The War On Everyday Americans: Why Jobs Are Disappearing, & why universal basic income is our future

Jobs aren't necessarily 'disappearing.' Statistically speaking, the country is currently at 'Full Employment.' So the jobs are there. The real question is, are they good jobs? And sadly, for the most part they aren't.

You can thank the Globalists in both Parties for that. Outsourcing for slave labor, terrible Trade Deals, and Open Borders, has decimated American Workers. If folks want real change, stop supporting Globalists. They've already sold Citizens out.
we need to bring back Glass-Steagall, folks!

bankers need to make a choice between low risk boring banking and high risk Wall Street-style investing. one or the other, but not both.

Wall Street is the financial equivalent of a lawless jungle. it needs a cop on the beat!
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to the privileged princes and corporate royalty running corporate america: i'm calling you out! read this thread and see how everyone in america is calling you out!
a UBI would be cheaper and more effective than what we do now, economically. If you take the total amount we spend on anti-poverty programs and divide by the number of poor people, there should be no poor people!

Poor people aren’t lazy, they’re trapped in the current system. A UBI is not contingent on staying poor, so it would both lift people out of poverty and flatten out the benefits cliff. Of course, this means that the new UBI would be instead of existing programs, rather than a supplement, and not everyone agrees with that.

Finally, there is crude "realpolitik." Plenty of very wealthy people already live in the US, and the new economy is likely to create inequality on steroids. In a democracy, the poor and middle class have many tools to “negotiate” redistribution at gunpoint.

^ Absolutely fucking completely batshit schizophrenic. No 2 posts are anything alike
a UBI would be cheaper and more effective than what we do now, economically. If you take the total amount we spend on anti-poverty programs and divide by the number of poor people, there should be no poor people!

Poor people aren’t lazy, they’re trapped in the current system. A UBI is not contingent on staying poor, so it would both lift people out of poverty and flatten out the benefits cliff. Of course, this means that the new UBI would be instead of existing programs, rather than a supplement, and not everyone agrees with that.

Finally, there is crude "realpolitik." Plenty of very wealthy people already live in the US, and the new economy is likely to create inequality on steroids. In a democracy, the poor and middle class have many tools to “negotiate” redistribution at gunpoint.

^ Absolutely fucking completely batshit schizophrenic. No 2 posts are anything alike
i like eye-catching statements. i'm consistent in that respect.

i'm an economic populist, but strongly conservative on immigration. how more consistent can you be?
a UBI would be cheaper and more effective than what we do now, economically. If you take the total amount we spend on anti-poverty programs and divide by the number of poor people, there should be no poor people!

Poor people aren’t lazy, they’re trapped in the current system. A UBI is not contingent on staying poor, so it would both lift people out of poverty and flatten out the benefits cliff. Of course, this means that the new UBI would be instead of existing programs, rather than a supplement, and not everyone agrees with that.

Finally, there is crude "realpolitik." Plenty of very wealthy people already live in the US, and the new economy is likely to create inequality on steroids. In a democracy, the poor and middle class have many tools to “negotiate” redistribution at gunpoint.
Jobs aren't disappearing.
There are more jobs than there are people.

People don't want to work.

We currently have a very popular eatery here who can't find anybody to work full time in the kitchen! Nobody wants to work full time, not for minimum wage.

It's not a job shortage. It's a worker shortage. People aren't motivated to work hard because they get welfare.Illegals won't even do it...they are *self employed* and charge $35/hour (which they don't report or track) to clean houses.
folks are angry because they bust their ass and their income barely budges
It's just a matter of time before we move to the 30 hour work week.
a UBI would be cheaper and more effective than what we do now, economically. If you take the total amount we spend on anti-poverty programs and divide by the number of poor people, there should be no poor people!

Poor people aren’t lazy, they’re trapped in the current system. A UBI is not contingent on staying poor, so it would both lift people out of poverty and flatten out the benefits cliff. Of course, this means that the new UBI would be instead of existing programs, rather than a supplement, and not everyone agrees with that.

Finally, there is crude "realpolitik." Plenty of very wealthy people already live in the US, and the new economy is likely to create inequality on steroids. In a democracy, the poor and middle class have many tools to “negotiate” redistribution at gunpoint.
Jobs aren't disappearing.
There are more jobs than there are people.

People don't want to work.

We currently have a very popular eatery here who can't find anybody to work full time in the kitchen! Nobody wants to work full time, not for minimum wage.

It's not a job shortage. It's a worker shortage. People aren't motivated to work hard because they get welfare.Illegals won't even do it...they are *self employed* and charge $35/hour (which they don't report or track) to clean houses.
people are angry because they can't even count on the fundamentals like roads, bridges, safe water, reliable power...from our government.

this hard-won, raggedly built, infitely precious democracy of ours has been hijacked by the rich
for 40 years, worker's pay hasn't kept up with inflation. productivity has gone up. profits have gone up. executive have gotten raises. couldn't we at last come together to make sure that the folks who did some of the hardest, dirtiest work in the nation got at least a fightin chance to build a little security?
what i see are people who get up when its still dark outside, work all day, go to a second job in the evening, and then fold a pile of laundry late at night so that they can accomplish that one last thing before they fall into bed. they work as hard as they possibly can and still fall behind a little more everyday. i see lives that look nothing like those lived by billionaires in 18-thousand square foot condos, because they dont live in some fairy tale, they live in today's reality.
America is starting 100,000 fewer businesses per year than it was 10 years ago.

technology is threatening even white-collar jobs now. we're doomed even if we don't wake up!
1. Unemployment is lowest it's been in years. Recently was at 3.8%. What on earth are you talking about ?

2. Get rid of 8 million illegal aliens with jobs in US. Instant 8 million new jobs. :biggrin:
i'm happy about the unemployment rate. YAY! but i'm not drinking champagne. i'm hitting the alarm buttons. our once solid middle class is in mortal danger, and running out of time. these numbers Trump and his administration keep using paper over the fact that the American middle class is literally disappearing.

unemployment stats were more useful indicators when people were offered full-time jobs with benefits rather than some random hours at Walmart. they also mattered when the minimum wage kept folks out of poverty.

growth in GDP says something far more revealing about America back when that growth was widely shared.

stock prices better reflects the benefits for the middle class when more people saved and more companies invested in pensions for them

corporate profits meant a lot more when it wasnt a function of layoffs and moving jobs overseas.

consider a few facts, not so smiley-face facts about the economy:

1 in 4 Americans cant pay their bills on time.

half of Americans cant cover an unexpected expense of 400 bucks

a lower proportion of Americans own homes than at any time in the last 50 years

the typical man working full time today earns less now than in the 70s.

half of Americans describe themselves as "Struggling to get by" or "just getting by"

on and on and on it goes.

no wonder people talk fast and sometimes sound like they can barely breathe.
i'm happy about the unemployment rate. YAY! but i'm not drinking champagne. i'm hitting the alarm buttons. our once solid middle class is in mortal danger, and running out of time. these numbers Trump and his administration keep using paper over the fact that the American middle class is literally disappearing.

unemployment stats were more useful indicators when people were offered full-time jobs with benefits rather than some random hours at Walmart. they also mattered when the minimum wage kept folks out of poverty.

growth in GDP says something far more revealing about America back when that growth was widely shared.

stock prices better reflects the benefits for the middle class when more people saved and more companies invested in pensions for them

corporate profits meant a lot more when it wasnt a function of layoffs and moving jobs overseas.

consider a few facts, not so smiley-face facts about the economy:

1 in 4 Americans cant pay their bills on time.

half of Americans cant cover an unexpected expense of 400 bucks

a lower proportion of Americans own homes than at any time in the last 50 years

the typical man working full time today earns less now than in the 70s.

half of Americans describe themselves as "Struggling to get by" or "just getting by"

on and on and on it goes.

no wonder people talk fast and sometimes sound like they can barely breathe.
Things will always appear gloomy when you look at them through gloomy glasses. A lot of the things you're describing are after effects of the 2008 recession, which takes years to recover from across the board.

On the economy, in general, I've very pleased with the way Trump has got things working.
Jobs are disappearing? Dang, who knew?
Just good jobs going unfilled because we must save the rich... So we can't afford cheap education and Training....

Good jobs going unfilled to save the rich?? WTF kinda nonsense is that...oh, sorry, you're a fricken lib...never mind.
3 to 6 million good technical jobs are going begging because the GOP blocks cheap training and education for them, all to save the rich from paying taxes, dumbass.
3 to 6 million good technical jobs are going begging because the GOP blocks cheap training and education for them, all to save the rich from paying taxes, dumbass.
:link: :link: or are we just supposed to take this from you on faith ?

BTW, those links better not be from CNN, MSNBC, NYT,WP, or some other leftist propaganda mill.
a UBI would be cheaper and more effective than what we do now, economically. If you take the total amount we spend on anti-poverty programs and divide by the number of poor people, there should be no poor people!

Poor people aren’t lazy, they’re trapped in the current system. A UBI is not contingent on staying poor, so it would both lift people out of poverty and flatten out the benefits cliff. Of course, this means that the new UBI would be instead of existing programs, rather than a supplement, and not everyone agrees with that.

Finally, there is crude "realpolitik." Plenty of very wealthy people already live in the US, and the new economy is likely to create inequality on steroids. In a democracy, the poor and middle class have many tools to “negotiate” redistribution at gunpoint.
Just return to what worked in the past (extract the good while leaving the bad behind), and quit living in this bubble of doom being created today. Are we just stupid today or what ?? Why are we stupid today ?? Who is making or forcing us to be stupid today ?? Is it globalism, greed, cultural decay, tribal warfare, diversity gone wrong, political correctness gone wrong, lifestyles gone wrong or what ???????

The trouble with that logic is that today, quite literally, our work is being replaced by machines at an enormous pace.

Obviously, in the past you speak of, that was not the case at all.

People that think UBI isn't an obvious necessity for the future simply lack critical thinking skills. I think the main problem is they don't understand or they underestimate the extent to which AI will impact human labor of all kinds. If you think it's just burger flippers that will lose their jobs you're not thinking this through. Once general intelligence is built into machines it's only a matter of time until there's literally nothing a machine can't do better than a human.
Yes, been concerned and saying this for a while. Humans will become more and more useless. AI is and has been taking over and surpassing humanity. We know for instance AI or machines have all but completely taken over assembly lines. Not new there.

The next step, as AI takes over all menial jobs and then take over more crucial jobs, there will be a need to cull the herd.

In other words there will be another great plague or mass nuclear war. Something, to wipe out a gigantic number humans.

Don't doubt it. The globalists have been wiping out millions upon millions of Africans. Look up how DDT was the most effective defense against the spread of malaria in Africa. All of a sudden a fake study (proven fake) showed how DDT was so harmful to the environment. THEY banned the use, all of a sudden mosquitoes went back to spreading the deadly disease. Millions of Africans have died and continue to as a result of the banning of DDT which is not harmful to the environment.
s, been concerned and saying this for a while. Humans will become more and more useless. AI is and has been taking over and surpassing humanity. We know for instance AI or machines have all but completely taken over assembly lines. Not new there.

The next step, as AI takes over all menial jobs and then take over more crucial jobs, there will be a need to cull the herd.

In other words there will be another great plague or mass nuclear war. Something, to wipe out a gigantic number humans.

Don't doubt it. The globalists have been wiping out millions upon millions of Africans. Look up how DDT was the most effective defense against the spread of malaria in Africa. All of a sudden a fake study (proven fake) showed how DDT was so harmful to the environment. THEY banned the use, all of a sudden mosquitoes went back to spreading the deadly disease. Millions of Africans have died and continue to as a result of the banning of DDT which is not harmful to the environment.
People shouldn't automatically assume that the machine is superior to human workers. I recently deposited $560 into a bank's ATM machine, only to receive back a piece of paper not crediting me with the deposit, and telling me to call the bank.

I did, and they said they were investigating my deposit. What needs to be investigated is THEM, and their screwy ATM machine. Never again.

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