The War against Black People

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The school officials are accused of submitting fraudulent invoices to DPS for payments to the vendor for supplies which never were received. This was all done in exchange for kickback payments from the vendor, according to federal complaints.

U.S. Attorney Barbara McQuade said the charges come after a two-year investigation that started as a tip from the state who was conducting an audit on the Education Achievement Authority. However, all of the accused worked with DPS.

“This case is a real punch in the gut for those who are trying to do the right thing,” McQuade said.

McQuade said the vendor was paid $5 million from the district, of that amount, McQuade said investigators believe $2.7 million was fraudulent.
Sounds like Black people are learning how scam just like whites do. I dont understand why you posted that?
That kind of shit doesn't happen everywhere. This is even on the national news tonight. And it isn't like these principals are poor. I bet they each make at least 90,000 a year.

And it's sad no matter what black people do your only comeback is that they are acting white. That's bullshit. Detroit is majorly fucked up. And I used to blame outside influences on Detroit's problems but I think we are seeing that black communities are fucked up because of bad black leaders. Kwami, Detroit public schools and the dysfunctional all black city council is A LOT more corrupt than even I thought.

Those principals should all go to jail and pay restitution.
I'm sure Black people do take advice from Ben Carson and Herman Cain. Nothing they have said to my knowledge (that is positive) is any different from what Black people say all the time.

This is the part that kills me. No matter how many times we repeat it or stand up to it or march for it white people sit on their asses doing not one thing for their community and determine the actions others are actually getting off their asses and doing is "not enough". Newsflash, nothing blacks have ever done has ever been "enough" to white people
What do you mean we don't do anything for our communities? We work and pay our taxes which pay for the schools. Too many citizens in the hood aren't paying a lot of taxes and they have 4 kids going to school?

And we make sure our kids are trying in school and not selling drugs after school. In the black community the parents are selling or doing drugs.

We can argue why these things happen but not if they are happening. They are.

I'm big on getting the kids going to school now to not make the same mistakes their parents made. Have kids after you've gotten out of poverty.
Actually the "horse's mouth" would have been a Nixon quote.

Nixon was the enemy of black people? That's a load of crap.

The GOP is responsible for the association of hippies with drugs? REally?

1. The "horse" in this case is the inner circle of the Nixon Administration. That is why I accurately stated that John Erhlichman's statement is a quote from the "horse's" mouth.

2. When a top Nixon aide comes out and confesses his political sins, who am I to dispute his veracity. I am merely the messenger...believe what you want but the known results of that "war on drugs" are consistent with what Erhlicman said.

3. Yes, I believe Erhlichman. He had no good reason to lie and he was right in the middle formulating that strategy. But now we know that the impetus of that plan struck Blacks the hardest since their neighborhoods and vehicles were targeted more...even though Whites and Blacks are still using drugs at the same rates.

One thing to consider here is the impact Asset Forfeiture laws had on the Black community. Blacks driving nice cars or living in nice homes became targets even though they had no ties to criminal activity. Corrupt cops could easily plant dope just to be able to confiscate a person's vehicle or house. And anyone caught carrying large amounts of cash could have it confiscated without any charges being filed...the cash being evidence that something illegal had taken place. This kind of wealth redistribution, from the Black community to law enforcement coffers, was in full force and is now being considered for expansion under federal law, making it a national mandate that can be used by any tier of government anywhere in the USA.

1. Nixon's policies and history on Civil Rights trumps what some aide claims.

2. When he is claiming that Nixon was behind getting people to associate hippy with grass? Yes.

3. Who said he didn't have a reason to lie?

1.Nixon's policy and history on civil rights was just as anemic as any other presidents with the exception of that old racist LBJ.

2. Well, I will take Erlichman's word over yours any day. He was right there talking face to face with Nixon...Where were YOU?

3. The evening news verifies what Erhlichman said nightly. Even you cannot deny that!

4. I noticed you ignored the asset Forfeiture narrative... that might have been wise...heh heh heh!

1. Tell the to the students and parents of segregated school in the South. Nixon landed on them like a ton of bricks.

2. Even when he is claiming that Nixon is responsible for the association of pot with hippies....I guess it helps that he is saying what you want to hear.

3. The nightly news verifies that the black community is all kind of fucked up. Not that the War of Drugs is a War against Black People. That is your confirmation bias speaking.

4. The real abuses of the forfeiture laws didn't really take off to long after Nixon. And you just assume that if it effects a black person that it was targeted at a black person.

1. Nixon was known to be a staunch conservative but he was also a clever politician. I think his overtures towards Blacks were not his own personal choices but were stoked by the circumstances of his era. Nixon became president in the aftermath of a succession of riots and the US was still engaged in an economically senseless war that had lasted longer than any in US history. Public opinion was instrumental in shaping Nixon's decisions to address both issues. Nixon must have weighed the ramifications of MLK's death even though it didn't happen on HIS watch. Considering the Civil Rights initiatives of Kennedy and Johnson were already ensconced in the law of the land as adjuncts to the 1954 Brown vs Topeka Ks decision I wonder if he had a better choice than to faithfully execute his duties to maintain domestic tranquility.

2. What I want to hear is not the issue, it is what the man said, period. the term "hippies" is just another catchall euphemism like YOU use the word "liberal." The point being made is that if "hippies" weren't involved in protesting the Vietnam War they wouldn't have been targeted . But , as the reality of FBI crime statistics show, Blacks were/are targeted, prosecuted, sentenced and incarcerated far more than White "hippies." Public sympathy for civil rights was "trumped" by the perception of the angry Black man who was far more of a threat than "hippies"and "flower children."

3. Your response here is exactly what Erhlichman was pointing to. Your deduction that
"the nightly news verifies that the black community is all kind of fucked up" comes from the source itself...the nightly news.
The news doesn't show too many images of Blacks going to work every day, going to church and contributing to society. That is what the majority of them do! Are those decent citizens obligated to ignore Erhlichman's confession? would YOU ignore any similar confession coming from some aide to Sharpton that validates anything you thought previously about HIM?

4. Proponents of Forfeiture Asset Laws are not going to risk having those unconstitutional laws revoked by using them too often against White people. Most of the cases I have seen publicized have involved minorities. White motor cycle gangs and those Whites who get caught soliciting prostitutes have had their vehicles forfeited and everything it contained but I haven't heard of a White person getting his/her money forfeited just because they had too much on their person. Consider this excerpt from a letter sent by the Leadership Conference on Civil and Human Rights to the Senate Judiciary Committee :

In response to such suspicionless seizures, the Civil Asset Forfeiture Reform Act of 2000 was introduced in Congress. During that time, a study by the ACLU found that in “traffic stops, airport searches, and drug arrests … minorities are hardest hit.”[iii]This continues to be the case more than a decade later. A recent series of articles by The Washington Post chronicling the issue of civil asset forfeiture and particular abuses found that “of the 400 court cases examined by The Post where people who challenged seizures and received some money back, the majority were black, Hispanic or another minority.”[iv] Very few people have the resources to challenge the government, especially when the burden of proof favors the government over the rights of property owners, as is the case in civil asset forfeiture proceedings.

Support Effective & Comprehensive Federal Civil Asset Forfeiture Reform

1. Nixon was a staunch conservative, and as such was pro-Civil Rights as the GOP has always been. That you want to assume that he was dragged kicking and screaming to his actions by events is just you living in denial.

2. Crime was spiking, with the Baby Boomers hitting prime crime age. It was going to be a political issue, met with resistance by the law abiding majority regardless of whether there were anti-war protests or not.

3. All kind of fucked up equates to having a far larger number of fucked up people instead of ALL being fucked up people. And the news and all the crime stats reflect the reality that the Black COmmunity is all kinds of fucked up.

4. Your assumption that anything that seems to impact blacks disproportionately is purposeful is Disparate Impact Theory, and is nothing but an excuse to cry racism all day long. And to be clear, not true.
The school officials are accused of submitting fraudulent invoices to DPS for payments to the vendor for supplies which never were received. This was all done in exchange for kickback payments from the vendor, according to federal complaints.

U.S. Attorney Barbara McQuade said the charges come after a two-year investigation that started as a tip from the state who was conducting an audit on the Education Achievement Authority. However, all of the accused worked with DPS.

“This case is a real punch in the gut for those who are trying to do the right thing,” McQuade said.

McQuade said the vendor was paid $5 million from the district, of that amount, McQuade said investigators believe $2.7 million was fraudulent.
Sounds like Black people are learning how scam just like whites do. I dont understand why you posted that?
Point is to do it and not get caught.

I'm sure these black principals all had your attitude that whites all do it too. No we don't and neither should you
I'm sure Black people do take advice from Ben Carson and Herman Cain. Nothing they have said to my knowledge (that is positive) is any different from what Black people say all the time.

This is the part that kills me. No matter how many times we repeat it or stand up to it or march for it white people sit on their asses doing not one thing for their community and determine the actions others are actually getting off their asses and doing is "not enough". Newsflash, nothing blacks have ever done has ever been "enough" to white people
What do you mean we don't do anything for our communities? We work and pay our taxes which pay for the schools. Too many citizens in the hood aren't paying a lot of taxes and they have 4 kids going to school?

And we make sure our kids are trying in school and not selling drugs after school. In the black community the parents are selling or doing drugs.

We can argue why these things happen but not if they are happening. They are.

I'm big on getting the kids going to school now to not make the same mistakes their parents made. Have kids after you've gotten out of poverty.

And 'white' kids never sell drugs or get in trouble, right bobomengele?

And what's this "our kids" stuff? Do you have any kids, bobomengele?
1. The "horse" in this case is the inner circle of the Nixon Administration. That is why I accurately stated that John Erhlichman's statement is a quote from the "horse's" mouth.

2. When a top Nixon aide comes out and confesses his political sins, who am I to dispute his veracity. I am merely the messenger...believe what you want but the known results of that "war on drugs" are consistent with what Erhlicman said.

3. Yes, I believe Erhlichman. He had no good reason to lie and he was right in the middle formulating that strategy. But now we know that the impetus of that plan struck Blacks the hardest since their neighborhoods and vehicles were targeted more...even though Whites and Blacks are still using drugs at the same rates.

One thing to consider here is the impact Asset Forfeiture laws had on the Black community. Blacks driving nice cars or living in nice homes became targets even though they had no ties to criminal activity. Corrupt cops could easily plant dope just to be able to confiscate a person's vehicle or house. And anyone caught carrying large amounts of cash could have it confiscated without any charges being filed...the cash being evidence that something illegal had taken place. This kind of wealth redistribution, from the Black community to law enforcement coffers, was in full force and is now being considered for expansion under federal law, making it a national mandate that can be used by any tier of government anywhere in the USA.

1. Nixon's policies and history on Civil Rights trumps what some aide claims.

2. When he is claiming that Nixon was behind getting people to associate hippy with grass? Yes.

3. Who said he didn't have a reason to lie?

1.Nixon's policy and history on civil rights was just as anemic as any other presidents with the exception of that old racist LBJ.

2. Well, I will take Erlichman's word over yours any day. He was right there talking face to face with Nixon...Where were YOU?

3. The evening news verifies what Erhlichman said nightly. Even you cannot deny that!

4. I noticed you ignored the asset Forfeiture narrative... that might have been wise...heh heh heh!

1. Tell the to the students and parents of segregated school in the South. Nixon landed on them like a ton of bricks.

2. Even when he is claiming that Nixon is responsible for the association of pot with hippies....I guess it helps that he is saying what you want to hear.

3. The nightly news verifies that the black community is all kind of fucked up. Not that the War of Drugs is a War against Black People. That is your confirmation bias speaking.

4. The real abuses of the forfeiture laws didn't really take off to long after Nixon. And you just assume that if it effects a black person that it was targeted at a black person.

1. Nixon was known to be a staunch conservative but he was also a clever politician. I think his overtures towards Blacks were not his own personal choices but were stoked by the circumstances of his era. Nixon became president in the aftermath of a succession of riots and the US was still engaged in an economically senseless war that had lasted longer than any in US history. Public opinion was instrumental in shaping Nixon's decisions to address both issues. Nixon must have weighed the ramifications of MLK's death even though it didn't happen on HIS watch. Considering the Civil Rights initiatives of Kennedy and Johnson were already ensconced in the law of the land as adjuncts to the 1954 Brown vs Topeka Ks decision I wonder if he had a better choice than to faithfully execute his duties to maintain domestic tranquility.

2. What I want to hear is not the issue, it is what the man said, period. the term "hippies" is just another catchall euphemism like YOU use the word "liberal." The point being made is that if "hippies" weren't involved in protesting the Vietnam War they wouldn't have been targeted . But , as the reality of FBI crime statistics show, Blacks were/are targeted, prosecuted, sentenced and incarcerated far more than White "hippies." Public sympathy for civil rights was "trumped" by the perception of the angry Black man who was far more of a threat than "hippies"and "flower children."

3. Your response here is exactly what Erhlichman was pointing to. Your deduction that
"the nightly news verifies that the black community is all kind of fucked up" comes from the source itself...the nightly news.
The news doesn't show too many images of Blacks going to work every day, going to church and contributing to society. That is what the majority of them do! Are those decent citizens obligated to ignore Erhlichman's confession? would YOU ignore any similar confession coming from some aide to Sharpton that validates anything you thought previously about HIM?

4. Proponents of Forfeiture Asset Laws are not going to risk having those unconstitutional laws revoked by using them too often against White people. Most of the cases I have seen publicized have involved minorities. White motor cycle gangs and those Whites who get caught soliciting prostitutes have had their vehicles forfeited and everything it contained but I haven't heard of a White person getting his/her money forfeited just because they had too much on their person. Consider this excerpt from a letter sent by the Leadership Conference on Civil and Human Rights to the Senate Judiciary Committee :

In response to such suspicionless seizures, the Civil Asset Forfeiture Reform Act of 2000 was introduced in Congress. During that time, a study by the ACLU found that in “traffic stops, airport searches, and drug arrests … minorities are hardest hit.”[iii]This continues to be the case more than a decade later. A recent series of articles by The Washington Post chronicling the issue of civil asset forfeiture and particular abuses found that “of the 400 court cases examined by The Post where people who challenged seizures and received some money back, the majority were black, Hispanic or another minority.”[iv] Very few people have the resources to challenge the government, especially when the burden of proof favors the government over the rights of property owners, as is the case in civil asset forfeiture proceedings.

Support Effective & Comprehensive Federal Civil Asset Forfeiture Reform

1. Nixon was a staunch conservative, and as such was pro-Civil Rights as the GOP has always been. That you want to assume that he was dragged kicking and screaming to his actions by events is just you living in denial.

2. Crime was spiking, with the Baby Boomers hitting prime crime age. It was going to be a political issue, met with resistance by the law abiding majority regardless of whether there were anti-war protests or not.

3. All kind of fucked up equates to having a far larger number of fucked up people instead of ALL being fucked up people. And the news and all the crime stats reflect the reality that the Black COmmunity is all kinds of fucked up.

4. Your assumption that anything that seems to impact blacks disproportionately is purposeful is Disparate Impact Theory, and is nothing but an excuse to cry racism all day long. And to be clear, not true.
And I know that not all black people steal and white people steal too but is that his only comeback?

We need to get young shaniqua to not have kids until she is with a man who not only afford to raise a kid but wants to raise the kid. And not a hustler drug dealer.

And these guys are right that it happens too much in the white community too. But in our communities we don't have young men ages 13-30 out robbing killing and raping people.

Want to know the perfect example? Mike Tyson. How many mime Tyson's are running around Detroit tonight?

Oh and it was custamato and that rooney guy who saved Tyson. Two white guys. And who ruined Mike? Don king
The school officials are accused of submitting fraudulent invoices to DPS for payments to the vendor for supplies which never were received. This was all done in exchange for kickback payments from the vendor, according to federal complaints.

U.S. Attorney Barbara McQuade said the charges come after a two-year investigation that started as a tip from the state who was conducting an audit on the Education Achievement Authority. However, all of the accused worked with DPS.

“This case is a real punch in the gut for those who are trying to do the right thing,” McQuade said.

McQuade said the vendor was paid $5 million from the district, of that amount, McQuade said investigators believe $2.7 million was fraudulent.
Sounds like Black people are learning how scam just like whites do. I dont understand why you posted that?
The thread is "the war on black people".

You can deny that these 13 principals are the ones who have waged war on you and your children? How come blacks never mind black on black crime?

Don't wonder why we don't want to throw anymore money your way, which your schools so clearly need.
The school officials are accused of submitting fraudulent invoices to DPS for payments to the vendor for supplies which never were received. This was all done in exchange for kickback payments from the vendor, according to federal complaints.

U.S. Attorney Barbara McQuade said the charges come after a two-year investigation that started as a tip from the state who was conducting an audit on the Education Achievement Authority. However, all of the accused worked with DPS.

“This case is a real punch in the gut for those who are trying to do the right thing,” McQuade said.

McQuade said the vendor was paid $5 million from the district, of that amount, McQuade said investigators believe $2.7 million was fraudulent.
Sounds like Black people are learning how scam just like whites do. I dont understand why you posted that?
The thread is "the war on black people".

You can deny that these 13 principals are the ones who have waged war on you and your children? How come blacks never mind black on black crime?

Don't wonder why we don't want to throw anymore money your way, which your schools so clearly need.

Education outcome is primarily a factor not of money, but of parental involvement.

A single parent, with having one person to take care of the same amount of child rearing duties, is set up for failure on that.
I'm sure Black people do take advice from Ben Carson and Herman Cain. Nothing they have said to my knowledge (that is positive) is any different from what Black people say all the time.

This is the part that kills me. No matter how many times we repeat it or stand up to it or march for it white people sit on their asses doing not one thing for their community and determine the actions others are actually getting off their asses and doing is "not enough". Newsflash, nothing blacks have ever done has ever been "enough" to white people
What do you mean we don't do anything for our communities? We work and pay our taxes which pay for the schools. Too many citizens in the hood aren't paying a lot of taxes and they have 4 kids going to school?

And we make sure our kids are trying in school and not selling drugs after school. In the black community the parents are selling or doing drugs.

We can argue why these things happen but not if they are happening. They are.

I'm big on getting the kids going to school now to not make the same mistakes their parents made. Have kids after you've gotten out of poverty.

So in essence all your helping the community comes in a form no one can see (making sure kids are trying) or by simple survival (working and paying taxes). Wow, congrats man that's a lot more than I thought.
And these guys are right that it happens too much in the white community too. But in our communities we don't have young men ages 13-30 out robbing killing and raping people.

LMAO...and that's why the profile for serial killers are not white guys. Got it!
I'm sure Black people do take advice from Ben Carson and Herman Cain. Nothing they have said to my knowledge (that is positive) is any different from what Black people say all the time.

This is the part that kills me. No matter how many times we repeat it or stand up to it or march for it white people sit on their asses doing not one thing for their community and determine the actions others are actually getting off their asses and doing is "not enough". Newsflash, nothing blacks have ever done has ever been "enough" to white people
What do you mean we don't do anything for our communities? We work and pay our taxes which pay for the schools. Too many citizens in the hood aren't paying a lot of taxes and they have 4 kids going to school?

And we make sure our kids are trying in school and not selling drugs after school. In the black community the parents are selling or doing drugs.

We can argue why these things happen but not if they are happening. They are.

I'm big on getting the kids going to school now to not make the same mistakes their parents made. Have kids after you've gotten out of poverty.

So in essence all your helping the community comes in a form no one can see (making sure kids are trying) or by simple survival (working and paying taxes). Wow, congrats man that's a lot more than I thought.
Yes by each of us taking care of ourselves we each lead by example.

Listen, you know I'm as liberal and open minded but what you're asking us to do is excuse bad behavior. I agree that we shouldn't deny welfare to the women in 5 years who get pregnant and can't afford to raise a child but we should do everything we can to prevent these women from getting pregnant 4 yrs and 3 months from right now.

People act like I'm a murderer because I don't want women to have welfare babies. Why is that wrong? I would give my own 16 year old daughter the same advice
And these guys are right that it happens too much in the white community too. But in our communities we don't have young men ages 13-30 out robbing killing and raping people.

LMAO...and that's why the profile for serial killers are not white guys. Got it!
Are you calling black people liars when they say how dangerous their neighborhoods are?

Do you really not understand the difference between ghetto violence and a serial killer? Ever worry about the serial killer running around your white highschool?
I'm sure Black people do take advice from Ben Carson and Herman Cain. Nothing they have said to my knowledge (that is positive) is any different from what Black people say all the time.

This is the part that kills me. No matter how many times we repeat it or stand up to it or march for it white people sit on their asses doing not one thing for their community and determine the actions others are actually getting off their asses and doing is "not enough". Newsflash, nothing blacks have ever done has ever been "enough" to white people
What do you mean we don't do anything for our communities? We work and pay our taxes which pay for the schools. Too many citizens in the hood aren't paying a lot of taxes and they have 4 kids going to school?

And we make sure our kids are trying in school and not selling drugs after school. In the black community the parents are selling or doing drugs.

We can argue why these things happen but not if they are happening. They are.

I'm big on getting the kids going to school now to not make the same mistakes their parents made. Have kids after you've gotten out of poverty.

So in essence all your helping the community comes in a form no one can see (making sure kids are trying) or by simple survival (working and paying taxes). Wow, congrats man that's a lot more than I thought.
My parents were judged by how they kept up their home and how their kids turned out. That's how we judge each other. All we care is your home doesn't look like shit you aren't bad neighbors and your kids don't turn out to be criminals. We may judge who's more successful or less but everyone finds their nitch. None of my friends grew up to be criminals.

Actually I know 1 corrupt cop who got busted and I know friends who's parents were alcoholics but they all turned out fine because the community they grew up in had good schools so they had all the advantages despite being parentally challenged.

Point is, the hood is no place to be having 3 kids before you are ready. You're setting yourself and your 3 kids up for failure
The school officials are accused of submitting fraudulent invoices to DPS for payments to the vendor for supplies which never were received. This was all done in exchange for kickback payments from the vendor, according to federal complaints.

U.S. Attorney Barbara McQuade said the charges come after a two-year investigation that started as a tip from the state who was conducting an audit on the Education Achievement Authority. However, all of the accused worked with DPS.

“This case is a real punch in the gut for those who are trying to do the right thing,” McQuade said.

McQuade said the vendor was paid $5 million from the district, of that amount, McQuade said investigators believe $2.7 million was fraudulent.
Sounds like Black people are learning how scam just like whites do. I dont understand why you posted that?
That kind of shit doesn't happen everywhere. This is even on the national news tonight. And it isn't like these principals are poor. I bet they each make at least 90,000 a year.

And it's sad no matter what black people do your only comeback is that they are acting white. That's bullshit. Detroit is majorly fucked up. And I used to blame outside influences on Detroit's problems but I think we are seeing that black communities are fucked up because of bad black leaders. Kwami, Detroit public schools and the dysfunctional all black city council is A LOT more corrupt than even I thought.

Those principals should all go to jail and pay restitution.
You act like all Black people live in Detroit and furthermore that all Blacks in Detroit scam like white people do. Yes this kind of shit happens everywhere people have the ability to abuse trust. There are countless cases of white people scamming each other not to mention other races.
The school officials are accused of submitting fraudulent invoices to DPS for payments to the vendor for supplies which never were received. This was all done in exchange for kickback payments from the vendor, according to federal complaints.

U.S. Attorney Barbara McQuade said the charges come after a two-year investigation that started as a tip from the state who was conducting an audit on the Education Achievement Authority. However, all of the accused worked with DPS.

“This case is a real punch in the gut for those who are trying to do the right thing,” McQuade said.

McQuade said the vendor was paid $5 million from the district, of that amount, McQuade said investigators believe $2.7 million was fraudulent.
Sounds like Black people are learning how scam just like whites do. I dont understand why you posted that?
The thread is "the war on black people".

You can deny that these 13 principals are the ones who have waged war on you and your children? How come blacks never mind black on black crime?

Don't wonder why we don't want to throw anymore money your way, which your schools so clearly need.
Who told you Blacks are ok with Black on Black crime?

I never wonder about things I already know the answer to. Its redundant and time consuming.
The school officials are accused of submitting fraudulent invoices to DPS for payments to the vendor for supplies which never were received. This was all done in exchange for kickback payments from the vendor, according to federal complaints.

U.S. Attorney Barbara McQuade said the charges come after a two-year investigation that started as a tip from the state who was conducting an audit on the Education Achievement Authority. However, all of the accused worked with DPS.

“This case is a real punch in the gut for those who are trying to do the right thing,” McQuade said.

McQuade said the vendor was paid $5 million from the district, of that amount, McQuade said investigators believe $2.7 million was fraudulent.
Sounds like Black people are learning how scam just like whites do. I dont understand why you posted that?
Point is to do it and not get caught.

I'm sure these black principals all had your attitude that whites all do it too. No we don't and neither should you
Here in lies the hypocrisy. Whites do it all the time and have perfected the method so they are hard to catch. The point is that just because whites have opportunity to cover it up doesnt make it less harmful.
The school officials are accused of submitting fraudulent invoices to DPS for payments to the vendor for supplies which never were received. This was all done in exchange for kickback payments from the vendor, according to federal complaints.

U.S. Attorney Barbara McQuade said the charges come after a two-year investigation that started as a tip from the state who was conducting an audit on the Education Achievement Authority. However, all of the accused worked with DPS.

“This case is a real punch in the gut for those who are trying to do the right thing,” McQuade said.

McQuade said the vendor was paid $5 million from the district, of that amount, McQuade said investigators believe $2.7 million was fraudulent.
Sounds like Black people are learning how scam just like whites do. I dont understand why you posted that?
That kind of shit doesn't happen everywhere. This is even on the national news tonight. And it isn't like these principals are poor. I bet they each make at least 90,000 a year.

And it's sad no matter what black people do your only comeback is that they are acting white. That's bullshit. Detroit is majorly fucked up. And I used to blame outside influences on Detroit's problems but I think we are seeing that black communities are fucked up because of bad black leaders. Kwami, Detroit public schools and the dysfunctional all black city council is A LOT more corrupt than even I thought.

Those principals should all go to jail and pay restitution.
I see your problem. You see the Blacks running Detroit as typical of Blacks all over the nation.
1. The "horse" in this case is the inner circle of the Nixon Administration. That is why I accurately stated that John Erhlichman's statement is a quote from the "horse's" mouth.

2. When a top Nixon aide comes out and confesses his political sins, who am I to dispute his veracity. I am merely the messenger...believe what you want but the known results of that "war on drugs" are consistent with what Erhlicman said.

3. Yes, I believe Erhlichman. He had no good reason to lie and he was right in the middle formulating that strategy. But now we know that the impetus of that plan struck Blacks the hardest since their neighborhoods and vehicles were targeted more...even though Whites and Blacks are still using drugs at the same rates.

One thing to consider here is the impact Asset Forfeiture laws had on the Black community. Blacks driving nice cars or living in nice homes became targets even though they had no ties to criminal activity. Corrupt cops could easily plant dope just to be able to confiscate a person's vehicle or house. And anyone caught carrying large amounts of cash could have it confiscated without any charges being filed...the cash being evidence that something illegal had taken place. This kind of wealth redistribution, from the Black community to law enforcement coffers, was in full force and is now being considered for expansion under federal law, making it a national mandate that can be used by any tier of government anywhere in the USA.

1. Nixon's policies and history on Civil Rights trumps what some aide claims.

2. When he is claiming that Nixon was behind getting people to associate hippy with grass? Yes.

3. Who said he didn't have a reason to lie?

1.Nixon's policy and history on civil rights was just as anemic as any other presidents with the exception of that old racist LBJ.

2. Well, I will take Erlichman's word over yours any day. He was right there talking face to face with Nixon...Where were YOU?

3. The evening news verifies what Erhlichman said nightly. Even you cannot deny that!

4. I noticed you ignored the asset Forfeiture narrative... that might have been wise...heh heh heh!

1. Tell the to the students and parents of segregated school in the South. Nixon landed on them like a ton of bricks.

2. Even when he is claiming that Nixon is responsible for the association of pot with hippies....I guess it helps that he is saying what you want to hear.

3. The nightly news verifies that the black community is all kind of fucked up. Not that the War of Drugs is a War against Black People. That is your confirmation bias speaking.

4. The real abuses of the forfeiture laws didn't really take off to long after Nixon. And you just assume that if it effects a black person that it was targeted at a black person.

1. Nixon was known to be a staunch conservative but he was also a clever politician. I think his overtures towards Blacks were not his own personal choices but were stoked by the circumstances of his era. Nixon became president in the aftermath of a succession of riots and the US was still engaged in an economically senseless war that had lasted longer than any in US history. Public opinion was instrumental in shaping Nixon's decisions to address both issues. Nixon must have weighed the ramifications of MLK's death even though it didn't happen on HIS watch. Considering the Civil Rights initiatives of Kennedy and Johnson were already ensconced in the law of the land as adjuncts to the 1954 Brown vs Topeka Ks decision I wonder if he had a better choice than to faithfully execute his duties to maintain domestic tranquility.

2. What I want to hear is not the issue, it is what the man said, period. the term "hippies" is just another catchall euphemism like YOU use the word "liberal." The point being made is that if "hippies" weren't involved in protesting the Vietnam War they wouldn't have been targeted . But , as the reality of FBI crime statistics show, Blacks were/are targeted, prosecuted, sentenced and incarcerated far more than White "hippies." Public sympathy for civil rights was "trumped" by the perception of the angry Black man who was far more of a threat than "hippies"and "flower children."

3. Your response here is exactly what Erhlichman was pointing to. Your deduction that
"the nightly news verifies that the black community is all kind of fucked up" comes from the source itself...the nightly news.
The news doesn't show too many images of Blacks going to work every day, going to church and contributing to society. That is what the majority of them do! Are those decent citizens obligated to ignore Erhlichman's confession? would YOU ignore any similar confession coming from some aide to Sharpton that validates anything you thought previously about HIM?

4. Proponents of Forfeiture Asset Laws are not going to risk having those unconstitutional laws revoked by using them too often against White people. Most of the cases I have seen publicized have involved minorities. White motor cycle gangs and those Whites who get caught soliciting prostitutes have had their vehicles forfeited and everything it contained but I haven't heard of a White person getting his/her money forfeited just because they had too much on their person. Consider this excerpt from a letter sent by the Leadership Conference on Civil and Human Rights to the Senate Judiciary Committee :

In response to such suspicionless seizures, the Civil Asset Forfeiture Reform Act of 2000 was introduced in Congress. During that time, a study by the ACLU found that in “traffic stops, airport searches, and drug arrests … minorities are hardest hit.”[iii]This continues to be the case more than a decade later. A recent series of articles by The Washington Post chronicling the issue of civil asset forfeiture and particular abuses found that “of the 400 court cases examined by The Post where people who challenged seizures and received some money back, the majority were black, Hispanic or another minority.”[iv] Very few people have the resources to challenge the government, especially when the burden of proof favors the government over the rights of property owners, as is the case in civil asset forfeiture proceedings.

Support Effective & Comprehensive Federal Civil Asset Forfeiture Reform

1. Nixon was a staunch conservative, and as such was pro-Civil Rights as the GOP has always been. That you want to assume that he was dragged kicking and screaming to his actions by events is just you living in denial.

2. Crime was spiking, with the Baby Boomers hitting prime crime age. It was going to be a political issue, met with resistance by the law abiding majority regardless of whether there were anti-war protests or not.

3. All kind of fucked up equates to having a far larger number of fucked up people instead of ALL being fucked up people. And the news and all the crime stats reflect the reality that the Black COmmunity is all kinds of fucked up.

4. Your assumption that anything that seems to impact blacks disproportionately is purposeful is Disparate Impact Theory, and is nothing but an excuse to cry racism all day long. And to be clear, not true.

1. There you go, equating Conservatism with a party. And I suppose you want me to join you in that kind of mad thinking. Well, I refuse... The Southern Democrats were as conservative as you can get...Now they are called the Southern Republicans.

2. I don't know that crime was actually spiking. Erhkixchman seems to imply that media reports made it it seem that way as part of Nixon's strategy.

3. I think you tried to use proportional statistical comparisons to back your premise. If you were truly smart, you'd see just how dumb your assessment is. Of course, if there is a war on Blacks there is going to be a statistical disparity in rates arrests. NOTE THE WORD ARRESTS does NOT equate to CONVICTIONS. Futher, when one person is charged with multiple crimes his arrest is multiplied by the number of charges. Again, Nixon's strategy is working on you even now.

4. My assumption? Don't confuse MY assumption with Erhlichman's revelation. I had nothing to do with that.
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