The Wall - Why it's a dumb idea

Obviously you know nothing about construction. Nobody is going to build a 30 foot wall, without a substantial foundation that can withstand hurricane force winds. And that would be a prohibitive engineering challenge.
No, it's actually quit simple. Any third year engineering student could do it. In fact, it's already been done.
Not that's still standing.
The purpose of the fence is not to spot people, moron. It's to slow the time it takes them to cross the border so agents can intercept them. That's precisely what lying open-borders scum like you don't want.
Using sophisticated surveilance, you can track and trace people for miles, which is the distance they would have to travel independent of a wall,

All a Trump wall does is give false security.
So if a proposed solution only prevents 99% from getting across the border, then we shouldn't adopt it?

Do you understand how incredibly stupid you are?
That would be a valid statement if 99% of illegals were entering this country where there could be a border fence. But that isnt the case. And you know that. I mean I hope you know that. I mean you arent that delusional, are you?

I know you won't read it but Modes of Entry for the Unauthorized Migrant Population

"As much as 45% of the total unauthorized migrant population entered the country with visas that allowed them to visit or reside in the U.S. for a limited amount of time. Known as “overstayers,” these migrants became part of the unauthorized population when they remained in the country after their visas had expired."

As far as level of stupidity goes, I'll let the viewers decide how dumb your statement is that you insinuate a border fence is going to stop 99% of illegals is. Probably the dumbest thing I've read on here today, and that is saying a lot. But I'll let others be the judge of how dumb/misinformed you are.
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Using sophisticated surveilance, you can track and trace people for miles, which is the distance they would have to travel independent of a wall,

All a Trump wall does is give false security.
Nope. It makes the person trying to violate our border take many times longer to get across it. That's more than enough time to apprehend him. Only a douchebag traitor would want to make it easier for him.
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I think you figured it all out! For the past 50 years, it's all been a conspiracy so dems get more voters. Go huff some more paint.

Amnesty is provided for in the 3.5 trillion dollar commiecrat scam, why do you think xiden is letting so many in the country?

No one cares about your lying douchebag solution.

You don't actually expect anyone to believe that you really want to solve the illegal alien problem, do you?
I believe it is a problem that needs to be dealt with more seriously, yes. But I dont care what you choose to believe. It's pretty obvious that you are mentally ill and need help. I hope you get it.
Nope. It makes the person trying to violate our border send many times longer to get across it. That's more than enough time to apprehend him. Only a douchebag traitor would want to make it easier for him.


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Obviously a 30 foot wall isn't a problem to overcome.
I believe it is a problem that needs to be dealt with more seriously, yes. But I dont care what you choose to believe. It's pretty obvious that you are mentally ill and need help. I hope you get it.
We both know that you're a liar.

Anyone who voted for Biden knows he had no intention of solving the border problem. If you claim otherwise, then you are suffering brain damage.
They are afraid that democrats want to do the same thing that they did. Republican president Ronald Reagan was probably the only president in the entire history of the US, to grant amnesty to the illegals in the country. Making millions of them eligible to become voters.

That's not a democratic plot, but republican history.

He only did it because the commiecrats promised border security which didn't come to pass, they lied their ass off.


Fire Evacuation Rope Ladder 3-4 Story Homes 10m (32 ft) Safety Ladder with Spring Hooks & Safety Cord

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Obviously a 30 foot wall isn't a problem to overcome.
A rope ladder won't work, you fucking moron. How do they get over the fence?
So we can all admit that fences work on dogs and cows and sheep and antelope and alpacas and zebras and other four legged animals.

This in no way has anything to do with Mexicans.

Damn child, you're getting more stupid with time. A wall is a force multiplier, just ask the border patrol.

We both know that you're a liar.

Anyone who voted for Biden knows he had no intention of solving the border problem. If you claim otherwise, then you are suffering brain damage.
There were more pressing issues than dealing with the border. To be quite frank, it really doesnt affect me. Besides, putting ones focus and resources behind a useless wall IMO isnt exactly solving anything. So even if the border was my #1 priority when entering the voting booth, I dont agree with Trump's lol "solution". But I understand that I will never change your mind on that.
Yes, they will. And just a fyi the border fence varies between 18 and 27 feet, not 30 ft.

I'd propose various other methods of stopping the flow of illegals into this country that would be more effective. For starters, I'd invest in more high tech surveillance. Personally I think that is money better spent. I'd also work with Mexico to protect their southern border (it's only 541 miles wide). I'd also work with the countries where the illegals are coming from to make things better so people wouldnt have to trek 1,000+ miles just to survive (to me this is the most important). I'd also beef up port of entry security. Just some thoughts off the top of my head.

But soon enough we're going to experience the Asian wave of illegals as they overtake Latino's as the main illegal entering the country. Because that is what is going to happen. Pretty sure we cant build a wall around the entire country.
You propose methods that won' work.
There were more pressing issues than dealing with the border. To be quite frank, it really doesnt affect me. Besides, putting ones focus and resources behind a useless wall IMO isnt exactly solving anything. So even if the border was my #1 priority when entering the voting booth, I dont agree with Trump's lol "solution". But I understand that I will never change your mind on that.
You don't agree with Trump's solution because it would actually work.

Who do you think you're fooling?
There were more pressing issues than dealing with the border. To be quite frank, it really doesnt affect me. Besides, putting ones focus and resources behind a useless wall IMO isnt exactly solving anything. So even if the border was my #1 priority when entering the voting booth, I dont agree with Trump's lol "solution". But I understand that I will never change your mind on that.
Utter horseshit

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