The War On Everyday Americans: Why Jobs Are Disappearing, & why universal basic income is our future

America is starting 100,000 fewer businesses per year than it was 10 years ago.

technology is threatening even white-collar jobs now. we're doomed even if we don't wake up!
5 banks control 50 percent of the wealth in America. too big to fail...or too big to exist?!
a UBI would be cheaper and more effective than what we do now, economically. If you take the total amount we spend on anti-poverty programs and divide by the number of poor people, there should be no poor people!

Poor people aren’t lazy, they’re trapped in the current system. A UBI is not contingent on staying poor, so it would both lift people out of poverty and flatten out the benefits cliff. Of course, this means that the new UBI would be instead of existing programs, rather than a supplement, and not everyone agrees with that.

Finally, there is crude "realpolitik." Plenty of very wealthy people already live in the US, and the new economy is likely to create inequality on steroids. In a democracy, the poor and middle class have many tools to “negotiate” redistribution at gunpoint.

No. Personal responsibility is the foundation of both our nation and adulthood. The only negotiating to be done at gunpoint is socio-communist revolution--which is not a movement for the People, but rather for the elite party class. The responsibility to fail or succeed is the greatest gift a government can bestow.
America is starting 100,000 fewer businesses per year than it was 10 years ago.

technology is threatening even white-collar jobs now. we're doomed even if we don't wake up!
1. Unemployment is lowest it's been in years. Recently was at 3.8%. What on earth are you talking about ?

2. Get rid of 8 million illegal aliens with jobs in US. Instant 8 million new jobs. :biggrin:
Well statistically, the nation is currently at 'Full Employment.' So folks do have jobs. The real question is, are they good jobs? And sadly, the answer for the most part, is no. The Globalists in both Parties shipped the good jobs out of the country years ago.

Outsourcing for slave labor and their Open Borders Agenda, has led to wages being reduced dramatically. If folks wanna change anything in this country, they'll have to dump the Globalists. They'll have to recognize they've been sold out. They need to take their country back.
jobs are going away because of automation RIGHT NOW, not 15 years from now, right now. we need something there to fill in that void. it doesnt have to be universal basic income, but we need something there.
i foresee an automation tsunami that will leave millions of Americans stranded. WAKE UP AMERICA BEFORE IT'S TOO LATE!
retail workers will become economically stranded very soon, just like manufacturing workers were destroyed before them. mark my words. there is no hope for america!

malls like Macy's and Sears will fail or struggle to stay open
a UBI would be cheaper and more effective than what we do now, economically. If you take the total amount we spend on anti-poverty programs and divide by the number of poor people, there should be no poor people!

Poor people aren’t lazy, they’re trapped in the current system. A UBI is not contingent on staying poor, so it would both lift people out of poverty and flatten out the benefits cliff. Of course, this means that the new UBI would be instead of existing programs, rather than a supplement, and not everyone agrees with that.

Finally, there is crude "realpolitik." Plenty of very wealthy people already live in the US, and the new economy is likely to create inequality on steroids. In a democracy, the poor and middle class have many tools to “negotiate” redistribution at gunpoint.

Poor people are lazy and blue state poor people are stupid as hell by voting away their jobs

retail workers will become economically stranded very soon, just like manufacturing workers were destroyed before them. mark my words. there is no hope for america!

malls like Macy's and Sears will fail or struggle to stay open

We're number two in manufacturing..just because you voted away your job doesn't mean manufacturing jobs dont exist elsewhere ... jobs still a plenty
since 2001, the US has lost 24K coal jobs & 238 journalism jobs, but coal jobs are actually useful!
Sorry bout that,

  1. No, this must be thrown out, its UnAmerican.
  2. Work or don't eat.
  3. Make a stand or get into an early grave.
  4. Learn, explore, discover.
  5. Not hide in front of a computer.
  6. That's not LIFE!

It's practical and given enough time it will be necessary.
So you base your theory on the nation getting worse and worse along moral boundary lines, because that is exactly what's causing the whole problem today. What about this for an idea, just go back and fix the moral fences that have been broken down.
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retail workers will become economically stranded very soon, just like manufacturing workers were destroyed before them. mark my words. there is no hope for america!

malls like Macy's and Sears will fail or struggle to stay open
Yeah, yeah, yeah, and that will be the biggest mistake this nation will have ever made. Greed is going to be the downfall of this nation big time. Right now there is tons and tons of work needing done that hasn't been done, ain't being done, and has went dormant over the longest greed period in history maybe.

Those jobs are just sitting there waiting to be re-ignited, filled, and then we're off to the races again.

You can see the jobs not being filled, and the work going absent, and the complaints about the shortage of workers going on and on and on in this country. But on the internet, and in the hands of the spin mysters, you would think that the sky is falling now. LOL

It doesn't have to be this way people, and you know it. Start hiring, and re-instate the job losses that shouldn't have been lost in the first place. Just look around, and you can see in the many job sectors all the jobs needing to be filled along with the work to be done.
Wait till you order on line, get the product, and then parts are missing or the scale of the product is wrong, it's defected, the return of the product takes an act of Congress to get done, and so you give up with nothing left to do feeling defeated. Talk about being controlled.. Wow.

What are you people asking for or being brainwashed into believing now ??
I believe that most of what we consider entry level positions will be replaced in the years to come by tech.

That said, I think we will see a lot of new jobs and new industries as well. Many of these jobs will probably be pretty technical. So, I think a big question down the road will revolve around the aptitude of the workforce. Will a person of average intelligence be able to effectively learn these new occupations? Let's use the medical field as an example. There is always a need for new doctors. Out of a typical 1,000 person high school graduating class, how many have the smarts to graduate medical school if that is what they chose to do? There is great money and growth potential in the medical field, but many people can't master it. I know that I couldn't. That is an extreme example. But, I think a lot future jobs will require high levels of computer science, math and science that most college students today never touch.
I believe that most of what we consider entry level positions will be replaced in the years to come by tech.

That said, I think we will see a lot of new jobs and new industries as well. Many of these jobs will probably be pretty technical. So, I think a big question down the road will revolve around the aptitude of the workforce. Will a person of average intelligence be able to effectively learn these new occupations? Let's use the medical field as an example. There is always a need for new doctors. Out of a typical 1,000 person high school graduating class, how many have the smarts to graduate medical school if that is what they chose to do? There is great money and growth potential in the medical field, but many people can't master it. I know that I couldn't. That is an extreme example. But, I think a lot future jobs will require high levels of computer science, math and science that most college students today never touch.
You underestimate God's injecting wisdom, intellect, character, and ability into human beings from the time before birth and afterwards. The human being is the most adapt creature in the world. If something is complicated or technical, then human beings know how to break those things down for the masses to understand, use, and learn. If you think that anything is left in it's raw complicated form, then I got some water front property in AZ to sell you.

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