The View: Leftist '#MeToo' Was "Witch Hunt'...Political, Call's Franken's Resignation 'Hit Job'


Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2015
This had to be one of the most hilarious episodes of 'The View' Far Leftist freaks Behar and Goldberg declared disgraced D-Senator Al Franken, who retired after becoming a 'victim' of the #MeToo movement that exposed those who had engaged in sexual misconduct / inappropriate sexual behavior, was actually a 'victim' of a 'POLITICAL HIT JOB' by the GOP in retaliation for asking then US AG Jeff Sessions tough questions.

Remember the Democrats' on-again-off-again insistence that EVERY woman must be believed (unless they accuse a Democrat)? Behar attempted to declare there were holes in the story of Franken's 1st accuser, radio host Leann Tweeden.

Behar stated she did not believe Franken's case had been handled correctly and that she did not completely believe the accusations against him. (Again, what happened to 'Every Woman Must Be Believed'?) In making her case, Behar said of Franken's accusers, "one was uncorroborated" and suggested the other accusation of sexual misconduct was 'OVERBOLOWN'.

Interesting how Behar ignored that 7 (SEVEN) women came forward to accuse Franken: "Seven more women followed with accusations against Franken; all of them centered on inappropriate touches or kisses."
-- The Case of Al Franken

Behar was more interested in re-writing history and falsely accusing the GOP of conducting a 'Political Hit' against Franken....using the Liberals own creation of the #MeToo movement to do so - than to get the facts right.

Liberal 'View' hosts blast #MeToo 'witch hunt' and 'political hit' that led to Dem Al Franken's resignation

(In 2006, Burke founded the Me Too movement and began using the phrase "Me Too" to raise awareness of the pervasiveness of sexual abuse and assault in society. the phrase was later popularized by American actress Alyssa Milano on Twitter in 2017. The phrase "Me Too" developed into a broader movement following the 2017 use of #MeToo as a hashtag following the Harvey Weinstein sexual abuse allegations).
This had to be one of the most hilarious episodes of 'The View' Far Leftist freaks Behar and Goldberg declared disgraced D-Senator Al Franken, who retired after becoming a 'victim' of the #MeToo movement that exposed those who had engaged in sexual misconduct / inappropriate sexual behavior, was actually a 'victim' of a 'POLITICAL HIT JOB' by the GOP in retaliation for asking then US AG Jeff Sessions tough questions.

Remember the Democrats' on-again-off-again insistence that EVERY woman must be believed (unless they accuse a Democrat)? Behar attempted to declare there were holes in the story of Franken's 1st accuser, radio host Leann Tweeden.

Behar stated she did not believe Franken's case had been handled correctly and that she did not completely believe the accusations against him. (Again, what happened to 'Every Woman Must Be Believed'?) In making her case, Behar said of Franken's accusers, "one was uncorroborated" and suggested the other accusation of sexual misconduct was 'OVERBOLOWN'.

Interesting how Behar ignored that 7 (SEVEN) women came forward to accuse Franken: "Seven more women followed with accusations against Franken; all of them centered on inappropriate touches or kisses."
-- The Case of Al Franken

Behar was more interested in re-writing history and falsely accusing the GOP of conducting a 'Political Hit' against Franken....using the Liberals own creation of the #MeToo movement to do so - than to get the facts right.

Liberal 'View' hosts blast #MeToo 'witch hunt' and 'political hit' that led to Dem Al Franken's resignation

(In 2006, Burke founded the Me Too movement and began using the phrase "Me Too" to raise awareness of the pervasiveness of sexual abuse and assault in society. the phrase was later popularized by American actress Alyssa Milano on Twitter in 2017. The phrase "Me Too" developed into a broader movement following the 2017 use of #MeToo as a hashtag following the Harvey Weinstein sexual abuse allegations).
Every woman must be listened to. I'm not sure I like the way it has turned into a court of public opinion with the power to ruin a career. Yet, so far, I haven't heard of any being proven false, either.
I think if the right wing was smart, they would jump on the MeToo bandwagon full force and show women that they don't agree with sexual harassment. Too often, the Republicans seem to be defending the indefensible--like Roy Moore and Kavanaugh and Trump.
This had to be one of the most hilarious episodes of 'The View' Far Leftist freaks Behar and Goldberg declared disgraced D-Senator Al Franken, who retired after becoming a 'victim' of the #MeToo movement that exposed those who had engaged in sexual misconduct / inappropriate sexual behavior, was actually a 'victim' of a 'POLITICAL HIT JOB' by the GOP in retaliation for asking then US AG Jeff Sessions tough questions.

Remember the Democrats' on-again-off-again insistence that EVERY woman must be believed (unless they accuse a Democrat)? Behar attempted to declare there were holes in the story of Franken's 1st accuser, radio host Leann Tweeden.

Behar stated she did not believe Franken's case had been handled correctly and that she did not completely believe the accusations against him. (Again, what happened to 'Every Woman Must Be Believed'?) In making her case, Behar said of Franken's accusers, "one was uncorroborated" and suggested the other accusation of sexual misconduct was 'OVERBOLOWN'.

Interesting how Behar ignored that 7 (SEVEN) women came forward to accuse Franken: "Seven more women followed with accusations against Franken; all of them centered on inappropriate touches or kisses."
-- The Case of Al Franken

Behar was more interested in re-writing history and falsely accusing the GOP of conducting a 'Political Hit' against Franken....using the Liberals own creation of the #MeToo movement to do so - than to get the facts right.

Liberal 'View' hosts blast #MeToo 'witch hunt' and 'political hit' that led to Dem Al Franken's resignation

(In 2006, Burke founded the Me Too movement and began using the phrase "Me Too" to raise awareness of the pervasiveness of sexual abuse and assault in society. the phrase was later popularized by American actress Alyssa Milano on Twitter in 2017. The phrase "Me Too" developed into a broader movement following the 2017 use of #MeToo as a hashtag following the Harvey Weinstein sexual abuse allegations).
They tried to sacrifice a pawn to go after THE DON
This had to be one of the most hilarious episodes of 'The View' Far Leftist freaks Behar and Goldberg declared disgraced D-Senator Al Franken, who retired after becoming a 'victim' of the #MeToo movement that exposed those who had engaged in sexual misconduct / inappropriate sexual behavior, was actually a 'victim' of a 'POLITICAL HIT JOB' by the GOP in retaliation for asking then US AG Jeff Sessions tough questions.

Remember the Democrats' on-again-off-again insistence that EVERY woman must be believed (unless they accuse a Democrat)? Behar attempted to declare there were holes in the story of Franken's 1st accuser, radio host Leann Tweeden.

Behar stated she did not believe Franken's case had been handled correctly and that she did not completely believe the accusations against him. (Again, what happened to 'Every Woman Must Be Believed'?) In making her case, Behar said of Franken's accusers, "one was uncorroborated" and suggested the other accusation of sexual misconduct was 'OVERBOLOWN'.

Interesting how Behar ignored that 7 (SEVEN) women came forward to accuse Franken: "Seven more women followed with accusations against Franken; all of them centered on inappropriate touches or kisses."
-- The Case of Al Franken

Behar was more interested in re-writing history and falsely accusing the GOP of conducting a 'Political Hit' against Franken....using the Liberals own creation of the #MeToo movement to do so - than to get the facts right.

Liberal 'View' hosts blast #MeToo 'witch hunt' and 'political hit' that led to Dem Al Franken's resignation

(In 2006, Burke founded the Me Too movement and began using the phrase "Me Too" to raise awareness of the pervasiveness of sexual abuse and assault in society. the phrase was later popularized by American actress Alyssa Milano on Twitter in 2017. The phrase "Me Too" developed into a broader movement following the 2017 use of #MeToo as a hashtag following the Harvey Weinstein sexual abuse allegations).
Every woman must be listened to. I'm not sure I like the way it has turned into a court of public opinion with the power to ruin a career. Yet, so far, I haven't heard of any being proven false, either.
I think if the right wing was smart, they would jump on the MeToo bandwagon full force and show women that they don't agree with sexual harassment. Too often, the Republicans seem to be defending the indefensible--like Roy Moore and Kavanaugh and Trump.

The DUE PROCESS WAGON is a better ride.

A Lot of Women are Bitches and should Shut The Fuck Up. They can be vindictive little &&%^# when rejected, or if they don't get their way in a divorce.

Liberal Women particularly are Liars, and are full of venom and hatred directed towards men.

They should particularly STFU.

An accusation is not enough to convict someone of a crime.

We have due process in this country, so if a feminist wants to ruin a man's life, she needs to have proof or STFU.

Otherwise she marginalizes the real victims of criminal acts.
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Every woman must be listened to. I'm not sure I like the way it has turned into a court of public opinion with the power to ruin a career. Yet, so far, I haven't heard of any being proven false, either.
I think if the right wing was smart, they would jump on the MeToo bandwagon full force and show women that they don't agree with sexual harassment. Too often, the Republicans seem to be defending the indefensible--like Roy Moore and Kavanaugh and Trump.

Funny.....'Ever woman must be LISTENED to' was NOT what Hillary is not what she DECARED....what the Democrats parroted. They said, 'Every woman must be BELIEVED' is what they said....

...and after an article is posted telling how the Libtard Far Leftist Behar ignored / refused to mention 5 accounts of sexual misconduct against D-Franken and claimed what happened to one woman 'wasn't that bad', you still found a way to attempt to spin it and try to make the GOP the 'bad guys'...


This had to be one of the most hilarious episodes of 'The View' Far Leftist freaks Behar and Goldberg declared disgraced D-Senator Al Franken, who retired after becoming a 'victim' of the #MeToo movement that exposed those who had engaged in sexual misconduct / inappropriate sexual behavior, was actually a 'victim' of a 'POLITICAL HIT JOB' by the GOP in retaliation for asking then US AG Jeff Sessions tough questions.

Remember the Democrats' on-again-off-again insistence that EVERY woman must be believed (unless they accuse a Democrat)? Behar attempted to declare there were holes in the story of Franken's 1st accuser, radio host Leann Tweeden.

Behar stated she did not believe Franken's case had been handled correctly and that she did not completely believe the accusations against him. (Again, what happened to 'Every Woman Must Be Believed'?) In making her case, Behar said of Franken's accusers, "one was uncorroborated" and suggested the other accusation of sexual misconduct was 'OVERBOLOWN'.

Interesting how Behar ignored that 7 (SEVEN) women came forward to accuse Franken: "Seven more women followed with accusations against Franken; all of them centered on inappropriate touches or kisses."
-- The Case of Al Franken

Behar was more interested in re-writing history and falsely accusing the GOP of conducting a 'Political Hit' against Franken....using the Liberals own creation of the #MeToo movement to do so - than to get the facts right.

Liberal 'View' hosts blast #MeToo 'witch hunt' and 'political hit' that led to Dem Al Franken's resignation

(In 2006, Burke founded the Me Too movement and began using the phrase "Me Too" to raise awareness of the pervasiveness of sexual abuse and assault in society. the phrase was later popularized by American actress Alyssa Milano on Twitter in 2017. The phrase "Me Too" developed into a broader movement following the 2017 use of #MeToo as a hashtag following the Harvey Weinstein sexual abuse allegations).
Every woman must be listened to. I'm not sure I like the way it has turned into a court of public opinion with the power to ruin a career. Yet, so far, I haven't heard of any being proven false, either.
I think if the right wing was smart, they would jump on the MeToo bandwagon full force and show women that they don't agree with sexual harassment. Too often, the Republicans seem to be defending the indefensible--like Roy Moore and Kavanaugh and Trump.

How was Kavanaugh the indefensible? Ford didn't know when or where. She named people who were there that said they weren't there, even one of her closest friend said she was not there. So it was his word against his, there was no witnesses, no physical evidence and no circumstantial evidence. Pretty to call it indefensible, isn't it?
It is also 'ironic' that the woman who came up with the phrase 'Every woman must be believed' was the same sexual deviant /sexual harasser / sexual assaulter / rapist ENABLER who spent most of her political career insulting, attacking, intimidating, and silencing her husband's victims...
This had to be one of the most hilarious episodes of 'The View' Far Leftist freaks Behar and Goldberg declared disgraced D-Senator Al Franken, who retired after becoming a 'victim' of the #MeToo movement that exposed those who had engaged in sexual misconduct / inappropriate sexual behavior, was actually a 'victim' of a 'POLITICAL HIT JOB' by the GOP in retaliation for asking then US AG Jeff Sessions tough questions.

Remember the Democrats' on-again-off-again insistence that EVERY woman must be believed (unless they accuse a Democrat)? Behar attempted to declare there were holes in the story of Franken's 1st accuser, radio host Leann Tweeden.

Behar stated she did not believe Franken's case had been handled correctly and that she did not completely believe the accusations against him. (Again, what happened to 'Every Woman Must Be Believed'?) In making her case, Behar said of Franken's accusers, "one was uncorroborated" and suggested the other accusation of sexual misconduct was 'OVERBOLOWN'.

Interesting how Behar ignored that 7 (SEVEN) women came forward to accuse Franken: "Seven more women followed with accusations against Franken; all of them centered on inappropriate touches or kisses."
-- The Case of Al Franken

Behar was more interested in re-writing history and falsely accusing the GOP of conducting a 'Political Hit' against Franken....using the Liberals own creation of the #MeToo movement to do so - than to get the facts right.

Liberal 'View' hosts blast #MeToo 'witch hunt' and 'political hit' that led to Dem Al Franken's resignation

(In 2006, Burke founded the Me Too movement and began using the phrase "Me Too" to raise awareness of the pervasiveness of sexual abuse and assault in society. the phrase was later popularized by American actress Alyssa Milano on Twitter in 2017. The phrase "Me Too" developed into a broader movement following the 2017 use of #MeToo as a hashtag following the Harvey Weinstein sexual abuse allegations).
Every woman must be listened to. I'm not sure I like the way it has turned into a court of public opinion with the power to ruin a career. Yet, so far, I haven't heard of any being proven false, either.
I think if the right wing was smart, they would jump on the MeToo bandwagon full force and show women that they don't agree with sexual harassment. Too often, the Republicans seem to be defending the indefensible--like Roy Moore and Kavanaugh and Trump.

the Republicans seem to be defending the indefensible--like Roy Moore and Kavanaugh and Trump.

Why are they indefensible?
Every woman must be listened to. I'm not sure I like the way it has turned into a court of public opinion with the power to ruin a career. Yet, so far, I haven't heard of any being proven false, either.
I think if the right wing was smart, they would jump on the MeToo bandwagon full force and show women that they don't agree with sexual harassment. Too often, the Republicans seem to be defending the indefensible--like Roy Moore and Kavanaugh and Trump.

Funny.....'Ever woman must be LISTENED to' was NOT what Hillary is not what she DECARED....what the Democrats parroted. They said, 'Every woman must be BELIEVED' is what they said....

...and after an article is posted telling how the Libtard Far Leftist Behar ignored / refused to mention 5 accounts of sexual misconduct against D-Franken and claimed what happened to one woman 'wasn't that bad', you still found a way to attempt to spin it and try to make the GOP the 'bad guys'...


You can be a Pedophile and a Rapist if you are a Leftist and DemNazis will cover for you for Decades, and even Elect you as President.
How was Kavanaugh the indefensible? Ford didn't know when or where. She named people who were there that said they weren't there, even one of her closest friend said she was not there. So it was his word against his, there was no witnesses, no physical evidence and no circumstantial evidence. Pretty to call it indefensible, isn't it?

How can one be 'afraid to fly'...but has a history of doing it all the time?

When she was asked why she did not agree to allow the attorneys come to where she lived she stated she did not know they could do either her own lawyers sucked and failed to mention that to her or the whole 'afraid to fly' story was BS.

At what point can we STOP believing all women just because they are women and just because a woman says we have to?
This had to be one of the most hilarious episodes of 'The View' Far Leftist freaks Behar and Goldberg declared disgraced D-Senator Al Franken, who retired after becoming a 'victim' of the #MeToo movement that exposed those who had engaged in sexual misconduct / inappropriate sexual behavior, was actually a 'victim' of a 'POLITICAL HIT JOB' by the GOP in retaliation for asking then US AG Jeff Sessions tough questions.

Remember the Democrats' on-again-off-again insistence that EVERY woman must be believed (unless they accuse a Democrat)? Behar attempted to declare there were holes in the story of Franken's 1st accuser, radio host Leann Tweeden.

Behar stated she did not believe Franken's case had been handled correctly and that she did not completely believe the accusations against him. (Again, what happened to 'Every Woman Must Be Believed'?) In making her case, Behar said of Franken's accusers, "one was uncorroborated" and suggested the other accusation of sexual misconduct was 'OVERBOLOWN'.

Interesting how Behar ignored that 7 (SEVEN) women came forward to accuse Franken: "Seven more women followed with accusations against Franken; all of them centered on inappropriate touches or kisses."
-- The Case of Al Franken

Behar was more interested in re-writing history and falsely accusing the GOP of conducting a 'Political Hit' against Franken....using the Liberals own creation of the #MeToo movement to do so - than to get the facts right.

Liberal 'View' hosts blast #MeToo 'witch hunt' and 'political hit' that led to Dem Al Franken's resignation

(In 2006, Burke founded the Me Too movement and began using the phrase "Me Too" to raise awareness of the pervasiveness of sexual abuse and assault in society. the phrase was later popularized by American actress Alyssa Milano on Twitter in 2017. The phrase "Me Too" developed into a broader movement following the 2017 use of #MeToo as a hashtag following the Harvey Weinstein sexual abuse allegations).
Every woman must be listened to. I'm not sure I like the way it has turned into a court of public opinion with the power to ruin a career. Yet, so far, I haven't heard of any being proven false, either.
I think if the right wing was smart, they would jump on the MeToo bandwagon full force and show women that they don't agree with sexual harassment. Too often, the Republicans seem to be defending the indefensible--like Roy Moore and Kavanaugh and Trump.
You defend those who've never been proven guilty. That is what America does. That is the way it has ALWAYS been.
Every woman must be listened to. I'm not sure I like the way it has turned into a court of public opinion with the power to ruin a career. Yet, so far, I haven't heard of any being proven false, either.
I think if the right wing was smart, they would jump on the MeToo bandwagon full force and show women that they don't agree with sexual harassment. Too often, the Republicans seem to be defending the indefensible--like Roy Moore and Kavanaugh and Trump.

Funny.....'Ever woman must be LISTENED to' was NOT what Hillary is not what she DECARED....what the Democrats parroted. They said, 'Every woman must be BELIEVED' is what they said....

...and after an article is posted telling how the Libtard Far Leftist Behar ignored / refused to mention 5 accounts of sexual misconduct against D-Franken and claimed what happened to one woman 'wasn't that bad', you still found a way to attempt to spin it and try to make the GOP the 'bad guys'...


I wasn't speaking for Hillary; I was speaking for myself. I know I have heard a lot of MeToo supporters say the same. Women have the right to be listened to. They have the right to have their stories taken seriously. Is that so fanatical?
This had to be one of the most hilarious episodes of 'The View' Far Leftist freaks Behar and Goldberg declared disgraced D-Senator Al Franken, who retired after becoming a 'victim' of the #MeToo movement that exposed those who had engaged in sexual misconduct / inappropriate sexual behavior, was actually a 'victim' of a 'POLITICAL HIT JOB' by the GOP in retaliation for asking then US AG Jeff Sessions tough questions.

Remember the Democrats' on-again-off-again insistence that EVERY woman must be believed (unless they accuse a Democrat)? Behar attempted to declare there were holes in the story of Franken's 1st accuser, radio host Leann Tweeden.

Behar stated she did not believe Franken's case had been handled correctly and that she did not completely believe the accusations against him. (Again, what happened to 'Every Woman Must Be Believed'?) In making her case, Behar said of Franken's accusers, "one was uncorroborated" and suggested the other accusation of sexual misconduct was 'OVERBOLOWN'.

Interesting how Behar ignored that 7 (SEVEN) women came forward to accuse Franken: "Seven more women followed with accusations against Franken; all of them centered on inappropriate touches or kisses."
-- The Case of Al Franken

Behar was more interested in re-writing history and falsely accusing the GOP of conducting a 'Political Hit' against Franken....using the Liberals own creation of the #MeToo movement to do so - than to get the facts right.

Liberal 'View' hosts blast #MeToo 'witch hunt' and 'political hit' that led to Dem Al Franken's resignation

(In 2006, Burke founded the Me Too movement and began using the phrase "Me Too" to raise awareness of the pervasiveness of sexual abuse and assault in society. the phrase was later popularized by American actress Alyssa Milano on Twitter in 2017. The phrase "Me Too" developed into a broader movement following the 2017 use of #MeToo as a hashtag following the Harvey Weinstein sexual abuse allegations).
Every woman must be listened to. I'm not sure I like the way it has turned into a court of public opinion with the power to ruin a career. Yet, so far, I haven't heard of any being proven false, either.
I think if the right wing was smart, they would jump on the MeToo bandwagon full force and show women that they don't agree with sexual harassment. Too often, the Republicans seem to be defending the indefensible--like Roy Moore and Kavanaugh and Trump.

the Republicans seem to be defending the indefensible--like Roy Moore and Kavanaugh and Trump.

Why are they indefensible?
It is really clear from the sheer number of people who have spoken up that these guys behaved like pigs. Did any of them "rape" anyone? I don't claim that. But there is plenty of evidence that Kavanaugh was Jekyll and Hyde when he drank and Trump has always been a pig and Moore spent his younger years trawling the mall for a very young catch.
Anyone who defends them ought to be ashamed of themselves.
I wasn't speaking for Hillary; I was speaking for myself. I know I have heard a lot of MeToo supporters say the same. Women have the right to be listened to. They have the right to have their stories taken seriously. Is that so fanatical?
'LISTENED To'? Not at all.
This had to be one of the most hilarious episodes of 'The View' Far Leftist freaks Behar and Goldberg declared disgraced D-Senator Al Franken, who retired after becoming a 'victim' of the #MeToo movement that exposed those who had engaged in sexual misconduct / inappropriate sexual behavior, was actually a 'victim' of a 'POLITICAL HIT JOB' by the GOP in retaliation for asking then US AG Jeff Sessions tough questions.

Remember the Democrats' on-again-off-again insistence that EVERY woman must be believed (unless they accuse a Democrat)? Behar attempted to declare there were holes in the story of Franken's 1st accuser, radio host Leann Tweeden.

Behar stated she did not believe Franken's case had been handled correctly and that she did not completely believe the accusations against him. (Again, what happened to 'Every Woman Must Be Believed'?) In making her case, Behar said of Franken's accusers, "one was uncorroborated" and suggested the other accusation of sexual misconduct was 'OVERBOLOWN'.

Interesting how Behar ignored that 7 (SEVEN) women came forward to accuse Franken: "Seven more women followed with accusations against Franken; all of them centered on inappropriate touches or kisses."
-- The Case of Al Franken

Behar was more interested in re-writing history and falsely accusing the GOP of conducting a 'Political Hit' against Franken....using the Liberals own creation of the #MeToo movement to do so - than to get the facts right.

Liberal 'View' hosts blast #MeToo 'witch hunt' and 'political hit' that led to Dem Al Franken's resignation

(In 2006, Burke founded the Me Too movement and began using the phrase "Me Too" to raise awareness of the pervasiveness of sexual abuse and assault in society. the phrase was later popularized by American actress Alyssa Milano on Twitter in 2017. The phrase "Me Too" developed into a broader movement following the 2017 use of #MeToo as a hashtag following the Harvey Weinstein sexual abuse allegations).
Every woman must be listened to. I'm not sure I like the way it has turned into a court of public opinion with the power to ruin a career. Yet, so far, I haven't heard of any being proven false, either.
I think if the right wing was smart, they would jump on the MeToo bandwagon full force and show women that they don't agree with sexual harassment. Too often, the Republicans seem to be defending the indefensible--like Roy Moore and Kavanaugh and Trump.

the Republicans seem to be defending the indefensible--like Roy Moore and Kavanaugh and Trump.

Why are they indefensible?
It is really clear from the sheer number of people who have spoken up that these guys behaved like pigs. Did any of them "rape" anyone? I don't claim that. But there is plenty of evidence that Kavanaugh was Jekyll and Hyde when he drank and Trump has always been a pig and Moore spent his younger years trawling the mall for a very young catch.
Anyone who defends them ought to be ashamed of themselves.

How many came out against Kavanaugh?

Why didn't they testify?

Why couldn't Ford get the backing she needed from her 'friends'?

How the 'F' is Trump any different than Clinton?


How many came forward to claim he ever laid a hand on them?
This had to be one of the most hilarious episodes of 'The View' Far Leftist freaks Behar and Goldberg declared disgraced D-Senator Al Franken, who retired after becoming a 'victim' of the #MeToo movement that exposed those who had engaged in sexual misconduct / inappropriate sexual behavior, was actually a 'victim' of a 'POLITICAL HIT JOB' by the GOP in retaliation for asking then US AG Jeff Sessions tough questions.

Remember the Democrats' on-again-off-again insistence that EVERY woman must be believed (unless they accuse a Democrat)? Behar attempted to declare there were holes in the story of Franken's 1st accuser, radio host Leann Tweeden.

Behar stated she did not believe Franken's case had been handled correctly and that she did not completely believe the accusations against him. (Again, what happened to 'Every Woman Must Be Believed'?) In making her case, Behar said of Franken's accusers, "one was uncorroborated" and suggested the other accusation of sexual misconduct was 'OVERBOLOWN'.

Interesting how Behar ignored that 7 (SEVEN) women came forward to accuse Franken: "Seven more women followed with accusations against Franken; all of them centered on inappropriate touches or kisses."
-- The Case of Al Franken

Behar was more interested in re-writing history and falsely accusing the GOP of conducting a 'Political Hit' against Franken....using the Liberals own creation of the #MeToo movement to do so - than to get the facts right.

Liberal 'View' hosts blast #MeToo 'witch hunt' and 'political hit' that led to Dem Al Franken's resignation

(In 2006, Burke founded the Me Too movement and began using the phrase "Me Too" to raise awareness of the pervasiveness of sexual abuse and assault in society. the phrase was later popularized by American actress Alyssa Milano on Twitter in 2017. The phrase "Me Too" developed into a broader movement following the 2017 use of #MeToo as a hashtag following the Harvey Weinstein sexual abuse allegations).
Every woman must be listened to. I'm not sure I like the way it has turned into a court of public opinion with the power to ruin a career. Yet, so far, I haven't heard of any being proven false, either.
I think if the right wing was smart, they would jump on the MeToo bandwagon full force and show women that they don't agree with sexual harassment. Too often, the Republicans seem to be defending the indefensible--like Roy Moore and Kavanaugh and Trump.

How was Kavanaugh the indefensible? Ford didn't know when or where. She named people who were there that said they weren't there, even one of her closest friend said she was not there. So it was his word against his, there was no witnesses, no physical evidence and no circumstantial evidence. Pretty to call it indefensible, isn't it?
There were plenty of witnesses/evidence that Kavanaugh was a big partier back then and that when he was drunk, he was no longer the quiet, polite young man that he was sober. That followed him into college. There were witnesses to that, too. And he clearly lied about his yearbook posts.
I don't know about Ford. SHE believed it but she seemed pretty flaky to me. There were plenty of others who uncovered what he was, though.
Now, all that said, does any of it really matter as to whether he becomes a Supreme Court Justice after decades of impeccable public service? I don't think it should have and the whole thing was a fucking circus, imo. Shame on the Dems for dragging it up the way they did.
Every woman must be listened to. I'm not sure I like the way it has turned into a court of public opinion with the power to ruin a career. Yet, so far, I haven't heard of any being proven false, either.
I think if the right wing was smart, they would jump on the MeToo bandwagon full force and show women that they don't agree with sexual harassment. Too often, the Republicans seem to be defending the indefensible--like Roy Moore and Kavanaugh and Trump.

Funny.....'Ever woman must be LISTENED to' was NOT what Hillary is not what she DECARED....what the Democrats parroted. They said, 'Every woman must be BELIEVED' is what they said....

...and after an article is posted telling how the Libtard Far Leftist Behar ignored / refused to mention 5 accounts of sexual misconduct against D-Franken and claimed what happened to one woman 'wasn't that bad', you still found a way to attempt to spin it and try to make the GOP the 'bad guys'...


I wasn't speaking for Hillary; I was speaking for myself. I know I have heard a lot of MeToo supporters say the same. Women have the right to be listened to. They have the right to have their stories taken seriously. Is that so fanatical?

That has never been what #metoo says.

They demand that every accuser must be BELIEVED

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