The Wall - Why it's a dumb idea

..and patrolled by the military

All you need to do is to ensure no one will hire them once they get there. They go home pretty quickly after that. Republicans welcome them and hire them. Democrats arrest the employers, fine them, and they quit hiring illegals real quick.

It's so much faster, easier, and cost effect to go after the employers. They're the guys who are causing the problem in the first place, so make THEM pay for the problem they're causing.
All you need to do is to ensure no one will hire them once they get there. They go home pretty quickly after that. Republicans welcome them and hire them. Democrats arrest the employers, fine them, and they quit hiring illegals real quick.

It's so much faster, easier, and cost effect to go after the employers. They're the guys who are causing the problem in the first place, so make THEM pay for the problem they're causing.
Everytime there's been a chance to change it, republicans have fallen on the sword en masse to prevent companies from being punished for hiring illegals.
Ironic, considering your Trump movement's entire platform revolves around a hatred for most of this country
What is it that you do not understand? This is not legal immigration. It is illegal immigration....and more then that it is an invasion. California would be the fifth richest nation in the world if it was not a state. And it is like a third world nation in some respects. Prog politicians have run it into the ground with basic comforts that at times are meted out for the general population. It has a forest management problem that makes the wildfires much worse and a homeless problem that is beyond the stupidity level.
All you need to do is to ensure no one will hire them once they get there. They go home pretty quickly after that. Republicans welcome them and hire them. Democrats arrest the employers, fine them, and they quit hiring illegals real quick.

It's so much faster, easier, and cost effect to go after the employers. They're the guys who are causing the problem in the first place, so make THEM pay for the problem they're causing.

You can't stop your lying machine, can you? Democrats don't do shit to illegals BECAUSE THEY WANT THEM HERE! Why do you think they give them safe haven in their sanctuary cities and sanctuary states? Why do you suppose they give them drivers licenses? Why do you suppose they warn illegals and businesses when ICE does workplace raids in their cities? Why do you suppose some commie cities have laws against police contacting the feds when they get a criminal illegal alien? Why do you suppose DumBama took Arizona to court to stop them from exercising their own immigration policies? Why do you think Democrats were sending their lawyers on the other side of the border to help phony asylum claim people to fill out the application so it wouldn't be immediately rejected? The list goes on and on.

And you want anybody to believe the bullshit Democrats arrest employers? I swear, brainwashing is at it's peak in this country and obviously spread to yours.

We have (estimated) 20 million illegals in this country. Do you think they all have jobs? They come here for more than jobs. Google Birther Tourism some time and educate yourself.
I enjoyed the video of the 8 year old girl scaling Trump's wall in seconds. Another good video is of flooding destroying Trump's wall. Other good videos include streams of hundreds of migrants easily scaling the wall. Other fun videos are people easily cutting through Trump's wall.

You do? Then why don't you post a video or three?
Sure when you spend massive manpower securing an area and massacre people with gunfire when they approach a wall, the wall works. Of course, it was massacring people that actually worked, since the wall would never have stopped them.
All you need is a handful of people with hand guns. Massive manpower is what you need when you don't have a wall.
Fixed fortifications are monuments to the stupidity of man. Whatever can be built by man, can be destroyed by him.

General George Patton - 1942

Over 90% of the land boarding the Rio Grande is privately owned. The State or Federal Government cannot simply steal land from private owners and start building a wall. Legal cases involving eminent domain can be challenged in court, and many have gone on for years on appeal, going back to the days of GW Bush when he tried it. This will cost the Government a great deal in time and money for each case (and there are thousands of them) The Government won't win all these cases, leaving many large gap's in the wall that illegal immigrants can simply walk through. Then there are building permits, along with these will come challenges from city and county counsels over size limitations and zoning restrictions, all this in each city and county along the border before construction can begin (...and if you really think Mexico is going to pay for all this, I'll sell you the Brooklyn bridge - cheap!)

A faster, cheaper, and more effective plan, will be to increase funding for additional border patrol units and invest in more high tech surveillance equipment, rather than trying to use 9th century solution to a 21st century problem.
/——-/ And wealthy libs built walls around their homes for protection.
Youre right, walls dont work, but if you allow US citizens to shoot trespassers, soon the stinking bodies will be enough of a deterrent to stop future trespassers.

The illegal immigration problem is easy enough to solve if we had reps with some balls.

Being here illegally is a minimum of 5 years in federal prison. If we need more prisons, we'll build them. Remember 5 years is the minimum, and you can never apply for asylum or citizenship once convicted.

If you are an adult with children, you kids get shipped back to your country to family members of your choice. We'll pay to get them there.

Second offense is a minimum of 10 years in federal prison.

Third offense is a minimum of 20 years in federal prison.

Make an announcement that anybody here illegally has until November 1st to get out. If we catch you after that, you will be in jail for a very long time.

Then we wouldn't need the wall.
Fixed fortifications are monuments to the stupidity of man. Whatever can be built by man, can be destroyed by him.

General George Patton - 1942

Over 90% of the land boarding the Rio Grande is privately owned. The State or Federal Government cannot simply steal land from private owners and start building a wall. Legal cases involving eminent domain can be challenged in court, and many have gone on for years on appeal, going back to the days of GW Bush when he tried it. This will cost the Government a great deal in time and money for each case (and there are thousands of them) The Government won't win all these cases, leaving many large gap's in the wall that illegal immigrants can simply walk through. Then there are building permits, along with these will come challenges from city and county counsels over size limitations and zoning restrictions, all this in each city and county along the border before construction can begin (...and if you really think Mexico is going to pay for all this, I'll sell you the Brooklyn bridge - cheap!)

A faster, cheaper, and more effective plan, will be to increase funding for additional border patrol units and invest in more high tech surveillance equipment, rather than trying to use 9th century solution to a 21st century problem.

Do you think the Democrats are so scared of a wall because they don't work? :auiqs.jpg: You need to think this out a little better.

If the commies thought walls didn't work, they'd welcome walls with open arms. But they do work--everywhere they are tried including here in the US. That's what the commies are so scared of. Yes, as we have seen, when Dementia took over he was able to create a border disaster by reversing all of Trump's great polices. You can do that if elected. But a wall is there no matter who the President is, and that's what the commies hate about it.
Do you think the Democrats are so scared of a wall because they don't work? :auiqs.jpg: You need to think this out a little better.

If the commies thought walls didn't work, they'd welcome walls with open arms. But they do work--everywhere they are tried including here in the US. That's what the commies are so scared of. Yes, as we have seen, when Dementia took over he was able to create a border disaster by reversing all of Trump's great polices. You can do that if elected. But a wall is there no matter who the President is, and that's what the commies hate about it.
What are you going to do in a few years when Asian illegals outpace Latino illegals? Thinking a wall solves anything when the vast majority of illegals come in by airplane is mindboggling stupid.
What are you going to do in a few years when Asian illegals outpace Latino illegals? Thinking a wall solves anything when the vast majority of illegals come in by airplane is mindboggling stupid.

Given most of the heroin comes over that wall and now fentanyl as well, the wall does more than just stop people. But I love libtard logic: Because illegals come here other ways too, don't stop them from coming over the border. :eusa_shhh:
Why do you suppose they warn illegals and businesses when ICE does workplace raids in their cities? Why do you suppose some commie cities have laws against police contacting the feds when they get a criminal illegal alien?
Why does ICE arrest the illegals, instead of arresting the owners of the company. If an ICE raid frog marched company management instead of the workers, the democrats would be leading the march.

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