just got burnt to death in large bonfires--

Galileo was "tried" by the Inquisition and lived to tell the tale/
Had he said "I like little boys" or "I am a jew"----he would not have had a trial-----he would just have been rendered ashes ----the study you cite is SHIT ----in fact kinda funny ---only about 1,250 good catholics were executed by the Inquisition-----yup ----I can believe that. Galileo was such a good catholic that his daughter was a NUN. He had claimed the earth goes around the sun-----but they did not execute him-----he is one of the 1,250
my study is shit so I should just accept your unsupported claim that Christians executed millions of people without question?.......again, why are atheists so fucking stupid?.....

your study actually says nothing other than that of those good catholics able to fight a charge of heresy---only 1250
were executed

Only 1250 Catholics were executed during a Roman Catholic Inquisition Vatican bloodbath that went on for 605 years? Led by a succession of 80 popes? Eighty popes??! ha! ha! Really? So what is that? Two Catholics per year in Europe were tortured to death and killed?

Listen, Rosie. Out of just one group in one little town 2 million were horrifically tortured and put to death. Mr. Prophet needs to view the videos. He's been fed some bad information.

The experts agree that there were 68 million put to death and from what I've read thus far all who have studied the inquisitions have agreed over 50 million were killed with some claiming the numbers were as high as 100 million. The Roman Vatican does not want people to realize just how bad it was so once again they are overplaying their hand by attempting to downplay the numbers. The truth is this Roman Catholic Institution should have been put on trial after WWII and disbanded with the money going to the victims, survivors of holocaust. Jew and Gentile alike. Any family that suffered, lost family, land, home, businesses, bank accounts should have been compensated. Where is the billions in gold that was stolen by the Vatican? The train the got through by calling it the "mercy train"? They used Vatican flags to keep it from being checked. Where is that gold? The Swiss should be forced to give it up and hand it over to Israel.
This thread has really helped to drive to the surface who is who (on this board) hasn't it? Who knew? Right?

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