The Wall - Why it's a dumb idea

You know it was a replublican Ronald Reagan, the only president to give amnesty to illegals. He also gave them free healthcare at medicare hospitals.

No, Reagan supported a law that anybody who walks into an ER be treated regardless of ability to pay. Yes, Reagan did pass amnesty, and after he was out of office, stated it was the biggest mistake in his presidential career.
A wall around Israel seems to be working just fine. As for private property, many property owners agreed to allow the wall to be built on their land. Of course, they are the enemy of your George Soros, Free Movement of Peoples, agenda.
For the logical people, restricting access to certain points, reduces the influx of what could be very dangerous individuals/groups.
Fixed fortifications are monuments to the stupidity of man. Whatever can be built by man, can be destroyed by him.

General George Patton - 1942

Over 90% of the land boarding the Rio Grande is privately owned. The State or Federal Government cannot simply steal land from private owners and start building a wall. Legal cases involving eminent domain can be challenged in court, and many have gone on for years on appeal, going back to the days of GW Bush when he tried it. This will cost the Government a great deal in time and money for each case (and there are thousands of them) The Government won't win all these cases, leaving many large gap's in the wall that illegal immigrants can simply walk through. Then there are building permits, along with these will come challenges from city and county counsels over size limitations and zoning restrictions, all this in each city and county along the border before construction can begin (...and if you really think Mexico is going to pay for all this, I'll sell you the Brooklyn bridge - cheap!)

A faster, cheaper, and more effective plan, will be to increase funding for additional border patrol units and invest in more high tech surveillance equipment, rather than trying to use 9th century solution to a 21st century problem.

Fauci supports a wall...less covid delta varient.
Some times they arrest both, but you need evidence to prosecute business owners which in most cases, is almost impossible to provide. The feds need to prove that the business owner knew he or she hired illegals. How does one go about proving that, especially when fake identification for illegals is almost foolproof?
If fake ID by illegals is so "fool proof" why are they relying on it when it comes to stopping illegal voting. If it won't work to stop illegal hires it certainly won't work on illegal votes.

So one of those positions is completely bullshit.
No, Reagan supported a law that anybody who walks into an ER be treated regardless of ability to pay. Yes, Reagan did pass amnesty, and after he was out of office, stated it was the biggest mistake in his presidential career.
Also, part of that Bill was to have the wall built. Congress did the first part but, face planted on building the wall.
If fake ID by illegals is so "fool proof" why are they relying on it when it comes to stopping illegal voting. If it won't work to stop illegal hires it certainly won't work on illegal votes.

So one of those positions is completely bullshit.

Multi-million dollar drug cartels invest the money for ID technology because they are the ones sending illegals over the border with drugs in exchange for foolproof ID.
Anyone believe that all this hate of your fellow man is some how by magic going to unite us?
Yet when republicans had complete control, they never put forth such a bill.
Why would you think they would now support one?

That's why my original comment that started this discussion was "if our reps had the balls." They don't apparently. My only point was that it would stop most of the illegals coming to this country be it over the border, through entry points, VISA"s and green cards. It would cover all avenues of how people get and stay here illegally.
You know it was a replublican Ronald Reagan, the only president to give amnesty to illegals. He also gave them free healthcare at medicare hospitals.

No, Reagan supported a law that anybody who walks into an ER be treated regardless of ability to pay. Yes, Reagan did pass amnesty, and after he was out of office, stated it was the biggest mistake in his presidential career.

Those people without the ability to pay would include illegal aliens. So that in no way defends Reagan giving free healthcare to illegals.

Remember, medicare doesn't cover illegals.
Fixed fortifications are monuments to the stupidity of man. Whatever can be built by man, can be destroyed by him.

General George Patton - 1942

Over 90% of the land boarding the Rio Grande is privately owned. The State or Federal Government cannot simply steal land from private owners and start building a wall. Legal cases involving eminent domain can be challenged in court, and many have gone on for years on appeal, going back to the days of GW Bush when he tried it. This will cost the Government a great deal in time and money for each case (and there are thousands of them) The Government won't win all these cases, leaving many large gap's in the wall that illegal immigrants can simply walk through. Then there are building permits, along with these will come challenges from city and county counsels over size limitations and zoning restrictions, all this in each city and county along the border before construction can begin (...and if you really think Mexico is going to pay for all this, I'll sell you the Brooklyn bridge - cheap!)

A faster, cheaper, and more effective plan, will be to increase funding for additional border patrol units and invest in more high tech surveillance equipment, rather than trying to use 9th century solution to a 21st century problem.
The Democrat controlled House thought it was a good idea since January 6th
You want to know what the dumbest idea ever?

It is when Joe Potatohead cancelled the agreement Trump had with the Mexicans to stop the Illegals on their side of the border.

Joe Potatohead is a fucking idiot. Who would do something that stupid?

Anybody that voted for him is a fucking idiot.
The reason you have been brainwashed into believing that is because the commies can turn off that technology once in power. They want the illegals here. I don't know why this is so hard for you on the left to figure out. Their goal is to wipe out the white race so they can have a single-party government forever, and they won't let anything stop them.
Why don't you & your right wing mob start a fundraiser to help finance a wall?

Oh wait, another one of Trump's Mafia already ran that scam.

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