The Wall - Why it's a dumb idea

Walls work in times of peace to keep national boundaries secure.

Now, if you are claiming that the southern border is under attack, well, you might have a point in that case.

Walls keep honest people honest, and make it difficult for bad people to do bad things.

War is a very different thing.
Well said
"As much as 45% of the total unauthorized migrant population entered the country with visas that allowed them to visit or reside in the U.S. for a limited amount of time. Known as “overstayers,” these migrants became part of the unauthorized population when they remained in the country after their visas had expired."

So what's the problem? Trump addressed that issue as well.

Yes, they will. And just a fyi the border fence varies between 18 and 27 feet, not 30 ft.

I'd propose various other methods of stopping the flow of illegals into this country that would be more effective. For starters, I'd invest in more high tech surveillance. Personally I think that is money better spent. I'd also work with Mexico to protect their southern border (it's only 541 miles wide). I'd also work with the countries where the illegals are coming from to make things better so people wouldnt have to trek 1,000+ miles just to survive (to me this is the most important). I'd also beef up port of entry security. Just some thoughts off the top of my head.

So in other words you'd do everything Trump did that Dementia reversed. That's quite an admission on your part.
A faster, cheaper, and more effective plan is to make it legally impossible for Illegal Aliens to exist on United States soil.
Of course, Democrats would never approve such a plan because that's precisely what they don't want. They want to flood this country with illegals because they see that as their road to political power

Who do you assholes think you're fooling?
I believe it is a problem that needs to be dealt with more seriously, yes. But I dont care what you choose to believe. It's pretty obvious that you are mentally ill and need help. I hope you get it.
By "mentally ill" you mean perfectly rational.
Fixed fortifications are monuments to the stupidity of man. Whatever can be built by man, can be destroyed by him.

General George Patton - 1942

Over 90% of the land boarding the Rio Grande is privately owned. The State or Federal Government cannot simply steal land from private owners and start building a wall. Legal cases involving eminent domain can be challenged in court, and many have gone on for years on appeal, going back to the days of GW Bush when he tried it. This will cost the Government a great deal in time and money for each case (and there are thousands of them) The Government won't win all these cases, leaving many large gap's in the wall that illegal immigrants can simply walk through. Then there are building permits, along with these will come challenges from city and county counsels over size limitations and zoning restrictions, all this in each city and county along the border before construction can begin (...and if you really think Mexico is going to pay for all this, I'll sell you the Brooklyn bridge - cheap!)

A faster, cheaper, and more effective plan, will be to increase funding for additional border patrol units and invest in more high tech surveillance equipment, rather than trying to use 9th century solution to a 21st century problem.
Those people's land that occupie
Fixed fortifications are monuments to the stupidity of man. Whatever can be built by man, can be destroyed by him.

General George Patton - 1942

Over 90% of the land boarding the Rio Grande is privately owned. The State or Federal Government cannot simply steal land from private owners and start building a wall. Legal cases involving eminent domain can be challenged in court, and many have gone on for years on appeal, going back to the days of GW Bush when he tried it. This will cost the Government a great deal in time and money for each case (and there are thousands of them) The Government won't win all these cases, leaving many large gap's in the wall that illegal immigrants can simply walk through. Then there are building permits, along with these will come challenges from city and county counsels over size limitations and zoning restrictions, all this in each city and county along the border before construction can begin (...and if you really think Mexico is going to pay for all this, I'll sell you the Brooklyn bridge - cheap!)

A faster, cheaper, and more effective plan, will be to increase funding for additional border patrol units and invest in more high tech surveillance equipment, rather than trying to use 9th century solution to a 21st century problem.
Those people's land that are on the border will be more than happy to give the government permission to build the wall, Those people are sick of having to leave their refrigerators outside their homes to keep illegals from kicking in their doors in the middle of the night, They are sick of being murdered for a few dollars. Maybe you should try walking in their shoes you would feel different. One farmer left water out along his land. They thanked him by killing him. In Aqua Caliente North East of Arlington and 15 miles South of the largest nuclear plant in the US is controlled by Mexican dug cartels even our law enforcement won't enter. Then there are the heads that litter highway 8. Those people want the wall.
Yea, Trump used his expertise in looking over curtain swatches for his hotels to design a border wall.

You Trumptards really are gullible.

Never said Trump did it alone. The BP was in on it, the army corps of engineers were in on it, and I'm sure Trump hired outside engineers as well.
There were more pressing issues than dealing with the border. To be quite frank, it really doesnt affect me. Besides, putting ones focus and resources behind a useless wall IMO isnt exactly solving anything. So even if the border was my #1 priority when entering the voting booth, I dont agree with Trump's lol "solution". But I understand that I will never change your mind on that.
We all know you want to flood this country with illegals.

Who are you trying to kid?
ou evidently think these people walk 1,000+ miles for the fun of it. You think someone that has to walk 1,000 miles to escape whatever hell they are leaving is going care about some fence they have to try climb over? Get real.

That's exactly what I think. I also think if they realize they are not going to get over that wall, many will just stay where they are at.
We all know you want to flood this country with illegals.

Who are you trying to kid?
The only thing that is obvious from your response is that you have been thoroughly brainwashed. You insist I'm lying, yet I have no motivation to do so. It's hilarious because you think just because I voted for biden, you think I "want to flood the country with illegals". How laughable. You really do need mental help.
Over 90% of the land boarding the Rio Grande is privately owned. The State or Federal Government cannot simply steal land from private owners and start building a wall. Legal cases involving eminent domain can be challenged in court, and many have gone on for years on appeal, going back to the days of GW Bush when he tried it. This will cost the Government a great deal in time and money for each case (and there are thousands of them) The Government won't win all these cases, leaving many large gap's in the wall that illegal immigrants can simply walk through. Then there are building permits, along with these will come challenges from city and county counsels over size limitations and zoning restrictions, all this in each city and county along the border before construction can begin (...and if you really think Mexico is going to pay for all this, I'll sell you the Brooklyn bridge - cheap!)

A faster, cheaper, and more effective plan, will be to increase funding for additional border patrol units and invest in more high tech surveillance equipment, rather than trying to use 9th century solution to a 21st century problem.

This is what we need along our southern border:

This is what we need along our southern border:

View attachment 536790

Single individuals crossing aren't so much the problem as the truckloads of gangs and drug cartels...

Not to mention that along the border they were also installing seismic sensors for tunnelling and drones for surveillance.

Most Americans actually want the wall.
What is it that you do not understand? This is not legal immigration. It is illegal immigration....and more then that it is an invasion. California would be the fifth richest nation in the world if it was not a state. And it is like a third world nation in some respects. Prog politicians have run it into the ground with basic comforts that at times are meted out for the general population. It has a forest management problem that makes the wildfires much worse and a homeless problem that is beyond the stupidity level.

Once again you escalate your language to completely lie about, distort and misrepresent one of the greatest refugee and humanitarian crises facing the world, most of which the USA is directly responsible for creating.

This is not an "invasion" nor is it illegal immigration. This is a refugee migration, which the USA has brought on itself.

The climate change crisis currently causing extreme weather events throughout North America, has create five years of drought and crop failures in Guatemala, El Salvador, Honduras, and Nicaragua. For generations, American politicians have refused to tackle the climate change crisis in any way whatsoever, and continued as if global warming doesn't exist.

Now with the USA being battered by the results of their hubris on this topic, Central Americans are facing famine and starvation after 5 years of drought and crop failure. They are now going to where there is food in abundance - the USA.

In El Salvador, Americans deported members of the Los Angeles based MS13, who had grown up in the USA and been indoctrinated in the violent thug life of big city gangs in the USA, back to El Salvador, where they promptly co=opted the government and basically took over the country. Republicans like to portray MS13 as the most violent Central American gang in history, but the gang is 100% American created and based in the USA.

The USA is the world's leading source of greenhouses gases, and exporter of violent criminals to Central America. You created both situations which have caused Central Americans to flee to the USA for refuge and safety. These people are no different than the other refugees fleeing war and famine, but Republicans charactize them as "illegal aliens" and "invaders".

I guess by vilifying the refugees it gives you an excuse to refuse to help them. So much for your Christianity. The wealthiest nation in the world is too selfish and greedy to take care of the people they've harmed with their policies.

Makes you people look selfish and cruel.
Fixed fortifications are monuments to the stupidity of man. Whatever can be built by man, can be destroyed by him.

General George Patton - 1942

Over 90% of the land boarding the Rio Grande is privately owned. The State or Federal Government cannot simply steal land from private owners and start building a wall. Legal cases involving eminent domain can be challenged in court, and many have gone on for years on appeal, going back to the days of GW Bush when he tried it. This will cost the Government a great deal in time and money for each case (and there are thousands of them) The Government won't win all these cases, leaving many large gap's in the wall that illegal immigrants can simply walk through. Then there are building permits, along with these will come challenges from city and county counsels over size limitations and zoning restrictions, all this in each city and county along the border before construction can begin (...and if you really think Mexico is going to pay for all this, I'll sell you the Brooklyn bridge - cheap!)

A faster, cheaper, and more effective plan, will be to increase funding for additional border patrol units and invest in more high tech surveillance equipment, rather than trying to use 9th century solution to a 21st century problem.
Eminent domain, ever hear of it? My family had land taken. Declaring it swamp land! You demofks really have no clue

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