The War On Everyday Americans: Why Jobs Are Disappearing, & why universal basic income is our future

"if we're not good for work, is work good for us???" - Voltaire

actually Ralph Catalano said that

"oh you hate your job? let's meet at the bar" - Drew Carey
a UBI would be cheaper and more effective than what we do now, economically. If you take the total amount we spend on anti-poverty programs and divide by the number of poor people, there should be no poor people!

Poor people aren’t lazy, they’re trapped in the current system. A UBI is not contingent on staying poor, so it would both lift people out of poverty and flatten out the benefits cliff. Of course, this means that the new UBI would be instead of existing programs, rather than a supplement, and not everyone agrees with that.

Finally, there is crude "realpolitik." Plenty of very wealthy people already live in the US, and the new economy is likely to create inequality on steroids. In a democracy, the poor and middle class have many tools to “negotiate” redistribution at gunpoint.
How did afford the technology you are using to post this thread?
"work is the refuge of folks who have nothing better to do" - Oscar Wilde

i inserted "Folks" instead of "people" to make the phrase sound more folksy

Hilarious. I've been talking about automation for years on the USMB and the white wingers laugh and laugh.

If so many jobs are gone, then why are there over 6 million unfilled jobs? Duh! No, DOUBLE DUH!

Time to halt the growing ‘skills gap’ leaving middle-class jobs unfilled

According to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, there are now more jobs available — 6.7 million — than unemployed Americans seeking jobs, which stands at 6.3 million. Among other factors, this evidences the reality that there are insufficient numbers of qualified job seekers for the available positions in the workforce.


So many of the unemployed are Republicans. Why? Because their sorry a$$e$ believe college and higher education is BAD for America. No really, these idiots actually believe that nonsense.
That's why Republicans are crippling an entire generation of white Republicans.
a UBI would be cheaper and more effective than what we do now, economically. If you take the total amount we spend on anti-poverty programs and divide by the number of poor people, there should be no poor people!

Poor people aren’t lazy, they’re trapped in the current system. A UBI is not contingent on staying poor, so it would both lift people out of poverty and flatten out the benefits cliff. Of course, this means that the new UBI would be instead of existing programs, rather than a supplement, and not everyone agrees with that.

Finally, there is crude "realpolitik." Plenty of very wealthy people already live in the US, and the new economy is likely to create inequality on steroids. In a democracy, the poor and middle class have many tools to “negotiate” redistribution at gunpoint.
Analysis | Trump's first-year jobs numbers were very, very good
the unemployment rate is a scam. if a college graduate is employed as a barista, that's not a job, unless you're lying to yourself

look at it this way: if you're at a party and you're not enjoying yourself at the party, are you really there?
the unemployment rate is a scam. if a college graduate is employed as a barista, that's not a job, unless you're lying to yourself

look at it this way: if you're at a party and you're not enjoying yourself at the party, are you really there?
Funny stuff, but I agree numbers are manipulated. Obama counted temporary census workers as fully employed. Stop whining about people trying to improve their personal situation.
i call my student loans my mistress, because it feels like i send a check to support another family in another town
Only angry incoherent lefties can complain that "jobs are disappearing" when unemployment is at a historic low. That's what tariffs are about, bringing jobs back but the crazy left would rather whine during republican administrations..

IT COULD WORK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
we are quickly transitioning from the land of plenty to the land of "you get yours, i get mine"
my has the world changed.

back in the day you needed a strong back and a weak mind to get a job, now you need a strong mind and a weak back.
a UBI would be cheaper and more effective than what we do now, economically. If you take the total amount we spend on anti-poverty programs and divide by the number of poor people, there should be no poor people!

Poor people aren’t lazy, they’re trapped in the current system. A UBI is not contingent on staying poor, so it would both lift people out of poverty and flatten out the benefits cliff. Of course, this means that the new UBI would be instead of existing programs, rather than a supplement, and not everyone agrees with that.

Finally, there is crude "realpolitik." Plenty of very wealthy people already live in the US, and the new economy is likely to create inequality on steroids. In a democracy, the poor and middle class have many tools to “negotiate” redistribution at gunpoint.
Just return to what worked in the past (extract the good while leaving the bad behind), and quit living in this bubble of doom being created today. Are we just stupid today or what ?? Why are we stupid today ?? Who is making or forcing us to be stupid today ?? Is it globalism, greed, cultural decay, tribal warfare, diversity gone wrong, political correctness gone wrong, lifestyles gone wrong or what ???????

The trouble with that logic is that today, quite literally, our work is being replaced by machines at an enormous pace.

Obviously, in the past you speak of, that was not the case at all.
my dad was a tough guy.

he was blue-collar to the core.

sometimes he didn't come home because he worked two shifts.

my how far we've fallen!
our kids are obviously blessed to grow up in a free country where they dont have to worry about where their next meal will come from, but we have the opposite problem of an entitlement bred by this surplus.

if you live today, you breathe in nihilism!

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