The Washington Redskins will now be....that's right...

The NFL lost so many viewers for that shit because we don't watch football for politics. Football is supposed to be an escape from the bullshit, but you motherfucking pieces of shit can't help but ruin everything. That's why we need to exterminate you.
Sports has ALWAYS been a part of politics and to try and act as if it hasn't is bullshit. From Jack Johnson on up until today.
Sports has ALWAYS been a part of politics and to try and act as if it hasn't is bullshit. From Jack Johnson on up until today.
Just like you do not want to be profiled or stopped or accused of anything you did not do so do many white people.
I couldn't care less about watching football or sports in general. Sitting like a lump on the couch watching other people exercise has to be the most American thing ever.

You have not been out of the country before, have you?
I have to admit, I really do not see what is so bad about the name. It is as good as any other name. At least they did not choose an animal name, that has kind of been enough
WTF does that have to do with what I said?
You backed Kaepernik. From my point of view. Unalienable rights is something we all have but at times abused by authority. So while Kap did his act people going to the stadiums have fascism done to them to enter as compared to 1970 or so. Metal detectors, wands, limits on what you can bring into the stadium with a 12 inch square clear plastic bag. Back then you could bring in coleman food coolers and igloos holding 2 gallons of liquid with minimal security. The security today numbers in the hundreds of people if not more. Society in a free nation is breaking down. You are arguing at something that peaked. you will benefit or lose in a government of tyranny as we transition.
70% of NFL players are black.

For the life of me, I don't know who supports this league that kneels for the National Anthemn and touts 'end Racism'.

It appears that they embody the Democrats through America's ages!!

Bookies and the gambling industry. Most normal people can't afford to take their families to a pro sports game any more, it's exclusively for gamblers, sociopaths, drunks, and corporate organized crime execs.
Bookies and the gambling industry. Most normal people can't afford to take their families to a pro sports game any more, it's exclusively for gamblers, sociopaths, drunks, and corporate organized crime execs.

I can get tickets to the hockey game for 25 bucks. You have no clue what you are talking about

lol only morons care about hockey, and of course bookies and degenerate gamblers. Hockey would be worth maybe paying $2 a seat for. It's way overpriced at $25. It's just thugs on skates mugging each other for an hour.

lol only morons care about hockey, and of course bookies and degenerate gamblers. Hockey would be worth maybe paying $2 a seat for. It's way overpriced at $25. It's just thugs on skates mugging each other for an hour.

Your ignorance is not really all that charming. There is not a more exciting sport to watch live than hockey. Non-stop action, no breaks after every play, no sitting around waiting for the pitcher to throw a pitch and then wait another 15 seconds for it to happen again.
Sports has ALWAYS been a part of politics and to try and act as if it hasn't is bullshit. From Jack Johnson on up until today.
complete bullshit

It may be politics for the ass hurt and those like you who are seeking to establish a communist state, but generally, sports has been the one time when politics are put aside, at least for the honest fans.
Your ignorance is not really all that charming. There is not a more exciting sport to watch live than hockey. Non-stop action, no breaks after every play, no sitting around waiting for the pitcher to throw a pitch and then wait another 15 seconds for it to happen again.
Hell, they don't even stop action to sub in. It is literally non-stop.
Wow your hate for black folks runs deep, would you be happy if the NFL just went back to all white players?
Not at all. Just don’t start that shit how the NFL exploits Blacks as if non-Black players don’t exits. And please don’t reference or quote any player’s bullshit how every team is like a plantation,
As a lifelong native Washington DC resident, I never thought the team would rename itself. It wasn’t even good enough to keep the iconic Native American logo on the helmet. The nickname was no good but the logo - designed by a Native American - was great. But, voices on the Native American side decided they did not want any reference.

What I don’t want to see is 10–15 years from now, Native Americans complain that they are not represented in sports culture.
And most games tend to be close night it and night out so that any goal at all can change the outcome.
Hockey (a.k.a. the Toothless Canadian Ice-Capades) is the reason we must end title IX so that A&M can have a Division I hockey team. No more of this club sport shit. We need to be competing for the national title in hockey.

For this reason, I want 100% of college women's sports to be infected with trannies destroying them. We need to get the entire sport of softball of taken over by failed baseball trannies, and go from there.
complete bullshit

It may be politics for the ass hurt and those like you who are seeking to establish a communist state, but generally, sports has been the one time when politics are put aside, at least for the honest fans.
That's bullshit, athletes were a huge part of the Civil Rights Movement along with actors/actresses, entertainers, etc. Maybe you are to young to know that.

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