The "Virtuous" New Nazis.

They say exactly the same sentences, even word order, as the other liars, revisionists,and propagandists.

They say what they have been trained to say by Islamic terrorists.

100% buzz phrases. 0% knowledge.

There's a strain of pernicious anti semitism running through European 'intellectual' thought, not particularly influenced by Islam.
There's a strain of pernicious anti semitism running through European 'intellectual' thought, not particularly influenced by Islam.

.....and as we can see from Eloy, here, that includes those who are not the least bit intellectual as well.

The different strains of antisemitism matter less to me than the hatred, though. The particulars of the various themes utilized to single out Jews may differ between the orthodox Neo Marxists, the Islamists and the soccer hooligan type Nazis, but they all merge together. They all agree that Jews are a singularly pernicious people, sneaky and conniving in behavior, not to be trusted, unduly influential, manipulative and powerful. That these themes now coalesce around the collective Jew as represented by a tiny nation state doesn't really change the nature of the age-old hatred one bit.

I do agree about the pernicious nature of European antisemitism, however, and what makes it especially pernicious is that these idiots actually do see their singling out of Jews as a virtue. Take Coyote, here, who sees herself as a great champion fighting for social justice -- so much so that she has turned it into a full-time preoccupation. Her entire personality is immersed in this great.......well, I would call it a crusade were it not for the fact it is more of an anti-Crusade, and hers is a case of the true believer every bit as rigid and absolute as the most ardent bible-thumping fundamentalist. Multiply one Coyote by tens upon tens of millions, and the true extent of this hatred is revealed.

Antisemitism has passed like a virus from one leftist to the next over the last 50 years or so, and is now so pervasive that a person is automatically assailed if they AREN'T antisemitic. It has become the badge worn proudly by leftists and is now a litmus test used to determine who gets to be included in the club and who doesn't.
Israel has no right to exist ... is THIS the message you want people to believe in ?

And I suggest you take a look at the Hamas Charter (Hamas being the ruling power in Gaza, and an internationally recognised terrorist organisation !!). Hamas is committed to Israel's destruction. THIS is the power that, every now and again, fires rockets into Israeli territory, with the hope of killing as many Israeli citizens as they can manage.

This includes women and children. Or .. must they, too, be at the mercy of terrorist scum ??
Hamas has moved on from its charter and no longer call for the destruction of Israel, I understand.

Link please!!!

Israel has no right to exist ... is THIS the message you want people to believe in ?

And I suggest you take a look at the Hamas Charter (Hamas being the ruling power in Gaza, and an internationally recognised terrorist organisation !!). Hamas is committed to Israel's destruction. THIS is the power that, every now and again, fires rockets into Israeli territory, with the hope of killing as many Israeli citizens as they can manage.

This includes women and children. Or .. must they, too, be at the mercy of terrorist scum ??
Hamas has moved on from its charter and no longer call for the destruction of Israel, I understand.

Not as of 2014.

You have something more recent??


I do know one thing; were a country's military occupying my land for half a century, massacring thousands in defiance of all international, sniping at children, destroying our infrastructure, hospitals, water treatment plants, schools, factories, bulldozing our homes with JCBs, arresting our children and keeping them for interrogation without legal counsel or family present, preventing pregnant women from attending maternity clinics, humiliating my people at checkpoints in our own homeland, ... well, I would want that enemy destroyed, wouldn't you?

Only one problem the land was never arab muslims from 1099 when they were evicted. The Ottomans never handed sovereignty to the arab muslims and the LoN gave them 78% of palestine to play with. This left the Jews with the poorest of land and desert to make into their National Home, and because they did in the face of constant attacks from islamonazi's proves they are there to stay.

By the way if you were to act as the islamonazi scum then you would be wiped out by your own government with the blessings of the world. How do you like them apples ?

After WW1, the Ottomans handed parts of control to the British and the French.

And the Russians, which many people seem to have forgotten about. And the Mandates covered Europe and Africa
Almost the entire world is critical of Israel. The Israelis see enemies under their beds. The Palestinian people, including children, are called enemies of Israel for good reason, seeing how they have been treated by the brutal Israeli occupation. Indeed, very many sympathize with Israel's enemies.

The English media are particularly partial to Zionism, after all, putting an homeland for European Jews right in the middle of Palestine was a British idea in the first place.

Israel has no right to exist ... is THIS the message you want people to believe in ?

And I suggest you take a look at the Hamas Charter (Hamas being the ruling power in Gaza, and an internationally recognised terrorist organisation !!). Hamas is committed to Israel's destruction. THIS is the power that, every now and again, fires rockets into Israeli territory, with the hope of killing as many Israeli citizens as they can manage.

This includes women and children. Or .. must they, too, be at the mercy of terrorist scum ??
Hamas has moved on from its charter and no longer call for the destruction of Israel, I understand.

Link please!!!

Almost the entire world is critical of Israel. The Israelis see enemies under their beds. The Palestinian people, including children, are called enemies of Israel for good reason, seeing how they have been treated by the brutal Israeli occupation. Indeed, very many sympathize with Israel's enemies.

The English media are particularly partial to Zionism, after all, putting an homeland for European Jews right in the middle of Palestine was a British idea in the first place.

Israel has no right to exist ... is THIS the message you want people to believe in ?

And I suggest you take a look at the Hamas Charter (Hamas being the ruling power in Gaza, and an internationally recognised terrorist organisation !!). Hamas is committed to Israel's destruction. THIS is the power that, every now and again, fires rockets into Israeli territory, with the hope of killing as many Israeli citizens as they can manage.

This includes women and children. Or .. must they, too, be at the mercy of terrorist scum ??
Hamas has moved on from its charter and no longer call for the destruction of Israel, I understand.

Not as of 2014.

You have something more recent??


I do know one thing; were a country's military occupying my land for half a century, massacring thousands in defiance of all international, sniping at children, destroying our infrastructure, hospitals, water treatment plants, schools, factories, bulldozing our homes with JCBs, arresting our children and keeping them for interrogation without legal counsel or family present, preventing pregnant women from attending maternity clinics, humiliating my people at checkpoints in our own homeland, ... well, I would want that enemy destroyed, wouldn't you?

I can't understand those nasty Israelis treating Palestinian Arabs in their hospitals for all manner of serious ailments; can you?

I do not know the order of magnitude between the number of Palestinians treated in Israeli hospitals as against the number sent to cemeteries by the Israelis. It must be humongous.
Israel has no right to exist ... is THIS the message you want people to believe in ?

And I suggest you take a look at the Hamas Charter (Hamas being the ruling power in Gaza, and an internationally recognised terrorist organisation !!). Hamas is committed to Israel's destruction. THIS is the power that, every now and again, fires rockets into Israeli territory, with the hope of killing as many Israeli citizens as they can manage.

This includes women and children. Or .. must they, too, be at the mercy of terrorist scum ??
Hamas has moved on from its charter and no longer call for the destruction of Israel, I understand.

Link please!!!

Israel has no right to exist ... is THIS the message you want people to believe in ?

And I suggest you take a look at the Hamas Charter (Hamas being the ruling power in Gaza, and an internationally recognised terrorist organisation !!). Hamas is committed to Israel's destruction. THIS is the power that, every now and again, fires rockets into Israeli territory, with the hope of killing as many Israeli citizens as they can manage.

This includes women and children. Or .. must they, too, be at the mercy of terrorist scum ??
Hamas has moved on from its charter and no longer call for the destruction of Israel, I understand.

Not as of 2014.

You have something more recent??


I do know one thing; were a country's military occupying my land for half a century, massacring thousands in defiance of all international, sniping at children, destroying our infrastructure, hospitals, water treatment plants, schools, factories, bulldozing our homes with JCBs, arresting our children and keeping them for interrogation without legal counsel or family present, preventing pregnant women from attending maternity clinics, humiliating my people at checkpoints in our own homeland, ... well, I would want that enemy destroyed, wouldn't you?

I can't understand those nasty Israelis treating Palestinian Arabs in their hospitals for all manner of serious ailments; can you?

I do not know the order of magnitude between the number of Palestinians treated in Israeli hospitals as against the number sent to cemeteries by the Israelis. It must be humongous.

I do------very few Palestinians are killed by Israel and virtually all of them have gotten state of the art medical care in Israel and most of them are born in Israeli hospitals. From which mosque floor do you lick shit?
I am not English.

Being critical of Israel is not the same as being antisemitic.

Being critical of Israel, as I say, may be anti-Zionist but it is not antisemitic. Many Jews criticize Israel.
Ken Livingstone was right when he mentioned Hitler and the Nazis before the war claimed to be Zionists.

Many false assertions were made about socialists.

You're nitpicking somewhat.

I only posted a selection of examples of the Left's antisemitism. I could have posted more. An example of Corbyn and his friendliness with Israel's enemies, for example ?
Almost the entire world is critical of Israel. The Israelis see enemies under their beds. The Palestinian people, including children, are called enemies of Israel for good reason, seeing how they have been treated by the brutal Israeli occupation. Indeed, very many sympathize with Israel's enemies.

As for Livingstone, well, if he was so 'right', how come he was villified for his 'Hitler' view ? How come his employment as an LBC pundit was abruptly terminated after he expressed that comment ? How come EVEN his OWN PARTY dropped him, because he'd become too much of an embarrassment to them ?
The English media are particularly partial to Zionism, after all, putting an homeland for European Jews right in the middle of Palestine was a British idea in the first place.

If they had not invaded Jewish land and resorted to violence then they would not be occupied and held static. They are now facing what the Jews faced for 1400 years at their hands, without the wanton rapes, killings and beatings.

Was it, then how come it was the Jews that first thought of it 4,500 years ago. The British media are against Zionism and the Jews seeing as it is run by neo marxists
Thr Israelis kill very many Palestinians, including children, sometimes vast massacres take place in Gaza using weapons supplied and paid for by American taxpayers.

So why does hamas force the many hundreds of cnildren to act as human shields. Under the criteria in the Geneva conventions it is hamas that is to blame for these deaths as they refuse to move the people out of harms way.


When the Israelis deliberately pulverize schools, hospitals, and neighborhoods, they know they are killing children. To then put out the claim that these children are being used as human shields is cynical propaganda.
You're nitpicking somewhat.

I only posted a selection of examples of the Left's antisemitism. I could have posted more. An example of Corbyn and his friendliness with Israel's enemies, for example ?
Almost the entire world is critical of Israel. The Israelis see enemies under their beds. The Palestinian people, including children, are called enemies of Israel for good reason, seeing how they have been treated by the brutal Israeli occupation. Indeed, very many sympathize with Israel's enemies.

As for Livingstone, well, if he was so 'right', how come he was villified for his 'Hitler' view ? How come his employment as an LBC pundit was abruptly terminated after he expressed that comment ? How come EVEN his OWN PARTY dropped him, because he'd become too much of an embarrassment to them ?
The English media are particularly partial to Zionism, after all, putting an homeland for European Jews right in the middle of Palestine was a British idea in the first place.

If they had not invaded Jewish land and resorted to violence then they would not be occupied and held static. They are now facing what the Jews faced for 1400 years at their hands, without the wanton rapes, killings and beatings.

Was it, then how come it was the Jews that first thought of it 4,500 years ago. The British media are against Zionism and the Jews seeing as it is run by neo marxists
Thr Israelis kill very many Palestinians, including children, sometimes vast massacres take place in Gaza using weapons supplied and paid for by American taxpayers.

So why does hamas force the many hundreds of cnildren to act as human shields. Under the criteria in the Geneva conventions it is hamas that is to blame for these deaths as they refuse to move the people out of harms way.


When the Israelis deliberately pulverize schools, hospitals, and neighborhoods, they know they are killing children. To then put out the claim that these children are being used as human shields is cynical propaganda.

any PLACE from which missiles are LAUNCHED is a LEGAL AND JUSTIFIED TARGET. The islamo pimps and sluts know that they put anybody in the vicinity in danger when they launch bombs on Israel------Hamas and Hezbollah LOVES IT
(seems you love it too)
Almost the entire world is critical of Israel. The Israelis see enemies under their beds. The Palestinian people, including children, are called enemies of Israel for good reason, seeing how they have been treated by the brutal Israeli occupation. Indeed, very many sympathize with Israel's enemies.

The English media are particularly partial to Zionism, after all, putting an homeland for European Jews right in the middle of Palestine was a British idea in the first place.

Israel has no right to exist ... is THIS the message you want people to believe in ?

And I suggest you take a look at the Hamas Charter (Hamas being the ruling power in Gaza, and an internationally recognised terrorist organisation !!). Hamas is committed to Israel's destruction. THIS is the power that, every now and again, fires rockets into Israeli territory, with the hope of killing as many Israeli citizens as they can manage.

This includes women and children. Or .. must they, too, be at the mercy of terrorist scum ??
Hamas has moved on from its charter and no longer call for the destruction of Israel, I understand.

Then why do they trot it out every month or so as a reason/excuse for attacking the Jews. The leaders of hamas call for the destruction of Israel every day, and they even put it in a letter to the UN that the UN should have replied to with threats of multinational violence
The Palestinians have a right to defend themselves as best they can from a brutal Israeli occupation.

You do realise that gaza is not occupied dont you, and that firing illegal rockets into Israel is a war crime and not defence. So want to find where in the Geneva conventions it says targetting children is allowed as a defencive move ?

By the way under International laws it is the arab muslims that occupy Israel, and it is time the UN forced them to leave
By blockading Gaza, controlling its air space and territorial waters, and periodically massacring its citizens, Gaza is effectively occupied territory.
Israel has no right to exist ... is THIS the message you want people to believe in ?

And I suggest you take a look at the Hamas Charter (Hamas being the ruling power in Gaza, and an internationally recognised terrorist organisation !!). Hamas is committed to Israel's destruction. THIS is the power that, every now and again, fires rockets into Israeli territory, with the hope of killing as many Israeli citizens as they can manage.

This includes women and children. Or .. must they, too, be at the mercy of terrorist scum ??
Hamas has moved on from its charter and no longer call for the destruction of Israel, I understand.

Then why do they trot it out every month or so as a reason/excuse for attacking the Jews. The leaders of hamas call for the destruction of Israel every day, and they even put it in a letter to the UN that the UN should have replied to with threats of multinational violence
The Palestinians have a right to defend themselves as best they can from a brutal Israeli occupation.

You do realise that gaza is not occupied dont you, and that firing illegal rockets into Israel is a war crime and not defence. So want to find where in the Geneva conventions it says targetting children is allowed as a defencive move ?

By the way under International laws it is the arab muslims that occupy Israel, and it is time the UN forced them to leave
By blockading Gaza, controlling its air space and territorial waters, and periodically massacring its citizens, Gaza is effectively occupied territory.

by whom? The blockade of a hostile nation which states as its MANDATE that annihilation of its perceived "enemy" is
entirely LEGAL AND JUSTIFIED who "controls gaza's airspace and territorial waters beyond the JUSTIFIED blockade?. Who is "massacring" gazans?
Israeli Arabs are already second class citizens.

So you think Hamas would spare them?
Hamas is the democratically elected government of Gaza.

WRONG they were part of the democratically elected governeent until they decided to take over as dictators. They have refused to allow the people the right to vote and try to blame it on the Jews
The Hamas party won the democratic election ten years ago, since when Gaza has been under siege by the Israelis..
You are rewriting history.

WRONG in August 2005 Israel withdrew from gaza and have not had any control over it since. The blockade is legal and it is hamas that is putting gaza under siege by closing the border crossing on the gaza side. Any idiot that can use a search engine can find out the truth at any time.
The Israelis have not withdrawn from Gaza. "The Israeli occupation of Palestinian territory (the West Bank including East Jerusalem and the Gaza Strip) is in its fifth decade and the undercurrent of violence and inherent abuses of fundamental human rights and disregard for international law inherent in any long-standing military occupation is presented by both sides." (Amnesty International)
Israel and Occupied Palestinian Territories
So you think Hamas would spare them?
Hamas is the democratically elected government of Gaza.

WRONG they were part of the democratically elected governeent until they decided to take over as dictators. They have refused to allow the people the right to vote and try to blame it on the Jews
The Hamas party won the democratic election ten years ago, since when Gaza has been under siege by the Israelis..
You are rewriting history.

WRONG in August 2005 Israel withdrew from gaza and have not had any control over it since. The blockade is legal and it is hamas that is putting gaza under siege by closing the border crossing on the gaza side. Any idiot that can use a search engine can find out the truth at any time.
The Israelis have not withdrawn from Gaza. "The Israeli occupation of Palestinian territory (the West Bank including East Jerusalem and the Gaza Strip) is in its fifth decade and the undercurrent of violence and inherent abuses of fundamental human rights and disregard for international law inherent in any long-standing military occupation is presented by both sides." (Amnesty International)
Israel and Occupied Palestinian Territories

you quoted idiot propaganda again. Amnesty International is not a source. It is an INTEREST GROUP. Israel is in a state of WAR with the people who fraudulently call themselves "Palestinians"-------by the choice of the fake
Almost the entire world is critical of Israel. The Israelis see enemies under their beds. The Palestinian people, including children, are called enemies of Israel for good reason, seeing how they have been treated by the brutal Israeli occupation. Indeed, very many sympathize with Israel's enemies.

The English media are particularly partial to Zionism, after all, putting an homeland for European Jews right in the middle of Palestine was a British idea in the first place.

Israel has no right to exist ... is THIS the message you want people to believe in ?

And I suggest you take a look at the Hamas Charter (Hamas being the ruling power in Gaza, and an internationally recognised terrorist organisation !!). Hamas is committed to Israel's destruction. THIS is the power that, every now and again, fires rockets into Israeli territory, with the hope of killing as many Israeli citizens as they can manage.

This includes women and children. Or .. must they, too, be at the mercy of terrorist scum ??
Hamas has moved on from its charter and no longer call for the destruction of Israel, I understand.

Link please!!!

Almost the entire world is critical of Israel. The Israelis see enemies under their beds. The Palestinian people, including children, are called enemies of Israel for good reason, seeing how they have been treated by the brutal Israeli occupation. Indeed, very many sympathize with Israel's enemies.

The English media are particularly partial to Zionism, after all, putting an homeland for European Jews right in the middle of Palestine was a British idea in the first place.

Israel has no right to exist ... is THIS the message you want people to believe in ?

And I suggest you take a look at the Hamas Charter (Hamas being the ruling power in Gaza, and an internationally recognised terrorist organisation !!). Hamas is committed to Israel's destruction. THIS is the power that, every now and again, fires rockets into Israeli territory, with the hope of killing as many Israeli citizens as they can manage.

This includes women and children. Or .. must they, too, be at the mercy of terrorist scum ??
Hamas has moved on from its charter and no longer call for the destruction of Israel, I understand.

Not as of 2014.

You have something more recent??


I do know one thing; were a country's military occupying my land for half a century, massacring thousands in defiance of all international, sniping at children, destroying our infrastructure, hospitals, water treatment plants, schools, factories, bulldozing our homes with JCBs, arresting our children and keeping them for interrogation without legal counsel or family present, preventing pregnant women from attending maternity clinics, humiliating my people at checkpoints in our own homeland, ... well, I would want that enemy destroyed, wouldn't you?

Only one problem the land was never arab muslims from 1099 when they were evicted. The Ottomans never handed sovereignty to the arab muslims and the LoN gave them 78% of palestine to play with. This left the Jews with the poorest of land and desert to make into their National Home, and because they did in the face of constant attacks from islamonazi's proves they are there to stay.

By the way if you were to act as the islamonazi scum then you would be wiped out by your own government with the blessings of the world. How do you like them apples ?

You are mistaken. It is the people who are born in a land who own it as a birthright. Palestinians who were born in Palestine have a more legitimate right to the land than Ottomans or Russian Jews for that matter.
The Palestinians have a right to defend themselves as best they can from a brutal Israeli occupation.

In other words -- you support the mass murder of innocent people.

Terrorism is not defending anything, even if you do happen to share the same desire for the genocide of Jews as Hamas.
I do not support the mass murder of innocent Palestinian children and civilians at the hands of Israeli state terrorism. No.
Israel has no right to exist ... is THIS the message you want people to believe in ?

And I suggest you take a look at the Hamas Charter (Hamas being the ruling power in Gaza, and an internationally recognised terrorist organisation !!). Hamas is committed to Israel's destruction. THIS is the power that, every now and again, fires rockets into Israeli territory, with the hope of killing as many Israeli citizens as they can manage.

This includes women and children. Or .. must they, too, be at the mercy of terrorist scum ??
Hamas has moved on from its charter and no longer call for the destruction of Israel, I understand.

Link please!!!

Israel has no right to exist ... is THIS the message you want people to believe in ?

And I suggest you take a look at the Hamas Charter (Hamas being the ruling power in Gaza, and an internationally recognised terrorist organisation !!). Hamas is committed to Israel's destruction. THIS is the power that, every now and again, fires rockets into Israeli territory, with the hope of killing as many Israeli citizens as they can manage.

This includes women and children. Or .. must they, too, be at the mercy of terrorist scum ??
Hamas has moved on from its charter and no longer call for the destruction of Israel, I understand.

Not as of 2014.

You have something more recent??


I do know one thing; were a country's military occupying my land for half a century, massacring thousands in defiance of all international, sniping at children, destroying our infrastructure, hospitals, water treatment plants, schools, factories, bulldozing our homes with JCBs, arresting our children and keeping them for interrogation without legal counsel or family present, preventing pregnant women from attending maternity clinics, humiliating my people at checkpoints in our own homeland, ... well, I would want that enemy destroyed, wouldn't you?

Only one problem the land was never arab muslims from 1099 when they were evicted. The Ottomans never handed sovereignty to the arab muslims and the LoN gave them 78% of palestine to play with. This left the Jews with the poorest of land and desert to make into their National Home, and because they did in the face of constant attacks from islamonazi's proves they are there to stay.

By the way if you were to act as the islamonazi scum then you would be wiped out by your own government with the blessings of the world. How do you like them apples ?

You are mistaken. It is the people who are born in a land who own it as a birthright. Palestinians who were born in Palestine have a more legitimate right to the land than Ottomans or Russian Jews for that matter.

Most of the jews now living in Israel were born in Israel.----
My husband was not born in Israel----he was born in a shariah shit hole-------when he was on his way to Palestine as an infant---
his government papers were STAMPED "PALESTINIAN"---
they were stamped in EGYPT!!! The land of his birth was
not even mentioned. If he had been a muslim born in that same land-----his papers would have probably been stamped
'SYRIAN" -------or even just "arab". I am not sure that anyone is, today, called an "OTTOMAN" You seem very confused. Your allusion to RUSSIAN JEWS ---indicates that you lick the shit of propaganda-----lately the islamo Nazi propaganda claims that Israeli jews are all RUSSIAN
Hamas has moved on from its charter and no longer call for the destruction of Israel, I understand.

Link please!!!

Hamas has moved on from its charter and no longer call for the destruction of Israel, I understand.

Not as of 2014.

You have something more recent??


I do know one thing; were a country's military occupying my land for half a century, massacring thousands in defiance of all international, sniping at children, destroying our infrastructure, hospitals, water treatment plants, schools, factories, bulldozing our homes with JCBs, arresting our children and keeping them for interrogation without legal counsel or family present, preventing pregnant women from attending maternity clinics, humiliating my people at checkpoints in our own homeland, ... well, I would want that enemy destroyed, wouldn't you?

I can't understand those nasty Israelis treating Palestinian Arabs in their hospitals for all manner of serious ailments; can you?

I do not know the order of magnitude between the number of Palestinians treated in Israeli hospitals as against the number sent to cemeteries by the Israelis. It must be humongous.

I do------very few Palestinians are killed by Israel and virtually all of them have gotten state of the art medical care in Israel and most of them are born in Israeli hospitals. From which mosque floor do you lick shit?

Hamas has moved on from its charter and no longer call for the destruction of Israel, I understand.

Link please!!!

Hamas has moved on from its charter and no longer call for the destruction of Israel, I understand.

Not as of 2014.

You have something more recent??


I do know one thing; were a country's military occupying my land for half a century, massacring thousands in defiance of all international, sniping at children, destroying our infrastructure, hospitals, water treatment plants, schools, factories, bulldozing our homes with JCBs, arresting our children and keeping them for interrogation without legal counsel or family present, preventing pregnant women from attending maternity clinics, humiliating my people at checkpoints in our own homeland, ... well, I would want that enemy destroyed, wouldn't you?

I can't understand those nasty Israelis treating Palestinian Arabs in their hospitals for all manner of serious ailments; can you?

I do not know the order of magnitude between the number of Palestinians treated in Israeli hospitals as against the number sent to cemeteries by the Israelis. It must be humongous.

I do------very few Palestinians are killed by Israel and virtually all of them have gotten state of the art medical care in Israel and most of them are born in Israeli hospitals. From which mosque floor do you lick shit?

Given your tone and language, do not expect any more replies from me.
The Palestinians have a right to defend themselves as best they can from a brutal Israeli occupation.

In other words -- you support the mass murder of innocent people.

Terrorism is not defending anything, even if you do happen to share the same desire for the genocide of Jews as Hamas.
I do not support the mass murder of innocent Palestinian children and civilians at the hands of Israeli state terrorism. No.

there is no mass murder of innocent Palestinian children and
civilians at the hands of "Israeli state terrorism"-----your Imam lied. There have been horrific episodes of mass murder of
innocent ""Palestinian"'' children and civilians by the state
terrorism of------Jordan, Lebanon, and Syria . Based on what I know about Egyptian muslims and their attitudes towards BALESTINIANS------chances are things would be a lot worse for them in CAIRO
Link please!!!

Not as of 2014.

You have something more recent??


I do know one thing; were a country's military occupying my land for half a century, massacring thousands in defiance of all international, sniping at children, destroying our infrastructure, hospitals, water treatment plants, schools, factories, bulldozing our homes with JCBs, arresting our children and keeping them for interrogation without legal counsel or family present, preventing pregnant women from attending maternity clinics, humiliating my people at checkpoints in our own homeland, ... well, I would want that enemy destroyed, wouldn't you?

I can't understand those nasty Israelis treating Palestinian Arabs in their hospitals for all manner of serious ailments; can you?

I do not know the order of magnitude between the number of Palestinians treated in Israeli hospitals as against the number sent to cemeteries by the Israelis. It must be humongous.

I do------very few Palestinians are killed by Israel and virtually all of them have gotten state of the art medical care in Israel and most of them are born in Israeli hospitals. From which mosque floor do you lick shit?

Link please!!!

Not as of 2014.

You have something more recent??


I do know one thing; were a country's military occupying my land for half a century, massacring thousands in defiance of all international, sniping at children, destroying our infrastructure, hospitals, water treatment plants, schools, factories, bulldozing our homes with JCBs, arresting our children and keeping them for interrogation without legal counsel or family present, preventing pregnant women from attending maternity clinics, humiliating my people at checkpoints in our own homeland, ... well, I would want that enemy destroyed, wouldn't you?

I can't understand those nasty Israelis treating Palestinian Arabs in their hospitals for all manner of serious ailments; can you?

I do not know the order of magnitude between the number of Palestinians treated in Israeli hospitals as against the number sent to cemeteries by the Israelis. It must be humongous.

I do------very few Palestinians are killed by Israel and virtually all of them have gotten state of the art medical care in Israel and most of them are born in Israeli hospitals. From which mosque floor do you lick shit?

Given your tone and language, do not expect any more replies from me.

ok are you sensitive to language usage? What is your mother tongue? Your posts indicate that your mother tongue is not English. URDU? (probably not----Indians and Pakistanis do better than do you in English)
Hamas has moved on from its charter and no longer call for the destruction of Israel, I understand.

Link please!!!

Hamas has moved on from its charter and no longer call for the destruction of Israel, I understand.

Not as of 2014.

You have something more recent??


I do know one thing; were a country's military occupying my land for half a century, massacring thousands in defiance of all international, sniping at children, destroying our infrastructure, hospitals, water treatment plants, schools, factories, bulldozing our homes with JCBs, arresting our children and keeping them for interrogation without legal counsel or family present, preventing pregnant women from attending maternity clinics, humiliating my people at checkpoints in our own homeland, ... well, I would want that enemy destroyed, wouldn't you?

Only one problem the land was never arab muslims from 1099 when they were evicted. The Ottomans never handed sovereignty to the arab muslims and the LoN gave them 78% of palestine to play with. This left the Jews with the poorest of land and desert to make into their National Home, and because they did in the face of constant attacks from islamonazi's proves they are there to stay.

By the way if you were to act as the islamonazi scum then you would be wiped out by your own government with the blessings of the world. How do you like them apples ?

You are mistaken. It is the people who are born in a land who own it as a birthright. Palestinians who were born in Palestine have a more legitimate right to the land than Ottomans or Russian Jews for that matter.

Most of the jews now living in Israel were born in Israel.----
My husband was not born in Israel----he was born in a shariah shit hole-------when he was on his way to Palestine as an infant---
his government papers were STAMPED "PALESTINIAN"---
they were stamped in EGYPT!!! The land of his birth was
not even mentioned. If he had been a muslim born in that same land-----his papers would have probably been stamped
'SYRIAN" -------or even just "arab". I am not sure that anyone is, today, called an "OTTOMAN" You seem very confused. Your allusion to RUSSIAN JEWS ---indicates that you lick the shit of propaganda-----lately the islamo Nazi propaganda claims that Israeli jews are all RUSSIAN

The Palestinian stamp in documents.

Even today, so many so called informed people don't seem to realise that Palestinians used to be Jews. One could go around with a megaphone till blue in the face, they still wouldn't get it.

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