The violence that has and will unfold during the trump years was foretold

Are you talking about the Jan 6 demonstration? Cities burned during the Biden administration and a trannie terrorist murdered eight people in a planned attack on a Christian school. The Biden administration suggested that the shooter was the victim. An illegal alien who was deported five times killed 5 people including a nine year old kid. You want to blame Trump?
That does not work, bud. The extreme right will try to destroy, maim, and kill.

The Extreme Right today mostly exists as a boogeyman, a toothless, dying movement that is only being propped up as a trope for the left to rail against and hide their own violence.

The extreme left is a real threat, and is a growing threat.
That does not work, bud. The extreme right will try to destroy, maim, and kill.
Right, as long as you define destroy, maim and kill as saying things democrats don't support. The right is new to the violence game and the left doesn't like newcomers taking their turf. They are accustomed to being able to riot, burn things, assault people and generally make a nuisance of themselves with no push back. Looks like those days are over. Things are happening just as I predicted.
Right, as long as you define destroy, maim and kill as saying things democrats don't support. The right is new to the violence game and the left doesn't like newcomers taking their turf. They are accustomed to being able to riot, burn things, assault people and generally make a nuisance of themselves with no push back. Looks like those days are over. Things are happening just as I predicted.
The MAGA is so dangerous (going all the way back to King George's loyalists and tories, to the Confederates to the Klan, up to J6 and King Donald's tories).
All President Trump has to do to incite leftist violence is to BREATHE!!!

All you guys do is to have your little fits on a daily basis and you think you can fool the public into taking your (lying) word for it that it is Trump doing the inciting. IT IS YOU> YOU FREAKIN" tyrant babies.

Never a truer word spoken.

The MAGA is so dangerous (going all the way back to King George's loyalists and tories, to the Confederates to the Klan, up to J6 and King Donald's tories).
Literally impossible. Did you forget what MAGA is an acronym for? Here's a hint. You can't make something great AGAIN that doesn't exist.

And, this is highly amusing. You go back to British loyalists and Tories as examples of "dangerous". Have you no concept of who was a domestic terrorist and insurrectionist and who was a patriot in the Colonies at that time?
It is the irrational love of Trump and willingness to blindly believe and parrot his propaganda the leads to violenc.

When a judge does gag him, watch the violence explode.
You kooks are the blind followers of a fascist Reich, and all you do is pass along your guilt to those of us who support America and its real citizens.
Yes, the patriots and insurrectionists in the War of Independence were the forerunners of the Civil War Republicans and northern Democrats.

Today, they encompass all who are anti-MAGA and oppose the Trumpist authoritarian regime.
Yes, the patriots and insurrectionists in the War of Independence were the forerunners of the Civil War Republicans and northern Democrats.

Today, they encompass all who are anti-MAGA and oppose the Trumpist authoritarian regime.
Yet, nothing Trump ever said or did is authoritarian....
Certainly cannot be said for China Joe now can it?
Are you talking about the Jan 6 demonstration? Cities burned during the Biden administration and a trannie terrorist murdered eight people in a planned attack on a Christian school. The Biden administration suggested that the shooter was the victim. An illegal alien who was deported five times killed 5 people including a nine year old kid. You want to blame Trump?
No, the cities burned during the trump administration. As usual, MAGA lies with impunity. J6 was not a demonstration. It was an attack on the US Capitol and on democracy when the trump cult tried to stop the certification of Joe Biden as President. The coup attempt fail, and as expected, trump and his fellow criminals did a 180, and now say that J6 never happened.

The DOJ is compiling evidence that should keep some of the planners and funders of J6 up at night. Please stop lying about the January 6th Insurrection Attempt.

trump has not finished inciting violence. He is being allowed to incite his cult to violence during the legal proceedings now taking place. He will be indicted again soon and will the next judge allow him to spew his anger, endangering this country?

We have not seen the last of the deaths and damage that trump's mental impairment is going to cause.
Nothing like Biden's illegal that was deported 4 times killing 5 people. You mean that kind of violence?
No, the cities burned during the trump administration. As usual, MAGA lies with impunity. J6 was not a demonstration. It was an attack on the US Capitol and on democracy when the trump cult tried to stop the certification of Joe Biden as President. The coup attempt fail, and as expected, trump and his fellow criminals did a 180, and now say that J6 never happened.

The DOJ is compiling evidence that should keep some of the planners and funders of J6 up at night. Please stop lying about the January 6th Insurrection Attempt.
The cities that burned were all led by wacko Dim mayors and elected officials. They stopped the police from interfering as their cars were overturned and they were murdered.
Wacko jimboliar.
The DOJ is too busy worrying about what will happen to them as more and more truth is revealed. You wackos are truly disturbed.

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