The Wall - Why it's a dumb idea


Single individuals crossing aren't so much the problem as the truckloads of gangs and drug cartels...

Not to mention that along the border they were also installing seismic sensors for tunnelling and drones for surveillance.

Most Americans actually want the wall.

So did the commies until Trump actually said he would build it.

Once again you escalate your language to completely lie about, distort and misrepresent one of the greatest refugee and humanitarian crises facing the world, most of which the USA is directly responsible for creating.

This is not an "invasion" nor is it illegal immigration. This is a refugee migration, which the USA has brought on itself.

The climate change crisis currently causing extreme weather events throughout North America, has create five years of drought and crop failures in Guatemala, El Salvador, Honduras, and Nicaragua. For generations, American politicians have refused to tackle the climate change crisis in any way whatsoever, and continued as if global warming doesn't exist.

Now with the USA being battered by the results of their hubris on this topic, Central Americans are facing famine and starvation after 5 years of drought and crop failure. They are now going to where there is food in abundance - the USA.

In El Salvador, Americans deported members of the Los Angeles based MS13, who had grown up in the USA and been indoctrinated in the violent thug life of big city gangs in the USA, back to El Salvador, where they promptly co=opted the government and basically took over the country. Republicans like to portray MS13 as the most violent Central American gang in history, but the gang is 100% American created and based in the USA.

The USA is the world's leading source of greenhouses gases, and exporter of violent criminals to Central America. You created both situations which have caused Central Americans to flee to the USA for refuge and safety. These people are no different than the other refugees fleeing war and famine, but Republicans charactize them as "illegal aliens" and "invaders".

I guess by vilifying the refugees it gives you an excuse to refuse to help them. So much for your Christianity. The wealthiest nation in the world is too selfish and greedy to take care of the people they've harmed with their policies.

Makes you people look selfish and cruel.

I don't see buses or airplanes from Canada lining up to take them to safety. If they've been so mistreated you'd think you commies up there would be demanding you're government to resettle them all. Of course we all know that will never happen.

Once again you escalate your language to completely lie about, distort and misrepresent one of the greatest refugee and humanitarian crises facing the world, most of which the USA is directly responsible for creating.

This is not an "invasion" nor is it illegal immigration. This is a refugee migration, which the USA has brought on itself.

The climate change crisis currently causing extreme weather events throughout North America, has create five years of drought and crop failures in Guatemala, El Salvador, Honduras, and Nicaragua. For generations, American politicians have refused to tackle the climate change crisis in any way whatsoever, and continued as if global warming doesn't exist.

Now with the USA being battered by the results of their hubris on this topic, Central Americans are facing famine and starvation after 5 years of drought and crop failure. They are now going to where there is food in abundance - the USA.

In El Salvador, Americans deported members of the Los Angeles based MS13, who had grown up in the USA and been indoctrinated in the violent thug life of big city gangs in the USA, back to El Salvador, where they promptly co=opted the government and basically took over the country. Republicans like to portray MS13 as the most violent Central American gang in history, but the gang is 100% American created and based in the USA.

The USA is the world's leading source of greenhouses gases, and exporter of violent criminals to Central America. You created both situations which have caused Central Americans to flee to the USA for refuge and safety. These people are no different than the other refugees fleeing war and famine, but Republicans charactize them as "illegal aliens" and "invaders".

I guess by vilifying the refugees it gives you an excuse to refuse to help them. So much for your Christianity. The wealthiest nation in the world is too selfish and greedy to take care of the people they've harmed with their policies.

Makes you people look selfish and cruel.

I have to laugh when commies spew this bullshit. Often I sit back and think of a classroom in a hundred years or so. The teacher tells her class "Back in 2020, man thought they could control the climate" and the class burst out into laughter the way we did as kids when the teacher told us man years ago thought the earth was flat, and if you walk too far, you'll fall off.

I understand leftists are void of common sense, but when you combine lack of logic with brainwashing, it only makes for great entertainment.
I have to laugh when commies spew this bullshit. Often I sit back and think of a classroom in a hundred years or so. The teacher tells her class "Back in 2020, man thought they could control the climate" and the class burst out into laughter the way we did as kids when the teacher told us man years ago thought the earth was flat, and if you walk too far, you'll fall off.

I understand leftists are void of common sense, but when you combine lack of logic with brainwashing, it only makes for great entertainment.
A faster, cheaper, and more effective plan, will be to increase funding for additional border patrol units and invest in more high tech surveillance equipment, rather than trying to use 9th century solution to a 21st century problem.
Why not do both?

the wall is needed on high traffic areas while electronics and patrols will be needed everywhere

But dems ate going to practice catch and release the illegals will get in anyway
All you need to do is to ensure no one will hire them once they get there. They go home pretty quickly after that. Republicans welcome them and hire them. Democrats arrest the employers, fine them, and they quit hiring illegals real quick.

It's so much faster, easier, and cost effect to go after the employers. They're the guys who are causing the problem in the first place, so make THEM pay for the problem they're causing.
you have got to be kidding, this was what Papa Bush, Billy Bob and Osami tried, didn’t work did it? Such pathetic fools. What about enforcing Federal Law?
What are you going to do in a few years when Asian illegals outpace Latino illegals? Thinking a wall solves anything when the vast majority of illegals come in by airplane is mindboggling stupid.
Those illegals are intelligent enough to pay enough to fly. They obviously are educated and they will learn our language quickly in most cases.

I call all over the US in my job. Liberal cities are completely overrun with adults who don't speak a word of English. Trying to communicate with them is impossible. Hiring someone to act as a translator doesn't work either because most of them hate illegals.

Oh, and we are required to hire a Mexican Spanish translator, ,a Puerto Rican Spanish translator, and a Cuban Spanish translator to do the work of each 8 hour shift, and they must be certified as a translator. That is why we have zero!
LOL you thinking most heroin comes over a wall. Most heroin comes through PORTS OF ENTRY. But please, show us ANYTHING backing up what you said.

Misconception 2: “Building a wall would greatly reduce heroin, methamphetamine, cocaine, and fentanyl trafficking.”

Proponents of a border wall often claim that it would help the United States solve its opioid addiction problem by blocking heroin smugglers from Mexico. This reveals a misunderstanding of how cross-border smuggling works.

The vast majority of the drug that enters from Mexico does so through “ports of entry”—the 48 official land crossings through which millions of people, vehicles, and cargo pass every day. “Heroin seizures almost predominantly are through the port of entry and either carried in a concealed part of a vehicle or carried by an individual,” then-U.S. Customs and Border Protection Commissioner Gil Kerlikowske told a congressional committee last year. “We don’t get much heroin seized by Border Patrol coming through, I think just because there are a lot of risks to the smugglers and the difficulty of trying to smuggle it through,” he said.

The most common method employed by Mexican TCOs [Transnational Criminal Organizations] involves transporting drugs in vehicles through U.S. ports of entry (POEs),” the U.S. Drug Enforcement Agency (DEA) reported in its 2016 National Drug Threat Assessment. “Illicit drugs are smuggled into the United States in concealed compartments within passenger vehicles or commingled with legitimate goods on tractor trailers,” according to the document.
That's the reason we have drug dogs.
Bitch, I said walls dont work to stop illegals and drugs coming into the US, which is true. I said nothing about walls not working to keep prisoners confined. See you still dont get it. Like I said, you evidently think because walls work in prisons, they work to keep illegals out. You cant see your logical fallacy because you're too dumb to even understand what I'm talking about. I guess you literally think walls work in all circumstances no matter the situation. I mean I just dont even know where to begin to try to explain to you how illogical your thinking is. And I dont think anyone else could get it through your thick skull either.
Why did all the illegals stop coming when Trump built the wall? The Border Patrol was guarding the gaps until they were completed. If Biden had finished with the border wall, the BP would not be overrun by the massive waves of illegals, forcing them to be babysitters and diaper changers.

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