The Wall - Why it's a dumb idea


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Obviously a 30 foot wall isn't a problem to overcome.

Lots of luck attaching it to the top. You're just not very smart are ya?

Are you really so stupid that you can't understand that he was advocating for something, not claiming it was already happening?

I mean, that's fucking retarded of you.
Do you find that other Gay men tend to anger as easily as you do?
Bitch, I said walls dont work to stop illegals and drugs coming into the US, which is true. I said nothing about walls not working to keep prisoners confined. See you still dont get it. Like I said, you evidently think because walls work in prisons, they work to keep illegals out. You cant see your logical fallacy because you're too dumb to even understand what I'm talking about. I guess you literally think walls work in all circumstances no matter the situation. I mean I just dont even know where to begin to try to explain to you how illogical your thinking is. And I dont think anyone else could get it through your thick skull either.
So illegals are criminals so how’s it different?
You have to admit, seeing these illogical statements over and over, you can understand how these "people" get sucked into conspiracy theories. It's kind of fascinating to see how they "think".
Promoting walls don’t keep people in or out is illogical with thousands of prisons and millions of homes with doors around four walls. You’re a fk knob.

btw, seatbelts save lives all lives? Your argument is ignorant
So illegals are criminals so how’s it different?
Dunno maybe has something to do with prisoners being locked in cells most of the day and cant go to walmart to purchase power tools and ladders. How dumb are you?

By the way, first timers crossing the border illegally is simply a misdemeanor.
The flood gates opened, the wall didn't fall. Once again you're proving your stupidity.
Your reputation for lying hasn't changed.

The gates didn't open, they came unhinged.

Photos show former President Donald Trump’s border wall in deep disrepair after summer monsoon rains literally blew floodgates off their hinges.

Flooding caused by monsoons in Arizona has broken the floodgates on portions of the wall, separating metal panels from their hinges and leaving huge openings in the barrier.
All you need to do is to ensure no one will hire them once they get there. They go home pretty quickly after that. Republicans welcome them and hire them. Democrats arrest the employers, fine them, and they quit hiring illegals real quick.

It's so much faster, easier, and cost effect to go after the employers. They're the guys who are causing the problem in the first place, so make THEM pay for the problem they're causing.
I agree, i found a McDonalds full of illegals, so i reported them to ICE, guess what? They still work there, because Obama's ICE didnt do shit in deporting them...
Your reputation for lying hasn't changed.

The gates didn't open, they came unhinged.

Photos show former President Donald Trump’s border wall in deep disrepair after summer monsoon rains literally blew floodgates off their hinges.

Flooding caused by monsoons in Arizona has broken the floodgates on portions of the wall, separating metal panels from their hinges and leaving huge openings in the barrier.

You ignorant fuck, you can even look at the photo to see how the hinges are designed. The doors couldn't have been lifted off their hinges unless the door was open. From what I can see, the flood gates could very easily be put back in place, your propaganda photo not withstanding.

Fixed fortifications are monuments to the stupidity of man. Whatever can be built by man, can be destroyed by him.

General George Patton - 1942

Over 90% of the land boarding the Rio Grande is privately owned. The State or Federal Government cannot simply steal land from private owners and start building a wall. Legal cases involving eminent domain can be challenged in court, and many have gone on for years on appeal, going back to the days of GW Bush when he tried it. This will cost the Government a great deal in time and money for each case (and there are thousands of them) The Government won't win all these cases, leaving many large gap's in the wall that illegal immigrants can simply walk through. Then there are building permits, along with these will come challenges from city and county counsels over size limitations and zoning restrictions, all this in each city and county along the border before construction can begin (...and if you really think Mexico is going to pay for all this, I'll sell you the Brooklyn bridge - cheap!)

A faster, cheaper, and more effective plan, will be to increase funding for additional border patrol units and invest in more high tech surveillance equipment, rather than trying to use 9th century solution to a 21st century problem.

Walls work in times of peace to keep national boundaries secure.

Now, if you are claiming that the southern border is under attack, well, you might have a point in that case.

Walls keep honest people honest, and make it difficult for bad people to do bad things.

War is a very different thing.
Dunno maybe has something to do with prisoners being locked in cells most of the day and cant go to walmart to purchase power tools and ladders. How dumb are you?

By the way, first timers crossing the border illegally is simply a misdemeanor.
Illegals come from other countries and aren’t welcomed without an invitation. I see no difference
Your reputation for lying hasn't changed.

The gates didn't open, they came unhinged.

Photos show former President Donald Trump’s border wall in deep disrepair after summer monsoon rains literally blew floodgates off their hinges.

Flooding caused by monsoons in Arizona has broken the floodgates on portions of the wall, separating metal panels from their hinges and leaving huge openings in the barrier.
New Orleans flooded with levees. So those who suffered through hurricanes are babies? You’re confused human

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