The War On Christmas.

that snow globe is a new one on me------was it made in
a prison in china?. Are you sure that the old man with the
beard is santa? Maybe he is one of the wise guys from
the ORIENT----who followed yonder star
LOL You're in denial, dear.

denial of what? the three wise guys from orient-----is my fave Christmas story.
The story provides a boost to the beleaguered Parsees of the world------some day
when I run into a parsee-------I am going to ask if the story is known to them
As a kid, the three wise men were my favorite figures in the manger scene (besides the animals) because they had the best clothes, and CROWNS, no less. I'm a sucker for crowns.

I like the MAGIC element-----sometimes they are called MAGICIANS----
-----well "magi" too----- ??? whatevah that means. ----- "following stars"
has all kinds of fantastical elements
They were IRANIANS! Christmas is just some liberal namby pamby love fest keeping us from our sacred duty to rid the world of terrorism. Dick Cheney

They were PARSEES --------Iranians are not parsees (as the words came to
be defined) Iranians proudly style themselves IRANIANS because they consider themselves to be ARYANS------(like adolf) -------PARSEES now reside in Mumbai
and---to some extent in Israel. They went to Mumbai for the same reason that lots of jews went there------it is a port city that was not controlled by muslims. They, very recently, went to Israel for the same reason.
I just love it when Santa holds the baby Jesus, in the manger scene, with dollar signs in his eyes. (Santa's not the baby Jesus)

I never saw such a decoration-------I have not even seen a decoration in which one of the WISE GUYS takes Baby Jesus into his arms. In fact-----as far as I know----
from many trysts in art museums-----that even JOSEPH did much on hands care of
Baby Jesus-------He was always in the arms of Mary. I have never seen Santa depicted as being IN THE MANGER scene. You must have Santa confused with a goat

Where you been, Rosie?


(Equal to A-men)
It's funny. My parents grew up during the Depression, so I got a ridiculous abundance of gifts to compensate for their disappointment as kids. I love it too, but not for the gifts. They are such a minor part of it, except the excitement I always feel when I've found the absolute PERFECT gift for someone and I can't wait for them to open it.
Capitalism and greed and all that shit only defeats Christmas if you let it have a bunch of space in your heart.

I applaud your giving spirit.
LOL You're in denial, dear.

denial of what? the three wise guys from orient-----is my fave Christmas story.
The story provides a boost to the beleaguered Parsees of the world------some day
when I run into a parsee-------I am going to ask if the story is known to them
As a kid, the three wise men were my favorite figures in the manger scene (besides the animals) because they had the best clothes, and CROWNS, no less. I'm a sucker for crowns.

I like the MAGIC element-----sometimes they are called MAGICIANS----
-----well "magi" too----- ??? whatevah that means. ----- "following stars"
has all kinds of fantastical elements
They were IRANIANS! Christmas is just some liberal namby pamby love fest keeping us from our sacred duty to rid the world of terrorism. Dick Cheney

They were PARSEES --------Iranians are not parsees (as the words came to
be defined) Iranians proudly style themselves IRANIANS because they consider themselves to be ARYANS------(like adolf) -------PARSEES now reside in Mumbai
and---to some extent in Israel. They went to Mumbai for the same reason that lots of jews went there------it is a port city that was not controlled by muslims. They, very recently, went to Israel for the same reason.
Persians Zoroastrians Iranians ... all LIBERAL names for Terrorists (-:

denial of what? the three wise guys from orient-----is my fave Christmas story.
The story provides a boost to the beleaguered Parsees of the world------some day
when I run into a parsee-------I am going to ask if the story is known to them
As a kid, the three wise men were my favorite figures in the manger scene (besides the animals) because they had the best clothes, and CROWNS, no less. I'm a sucker for crowns.

I like the MAGIC element-----sometimes they are called MAGICIANS----
-----well "magi" too----- ??? whatevah that means. ----- "following stars"
has all kinds of fantastical elements
They were IRANIANS! Christmas is just some liberal namby pamby love fest keeping us from our sacred duty to rid the world of terrorism. Dick Cheney

They were PARSEES --------Iranians are not parsees (as the words came to
be defined) Iranians proudly style themselves IRANIANS because they consider themselves to be ARYANS------(like adolf) -------PARSEES now reside in Mumbai
and---to some extent in Israel. They went to Mumbai for the same reason that lots of jews went there------it is a port city that was not controlled by muslims. They, very recently, went to Israel for the same reason.
Persians Zoroastrians Iranians ... all LIBERAL names for Terrorists (-:
As a kid, the three wise men were my favorite figures in the manger scene (besides the animals) because they had the best clothes, and CROWNS, no less. I'm a sucker for crowns.

I like the MAGIC element-----sometimes they are called MAGICIANS----
-----well "magi" too----- ??? whatevah that means. ----- "following stars"
has all kinds of fantastical elements
They were IRANIANS! Christmas is just some liberal namby pamby love fest keeping us from our sacred duty to rid the world of terrorism. Dick Cheney

They were PARSEES --------Iranians are not parsees (as the words came to
be defined) Iranians proudly style themselves IRANIANS because they consider themselves to be ARYANS------(like adolf) -------PARSEES now reside in Mumbai
and---to some extent in Israel. They went to Mumbai for the same reason that lots of jews went there------it is a port city that was not controlled by muslims. They, very recently, went to Israel for the same reason.
Persians Zoroastrians Iranians ... all LIBERAL names for Terrorists (-:

I have NEVAH encountered a violent Parsee. Historically the PERSIANS were
scary warriors------but as a beleaguered minority------they sseess
Well dont celebrate it and take the off of work
Exactly. People who disparage Christmas should practice what they preach and not celebrate or participate in the holiday PTO.

BUT shut their yap and leave everyone else alone.
I like the MAGIC element-----sometimes they are called MAGICIANS----
-----well "magi" too----- ??? whatevah that means. ----- "following stars"
has all kinds of fantastical elements
They were IRANIANS! Christmas is just some liberal namby pamby love fest keeping us from our sacred duty to rid the world of terrorism. Dick Cheney

They were PARSEES --------Iranians are not parsees (as the words came to
be defined) Iranians proudly style themselves IRANIANS because they consider themselves to be ARYANS------(like adolf) -------PARSEES now reside in Mumbai
and---to some extent in Israel. They went to Mumbai for the same reason that lots of jews went there------it is a port city that was not controlled by muslims. They, very recently, went to Israel for the same reason.
Persians Zoroastrians Iranians ... all LIBERAL names for Terrorists (-:

I have NEVAH encountered a violent Parsee. Historically the PERSIANS were
scary warriors------but as a beleaguered minority------they sseess
Everyone wants to go to Bagdad. Real men go to Tehran. No namby pamby liberal Christian holiday is getting in the way! We're gonna bomb em back to the stone age! (-:
You know, the only place I have ever really seen it is on TV. Sure, someone will get offended about anything, but come on, really ? To me it seems like a good tool to control the plebs and keep everyone at each others throats. This has been a disturbing trend since around 2000 when Foux news came into the picture in a big way and the 24/7 news cycle became normal. Am i just missing it or is Christmas really under attack ?
Christmas is really under attack..... There are many corporate entities now that will not allow even privately owned entities that sell their products do Christmas unless it is totally sanitized of the Christ portion.

Christ was "sanitized" from Christmas the day the first Christmas sale was invented, and the deal was sealed with the first black Friday. Christ was out of Christmas way before Bill O'Riely and Foux news came along.
You know, the only place I have ever really seen it is on TV. Sure, someone will get offended about anything, but come on, really ? To me it seems like a good tool to control the plebs and keep everyone at each others throats. This has been a disturbing trend since around 2000 when Foux news came into the picture in a big way and the 24/7 news cycle became normal. Am i just missing it or is Christmas really under attack ?
Oh? So was that fake news about the ACLU suing the Wisconsin town over their Christmas tree? Because some snowflake was irreparably damaged from seeing a cross on a Christmas tree? Yeah! Right!
You should have seen the outrage by the Right when Obama celebrated his first Christmas in the White House with 26 CHRISTMAS TREES! They couldn't bleev the waste.

Boy, were they pissed.

The "war on Christmas" meme is a joke. Don't be a piss drinking member of the herd, tard.
You know, the only place I have ever really seen it is on TV. Sure, someone will get offended about anything, but come on, really ? To me it seems like a good tool to control the plebs and keep everyone at each others throats. This has been a disturbing trend since around 2000 when Foux news came into the picture in a big way and the 24/7 news cycle became normal. Am i just missing it or is Christmas really under attack ?
Oh? So was that fake news about the ACLU suing the Wisconsin town over their Christmas tree? Because some snowflake was irreparably damaged from seeing a cross on a Christmas tree? Yeah! Right!
Govts should cut taxes instead of wasting money on Christmas decorations so that people can buy more stuff! (-:

Better yet, cut every Government employees holly day pay they dont work on for starters. Turn off all the unneeded electricity , ground air force one and make any employee who uses a government owned vehicle during personal time or on days that they take off for holidays pay for the gas they use? That would go a long way towards saving tax payers money.
The war on Christmas was lost with Trump's election. Same applies to all wars against American traditionalism and normal behavior. Find your safe space somewhere else liberals. I hear ISIS is hiring.
Well dont celebrate it and take the off of work
Exactly. People who disparage Christmas should practice what they preach and not celebrate or participate in the holiday PTO.

BUT shut their yap and leave everyone else alone.

It is a time of joy because the sun ends it's trek north and begins it's journey back to the south where it will warm our asses back up.

You want to celebrate it because your mythology tells you your God/Savior was born of a human mother this day, I'm okay with that too.
Frankly I couldn't give a shit( I do sell them by request) about the holiday.. But you all have a good time..
Well dont celebrate it and take the off of work
Exactly. People who disparage Christmas should practice what they preach and not celebrate or participate in the holiday PTO.

BUT shut their yap and leave everyone else alone.

It is a time of joy because the sun ends it's trek north and begins it's journey back to the south where it will warm our asses back up.

You want to celebrate it because your mythology tells you your God/Savior was born of a human mother this day, I'm okay with that too.
Create your own holiday the fake Kwanza... which was created in the 70's.

Just don't be taking advantage of anything " Christmas" related including the date,PTO etc...otherwise you are a hypocrite and can't be taken seriously.
Well dont celebrate it and take the off of work
Exactly. People who disparage Christmas should practice what they preach and not celebrate or participate in the holiday PTO.

BUT shut their yap and leave everyone else alone.

It is a time of joy because the sun ends it's trek north and begins it's journey back to the south where it will warm our asses back up.

You want to celebrate it because your mythology tells you your God/Savior was born of a human mother this day, I'm okay with that too.
Create your own holiday the fake Kwanza... which was created in the 70's.

Just don't be taking advantage of anything " Christmas" related including the date,PTO etc...otherwise you are a hypocrite and can't be taken seriously.

Worship of the Sun predates worship of the Christ/God/Spirit. You co-opted their Winter Solstice celebration.
Well dont celebrate it and take the off of work
Exactly. People who disparage Christmas should practice what they preach and not celebrate or participate in the holiday PTO.

BUT shut their yap and leave everyone else alone.

It is a time of joy because the sun ends it's trek north and begins it's journey back to the south where it will warm our asses back up.

You want to celebrate it because your mythology tells you your God/Savior was born of a human mother this day, I'm okay with that too.
Create your own holiday the fake Kwanza... which was created in the 70's.

Just don't be taking advantage of anything " Christmas" related including the date,PTO etc...otherwise you are a hypocrite and can't be taken seriously.

Worship of the Sun predates worship of the Christ/God/Spirit. You co-opted their Winter Solstice celebration.

Actually Costantine set that festival as Christmas. He converted and took over their big holiday.
Baby Jesus is going to cry, and you are going to hell if you don't go out and buy stuff. I mean a LOT of stuff. It is the Christian thing to do.
So what food pantry are you volunteering at for the holidays?

I haven't the slightest idea what point you are trying to make with that post. I don't "do" Christmas or Thanksgiving at all. I don't send cards, buy presents, attend family gatherings, or spend the day weeping for the poor. My charitable work is performed 52 weeks per year, and has absolutely nothing to do with making sure that Walmart has a merry christmas.

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