The Wall - Why it's a dumb idea

Given most of the heroin comes over that wall and now fentanyl as well, the wall does more than just stop people. But I love libtard logic: Because illegals come here other ways too, don't stop them from coming over the border. :eusa_shhh:
LOL you thinking most heroin comes over a wall. Most heroin comes through PORTS OF ENTRY. But please, show us ANYTHING backing up what you said.

Misconception 2: “Building a wall would greatly reduce heroin, methamphetamine, cocaine, and fentanyl trafficking.”

Proponents of a border wall often claim that it would help the United States solve its opioid addiction problem by blocking heroin smugglers from Mexico. This reveals a misunderstanding of how cross-border smuggling works.

The vast majority of the drug that enters from Mexico does so through “ports of entry”—the 48 official land crossings through which millions of people, vehicles, and cargo pass every day. “Heroin seizures almost predominantly are through the port of entry and either carried in a concealed part of a vehicle or carried by an individual,” then-U.S. Customs and Border Protection Commissioner Gil Kerlikowske told a congressional committee last year. “We don’t get much heroin seized by Border Patrol coming through, I think just because there are a lot of risks to the smugglers and the difficulty of trying to smuggle it through,” he said.

The most common method employed by Mexican TCOs [Transnational Criminal Organizations] involves transporting drugs in vehicles through U.S. ports of entry (POEs),” the U.S. Drug Enforcement Agency (DEA) reported in its 2016 National Drug Threat Assessment. “Illicit drugs are smuggled into the United States in concealed compartments within passenger vehicles or commingled with legitimate goods on tractor trailers,” according to the document.
LOL you thinking most heroin comes over a wall. Most heroin comes through PORTS OF ENTRY. But please, show us ANYTHING backing up what you said.

Misconception 2: “Building a wall would greatly reduce heroin, methamphetamine, cocaine, and fentanyl trafficking.”

Proponents of a border wall often claim that it would help the United States solve its opioid addiction problem by blocking heroin smugglers from Mexico. This reveals a misunderstanding of how cross-border smuggling works.

The vast majority of the drug that enters from Mexico does so through “ports of entry”—the 48 official land crossings through which millions of people, vehicles, and cargo pass every day. “Heroin seizures almost predominantly are through the port of entry and either carried in a concealed part of a vehicle or carried by an individual,” then-U.S. Customs and Border Protection Commissioner Gil Kerlikowske told a congressional committee last year. “We don’t get much heroin seized by Border Patrol coming through, I think just because there are a lot of risks to the smugglers and the difficulty of trying to smuggle it through,” he said.

The most common method employed by Mexican TCOs [Transnational Criminal Organizations] involves transporting drugs in vehicles through U.S. ports of entry (POEs),” the U.S. Drug Enforcement Agency (DEA) reported in its 2016 National Drug Threat Assessment. “Illicit drugs are smuggled into the United States in concealed compartments within passenger vehicles or commingled with legitimate goods on tractor trailers,” according to the document.
so why are you concerned with walls? don't you enjoy that prisoners are behind walls? or, do you want them roaming around?
I enjoyed the video of the 8 year old girl scaling Trump's wall in seconds. Another good video is of flooding destroying Trump's wall. Other good videos include streams of hundreds of migrants easily scaling the wall. Other fun videos are people easily cutting through Trump's wall.
so you don't like walls around prisons either. wow, I can't believe you demofks like crime so much.
Sure when you spend massive manpower securing an area and massacre people with gunfire when they approach a wall, the wall works. Of course, it was massacring people that actually worked, since the wall would never have stopped them.
and? Isn't that kind of the responsibility of taking care of threats?
so why are you concerned with walls? don't you enjoy that prisoners are behind walls? or, do you want them roaming around?
The reason to oppose the wall is that it consumes 90% of the drug enforcement resources, and blocks less than 10% of the drugs.

The money should go to better technology at border crossings.
so you don't like walls around prisons either. wow, I can't believe you demofks like crime so much.
Republican thinking is that that is all that's needed. While concentrating on the walls, they forget to guard the doors.
so why are you concerned with walls? don't you enjoy that prisoners are behind walls? or, do you want them roaming around?
I run into this a lot with people of your ilk ie those that lack critical thinking skills. It is why you are so susceptible to conspiracy theories. You take two totally unrelated things, put them together, then come to some type of illogical conclusion based on your lack of critical thinking skills. It's like your mind is operating on the level of a 6 year old. It's pretty fascinating actually and it is soooooooooo common with people like yourself.

But I will actually sit here and explain it to you. You see, prisoners have been convicted of crimes and many of them are a danger to society. They need to be separated from a functioning society.

Illegals, on the other hand, come from different backgrounds and have different reasons for trying to get into the US. Not all of them are criminals (1st time offense is a misdemeanor). Many of them will literally die if they dont leave their country whether that be from lack of resources, criminal elements, war, or even some issues ironically created by the US themselves. So if you think illegals just walk over 1,000 miles just to piss people like you off, you need your head checked.
Ironic, considering your Trump movement's entire platform revolves around a hatred for most of this country

We want a Wall to protect America and you are deeply offended by the very idea of protecting America.

Your anti-Americanism is plain as day.
The reason to oppose the wall is that it consumes 90% of the drug enforcement resources, and blocks less than 10% of the drugs.

The money should go to better technology at border crossings.

The reason you have been brainwashed into believing that is because the commies can turn off that technology once in power. They want the illegals here. I don't know why this is so hard for you on the left to figure out. Their goal is to wipe out the white race so they can have a single-party government forever, and they won't let anything stop them.
Obama's pastor believes in a magical sky fairy so he's an idiot. And didn't you spend years saying Obama was a secret Muslim? Sounds like more of your retarded nonsense.

Obama was a member of his church for over twenty years. Supposedly Obama is a believe too.

Yet you voted for him twice. What does that make you?
LOL you thinking most heroin comes over a wall. Most heroin comes through PORTS OF ENTRY. But please, show us ANYTHING backing up what you said.

The heroin seized is at points of entry. What about all the heroin that get right past the authorities? With better trained dogs, technology, drugs going through points of entry get harder and harder every year. You have better chances staying out of prison sneaking across the border in the middle of the night than you do getting busted at the border trying to hide dope.
The reason to oppose the wall is that it consumes 90% of the drug enforcement resources, and blocks less than 10% of the drugs.

The money should go to better technology at border crossings.
The reason you have been brainwashed into believing that is because the commies can turn off that technology once in power. They want the illegals here. I don't know why this is so hard for you on the left to figure out. Their goal is to wipe out the white race so they can have a single-party government forever, and they won't let anything stop them.
You know it was a replublican Ronald Reagan, the only president to give amnesty to illegals. He also gave them free healthcare at medicare hospitals.
Take out all the "green" bullshit out of the bill since it has nothing to do with infrastructure, and Republicans will pass it. Your side can't keep putting us further and further in debt with all their pork every bill. At some point the country will collapse.
Not sure, but I heard on the news that it's a 10,000 page Bill.
They can hide anything, including Mighty Joe Young in a Bill of that size.
Why does ICE arrest the illegals, instead of arresting the owners of the company. If an ICE raid frog marched company management instead of the workers, the democrats would be leading the march.

Some times they arrest both, but you need evidence to prosecute business owners which in most cases, is almost impossible to provide. The feds need to prove that the business owner knew he or she hired illegals. How does one go about proving that, especially when fake identification for illegals is almost foolproof?

Then liberal judges that carry the weight for the party are another problem.

The heroin seized is at points of entry. What about all the heroin that get right past the authorities? With better trained dogs, technology, drugs going through points of entry get harder and harder every year. You have better chances staying out of prison sneaking across the border in the middle of the night than you do getting busted at the border trying to hide dope.
You just said that the part in power could turn all that technology off.

The reason you have been brainwashed into believing that is because the commies can turn off that technology once in power.

You're speaking with forked tongue.
Take out all the "green" bullshit out of the bill since it has nothing to do with infrastructure, and Republicans will pass it. Your side can't keep putting us further and further in debt with all their pork every bill. At some point the country will collapse.
According to republicans, prisons aren't roads, or bridges, or what they define as "infrastructure"

So they'll oppose building more prisons.
Not sure, but I heard on the news that it's a 10,000 page Bill.
They can hide anything, including Mighty Joe Young in a Bill of that size.

That's a standard practice with libs. Make bills so large that nobody could possibly read them before a vote.

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