The War against Black People

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We have problem areas in America and they're all black. Even poor white places don't have the same violent crime rates as these places.

You should be ashamed. Whites have had all the power in this nation and you're comparing the whites to blacks? "Hey whites are doing somewhat better than the people they legally oppressed for centuries so, thats something"

Whites are afraid that after all that oppression they still havent convinced us of their white supremacy myth. They have to take us out along several fronts and then still cross their fingers.
Yes, the selling is only profitable because it's ILLEGAL! Wake the hell up. After WWII there were 20,000 heroin addicts in the entire USA. Then, drugs were outlawed and heroin use, and abuse skyrocketed. At some point you have to figure out that prohibition really doesn't work any better than it did for alcohol who's time spent as an illegal substance merely served to kill a lot of people and start organised crime.

Real effective.

You do drugs you're a wake up

I don't do drugs. I do however see the innocent people murdered, who would not be, if there was no profit to be made by illegal drug sales. It's as simple as that. I am sick and tired of seeing young children killed by assholes in drive by shootings. They wouldn't be killed if the drugs were legal.

You're leaving out the part where the dope head needs a fix and has no money.
In a world where drugs are decriminalized, the addict would be just another sick person in need of treatment for his dependency. He could seek get "seed" or "weed' stamp prescriptions from any competent medical authority and be admitted to rehabilitation without criminal charges being attached just as alcoholics do now!

You're leaving out the hard drug users who will rob and steal to get high and have no intention of quitting.
When the drug of choice is no longer profitable for drug dealers, the only recourse for them is to go to a legitimate venue where their addiction can then be assessed and dealt with responsibly.
You do drugs you're a wake up

I don't do drugs. I do however see the innocent people murdered, who would not be, if there was no profit to be made by illegal drug sales. It's as simple as that. I am sick and tired of seeing young children killed by assholes in drive by shootings. They wouldn't be killed if the drugs were legal.

You're leaving out the part where the dope head needs a fix and has no money.
In a world where drugs are decriminalized, the addict would be just another sick person in need of treatment for his dependency. He could seek get "seed" or "weed' stamp prescriptions from any competent medical authority and be admitted to rehabilitation without criminal charges being attached just as alcoholics do now!

You're leaving out the hard drug users who will rob and steal to get high and have no intention of quitting.
When the drug of choice is no longer profitable for drug dealers, the only recourse for them is to go to a legitimate venue where their addiction can then be assessed and dealt with responsibly.

So what profession do you think drug kingpins and the local dealers will take up when they can no longer make money selling drugs?
I don't do drugs. I do however see the innocent people murdered, who would not be, if there was no profit to be made by illegal drug sales. It's as simple as that. I am sick and tired of seeing young children killed by assholes in drive by shootings. They wouldn't be killed if the drugs were legal.

You're leaving out the part where the dope head needs a fix and has no money.
In a world where drugs are decriminalized, the addict would be just another sick person in need of treatment for his dependency. He could seek get "seed" or "weed' stamp prescriptions from any competent medical authority and be admitted to rehabilitation without criminal charges being attached just as alcoholics do now!

You're leaving out the hard drug users who will rob and steal to get high and have no intention of quitting.
When the drug of choice is no longer profitable for drug dealers, the only recourse for them is to go to a legitimate venue where their addiction can then be assessed and dealt with responsibly.

So what profession do you think drug kingpins and the local dealers will take up when they can no longer make money selling drugs?
Whatever they want. Most of the Black drug dealers I know would make excellent business men due to their drive and ambition.
You're leaving out the part where the dope head needs a fix and has no money.
In a world where drugs are decriminalized, the addict would be just another sick person in need of treatment for his dependency. He could seek get "seed" or "weed' stamp prescriptions from any competent medical authority and be admitted to rehabilitation without criminal charges being attached just as alcoholics do now!

You're leaving out the hard drug users who will rob and steal to get high and have no intention of quitting.
When the drug of choice is no longer profitable for drug dealers, the only recourse for them is to go to a legitimate venue where their addiction can then be assessed and dealt with responsibly.

So what profession do you think drug kingpins and the local dealers will take up when they can no longer make money selling drugs?
Whatever they want. Most of the Black drug dealers I know would make excellent business men due to their drive and ambition.

Those drug dealers would have to learn to speak english and stop sleeping till three in the afternoon.
And besides all that what are you doing associating with drug dealers?
In a world where drugs are decriminalized, the addict would be just another sick person in need of treatment for his dependency. He could seek get "seed" or "weed' stamp prescriptions from any competent medical authority and be admitted to rehabilitation without criminal charges being attached just as alcoholics do now!

You're leaving out the hard drug users who will rob and steal to get high and have no intention of quitting.
When the drug of choice is no longer profitable for drug dealers, the only recourse for them is to go to a legitimate venue where their addiction can then be assessed and dealt with responsibly.

So what profession do you think drug kingpins and the local dealers will take up when they can no longer make money selling drugs?
Whatever they want. Most of the Black drug dealers I know would make excellent business men due to their drive and ambition.

Those drug dealers would have to learn to speak english and stop sleeping till three in the afternoon.
And besides all that what are you doing associating with drug dealers?
Not really. They could run a night club and keep the exact same hours. The already know how to speak english from paying off crooked white cops.

I grew up in a neighborhood that had a big drug dealer. He taught me alot despite me objecting to what he was doing. The things he taught me served me well in the corporate environment. There is really no difference except it was a legal profession.
KING: Why the ‘War on Drugs’ is really a war on black people

The war on drugs has been a total failure but the war on black people is still going strong.

Actually, the "war on drugs" is a war on civil liberties. Blacks get caught up more often than others because of their socioeconomic situation, but the whole war on drugs crap is merely a cause celebre to destroy the civil rights of US citizens and make money for the elite. The sooner we come to our collective senses and decriminalize ALL drugs, the better.
No, the "war on drugs" was a strategy spawned in the mind of Richard M. Nixon to disrupt the lives of those he perceived
as enemies. Namely, anti-Vietnam protestors and more specifically , Blacks.

From the horse's mouth>> John Erhlichman :

“You want to know what this was really all about?” he asked with the bluntness of a man who, after public disgrace and a stretch in federal prison, had little left to protect. “The Nixon campaign in 1968, and the Nixon White House after that, had two enemies: the antiwar left and black people. You understand what I’m saying? We knew we couldn’t make it illegal to be either against the war or black, but by getting the public to associate the hippies with marijuana and blacks with heroin, and then criminalizing both heavily, we could disrupt those communities. We could arrest their leaders, raid their homes, break up their meetings, and vilify them night after night on the evening news. Did we know we were lying about the drugs? Of course we did.”

Nixon Aide Reportedly Admitted Drug War Was Meant To Target Black People

Actually the "horse's mouth" would have been a Nixon quote.

Nixon was the enemy of black people? That's a load of crap.

The GOP is responsible for the association of hippies with drugs? REally?

1. The "horse" in this case is the inner circle of the Nixon Administration. That is why I accurately stated that John Erhlichman's statement is a quote from the "horse's" mouth.

2. When a top Nixon aide comes out and confesses his political sins, who am I to dispute his veracity. I am merely the messenger...believe what you want but the known results of that "war on drugs" are consistent with what Erhlicman said.

3. Yes, I believe Erhlichman. He had no good reason to lie and he was right in the middle formulating that strategy. But now we know that the impetus of that plan struck Blacks the hardest since their neighborhoods and vehicles were targeted more...even though Whites and Blacks are still using drugs at the same rates.

One thing to consider here is the impact Asset Forfeiture laws had on the Black community. Blacks driving nice cars or living in nice homes became targets even though they had no ties to criminal activity. Corrupt cops could easily plant dope just to be able to confiscate a person's vehicle or house. And anyone caught carrying large amounts of cash could have it confiscated without any charges being filed...the cash being evidence that something illegal had taken place. This kind of wealth redistribution, from the Black community to law enforcement coffers, was in full force and is now being considered for expansion under federal law, making it a national mandate that can be used by any tier of government anywhere in the USA.
Here's you WAR AGAINST BLACK PEOPLE, and many of you Blacks, and fucking liberals CAN'T HANDLE THE TRUTH!!!!

Yes your white invented foodstamps are a low threshold. Thats why whites made up welfare. I'm talking about the Black people that have survived and thrived and provide tax money that supports you in your trailer park.
Welfare was developed by LBJ to keep blacks on the plantation. It has obviously worked, and blacks have not - literally.
Now Blacks own part of that plantation and the politicians are actually working FOR THEM. BTW there are plenty actually MORE White s on welfare if you count food stamps and other benefits. But, beyond that, add those "other caucasians" Ya'll call Mexicans to the mix
and the White welfare rate goes way past the Black rate. But don't think that more Latinos are on welfare proportionally than Anglos are..Hispanics have the lowest rate of all except Asians.
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KING: Why the ‘War on Drugs’ is really a war on black people

The war on drugs has been a total failure but the war on black people is still going strong.

Actually, the "war on drugs" is a war on civil liberties. Blacks get caught up more often than others because of their socioeconomic situation, but the whole war on drugs crap is merely a cause celebre to destroy the civil rights of US citizens and make money for the elite. The sooner we come to our collective senses and decriminalize ALL drugs, the better.
No, the "war on drugs" was a strategy spawned in the mind of Richard M. Nixon to disrupt the lives of those he perceived
as enemies. Namely, anti-Vietnam protestors and more specifically , Blacks.

From the horse's mouth>> John Erhlichman :

“You want to know what this was really all about?” he asked with the bluntness of a man who, after public disgrace and a stretch in federal prison, had little left to protect. “The Nixon campaign in 1968, and the Nixon White House after that, had two enemies: the antiwar left and black people. You understand what I’m saying? We knew we couldn’t make it illegal to be either against the war or black, but by getting the public to associate the hippies with marijuana and blacks with heroin, and then criminalizing both heavily, we could disrupt those communities. We could arrest their leaders, raid their homes, break up their meetings, and vilify them night after night on the evening news. Did we know we were lying about the drugs? Of course we did.”

Nixon Aide Reportedly Admitted Drug War Was Meant To Target Black People

Actually the "horse's mouth" would have been a Nixon quote.

Nixon was the enemy of black people? That's a load of crap.

The GOP is responsible for the association of hippies with drugs? REally?

1. The "horse" in this case is the inner circle of the Nixon Administration. That is why I accurately stated that John Erhlichman's statement is a quote from the "horse's" mouth.

2. When a top Nixon aide comes out and confesses his political sins, who am I to dispute his veracity. I am merely the messenger...believe what you want but the known results of that "war on drugs" are consistent with what Erhlicman said.

3. Yes, I believe Erhlichman. He had no good reason to lie and he was right in the middle formulating that strategy. But now we know that the impetus of that plan struck Blacks the hardest since their neighborhoods and vehicles were targeted more...even though Whites and Blacks are still using drugs at the same rates.

One thing to consider here is the impact Asset Forfeiture laws had on the Black community. Blacks driving nice cars or living in nice homes became targets even though they had no ties to criminal activity. Corrupt cops could easily plant dope just to be able to confiscate a person's vehicle or house. And anyone caught carrying large amounts of cash could have it confiscated without any charges being filed...the cash being evidence that something illegal had taken place. This kind of wealth redistribution, from the Black community to law enforcement coffers, was in full force and is now being considered for expansion under federal law, making it a national mandate that can be used by any tier of government anywhere in the USA.

1. Nixon's policies and history on Civil Rights trumps what some aide claims.

2. When he is claiming that Nixon was behind getting people to associate hippy with grass? Yes.

3. Who said he didn't have a reason to lie?
KING: Why the ‘War on Drugs’ is really a war on black people

The war on drugs has been a total failure but the war on black people is still going strong.

Actually, the "war on drugs" is a war on civil liberties. Blacks get caught up more often than others because of their socioeconomic situation, but the whole war on drugs crap is merely a cause celebre to destroy the civil rights of US citizens and make money for the elite. The sooner we come to our collective senses and decriminalize ALL drugs, the better.
No, the "war on drugs" was a strategy spawned in the mind of Richard M. Nixon to disrupt the lives of those he perceived
as enemies. Namely, anti-Vietnam protestors and more specifically , Blacks.

From the horse's mouth>> John Erhlichman :

“You want to know what this was really all about?” he asked with the bluntness of a man who, after public disgrace and a stretch in federal prison, had little left to protect. “The Nixon campaign in 1968, and the Nixon White House after that, had two enemies: the antiwar left and black people. You understand what I’m saying? We knew we couldn’t make it illegal to be either against the war or black, but by getting the public to associate the hippies with marijuana and blacks with heroin, and then criminalizing both heavily, we could disrupt those communities. We could arrest their leaders, raid their homes, break up their meetings, and vilify them night after night on the evening news. Did we know we were lying about the drugs? Of course we did.”

Nixon Aide Reportedly Admitted Drug War Was Meant To Target Black People

Actually the "horse's mouth" would have been a Nixon quote.

Nixon was the enemy of black people? That's a load of crap.

The GOP is responsible for the association of hippies with drugs? REally?

1. The "horse" in this case is the inner circle of the Nixon Administration. That is why I accurately stated that John Erhlichman's statement is a quote from the "horse's" mouth.

2. When a top Nixon aide comes out and confesses his political sins, who am I to dispute his veracity. I am merely the messenger...believe what you want but the known results of that "war on drugs" are consistent with what Erhlicman said.

3. Yes, I believe Erhlichman. He had no good reason to lie and he was right in the middle formulating that strategy. But now we know that the impetus of that plan struck Blacks the hardest since their neighborhoods and vehicles were targeted more...even though Whites and Blacks are still using drugs at the same rates.

One thing to consider here is the impact Asset Forfeiture laws had on the Black community. Blacks driving nice cars or living in nice homes became targets even though they had no ties to criminal activity. Corrupt cops could easily plant dope just to be able to confiscate a person's vehicle or house. And anyone caught carrying large amounts of cash could have it confiscated without any charges being filed...the cash being evidence that something illegal had taken place. This kind of wealth redistribution, from the Black community to law enforcement coffers, was in full force and is now being considered for expansion under federal law, making it a national mandate that can be used by any tier of government anywhere in the USA.
Corral thinks he is good at convincing people to believe him. If that doesnt work he just acts silly until you ignore him.
I don't do drugs. I do however see the innocent people murdered, who would not be, if there was no profit to be made by illegal drug sales. It's as simple as that. I am sick and tired of seeing young children killed by assholes in drive by shootings. They wouldn't be killed if the drugs were legal.

You're leaving out the part where the dope head needs a fix and has no money.
In a world where drugs are decriminalized, the addict would be just another sick person in need of treatment for his dependency. He could seek get "seed" or "weed' stamp prescriptions from any competent medical authority and be admitted to rehabilitation without criminal charges being attached just as alcoholics do now!

You're leaving out the hard drug users who will rob and steal to get high and have no intention of quitting.
When the drug of choice is no longer profitable for drug dealers, the only recourse for them is to go to a legitimate venue where their addiction can then be assessed and dealt with responsibly.

So what profession do you think drug kingpins and the local dealers will take up when they can no longer make money selling drugs?

Here is a clue:

Chicago Gang Members Trade the Streets for City Hall / Former hooligans running for office
KING: Why the ‘War on Drugs’ is really a war on black people

The war on drugs has been a total failure but the war on black people is still going strong.

Actually, the "war on drugs" is a war on civil liberties. Blacks get caught up more often than others because of their socioeconomic situation, but the whole war on drugs crap is merely a cause celebre to destroy the civil rights of US citizens and make money for the elite. The sooner we come to our collective senses and decriminalize ALL drugs, the better.
No, the "war on drugs" was a strategy spawned in the mind of Richard M. Nixon to disrupt the lives of those he perceived
as enemies. Namely, anti-Vietnam protestors and more specifically , Blacks.

From the horse's mouth>> John Erhlichman :

“You want to know what this was really all about?” he asked with the bluntness of a man who, after public disgrace and a stretch in federal prison, had little left to protect. “The Nixon campaign in 1968, and the Nixon White House after that, had two enemies: the antiwar left and black people. You understand what I’m saying? We knew we couldn’t make it illegal to be either against the war or black, but by getting the public to associate the hippies with marijuana and blacks with heroin, and then criminalizing both heavily, we could disrupt those communities. We could arrest their leaders, raid their homes, break up their meetings, and vilify them night after night on the evening news. Did we know we were lying about the drugs? Of course we did.”

Nixon Aide Reportedly Admitted Drug War Was Meant To Target Black People

Actually the "horse's mouth" would have been a Nixon quote.

Nixon was the enemy of black people? That's a load of crap.

The GOP is responsible for the association of hippies with drugs? REally?

1. The "horse" in this case is the inner circle of the Nixon Administration. That is why I accurately stated that John Erhlichman's statement is a quote from the "horse's" mouth.

2. When a top Nixon aide comes out and confesses his political sins, who am I to dispute his veracity. I am merely the messenger...believe what you want but the known results of that "war on drugs" are consistent with what Erhlicman said.

3. Yes, I believe Erhlichman. He had no good reason to lie and he was right in the middle formulating that strategy. But now we know that the impetus of that plan struck Blacks the hardest since their neighborhoods and vehicles were targeted more...even though Whites and Blacks are still using drugs at the same rates.

One thing to consider here is the impact Asset Forfeiture laws had on the Black community. Blacks driving nice cars or living in nice homes became targets even though they had no ties to criminal activity. Corrupt cops could easily plant dope just to be able to confiscate a person's vehicle or house. And anyone caught carrying large amounts of cash could have it confiscated without any charges being filed...the cash being evidence that something illegal had taken place. This kind of wealth redistribution, from the Black community to law enforcement coffers, was in full force and is now being considered for expansion under federal law, making it a national mandate that can be used by any tier of government anywhere in the USA.

1. Nixon's policies and history on Civil Rights trumps what some aide claims.

2. When he is claiming that Nixon was behind getting people to associate hippy with grass? Yes.

3. Who said he didn't have a reason to lie?

1.Nixon's policy and history on civil rights was just as anemic as any other presidents with the exception of that old racist LBJ.

2. Well, I will take Erlichman's word over yours any day. He was right there talking face to face with Nixon...Where were YOU?

3. The evening news verifies what Erhlichman said nightly. Even you cannot deny that!

4. I noticed you ignored the asset Forfeiture narrative... that might have been wise...heh heh heh!
You're leaving out the part where the dope head needs a fix and has no money.
In a world where drugs are decriminalized, the addict would be just another sick person in need of treatment for his dependency. He could seek get "seed" or "weed' stamp prescriptions from any competent medical authority and be admitted to rehabilitation without criminal charges being attached just as alcoholics do now!

You're leaving out the hard drug users who will rob and steal to get high and have no intention of quitting.
When the drug of choice is no longer profitable for drug dealers, the only recourse for them is to go to a legitimate venue where their addiction can then be assessed and dealt with responsibly.

So what profession do you think drug kingpins and the local dealers will take up when they can no longer make money selling drugs?

Here is a clue:

Chicago Gang Members Trade the Streets for City Hall / Former hooligans running for office

Now thats some funny shit right there!!!:lmao:
Just what we need,some more community activists with the brains of a turnip.
In a world where drugs are decriminalized, the addict would be just another sick person in need of treatment for his dependency. He could seek get "seed" or "weed' stamp prescriptions from any competent medical authority and be admitted to rehabilitation without criminal charges being attached just as alcoholics do now!

You're leaving out the hard drug users who will rob and steal to get high and have no intention of quitting.
When the drug of choice is no longer profitable for drug dealers, the only recourse for them is to go to a legitimate venue where their addiction can then be assessed and dealt with responsibly.

So what profession do you think drug kingpins and the local dealers will take up when they can no longer make money selling drugs?

Here is a clue:

Chicago Gang Members Trade the Streets for City Hall / Former hooligans running for office

Now thats some funny shit right there!!!:lmao:
Just what we need,some more community activists with the brains of a turnip.
With vegetables like you uprooted the world would be a better place to grow more nutritious crops. These former gang bangers aren't mere community organizers...they are running for city offices where they can make policy and change things like those former Mafioso did when THEY went legit.
We have problem areas in America and they're all black. Even poor white places don't have the same violent crime rates as these places.

You should be ashamed. Whites have had all the power in this nation and you're comparing the whites to blacks? "Hey whites are doing somewhat better than the people they legally oppressed for centuries so, thats something"

Whites are afraid that after all that oppression they still havent convinced us of their white supremacy myth. They have to take us out along several fronts and then still cross their fingers.
Dude I feel sooo bad when I say mean things about black people. One thing I like is when you put me in check when I'm wrong. And I'm just telling you how I and a lot of white people feel when we see black people who come out to where we live and can't act right. I know it's not on you they don't represent you. And I really just want to fix this. I want companies hiring more black people. So I give advice like go to school and learn how to speak. Clearly I'm not talking about you. You're obviously intelligent and articulate.

So forgive me when I'm being ignorant. But I'm also going to challenge you because I think half the black communities problem is their own doing. I know it's our fault that the hoods are bad to begin with but why don't black people take any advice from Ben carson or Herman Cain?

I didn't say vote for them but some of their advice is good, no?
You're leaving out the part where the dope head needs a fix and has no money.
In a world where drugs are decriminalized, the addict would be just another sick person in need of treatment for his dependency. He could seek get "seed" or "weed' stamp prescriptions from any competent medical authority and be admitted to rehabilitation without criminal charges being attached just as alcoholics do now!

You're leaving out the hard drug users who will rob and steal to get high and have no intention of quitting.
When the drug of choice is no longer profitable for drug dealers, the only recourse for them is to go to a legitimate venue where their addiction can then be assessed and dealt with responsibly.

So what profession do you think drug kingpins and the local dealers will take up when they can no longer make money selling drugs?
Whatever they want. Most of the Black drug dealers I know would make excellent business men due to their drive and ambition.
I had a black coke dealer buddy. He said he just could never work 9-5. Never. He had two kids and his dumb old lady put up with so much from him.

I used to say all bad people come from broken homes but he had two successful parents. They didn't grow up in the hood. They lived in the same sub as coach Chuck Daly. I honestly think this gangsta rap culture that turns a lot of whites into wiggers got him and his brother. His bro went to msu even but got addicted to drugs.

But I'll be honest I wasn't an angel.

Anyways, this buddy of mine tried robbing a bank. Got out in less than ten. I wonder if he's working a 9-5 yet?
We have problem areas in America and they're all black. Even poor white places don't have the same violent crime rates as these places.

You should be ashamed. Whites have had all the power in this nation and you're comparing the whites to blacks? "Hey whites are doing somewhat better than the people they legally oppressed for centuries so, thats something"

Do you want the black community to improve? Then stop comparing them to our worst communities and suggest that there isn't anything they could be doing better.

I know Ben carson is right about black parents in the Detroit public schools because I went there myself. It's a nightmare.

Step one, don't have kids if you don't plan on raising them right.

If you have kids demand they take school seriously.

There is very little the schools can do for a bad kid with bad parents. They end up passing many kids who never learned a thing. The teachers are babysitters. Overcrowded classrooms.

It seems to me I wouldn't have children in a place like this.

Who is to blame for the kid who has a kid next year? We need to stop having so many poor uneducated children having children
We have problem areas in America and they're all black. Even poor white places don't have the same violent crime rates as these places.

You should be ashamed. Whites have had all the power in this nation and you're comparing the whites to blacks? "Hey whites are doing somewhat better than the people they legally oppressed for centuries so, thats something"

Whites are afraid that after all that oppression they still havent convinced us of their white supremacy myth. They have to take us out along several fronts and then still cross their fingers.
I just read an article on facebook and it was like you wrote it. Google what white folk in the hood get wrong. Columbia professor Dr Emden said there are too many white teachers teaching in urban schools. I agree. I also think blacks should police their own communities too
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